Walking With Pedometers



  • annasid78
    I had one heck of a busy weekend. It was great! Just not much time to post on here. :)

    Sat 14084
    Sun 5,000 something... I forget and to lazy to go see what the actual number was. :laugh: It was my day of rest.
    Monday 11434 I might get a few more in, still have a few chores to do, but not enough to make a big deal over :wink:
  • everyday
    WELCOME doriedee :smile: You could Google the converstion for Yoga?

    My Monday steps~ 9205, I'll make up for it today to make my 10 k.

    Happy Tuesday :flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning girls. My old body is aching. So I took it easy yesterday and slept till noon this morning. and feel so much better, I am not counting my steps today, just enjoy my walk with my little Sammy dog. No pressure of trying to keep up. I will go to my doc tomorrow and see if she will put me on the med for my pain. I was on it a long time ago and it just made me sleepy but did help my ddiabetic pain. I will keep walking but not counting steps for awhile. and keep checking in here. ...............Calie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    steps on Monday 15.318 line dance, dog park, and a million chores around the house.

    today I took a walk in the morning before the rain started---I'd better enjoy the good walking weather because it won't be here for long

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Calie----I hope your rest has helped you and I hope the doctor can find a good remedy for the pain----you need to be up and about soon. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    CalieCat, I'm sorry to hear of your discomfort. You are right to not push yourself. Hope you feel better soon. You are an important member of this thread so even if you can't count steps, please continue to post. If you feel comfortable sharing, please let us know how your dr.'s appt. goes.

    Just got back from a walk with my dog, I put in 12,457 steps today or 5.30 miles. Beautiful fall walking weather. I also purchased a DVD workout with 2lb. weighted balls, and I might rest up and try it this evening. Have a great evening everybody, talk to you tomorrow. :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I almost forgot to post my goal for the month of October!!! I have decided to opt for walking 5 miles at least 6 days a week (optional Sundays off). That means 27 days walking X5 miles daily or a monthly goal of 135 miles. Please, if you haven't done so, post your October goal, tomorrow is the last day of September.
  • everyday
    Hi Girls

    Calie Same here!! I hope your dr can help, please keep checking in when you can.

    Please ...Feel better soon:flowerforyou:

    My Monday count 13453

    Pes I posted my goal last week, I'll look for it & post it again.
  • everyday
    Found it :smile:

    "Pes I think I will stay with 10 k per day.. thats about 4 miles."

    "So my goal for October is 310 k steps/124 miles in 31 days "
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    The arithmetic of setting a goal for the whole month is making my head swim. My pedometer keeps track one day at a time and keeps an average of steps for the preceding 28 days.

    Right now my average for the last 28 days is over 16,000 steps but with the colder, wetter, darker weather coming up in October, the opportunities to go for a walk the way I've been doing all summer won't be there.

    I've been successful with a goal of11,000 steps a day this month (I put a sticker on the calendar for that) but I've really been aiming for 14,000 and hitting that pretty regularly.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
    so my goal for October will be to keep my average above 14,000 :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Good luck to all of us. We can make a difference in our lives.:flowerforyou:
  • everyday
    everyday Posts: 127
    Happy October :smile:

    My Wed steps 9010
  • Jenmadison
    do those thing really work....I had some sent to me for free but they often eaither didnt move or moved to much.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    do those thing really work....I had some sent to me for free but they often eaither didnt move or moved to much.

    The pedometer that my husband has is:

    Omron HJ-72OITC

    You can carry it in your pocket. It automatically resets at midnight. It remembers how many steps you walked in days past. You can link it to your PC and keep track of your steps. Easy to read. shows distance and calories burned

    I have a step counter on my phone and when we walk together I have more steps (because my legs are shorter and it takes for steps to walk the same distance) but the distance in miles comes out pretty close. I've had a lot of pedometers in the last few years and they weren't as accurate, didn't have as many features, and because they attached to my waistband, frequently fell off, reset, or got lost entirely. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I wanted to let you know that the past few days I have been really dragged out due to Epstein-Barr Virus. It's not been fun. I sit in a chair and fall asleep. I didn' t even make 2 1/2 miles today. Nonetheless, I am going to continue to post regularly and my steps will improve when this passes. Have a great night everyone! I get vicarious gratification from reading your progress.
  • everyday
    everyday Posts: 127
    Hello :smile:

    Jenmadison I have a Omron Pocket Pedometer, Model HJ- 112.... its simple to use and tracks steps, aerobic steps/ mins, ( the mins are right on with TM) kcals, miles for 7 days. Also has a digital clock and safety clip. You have to spend a bit.... to get a reliable one!!

    Pes Dont give up... you''ll be up and moving again.... ((real fast.)) Take Care of you :flowerforyou:

    My Thurs steps 11877 :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    We're off on a weekend trip. Yesterday was great for steps---walking dogs before we left, walking on deck during the ferry ride, walking around a huge shopping mall :laugh: walking on the treadmill in the hotel fitness room total steps 16760

    :flowerforyou: Pes
    get the rest you need and you'll be back on your feet in no time.
  • everyday
    everyday Posts: 127
    Hello :flowerforyou:

    We were out working in the yard yesterday. I'm leaning how to make compost for our garden next year, so I had lots of steps 14647.

    Have a good day!!!
  • everyday
    everyday Posts: 127
    LOL I ment learning!!!

    But I'd like to be "leaning" out too :wink:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Hi everyone. Feeling better today - walked 12,541 steps or 5.34 miles. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    too many hours of meetings and too little time to walk or do anything else

    Friday just over 13,000 steps

    Saturday just of 8,000 steps

    a new day with great possibilities :flowerforyou:
  • everyday
    everyday Posts: 127
    Hello..... Girls :smile:

    SAT steps 11899

    Barbie Kudos to you... on your mucho steps- always!

    Pes Glad your up & feeling better!
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Greetings, girls. My daily total is 12,211 steps which translates into 5.20 miles. I'm going to have to add exercise and up my game or I will not lose any weight. Hope everyone had a nice weekend. :smile: