Walking With Pedometers



  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I went back and did a Leslie Sansone "4 Fast Miles" DVD. There was a good amount of jogging in this tape. I was bathed in sweat at the end and my HRM indicated I had burned an even 400 calories. Nonetheless, my pedometer read 2.76 miles, so to be safe I would rather err on the conservative side and report that my day's total was 15,641 steps or 6.90 miles (but it was really 8.14 miles). Talk to you tomorrow night.:drinker:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I got in another 4,445 steps yesterday and 1.19 miles It was esy getting this in for I went to Walmart and 2 dr. appts. yesterday. Today is my weigh in and I lost 1 lb. pretty good after a big lost last week of 6.5 lbs. I am looking fror a better lost next week...............Calie
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    thanks Peschuntz!

    The knee is feeling much better. it has been 3 weeks ago today that I injured myself at BootCamp (my own darn fault for not paying attention to what I was doing) Friday of the first week, friends talked me into going by Acute Care and I got an xray as it was huge bruised and quite painful. Xray didn't show any breaks or fractures. But they sent the images in to radiology who determined that I should get an MRI and talk to an orthopedic surgeon about getting it drained.
    Got the MRI last Tuesday and go to talk to the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow. But the swelling is almost non existent and the bruise is gone. Still a little bit of pain when my 1 year old puts his weight on it to stabilize himself for standing up. Tough to explain to him that mommy's knee hurt LOL

    Happy Walking everyone!! :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    20,227 steps yesterday
    line dance for two hours
    45 minute walk with hubby
    40 minute walk at the dog park while dogs played
    lots of chores that had me going from one end of the house to the other
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • everyday
    Hello girls

    gettinfitmama Hope you get GOOD news tomorrow from the orthopedic surgeon :smile:

    My steps yesterday 10121, Did 20 mins TM w-up, Shred & 10 mins of standing stretching.

    Pes I think I will stay with 10 k per day.. thats about 4 miles .

    So my goal for October is 310 k steps/124 miles in 31 days. My days are not consistent, activity wise so we will see how it goes ......:smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    20,227 steps yesterday
    line dance for two hours
    45 minute walk with hubby
    40 minute walk at the dog park while dogs played
    lots of chores that had me going from one end of the house to the other
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Barbiecat that is just fantastic. My steps is not as good as before , the old legs are just tired. I am hoping they get stronger as time goes by.
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Good evening, ladies! Today, I walked 5.52 miles: 3 miles were fast paced as I completed Leslie Sansone's DVD from the American Heart Association, the other 2 1/2 miles were somewhat leisurely although they did include going up and down steps multiple times. Finally, I also completed a weight lifting circuit this evening.

    I am glad to see everyone checking in. Barbie, I must say you are an inspiration on a couple levels. First, you lost an impressive 56 lbs. and your step count is out of this world. Would you please take a moment to tell us about what kept you motivated to lose a whooping 56 lbs.? I relate to you because I joined a few weeks ago weighing 168. My goal weight is 118. All of you have lost and I'm wondering if you can take a moment to talk about any weight losing tips and what has kept you motivated? :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I've been doing this one day at a time since January 14
    I have been fortunate to have my husband as a support (he's lost 60 pounds). I started by deciding what I would eat for three meals and a bedtime snack and forced myself to stick to the plan. At first i would find myself watching the clock waiting for the next meal time. Taking it one day at a time meant that I didn't have to start thinking about upcoming potlucks or Thanksgiving or any future problems.

    I didn't start on MFP counting calories until February and by then I was OK with the plan of eating three meals and a snack with nothing in between. I made a rule for myself to not eat anything that hadn't been put on my plan ahead of time
    not even a sip, bite, or something benign like celery, This first time I turned down some food that was offered to me I was afraid of what my friend would think, but it was OK.

    When I started posting my meals on MFP i realized that even with planning ahead and sticking to the plan I was consuming too many calories so I started trying to find out how to get the most food for the fewest calories. That's when I started reading about clean eating and made the decision to eliminate processed foods and artificial sweeteners.

    Checking in with MFP and getting a support group (50+ Women and Senior Golden Sneakers and now this walking with pedometers group) has helped. I've read a lot of posts about exercise and healthy eating and learned a lot. Taking baby steps and making small changes every day has been important.

    i don't wait to have other people praise me for what I do although the new friends on MFP have done that for me. i pat myself on the back for a day of healthy eating and put a sticker on my calendar on any day when I walk at least 10,000 steps.

