30 Day Shred Challenge



  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Oh, 3 day weekends!!! I fell off the wagon. Painted all day Saturday and over ate:sad:
    Hurt my knee painting so no running now for 5 days. I did walk a 10k on Sunday though so I guess that counts, if I would only track my cal's better over the weekend. did nothing on monday, but did do Jillian this morning and will light run tonight as long as I'm not in pain during the jog....

    SO SICK OF THIS YOYO,,,,, Why can't I just stick with this everyday, weekends included... Guess it will happen sooner or later... i have to try NOT to beat myself up too much:sad: :sad:

    Murphy's Law says that if it can happen, it will happen, and more than likely you'll be by yourself when it does. So don't beat your self on the head about it. Don't stress youself about it, high stress levels will increase your weight, so Just relax, you'll get there

    As always I can count on you for some extra encouragment!!!
    Thanks. I think my new focus will me my goal of November 30th and forget about the daily weight... 15lbs to loss for my Wedding Anniversary. IF I make it I will be 5 lbs lighter than when I got married 2 years ago!!!!
    NO STRESS!!!!!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Completed Banish Fat Boost Metabolism (BFBM) with Jillian today! I am really starting to LOVE that workout!
    Level 1 of 30 day shred has become a bit less of a challenge...I'm not sweating as much anymore and it seems like I should be working harder...so I'm on to Level 2 tomorrow. I think this time I'm going to do Level 2 for 2 days then do BFBM every 3rd day!

    I watched Level 2 last night...is it really as hard as what people say? I completed some of the workout after doing level 1 last night and didn't think it seemed too hard...ADVICE? COMMENTS?
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    DreeDub - I'm curious to see what you think of Level 2. I've done Level 1 maybe 5 times now, and I was thinking it's actually getting easier. I also didn't sweat as much, but it's gotten cold here, so I was thinking that was why. I'm going to try Level 1 again today if I'm feeling up to it (fighting a head cold), and then I may be on to Level 2. Let me know what you think of it.

    I'll also have to check out BFBM... sounds like a good one.

  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Level 2 is CRAZY.. I had done 1 for over a week and 2 kicked my butt this morning.... But it's all good I can anything for 20 min's... And After my eating binge this weekend I stayed at the same weight from last week. In 3 weeks of Jillian I've lost 5 pounds..

    My new focus is to not make it about the weight on the scale:tongue::tongue:

    I'm gonna let my heavenly father lead my journey...
    I was working in my "loss it for life" book and found this message. LOVE IT!!!!!
    Psalms 139 23-24
    Search me, O God, and know my heart;
    test me an know my anxious thoughts.

    Point out anything in me that offends you,
    and lead me along the path of everlasting life

    After reading this I just realized that my path is so much more than my weight. I again have had a weightless moment. I want God to examine my heart. Use me as he intends and my life fall where he has intended it be...
    Why do we focus so often the wrong aspects of life?

    Many Blessing
    God Bless everyone on your journey....

  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Well...I actually did Level 1 9 times before moving to level 2 plus I had done BFBM about 3 times so that helped me in completing level 2. I did not find it as hard as most people are saying. I basically felt like some of the exercises made my muscles burn like when I started Level 1 but I've been needing that! Some of the exercises in Level 2 are also things that I had already completed during BFBM.

    I'm starting to struggle...I am not dropping much weight and I'm having a harder time managing my meals for some reason. When I started everything was so easy...and now...even though for the most part my meals are the same...I'm getting my protein and fat grams too high! Should I start working out more? I know some people workout twice a day...should I be doing that? I really can't do it in the morning as I get up for work at 5:30 and I can't workout unless I have eaten something. Any suggestions?!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Inputting calories burned...

    Again I struggle with this...where do you guys find a way of tracking how many calories you've burned?! I want to make sure I'm tracking that correctly on my exercise log.

    Does Level 1 burn less calories than Level 2? Should I increase my calories burned for Level 2?

    So unsure...please help :)
  • i_am_gunz
    lvl 2 - 30 mins
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Today will be my second day of Level 2. I did Level 1 last week - I guess about 4 days on off days with my running. I did Level 2 for the first time Wednesday night, and I will do it again today. Man, Jillian really works your butt off. Maybe one of these days if I am feeling tough I will do level 1 and level 2 in a continuous workout.
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    I realize your 30day Shred is just bout over...I did it a few onths ago, but got side tracked with school and other things that I could talk myself into doing besides the Shred. However, I'm up for trying again. My husband is in the Army and is going to some school during the month of Nov...and I'd really like to surprise him when he gets back. 30 day shred should be perfect. I do walk my dogs daily...and I just did the initial tests on the hundredpushups.com, twohundredsquats.com, and twohundredsitup.com...I really realy need to tone up and drop about 20lbs...with him being gone it should be easy to watch my diet. We do have kids but they will eat with the heck I cook or strave! LOL :wink: I'm a stay-at-home-mom and a fulltime student. All kids are school age, and I have most of the day to myself...no excuses this time. I'm only taking 2 classes this term...I'm 179lb and 5'8...

    Anyone want to join me? I'm starting over with Level 1. I'm going to have to wait until this afternoon to get it done, my husband is home at the moment, just returned from a Dr's appt for his school physical and I don't want him to know I'm doing it. LOL :laugh: WE having been getting alone very good lately, I'd just like to make him proud. He's very physically fit and is getting ready to take over as the Army's combative school NCOIC on our post. I'm very proud of him....but enough about him!! Let's talk about getting motivated!! Who is with me!!! :drinker:

    Toni D
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    I realize your 30day Shred is just bout over...I did it a few onths ago, but got side tracked with school and other things that I could talk myself into doing besides the Shred. However, I'm up for trying again. My husband is in the Army and is going to some school during the month of Nov...and I'd really like to surprise him when he gets back. 30 day shred should be perfect. I do walk my dogs daily...and I just did the initial tests on the hundredpushups.com, twohundredsquats.com, and twohundredsitup.com...I really realy need to tone up and drop about 20lbs...with him being gone it should be easy to watch my diet. We do have kids but they will eat with the heck I cook or strave! LOL :wink: I'm a stay-at-home-mom and a fulltime student. All kids are school age, and I have most of the day to myself...no excuses this time. I'm only taking 2 classes this term...I'm 179lb and 5'8...

    Anyone want to join me? I'm starting over with Level 1. I'm going to have to wait until this afternoon to get it done, my husband is home at the moment, just returned from a Dr's appt for his school physical and I don't want him to know I'm doing it. LOL :laugh: WE having been getting alone very good lately, I'd just like to make him proud. He's very physically fit and is getting ready to take over as the Army's combative school NCOIC on our post. I'm very proud of him....but enough about him!! Let's talk about getting motivated!! Who is with me!!! :drinker:

    Toni D

    I'm in, I've been doing the shred for almost 30 days and love it. I mix it up a little with Bob, BL, workouts, and ondemand has other Jillian work outs I like to to do also... So far in 3 weeks i've only lost 5 lbs and I'm anxious to see more progress.

    I know that I need to completely cut out my few cocktails in order to see a drastic change, but I have a demanding job, crazy household, and have already dropped to only a few 1x a week, maybe 2x if there's a party or get together I have with friends... In past years if I restruct my drinking for a few weeks I will see a large weight loss... Anywho, I'm in, I love the work out, th energy it gives me, and the friends to work through it with!!!!

    God Bless
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I realize your 30day Shred is just bout over...I did it a few onths ago, but got side tracked with school and other things that I could talk myself into doing besides the Shred. However, I'm up for trying again. My husband is in the Army and is going to some school during the month of Nov...and I'd really like to surprise him when he gets back. 30 day shred should be perfect. I do walk my dogs daily...and I just did the initial tests on the hundredpushups.com, twohundredsquats.com, and twohundredsitup.com...I really realy need to tone up and drop about 20lbs...with him being gone it should be easy to watch my diet. We do have kids but they will eat with the heck I cook or strave! LOL :wink: I'm a stay-at-home-mom and a fulltime student. All kids are school age, and I have most of the day to myself...no excuses this time. I'm only taking 2 classes this term...I'm 179lb and 5'8...

    Anyone want to join me? I'm starting over with Level 1. I'm going to have to wait until this afternoon to get it done, my husband is home at the moment, just returned from a Dr's appt for his school physical and I don't want him to know I'm doing it. LOL :laugh: WE having been getting alone very good lately, I'd just like to make him proud. He's very physically fit and is getting ready to take over as the Army's combative school NCOIC on our post. I'm very proud of him....but enough about him!! Let's talk about getting motivated!! Who is with me!!! :drinker:

    Toni D

    I've been wondering about this for a while - just how bad / torturous is it? I think I'm in.... but I have to either download it, see if they have it at the library, or invest in my own copy.... will you consider starting a new thread?
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Smiles4miles... I'm going to start working out again on Monday! I am on again off again but I'm thinking if I had a group to hold me accountable that I might actually stick to it. I'm having a hard time dragging my butt out of bed in the morning to do it before work, and i find it difficult after work with my two rugrats but I"m going to have to strap down and make it happen!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Smiles4miles... I'm going to start working out again on Monday! I am on again off again but I'm thinking if I had a group to hold me accountable that I might actually stick to it. I'm having a hard time dragging my butt out of bed in the morning to do it before work, and i find it difficult after work with my two rugrats but I"m going to have to strap down and make it happen!

    Accountability is good - it's the reason i'm on here right now! Trying to get myself psyched up for a jog/run. The running thread has helped a lot. I went ahead and bought the DVD today - so... starting Monday? You with me?
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Definately with you on the Monday start date!
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    I just ordered the DVD today. I have a question - it seems you are supposed to do this workout every day. I thought you were supposed to skip a day (for rest) between strength training workouts. Does Jillian explain this in the video? Am I not understanding the concept? I have other strength training DVDs and they always say to do it every other day.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Ok, so I did Jillian all weekend!!! and again today.....
    It seems I am still at the same weight, but don't weigh in until Wednesday.. I have decided in order to push my loss to the next level I will now be giving up my cocktails for the next 30 days.... I think this will make a difference in my weight loss. My diet is good, but those couple of drinks on a friday night I think are bringing me down....

    Here's wishing everyone a great week:happy:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I just ordered the DVD today. I have a question - it seems you are supposed to do this workout every day. I thought you were supposed to skip a day (for rest) between strength training workouts. Does Jillian explain this in the video? Am I not understanding the concept? I have other strength training DVDs and they always say to do it every other day.

    I've seen this question before, and the answers vary. Supposedly it is supposed to be done for 30 consecutive days, but like you point out, muscles need a day of recovery. Someone mentioned somewhere that she has a 30 day shred book, which points that out, so.... I dunno?

    I did day 1 yesterday and HOLY COW - I don't know if my body will even be wiling to do it on consecutive days. It didn't feel bad yesterday but my thighs are screaming today every time i stand up. I feel it in my arms too. Are you interested in starting a new thread for shredders? So we can form a group of people who are starting now?
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    looks like the post is dying...
    Final week of the 30 day shred, I lost 5 pounds, wish it would have been more:sad: :sad:
    still hovering at 224, but not done yet.
    going to keep up my training for the 5 k, only 10 days away, and I have been enjoying the jillian/bob workouts on Demand and will continue with them

    Good Luck to everyone with your weight loss journey, I pray God lights your path and leads you to him:happy: :happy:
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    I'm sad to see the post is dying :( Maybe I'll have to get something new started!
    Best of luck to everyone...thanks for the support and giving me a place to hold my self accountable for doing the hardwork and posting "check-in" every week.
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    I'm sad to see the post is dying :( Maybe I'll have to get something new started!
    Best of luck to everyone...thanks for the support and giving me a place to hold my self accountable for doing the hardwork and posting "check-in" every week.

    I started a new thread called Jillians 30 Day Shred. We started this past Monday, feel free to join us there!