900 calories and gaining weight



  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    My doctor says eat less calories than you burn loose weight he said just eat less calories and less fat . I have 90 pounds to loose i hate this body.

    I have lost about 120 pounds. Took me 6 years but I took it slow and didn't think about it too much until last year. The thinner i get the more obssesed I get. Don't let it rule you. You can't do it quickly.. You are kidding yourself if you think you need to or can. It isn't a race and you are dealing with your health. Would you rather be skinny but unhealthy or worse, near death? Or lose the weight slowly and keep it off, whilst being healthy? It is your choice but as you can see from here, the sensible peoiple are urging you to eat more. If you ignore it, then there was no point posting in the first place.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Don't listen to them. 900 calories is fine. I am eating between 600 and 1200 a day and I am doing really well. It might per any number of things. Is it you TOM? Or that inbetween TOMs bit? I gain weight both times. It goes away after a little while.

    this is terribly unhealthy. any weight you lose will come back once you start eating normally again. This sounds like an ED in the works if not already developed.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Wtf at so many people thinking its totally fine to eat less than 1000 calories a day. That is a starvation diet. You can't keep that up forever and once you start eating normally again, you'll probably gain back what you lost. As much as I want to be supportive of everyone on here, that is simply NOT healthy. Sorry.

    To the OP, it is not starvation mode, you're probably dehydrated. And please try to eat more... 900 calories is far too low.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Most of the people posting on this thread are stuck-up jerks that need to realize not EVERYONE can lose weight the SAME WAY.

    No one has the perfect recipe; it's what works for you, your belief system and your lifestyle so drop the attitudes! :explode: :mad:

    With that said, starvation mode or no starvation mode, the general consensus is that you need to consume 1,200 calories a day at least to give your body what it needs.


    BOOM, headshot.

    Very few of you on here are doctors; she needs to do her research and you need to stop shoving your badly researched opinions down other people's throats. :huh:

    Another key is WHAT YOU ARE EATING. What does your diet look like? What do those 900 calories consist of? "Cardboard", as you call it, is meant to assist with meal replacements but should not (IMHO) consist of your entire diet.

    Good article. This was actually the same article I used to calculate my calorie intake instead of using MFP. Since I am 110 pounds and have a desk job my base is 1100. My 4'10 friend at 100 pounds who wants to loose 5 pounds, mainly toning up is at 1000 calories.
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    Open your diary and we'll see if we can help. Be sure you are eating salads . . . they burn off more calories to digest than they contain.

    I agree you could be constipated and also, sometimes proteins contain alot of sodium and you could be holding onto water weight. That is exactly what is happening to me right now. I don't even salt my food and I still get too much sodium. Very frustrating if you like cured meats.

    Some very good advice given here, the best of which is patience.

    I enjoy my foods very much. . . perhaps you can look in my diary for ideas (although I do get too much salt sometimes. I wish I could post photos of my foods, haven't figured out how yet.

    Exercise builds muscle which will help accelerate weight loss, improve mobility, longevity, circulation, sense of well-being.

  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    your not eating enough....6 small meals a day...at least 1200- 1600 calories...just cut out the sugar...I went onthe diabetic diet, cut out my sugar when I first started tolose weight, its a great kick start and a good habit. Fruts are good, just the refined sugar, and pastas and bread, its all sugar. try pumperknickel bread, spelt bread and pasta if you have the craving :) they have much less sugar.
  • Twiztedbeing
    Twiztedbeing Posts: 389
  • alandry123
    alandry123 Posts: 17
    I am in agreement you need to eat more food, especially if you are exercising. I eat around 1500 or so a day and burn about 300 or so off in exercise and I am consistently losing weight. You have to do whatever works best for you, as someone else said research a bit and test some things out. This is never an easy process but it gets better :)
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member

    HAH! What they said! If I was in starvation mode I wouldn't have my abs! HAH!
    Everyone has abs sweetheart, and they start to show when you have low bodyfat regardless of how you got there.

    Yes they do... However their are alot of "skinny" people who are skinny with no abs because they have no muscle. Low body fat helps you get their and it is critical and the number one thing to start showing your abs however, you also have to have the muscle their too. You need both. Well you need actually 3 things a balanced diet, good cardio and weights, and core exercises, abs included 3 times or more a week.

    and enough food to fuel all this 900 cals is not enough when the body doesn,t get enough it starts on the muscle to give it fuel go away with your stupid advise

    I never said 900 was enough for her... I said 1200 calories as a baseline for everyone in the entire world from 6 foot tall to 5 foot tall to keep them out of starvation mode I don't think is accurate. My husbands baseline is 1500 since he is tall. Mine I have set at 1100 since I am short. One of my friends is 4'10 and hers is set to 1000 calories a day. I even said she might need to eat more based on her height and current weight and asked her for her numbers. :) The original reply was to the poster who said that everyone has to eat a minimum of 1200... well not necessarily based on your stats.

