900 calories and gaining weight



  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    Yes drink more water! You could be gaining muscle though. I went from 107.2 to 110 over the last couple of days. Man does it suck looking at the number go up! YES! However I also went from 18.9% body fat down to 17.7% over the last week and lost an inch. So what does that mean??? Muscle!!! I have been eating around 900-1100 calories too... minus yesterday so eating more might not be the answer. Drink plenty of water, it actually helps you loose water weight! You are taking in ALOT of protein, you might have gained some major muscle with that. Throw the scale out.... easier said then done I know I have the same issues, and go to how you look in the mirror, inches loss or body fat %. Its more accurate. I bought a body fat tester on e-bay 6 years ago for like 25.00 with shipping the electronic kind.... SOOO worth it. Every time the scale goes up my body fat goes down so I don’t feel so bad! :) Hang in their too and power through it.... Whenever I go up eventually I go down if I don't get too depressed because of a stupid scale and remember to look in the mirror!! Remember girls cycles…. We go up and down throughout the month too depending about where we are at. :) You are doing AMAZING! Keep it up girl!

    You did not gain almost three pounds of muscle in a week eating at a deficit. It's physically impossible. It's likely water retention while your existing muscles heal.

    What she said.

    I didn't say I gained 3 pounds of muscle but I said I went up in weight 3 pounds and down in body fat by 1% so I AM gaining muscle... did you see my abs??? My legs also got more muscular so yes it is possible! I have a higher protein diet because well I love meat and it makes me build muscle fast! Sometimes too fast for my liking!

  • kandaceleehans
    Eat more, have you been eating that low for long?
    I'm in recovery for anorexia now but back when I wasn't trying to recover, even so much as an apple would cause me to gain a pound the next day. Think about it logically though, you haven't eaten 7,000 calories so it isn't REAL weight, it's water weight. I never thought I would ever be one of those people who could just lose weight eating loads but I can now(I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm trying to maintain), I eat 2000+ calories now and I have been dropping a pound most weeks.
    If this is about your health then without sounding harsh, stop making your health worse by eating that low. Sure people want to see results fast, we don't like waiting do we? But it wouldn't be sustainable then would it? Focus on your health and giving your body the nourishment it needs, it will thank you for it:)

    Congrats for overcoming anorexia. That is a big step. Keep up the positive lifesytle!
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    I don't get how the whole "starvation mode" thing works. Ya know, how if you eat under so many calories a day, or none at all, your metabolism will go down and you wont lose weight? But if it's true, how are people with liKe anorexia nervosa so skinny?
    26 Replies (Because they keep eating less. When they eat more they gain weight because their metabolism is so slow.

    If you under eat, your metabolism adapts and is more energy efficient i.e. it shuts down non-essential processes to focus on keeping you alive with what little calories you give it. Because they eat like 300-500 cals a day and your body can only do so much to adapt to a starvation level of cals.

    I don't care for the term "starvation mode". Basically it is metabolic adaption and happens to all dieters to some degree. If your body considers itself in a famine, it will decrease the amount of cals you burn to a certain extent and start burning muscle instead of fat as it takes more to support and you can't have that if you are in a famine. There are also a whole lot of hormonal things that happen when you diet and your body tends to "defend" your starting weight. Someone who has "dieted down" to 140 lbs tends to burn less cals to maintain that 140 lbs then another person who is at that weight naturally and never dieted to get there. The whole process is very complex and everyone's body is differentActually not all anorexics actually eat that low. Some eat in the 500-1200 range and still end up very underweight and sick. If someone is tall then they need more calories naturally so if they normally maintain on 2000 or more then eating 1400 can lead to anorexia. Yes it is true that as your body adapts you have to eat less to keep losing because your body will fight to keep you alive. Also many anorexics actually have a hard time gaining. Sometimes the weight initially come on faster and then the metabolism will kick in and/or they become hyper-metabolic (metabolism goes into hyper burn essentially) and they need more to get to a healthy weight. Most end up needing 2000 or more calories to repair damage and restore weight.

    Also a person who is overweight who drops weight very quickly in an unhealthy manner can still be in the healthy weight range but suffer all the same effects as a person who is classed as anorexic. You can pack all the nutrients you want into your diet but if you don't eat enough your body doesn't have the fuel to use them efficiently. Basically eating as little as possible and losing as fast as possible puts strain on the body and can do damage. Slow and steady wins the race and keeps off the yo-yo ride.

    More important than the metabolism stalling out is the fact that if your body is not getting enough fuel it has to take it from your muscles and bones. You want to eat above your BMR but below your daily burn and exercise to maintain the muscle you have throughout the weight loss journey. Its not just about reaching a number its about attaining/maintaining a strong healthy body that will carry you for a lifetime.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    This lady didn't gain 2lb of muscle in 4 days.

    Neither did she gain 2lbs of fat in 4 days either.

    It's mostly water and maybe a little fat.