    I found the two quotes that i have on my signature on someone else's post on MFP and they have become my favorites. I read a lot of posts on MFP and try to learn from people who have succeeded and those who have not done so well. There is so much to learn.

    Losing weight is a matter of life or death for me and so it give it a high priority in my day.

    There are so many people on MFP who have lost weight. They have inspired me.
    hugs :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey barbiecat well written. you are an ideal model for weight lost.

    I Didn't make my 4,000 yesterday. but have already got 4194 before lunch today. So there is hope for me yet. I will shout for joy if I ever reach 10,000. I will have to get me some stickers then. I am still walking with my walker, and may always. But I don't used it in the house or when we go to Walmart. Hoping my balance get better and I want have to used it. Adding coconut to my diet has made a big difference to me.
    Hey its time for lunch see you guys later and Happy walking.

  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    YAY, got great news yesterday at the doctor! He said he wouldn't worry about my knee. The swelling is going down on it's own and the fluid is being reabsorbed by my body! (Kinda gross to think about LOL)

    Anyway, he just said not to do anything that made my knee hurt! I think I can handle that.

    So I am back to the exercising! YAY

    Got in 11526 steps yesterday and so far today, I've got just over 5000.

    I also have a question, do you all check your pedometer throughout the day to keep yourself motivated or do you just check it at the end of the day?
    I ask because I was bummed earlier when I was at the early childhood playroom cleaning toys and was walkign around the room as much as possible. But when I checked my pedometer, I was disappointed in how many steps I had taken.
    One more question- what speed are you logging the walking here on MFP when you wear it all day?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I check my pedometer a lot during the day. At bedtime if I'm not satisfied with the number of steps, then I walk up and down the hall for awhile to get more steps.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You are a go getter Barbiecat, As some of the girls "you rock"

  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I would by lying if I didn't acknowledge my discouragement tonight. I just came from Weight Watchers and after exercising daily and keeping my food diary, much to my chagrin, I only lost -.6 lb. I don't know if I am looking for a way to rationalize this meager loss, but last night I had a salad consisting of anchovies, while the can was only 75 calories, it was swimming with sodium. I also ate a few sour pickles and popcorn. While I didn't exceed the amount of designated calories, I am hoping that tonight's weight can be explained by water retention. Any thoughts?

    P.S. It's a nice night so I'll be taking my dog for a long walk and then be checking in tonight. Talk to you then.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    I would by lying if I didn't acknowledge my discouragement tonight. I just came from Weight Watchers and after exercising daily and keeping my food diary, much to my chagrin, I only lost -.6 lb. .

    Just continue like a clock ticking in a thunderstorm. Don't let anything change your focus or disturb your plans. Continue to monitor calories in and calories out. Make changes when you learn something new or get a new idea but don't let the scale mess with you. :flowerforyou: And drink some more water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Sound advice, Barbie. In fact, I drink very little water. Many of my calories are spent on bread so I'll change my focus to more veggies and lean protein. Today I walked a total of 5.08 miles or 11,500 steps. Tomorrow's a new day and I'll try to make it a better one. Well, although I'm not happy with such a small loss, at least it's not a gain. Have a good night everyone. Talk to you tomorrow! Thanks, Barbie.
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I just added another mile for a total of 6 miles today.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I got over 5,300 steps yesterday. How great is that for an old granny. Gonna keep doing better.
  • everyday
    Good Morning :smile:

    YE... AAA for you Calie!!!

    BBL w/ my steps for the last 2 days & catch up.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    17,300 steps yesterday

    that included 30 minutes at the dog park, a two hour line dance class, and an hour walk with a friend in the evening along with the usual dog walking and being back and forth all day doing chores

    Calie and Peschuntz----keep up the good work----you walk farther every day.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Slight change in routine today. To begin with, got back on the NordicTrack ski machine. It had been quite some time since I exercised using this equipment. Could only do 20 minutes and I was drenched in sweat and practically gasping for breath - a far cry from what I used to be able to do. Well, at least I got back on. My total today including Nordic Track is 5.05 miles or 11,892 steps. I am using a new pedometer because my other one erases data at midnight and I sometimes exercise after that time. This new one, a Yamax CW-701, actually beat the Omron in accuracy. When I completed a mile on my treadmill, it was almost exactly on the money. See you all tomorrow (unless I do considerably more steps tonight).