    I'd like to point out that the rule is 1200 for women, 1800 for men according to The American College of Sports Medicine (and various other researched sources).


    Right however from that article I should be at around 1100 since I only weight 110 pounds so I am still fine and that is the same article I actually used to determine my 1100 :) The 1200 again is for the average American not us sorties or for tall people too! ;) My 100 pound friend is at 1000 calories a day and doing great. Actually she is almost their too. One size fits all doesn't work and I don't like when people use that. It could be 1000 calories, it could be 3750 calories for a 250 pound very active man! It depends on you.
  • hmgarcia83
    hmgarcia83 Posts: 45 Member
    I agree with Minnie. 900 is too low. Eat more
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Open your diary and we'll see if we can help. Be sure you are eating salads . . . they burn off more calories to digest than they contain.

    I agree you could be constipated and also, sometimes proteins contain alot of sodium and you could be holding onto water weight. That is exactly what is happening to me right now. I don't even salt my food and I still get too much sodium. Very frustrating if you like cured meats.

    Some very good advice given here, the best of which is patience.

    I enjoy my foods very much. . . perhaps you can look in my diary for ideas (although I do get too much salt sometimes. I wish I could post photos of my foods, haven't figured out how yet.

    Exercise builds muscle which will help accelerate weight loss, improve mobility, longevity, circulation, sense of well-being.


    Is that true about salads? I am calling shenanigans on this one.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    There is so much bad information on tv and the web as well. People that don't research and at least look at the possibility of someone being right, or wrong, can be deceived. Especially when they are vulnerable and heartbroken over their looks/weight and the lousy way they feel. I say for everyone it is smart to research what our bodies needs rather than just buy some "plan" and be conned into believing a lie.
    Why did you do that?
    Is it part of a plan?
    It's not enough of a mix of nutrients and not enough calories. IMHO
  • drapes73
    drapes73 Posts: 8
    Eat more, have you been eating that low for long?
    I'm in recovery for anorexia now but back when I wasn't trying to recover, even so much as an apple would cause me to gain a pound the next day. Think about it logically though, you haven't eaten 7,000 calories so it isn't REAL weight, it's water weight. I never thought I would ever be one of those people who could just lose weight eating loads but I can now(I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm trying to maintain), I eat 2000+ calories now and I have been dropping a pound most weeks.
    If this is about your health then without sounding harsh, stop making your health worse by eating that low. Sure people want to see results fast, we don't like waiting do we? But it wouldn't be sustainable then would it? Focus on your health and giving your body the nourishment it needs, it will thank you for it:)

    This post should be considered the gold standard for responses in threads like this.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    ditto, do the research on who's lost here and what they look like, check out before and after photos. Read the success stories. Losing weight isn't about depriving our bodies or punishing ourselves. It's about fueling our bodies to do the things it was made to do:)
    Please eat more than that!
  • schoeppner
    schoeppner Posts: 12 Member
    You really need to eat more your body is in starvation mode,
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Pay attention to the ticker here, the proof is in the pudding! She has lost 57 lbs by eating. That is the correct and healthy way to lose weight. Eating doesn't mean pigging out, it means, eating what your body needs to build muscle and lose fat.
    You need to eat more.
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    please help I hate this 900 calories of cardboard for four days and gained two pounds!!! not really carboard eggs protein bars etc

    Starvation mode, not sure why you only have 900 calories it seems like most people base calories is 1200 nothing less. Unless this is Dr approved, wow that is low.
  • It is very bad for your metabolism for you to eat ANYTHING less than 1200 NET caloires per day. That has been verified by my doctor as well as directly from a MYFITNESSPAL employee. I know it's a hard concept that "you aren't eating enough," but those people are right. If you body thinks that food (energy) is running out, it shifts into starvation mode to save you, and will hold onto every drop and ounce of food you eat to try and keep you alive, hence the weight gain. Try bumping up your caloires and moving more it has worked for me, and I was very leery of "Eating more to weigh less." Try looking into some of these posts, they are VERY informative and might be able to help you!


    Good Luck!
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    You have to eat AT LEAST 1200 a day, otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and it will store whatever it gets.
    Eat good healthy food every couple of hours to keep your digestive system active and make sure you don't starve yourself.
    Let's use another term rather than "starvation mode".
    Call it "stifled metabolism".

    Anyway, she needs to eat more. We all agree.

    Perfect term :) I am using that from now on.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    This is true, it is scarey to believe truth when we have be deceived by the media for so long. Listen to the winners here and look at this persons ticker. You have to read up on things about the "kind" of weight a person loses if they don't fuel their body properly. If you read those professional articles, you will never starve your body again.
    Your supposed to eat at least 1200 a day.. try upping your calories and see if it helps, I know it's scary doing that, but it really can help.