    Anyone who says you stop losing fat in the fact of even an unsuitably large calorie deficit does not understand the true implications starvation mode. It does make the fat loss process less efficient and means it is more likely you will gain fat stores when you eat at a surplus but it does not mean fat loss stops altogether in a deficit.

    That's a fairytale...
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    I don't get how the whole "starvation mode" thing works. Ya know, how if you eat under so many calories a day, or none at all, your metabolism will go down and you wont lose weight? But if it's true, how are people with liKe anorexia nervosa so skinny?
    26 Replies (Because they keep eating less. When they eat more they gain weight because their metabolism is so slow.

    If you under eat, your metabolism adapts and is more energy efficient i.e. it shuts down non-essential processes to focus on keeping you alive with what little calories you give it. Because they eat like 300-500 cals a day and your body can only do so much to adapt to a starvation level of cals.

    I don't care for the term "starvation mode". Basically it is metabolic adaption and happens to all dieters to some degree. If your body considers itself in a famine, it will decrease the amount of cals you burn to a certain extent and start burning muscle instead of fat as it takes more to support and you can't have that if you are in a famine. There are also a whole lot of hormonal things that happen when you diet and your body tends to "defend" your starting weight. Someone who has "dieted down" to 140 lbs tends to burn less cals to maintain that 140 lbs then another person who is at that weight naturally and never dieted to get there. The whole process is very complex and everyone's body is differentActually not all anorexics actually eat that low. Some eat in the 500-1200 range and still end up very underweight and sick. If someone is tall then they need more calories naturally so if they normally maintain on 2000 or more then eating 1400 can lead to anorexia. Yes it is true that as your body adapts you have to eat less to keep losing because your body will fight to keep you alive. Also many anorexics actually have a hard time gaining. Sometimes the weight initially come on faster and then the metabolism will kick in and/or they become hyper-metabolic (metabolism goes into hyper burn essentially) and they need more to get to a healthy weight. Most end up needing 2000 or more calories to repair damage and restore weight.

    Also a person who is overweight who drops weight very quickly in an unhealthy manner can still be in the healthy weight range but suffer all the same effects as a person who is classed as anorexic. You can pack all the nutrients you want into your diet but if you don't eat enough your body doesn't have the fuel to use them efficiently. Basically eating as little as possible and losing as fast as possible puts strain on the body and can do damage. Slow and steady wins the race and keeps off the yo-yo ride.

    More important than the metabolism stalling out is the fact that if your body is not getting enough fuel it has to take it from your muscles and bones. You want to eat above your BMR but below your daily burn and exercise to maintain the muscle you have throughout the weight loss journey. Its not just about reaching a number its about attaining/maintaining a strong healthy body that will carry you for a lifetime.
    i found this on a site to explain y under eating is no good to any one
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Yes drink more water! You could be gaining muscle though. I went from 107.2 to 110 over the last couple of days. Man does it suck looking at the number go up! YES! However I also went from 18.9% body fat down to 17.7% over the last week and lost an inch. So what does that mean??? Muscle!!! I have been eating around 900-1100 calories too... minus yesterday so eating more might not be the answer. Drink plenty of water, it actually helps you loose water weight! You are taking in ALOT of protein, you might have gained some major muscle with that. Throw the scale out.... easier said then done I know I have the same issues, and go to how you look in the mirror, inches loss or body fat %. Its more accurate. I bought a body fat tester on e-bay 6 years ago for like 25.00 with shipping the electronic kind.... SOOO worth it. Every time the scale goes up my body fat goes down so I don’t feel so bad! :) Hang in their too and power through it.... Whenever I go up eventually I go down if I don't get too depressed because of a stupid scale and remember to look in the mirror!! Remember girls cycles…. We go up and down throughout the month too depending about where we are at. :) You are doing AMAZING! Keep it up girl!

    Sorry but you don't gain muscle on such a large calorie deficit. Muscle needs protein and calories to grow neither of which are enough when one is only eating 900 cals a day.

    To the original poster, eat more. 900 cals a day isn't enough.

    I love how they say it isn't possible however I am cut! HAH! Its like the whole thing that science says bee's can't fly but they can! HAH!

    I don't think anyone here cares about your 6 pack or how cut you are. So please stop going on about it.

    To the OP, please eat more. Ignore people talking about it is OK to eat as little as 900 calories. In the long run, it isn't. You are risking your long term health. There is no reason to eat so little. You can lose weighjt slowly and succesfully eating more calories.
  • lori__lynn
    lori__lynn Posts: 59
    you must eat at least 1200 calories a day...you won't lose on that low of a calorie count
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    This lady didn't gain 2lb of muscle in 4 days.

    Neither did she gain 2lbs of fat in 4 days either.

    It's mostly water and maybe a little fat.

    Anyone who says you stop losing fat in the fact of even an unsuitably large calorie deficit does not understand the true implications starvation mode. It does make the fat loss process less efficient and means it is more likely you will gain fat stores when you eat at a surplus but it does not mean fat loss stops altogether in a deficit.

