Biggest Loser is back :D



  • jclguru
    jclguru Posts: 123
    Question...I just started watching this show with last year's season (the one with Shay, Danny, etc.) and
    have become addicted to it.

    I can find some episodes on youtube, but why hasn't NBC come out with a dvd set from the previous

    I'd probably use all of my vacation time, lock myself in my house and watch all of the seasons non-stop
    until I've seen them all.


    I've been wondering the same thing and looking everywhere for them!

    Imagine the revenue they would generate. It would make up for $30 some million they paid
    Conan O'Brien to leave :tongue:

  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    :noway: Ooooh I thought Red Husband was going to hit Bob last night! I LOVE the previews for next week.

    Red Husband: You called her a liar in front of AMERICA
    Jillian: That's because she LIED!

    :laugh: :laugh: Man I can't wait until weigh in to see what she ends up losing/gaining!!!
    I agree.
    She's quite the drama queen. Her poor hubby just has to go along - I wonder what was said that evening when the doors were closed?! :laugh:

    I heard Bob ask Mrs. Red if she hit 3000...
    What does that mean? 3000 calories burned daily? weekly? What do you think?
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    :noway: Ooooh I thought Red Husband was going to hit Bob last night! I LOVE the previews for next week.

    Red Husband: You called her a liar in front of AMERICA
    Jillian: That's because she LIED!

    :laugh: :laugh: Man I can't wait until weigh in to see what she ends up losing/gaining!!!
    I agree.
    She's quite the drama queen. Her poor hubby just has to go along - I wonder what was said that evening when the doors were closed?! :laugh:

    I heard Bob ask Mrs. Red if she hit 3000...
    What does that mean? 3000 calories burned daily? weekly? What do you think?

    3000 cals burned daily and he asked her if she had consumed another 7000 to make up for the burned calories that week.

    I can't believe Mrs. Red said she would rather eat a cheeseburger the lose weight. That set Jillian right off at the weigh in.
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    ** deep, contented sigh **.....its FINALLY Tuesday....aaaahhhh!!

    Ok, so cant wait till the show.....I hope Jill smacks V3 and/or her husband....uck...REALLY dont like these two...I think at least the original Vicky did actually WANT to lose weight. I know she wanted the money too, but she really did want the weight loss too. V3 and whatever her hubby's name is...they are just there only for the $$ and odds are, if they win or not...the weight is gonna be right back on. They scream "FAKERS" to me on screen.

    (Sorry...just had to get that out!!)

    Also hope Migdalia breaks down and talks to Jill tonight...I want to see her come full circle and start embracing her emotions...that wall is gonna kill her if she doesnt let it go.
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!! :mad:
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    The red team better PRAY they don't EVER go below that yellow line :angry:
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!! :mad:

    :laugh: I dont know about you, but my moneys on Bob and Jillian!
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    ** deep, contented sigh **.....its FINALLY Tuesday....aaaahhhh!!

    Ok, so cant wait till the show.....I hope Jill smacks V3 and/or her husband....uck...REALLY dont like these two...I think at least the original Vicky did actually WANT to lose weight. I know she wanted the money too, but she really did want the weight loss too. V3 and whatever her hubby's name is...they are just there only for the $$ and odds are, if they win or not...the weight is gonna be right back on. They scream "FAKERS" to me on screen.

    (Sorry...just had to get that out!!)

    Also hope Migdalia breaks down and talks to Jill tonight...I want to see her come full circle and start embracing her emotions...that wall is gonna kill her if she doesnt let it go.

    I like the way you think!!!:laugh:
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I think the Game Show Network, or maybe it's something else near that on cable plays reruns.. Anyway, SO EXCITED to watch tonight. Wonder if Red wife is gonna drink water to counter SOME of the weight lost these past few weeks, otherwise it's going to be a huge number - unless she wasn't really losing (which I doubt). hoping to see the light bulb go off for the white team - he needs this - so hard to watch his mom plead with the other players to Save his life. She's right though, if he doesn't do it now, chances are, he won't have the ability/time/tools to do it in the future. Wish I could be there- then I remember, Jillian would be screaming at me. lol ;)
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    watching right now......and i cant stand the green team!!!! i hope the mom goes home. they always seem so pist n have attitudes. they suck!!
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    I can't believe the red team. I mean that wife of his is just plain nasty. She gave the two pound advantage to the green team and it didn't seem to matter. What really got to me was she even said it outloud at the weigh in. She was laughing and winking and I'm ready to smack that girl upside the head. Even Alison didn't look too happy with the girls attitude. She better pray to stay above the yellow line.

    Maybe I can understand why migidalia wanted to go home. Her husband was going to be shipped overseas shortly. I suspect she just wanted to go home and spend the last few weeks with him.

