900 calories and gaining weight



  • mamabrox
    mamabrox Posts: 6 Member
    I di drink water tons
  • kirstyg1980
    kirstyg1980 Posts: 302
    This post makes me sad.
    Especially since seeing people eat around 2k a day and losing weight.

    I'm with dan - your eating far far far too low :(
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Yes drink more water! You could be gaining muscle though. I went from 107.2 to 110 over the last couple of days. Man does it suck looking at the number go up! YES! However I also went from 18.9% body fat down to 17.7% over the last week and lost an inch. So what does that mean??? Muscle!!! I have been eating around 900-1100 calories too... minus yesterday so eating more might not be the answer. Drink plenty of water, it actually helps you loose water weight! You are taking in ALOT of protein, you might have gained some major muscle with that. Throw the scale out.... easier said then done I know I have the same issues, and go to how you look in the mirror, inches loss or body fat %. Its more accurate. I bought a body fat tester on e-bay 6 years ago for like 25.00 with shipping the electronic kind.... SOOO worth it. Every time the scale goes up my body fat goes down so I don’t feel so bad! :) Hang in their too and power through it.... Whenever I go up eventually I go down if I don't get too depressed because of a stupid scale and remember to look in the mirror!! Remember girls cycles…. We go up and down throughout the month too depending about where we are at. :) You are doing AMAZING! Keep it up girl!

    Sorry but you don't gain muscle on such a large calorie deficit. Muscle needs protein and calories to grow neither of which are enough when one is only eating 900 cals a day.

    To the original poster, eat more. 900 cals a day isn't enough.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Eat real food, veggies, fruits, nuts. Drink lots of water. No more bars! They don't have what your body needs! I have learned so much from my friends on MFP. Feel free to add me! I can introduce you to lots of people who know what they are talking about!
  • razz02
    razz02 Posts: 36 Member
    You have to eat AT LEAST 1200 a day, otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and it will store whatever it gets.
    Eat good healthy food every couple of hours to keep your digestive system active and make sure you don't starve yourself.

    No disrespect to them....But have you ever seen a picture of people in concertration camps. Tell them "starvation mode" will make you fat.

    HAH! That was funny! :)

  • Southernsass6885
    Southernsass6885 Posts: 100 Member
    900 calories is ridiculous. Your body requires a certain amount of calories to funciton (breathe, digest, move, etc) Do not take away too many calories because you want to lose weight. 1200 is the minimum for anyone. More, if you're working out. Also, I do agree, you could also be gaining muscle. But if you ARE, then you definitely need to eat more to support the nutrients the muscle requires.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Yes drink more water! You could be gaining muscle though. I went from 107.2 to 110 over the last couple of days. Man does it suck looking at the number go up! YES! However I also went from 18.9% body fat down to 17.7% over the last week and lost an inch. So what does that mean??? Muscle!!! I have been eating around 900-1100 calories too... minus yesterday so eating more might not be the answer. Drink plenty of water, it actually helps you loose water weight! You are taking in ALOT of protein, you might have gained some major muscle with that. Throw the scale out.... easier said then done I know I have the same issues, and go to how you look in the mirror, inches loss or body fat %. Its more accurate. I bought a body fat tester on e-bay 6 years ago for like 25.00 with shipping the electronic kind.... SOOO worth it. Every time the scale goes up my body fat goes down so I don’t feel so bad! :) Hang in their too and power through it.... Whenever I go up eventually I go down if I don't get too depressed because of a stupid scale and remember to look in the mirror!! Remember girls cycles…. We go up and down throughout the month too depending about where we are at. :) You are doing AMAZING! Keep it up girl!

    You did not gain almost three pounds of muscle in a week eating at a deficit. It's physically impossible. It's likely water retention while your existing muscles heal.

    What she said.

    I didn't say I gained 3 pounds of muscle but I said I went up in weight 3 pounds and down in body fat by 1% so I AM gaining muscle... did you see my abs??? My legs also got more muscular so yes it is possible! I have a higher protein diet because well I love meat and it makes me build muscle fast! Sometimes too fast for my liking!
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    Yes drink more water! You could be gaining muscle though. I went from 107.2 to 110 over the last couple of days. Man does it suck looking at the number go up! YES! However I also went from 18.9% body fat down to 17.7% over the last week and lost an inch. So what does that mean??? Muscle!!! I have been eating around 900-1100 calories too... minus yesterday so eating more might not be the answer. Drink plenty of water, it actually helps you loose water weight! You are taking in ALOT of protein, you might have gained some major muscle with that. Throw the scale out.... easier said then done I know I have the same issues, and go to how you look in the mirror, inches loss or body fat %. Its more accurate. I bought a body fat tester on e-bay 6 years ago for like 25.00 with shipping the electronic kind.... SOOO worth it. Every time the scale goes up my body fat goes down so I don’t feel so bad! :) Hang in their too and power through it.... Whenever I go up eventually I go down if I don't get too depressed because of a stupid scale and remember to look in the mirror!! Remember girls cycles…. We go up and down throughout the month too depending about where we are at. :) You are doing AMAZING! Keep it up girl!

    What???? she gained muscle by eating 900 calories a day????She gained muscle by just eating protein? What????? SMH

    I know. Such BS!!!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I would suggest eating at least 1200 calories. Some people have great success eating even 1800 cals. It all depends on your age, height, and weight. Not to mention your regular habits before trying weight loss. 1200 is typically the minimum for everyone, even if you're petite. Also, get enough water. It is recommended to drink 64oz. You do not necessarily need to drink 64oz of straight. You do get some from foods, especially fruits. I've had success just drinking when I'm thirsty.
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    try upping it to 1640 and see if it helps. are you getting enough water? I eat a lot all day long and I am dropping lbs quickly, but I don't feel hungry with all that I am eating.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Eat more, have you been eating that low for long?
    I'm in recovery for anorexia now but back when I wasn't trying to recover, even so much as an apple would cause me to gain a pound the next day. Think about it logically though, you haven't eaten 7,000 calories so it isn't REAL weight, it's water weight. I never thought I would ever be one of those people who could just lose weight eating loads but I can now(I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm trying to maintain), I eat 2000+ calories now and I have been dropping a pound most weeks.
    If this is about your health then without sounding harsh, stop making your health worse by eating that low. Sure people want to see results fast, we don't like waiting do we? But it wouldn't be sustainable then would it? Focus on your health and giving your body the nourishment it needs, it will thank you for it:)
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Ok, the op in in her 50's I doubt she is going to want to weigh 95 pounds.
    and the person who eats 6 calories a day some days. I highly doubt that.

    Why would you be killing yourself over this. Go see your dr, don't get in with the Pro ana crowd.

    Come along with us, we have cookies. 200 calorie cookies.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Yes drink more water! You could be gaining muscle though. I went from 107.2 to 110 over the last couple of days. Man does it suck looking at the number go up! YES! However I also went from 18.9% body fat down to 17.7% over the last week and lost an inch. So what does that mean??? Muscle!!! I have been eating around 900-1100 calories too... minus yesterday so eating more might not be the answer. Drink plenty of water, it actually helps you loose water weight! You are taking in ALOT of protein, you might have gained some major muscle with that. Throw the scale out.... easier said then done I know I have the same issues, and go to how you look in the mirror, inches loss or body fat %. Its more accurate. I bought a body fat tester on e-bay 6 years ago for like 25.00 with shipping the electronic kind.... SOOO worth it. Every time the scale goes up my body fat goes down so I don’t feel so bad! :) Hang in their too and power through it.... Whenever I go up eventually I go down if I don't get too depressed because of a stupid scale and remember to look in the mirror!! Remember girls cycles…. We go up and down throughout the month too depending about where we are at. :) You are doing AMAZING! Keep it up girl!

    Sorry but you don't gain muscle on such a large calorie deficit. Muscle needs protein and calories to grow neither of which are enough when one is only eating 900 cals a day.

    To the original poster, eat more. 900 cals a day isn't enough.

    I love how they say it isn't possible however I am cut! HAH! Its like the whole thing that science says bee's can't fly but they can! HAH!
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I would be so crabby if I ate less than 1200. My personal goal is to net at least 1200 every day. Usually more.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Yes drink more water! You could be gaining muscle though. I went from 107.2 to 110 over the last couple of days. Man does it suck looking at the number go up! YES! However I also went from 18.9% body fat down to 17.7% over the last week and lost an inch. So what does that mean??? Muscle!!! I have been eating around 900-1100 calories too... minus yesterday so eating more might not be the answer. Drink plenty of water, it actually helps you loose water weight! You are taking in ALOT of protein, you might have gained some major muscle with that. Throw the scale out.... easier said then done I know I have the same issues, and go to how you look in the mirror, inches loss or body fat %. Its more accurate. I bought a body fat tester on e-bay 6 years ago for like 25.00 with shipping the electronic kind.... SOOO worth it. Every time the scale goes up my body fat goes down so I don’t feel so bad! :) Hang in their too and power through it.... Whenever I go up eventually I go down if I don't get too depressed because of a stupid scale and remember to look in the mirror!! Remember girls cycles…. We go up and down throughout the month too depending about where we are at. :) You are doing AMAZING! Keep it up girl!

    What???? she gained muscle by eating 900 calories a day????She gained muscle by just eating protein? What????? SMH

    I know. Such BS!!!

    Uh no its not and don't call me a liar either.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    You have to eat AT LEAST 1200 a day, otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and it will store whatever it gets.
    Eat good healthy food every couple of hours to keep your digestive system active and make sure you don't starve yourself.

    No disrespect to them....But have you ever seen a picture of people in concertration camps. Tell them "starvation mode" will make you fat.

    HAH! That was funny! :)


    Starvation mode will make you fat for a while until your body needs to start using the stored fat for energy and nutrients. That is why people lost all their mass in concentration camps.
  • BabyLeila23
    BabyLeila23 Posts: 410
    You really do need to eat more. It sounds like a weird concept but just try it. Your body needs it. Make sure to get a good amount of protein, good luck! :)
  • mamabrox
    mamabrox Posts: 6 Member
    thanks you made me laugh
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    You have to eat AT LEAST 1200 a day, otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and it will store whatever it gets.
    Eat good healthy food every couple of hours to keep your digestive system active and make sure you don't starve yourself.

    Please stop making things up, you're not helping anyone

    Actually, they're right. I regularly talk with nutritionists and exercise physiologists, and it is RECOMMENDED that you eat 1200 calories a day as a minimum, or your body will indeed start to starve and store. It happened to me...there was a week where I was topping out at 1000 calories BEFORE workouts and I GAINED 2 pounds. The very next week, I ate closer to my goal of 1500 calories, still worked out, and lost 3 pounds. I've been doing exactly that and oh gee....I LOST 32 pounds total (and still losing!)

    See, if you keep starving yourself, you will inevitably (unless you have iron willpower) fall off the wagon and OVEREAT. Your body then gets confused because it is starving and wants to hold on as tightly as possible.

    And you, the one who told the previous poster to stop making things up...seriously? That's some negative s*it, dude. Chill.