girls with muscle - sexy or turn off?



  • currierand
    currierand Posts: 155 Member
    Why does it really matter? Thats all I think when I see these threads popping up everywhere. Go for a look YOU want and not some idea of what other men or women prefer. Everybody has different preferences. I don't really care to much hearing that guys don't like muscular women. It's what I love and therefore I am working hard for it. My boyfriend likes that I'm working so hard and building more muscle. He knows my goals and encourages me. It'll take years but I don't really want much softness to my body. XP

    This is my sentiment, exactly. Frankly, to ask this question on a fitness site amd not expect most people to come out "pro muscle definition" seems like you were bored on a Sunday night.
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    Everyone will have their own opinions, its up to you to decide what makes you most happy.

    But i do agree with what was said earlier. Its taboo to call out an overweight person and say they are gross but its okay to say a fit person is gross?

    I guess the dedication to lift weights doesnt compare to the dedication it takes to be obese?
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I will marry a woman who looks like Chun Li.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i really wish fit/athletic/muscular women were able to let these "gross" comments just roll off their shoulders.

    i mean look at who is usually calling them gross...someone that is fat and unhealthy.
  • browneyedbeauteDELETED
    Muscle is amazingly sexy!!
  • ShinyDragonfly
    ShinyDragonfly Posts: 301 Member
    I don't like muscles on anyone. For very personal reasons, muscles on men scare me. Don't get me wrong, some mass and definition is good but it needs to look like I'll at least stand a chance against them if it were to come to that. With females it's the same thing- toned is good but there's definitely a certain point for me. Coming from a girl that used to have a 6 pack
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I personally don't like it too much.

    Little bit of definition is great but not too much. In my mind a woman should be feminine and soft to touch... When it's all muscle, it's to hard of a body to sleep with.

    But to each their own. Some men like bodybuilders, some men like obese women. It's the matter of taste and sexual desire.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    Well, I'm a girl and think it's sexy. Unfortunately, my family and my boyfriend don't agree. We had this discussion last night at dinner. I pulled up a this picture (my dream body) to show him that muscle was sexy


    He said her arms were gross. Whatever...people are crazy.

    I think the lady is pretty but to my taste too much arm muscles. I don't like obviously fake boobs either.
    And her stomach reminds me of a guy. I don't know the name of that body part in English but I've never seen it on a woman, only on men. My used to be a male friend had a surgery done and became a woman, and this area is his biggest concern, it's still very manly on him. The model on the photo has it too.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Why does it really matter? Thats all I think when I see these threads popping up everywhere.

    I think it's a fair enough question. Life is easier when you conform to a stereotype (IF you are happy living within the bounds of what that means). Though perceptions around attractiveness are changing, it's not been that long that a good number of women without bodybuilding ambitions have been lifting weights (witness discussions around weight room politics) & getting muscles.

    On here, people come to lose some pounds and bump into this whole new aesthetic (new to them), and might want to see if it might fit with their identity and goals (eg getting a partner). OP's probably just curious, trying it on for size.
  • FloyMcCaudie
    SEXY AF!:D
  • Brewster1215
    Brewster1215 Posts: 247 Member
    With muscles=sexy. Without muscles=sexy. WTH, I just find women sexy.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Well, I'm a girl and think it's sexy. Unfortunately, my family and my boyfriend don't agree. We had this discussion last night at dinner. I pulled up a this picture (my dream body) to show him that muscle was sexy


    He said her arms were gross. Whatever...people are crazy.

    I think the lady is pretty but to my taste too much arm muscles. I don't like obviously fake boobs either.
    And her stomach reminds me of a guy. I don't know the name of that body part in English but I've never seen it on a woman, only on men. My used to be a male friend had a surgery done and became a woman, and this area is his biggest concern, it's still very manly on him. The model on the photo has it too.
    Every human has that... it's just low body fat.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Generally yes but it also depends on other things like: height, bodyshape etc.
  • Indygirl_81
    Indygirl_81 Posts: 142 Member
    Toned is good and certain areas are great toned and defined- such as the abs, arms, and glutes, at least this is what I hope to accomplish myself...
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    girls with muscles - are sexy and fit.
    but what I think is more sexy - girls who are confident in their own skin, no matter what. :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I know my husband doesn't like the very lean, very ripped look.

    That's fine by me because I lack the dedication necessary to achieve that look. :blushing:

    Most of the time that's a contest time or model shoot level of fitness that the person isn't in for very long anyway. That's true of both male and female bodybuilders. I've seen women that are size 0 that look HUGE and RIPPED at contest time but give them a slice of pizza and a loose t-shirt and 3 days later you couldn't tell they worked out if you saw them outside the gym.

    That's what I told him, and what I think a lot of people don't understand.

    I want to be as strong and kickass as any of the women in these photos, but since I'm not going to do the prep and fasting they do before a shoot or show, I'm not going to look like that.

    The women who think this is "gross"...


    Would probably give a kidney to look like this...


    No one accidentally looks like that first photo. They look like that because it's how they want to look at that particular time, and worked DAMN hard to make it happen.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member

    I like a fit and feminine look.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    How could anyone think it isn't sexy?!

    Though, for me, the body builder look is a bit too far.