    I know that Jillian was getting tough on her, but she made a good point about the parenting. What she was getting at and I completely agree with her, doesn't neccessarly make you a bad parent. It's the bad habits you pass onto your kids. I agree with this because both of my parents are heavy. I picked up the bad habits from them.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm not a big fan of this season's drama. Don't get me wrong, a little drama makes for good TV, but why don't people understand even though it's a way to help lose weight, but bottom's still a game on TV! That is fine if Red is playing the game, but there is something annoying to me about the way she goes about it, and wtf is up with green?! I liked them the first week, seemed strong and competitive but the tough girls act got old fast! I really wanted Miggy to go home. The 2 pounds didn't matter and she still talked crap at the weigh's probably her own fault for being such a crab *kitten* all week that she didn't lose much.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member

    Maybe I can understand why migidalia wanted to go home. Her husband was going to be shipped overseas shortly. I suspect she just wanted to go home and spend the last few weeks with him.
    This I can understand, it had to be very hard for her, but that makes me think she shouldn't have even came and gave someone else a chance to be there.
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    :explode: AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:explode:
    Go home V3!!!!!
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I am not a fan of the red team at all!!! I agree with some, the green teams attitudes were bad, they can't just hold all their stress in, I'm sure that was reflected in the weigh in. But the RED team - YUCK!!! Couldn't believe their luck with the cards. I really wish the Pink team would see more success, they really need it, it almost hurts me to watch them walk up the stairs to the scales, I hope they hang in there!

    Also - I LOVE the grey team - they are working so hard to succeed! Love their attitudes, hope they stick around a long time.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Big fan of the grey team here. Koli seriously could be my buddy's twin. They *seem* like genuine, good-hearted people.

    I'm beginning to think my father has a 2nd family because Darrell looks JUST LIKE my dad, also Darrell. :laugh: My dad used to be about that big, too. The only thing missing is he's just not crazy enough to be my father. :tongue: And also, I can't understand half of what my dad says these days. He speaks in garbled southern old man speak a lot of the time. "Okay, dad!" *smile and nod*

    Like the rest of you, I don't care for the red team or green team. Every time Miggy tells her daughter "don't cry" I want to punch her in the face. :explode: I would've liked to see Miggy voted off instead but I have a feeling if that happened, Migdalia would've just completley shut down. :ohwell:

    Red team is stupid. As if the rest of the country doesn't think southerners are stupid enough already. Thanks, guys. Way to represent. Why don't you knock out a few teeth, smoke some meth, and then go talk to your local news field reporter about how the "tornader that flipped mah trailer sounded lak a freight train!" while you're at it?

    Red team may have "lost respect" for Jillian, but I sure gained a lot when she didn't back down. It's good to stand up for your logical and rational beliefs.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member

    Red team is stupid. As if the rest of the country doesn't think southerners are stupid enough already. Thanks, guys. Way to represent. Why don't you knock out a few teeth, smoke some meth, and then go talk to your local news field reporter about how the "tornader that flipped mah trailer sounded lak a freight train!" while you're at it?

    LOL!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO agree w/everyone here!!

    Red team = yuck!! I was :explode: when they got immunity again but happy when they lost the 2nd challenge :tongue:
    Green team = yuck!! Get over the tough chic attitude already, obviously the stress is what caused them to lose minimal weight this week.
    Gray team= yes!! They're my favorite!! Great genuine humble guys and they continue to be focused on the reason they are there. :heart:

    Jillian= lubs here for sticking to her guns and being honest and telling red team in her FACE she's a liar!! :angry:
    Bob= He should've stood up to them too, he's not their to be their best friend he's their to save their lives!!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Who saw Bob on Leno after the show?? Red wife is a lawyer in real life! :laugh: I thought that was hilarious. I told my husband that the producers had to have set it up for the red team to win - those keys were not really registering X or Check - the producers did it that way so that it'd be suspenseful & so that there would be the drama. After the first person swiped the card I told him that it was set up that Red would win - poor Purple daughter :ohwell: she lapped people a bajillion times & still didn't get a card.

    Yeah, Green daughter ticked me off with her attitude "send me home, simple decision, no thinking, DO IT" :angry: If she REALLY wanted to see her hubs before he deployed she could have said that & it would ahve been the end of it & the other teams would have at least understood & had a good feeling about her Mom staying. AND someone needs to slap Green Mom - telling her daughter not to cry was ridiculous.

    I, too, love the gray team - I really liked Phillipe & Sione (spelling?) on their season though, those boys are very humble. :bigsmile: I think I'd like for one of them to win.

    Pink daughter wasn't as funny this week as she has been - she needs to stop wearing that stupid headband though, its a terrible look . :laugh: Same with Orange son, cut his hair & he'd lose 3lbs. :tongue:
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    Big fan of the grey team here. Koli seriously could be my buddy's twin. They *seem* like genuine, good-hearted people.

    Red team may have "lost respect" for Jillian, but I sure gained a lot when she didn't back down. It's good to stand up for your logical and rational beliefs.

    HERE HERE!!! I totally agree. I am very impressed with the integrity of the grey team (thus far). They may resort to game play later, but they've shown themselve to be two really stand up guys up till now with all their actions. When they had immunity THEY didnt slack off in order to stack the deck for the following week. I love these two!

    And I couldnt have said it any better about the "respect" issue. I actually thought a little less of Bob for caving and more of Jillian for sticking to it and saying what everyone else in the US knows...that V3 is a damn liar and a REALLY bad actress...

    " integrity is everyting to me". Well then honey needs to take her some acting lessons!! And, if she's a lawyer...I hope its not a defense lawyer 'cause the clients would swing!!