    That's a fairytale...

    EXACTLY!!! It's WATER.
  • tgbyfield
    tgbyfield Posts: 62
    Ditto to the comments about eating more.... 900 calories a day is usually not enough food for an adult person unless it is something recommended by a healthcare professional. You risk putting your body into starvation mode, when this happens your body will actually burn muscle because it has more energy than fat. With your muscle mass being depleted for energy, your body will then begin storing more fat in order to regulate your body temperature. You need to consume more calories, at least 1200- 1500 per day and a wider variety of healthy foods. Add fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins like eggs, fish, turkey and chicken, whole grains, healthy fats. You also want to be sure to consume foods that are high in fiber so you can have regular bowel movements. You would be surprised how much waste can be stored in the intestines. An easy way to see results on the scale is to clear out that waste. Regulate your carb intake. Eating more calories is not a bad thing as long as your are eating the right foods AND controlling your portion sizes, because too much of a good thing can still be bad. You may also want to consider adding a multi-vitamin to your daily routine to make sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs. Look for ones that are plant based because the body can absord them a lot better. Also, if you are not already, add a 20-30 workout to your schedule at least 3 times per week, even if it is just a brisk walk. Finally, hydrate hydrate hydrate. Your body needs a lot of water, at least 8 cups a day. That is 64 oz. You may notice that by consuming enough water each day, you will not only feel better, but you will have more energy because water helps your body to better absorb the nutrients in the foods you eat. Avoid soda, energy drinks and some juices that contain a lot of sugar. There is very little nutrition in these drinks and they add unnecessary calories to your diet. Consuming less calories may seem like the logical thing to do to lose weight, but starving yourself isn't necessary as long as you eat a balanced diet and exercise. Hope this helps. :-)
  • Twiztedbeing
    Twiztedbeing Posts: 389
    To the OP, please eat more. Ignore people talking about it is OK to eat as little as 900 calories. In the long run, it isn't. You are risking your long term health. There is no reason to eat so little. You can lose weighjt slowly and succesfully eating more calories.

    Agree, long term is most important.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member

  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    thanks you made me laugh

    Tryin too! HAH! Seriously what is your height, weight, and all that good stuff? If you are not a shorty like me and weight more you seriously might need to up it little. 900 is low however I don't agree with you have to eat above 1200! Usually I am around 1050 as the medium sometimes as low as 900 or as high as 1150. However, I always have an off day so my body can re-set on Sunday. You need that. Yesterday I was higher then I ever have been at 1300 but everyone went out for burgers so I had to go since I didn't pig out on the holiday and I had some chocolate ;) Mmmm!
  • Alphastate
    Alphastate Posts: 295 Member
    You have to eat AT LEAST 1200 a day, otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and it will store whatever it gets.
    Eat good healthy food every couple of hours to keep your digestive system active and make sure you don't starve yourself.

    Please stop making things up, you're not helping anyone

    This is 100% correct, there is nothing made up. Your body will go into starvation mode if you aren't consistently consuming at least 1200 calories a day.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    900 calories? why are you eating so little?
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    Please eat more, drink more water.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You have to eat AT LEAST 1200 a day, otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and it will store whatever it gets.
    Eat good healthy food every couple of hours to keep your digestive system active and make sure you don't starve yourself.

    Please stop making things up, you're not helping anyone


    HAH! What they said! If I was in starvation mode I wouldn't have my abs! HAH!
    Everyone has abs sweetheart, and they start to show when you have low bodyfat regardless of how you got there.
  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    I just want to say that people who eat less are really playing Russian roulette with their organs. I had a week where i wasnt eating enough due to my work schedule and i was averaging about 1100 calories, in 2 weeks i was in the hospital due to pressure on my chest and chest pain. Since then i have had several heart scans and medical visits. Point is, i started to eat more again and my health has improved drastically. When we dont eat enough, our bodies feed on muscle, and guess which organ of the body is also muscle. You got it, THE HEART!!! Please eat enough calories and be safe.
  • cberridge1987
    Wow, so much negativity floating around in this post! Chill out guys!
  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member
    not eating enough! plain and simple!

    Exactly! you need to eat a minimum or 1200 calories! And then some depending on your weight!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    thanks you made me laugh

    Tryin too! HAH! Seriously what is your height, weight, and all that good stuff? If you are not a shorty like me and weight more you seriously might need to up it little. 900 is low however I don't agree with you have to eat above 1200! Usually I am around 1050 as the medium sometimes as low as 900 or as high as 1150. However, I always have an off day so my body can re-set on Sunday. You need that. Yesterday I was higher then I ever have been at 1300 but everyone went out for burgers so I had to go since I didn't pig out on the holiday and I had some chocolate ;) Mmmm!

    Please stop giving advice. It is unhealthy, in the long run.