What sacrifices have you given up to lose weight?



  • lindylubilou
    lindylubilou Posts: 51 Member
    I have stopped having domino pizza, We would have it every saturday but now not at all just not worth the calories :)
  • MrFrodo
    MrFrodo Posts: 6 Member
    Kung Pao Chicken from the local chinese restaurant. After I learned what the fat, sodium and caloric content was I knew (for me) there could be no moderation with this one - had to quit cold turkey! Was a total grouch for 6 months afterwards :)

    Now, 8 months later I don't miss/crave it at all anymore. Anything else I occaisonally crave, I do enjoy in moderation and fit into my planned meals for the day.
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    Anything with Gluten bad things happen when I eat it :(

    /sad panda
  • StephStepByStep
    StephStepByStep Posts: 131 Member
    I also was a big coffee drinker. All the sugary starbuck fancy coffee's. I would have them so often.
  • Chrisplayer136
    Chrisplayer136 Posts: 196 Member
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    WINE!!!I used to enjoy a glass or three, lol, every night with dinner. I never drink anymore. If I did 'Id probably be wasted after one glass.
  • Italian_mom
    Italian_mom Posts: 192 Member
    soda, and don't sleep in anymore, but now I enjoy waking up early and getting my workouts done
  • CeCe_oceansoul_420
    CeCe_oceansoul_420 Posts: 59 Member
    Absolutely nothing. As far as I'm concerned, this is a lifetime change, so giving up the things that I love are not an option. Some of the things that I've given up were things that I never should have been doing in the first place. For example, I now eat 5-6 times a day instead of once or twice. I drink a lot more water. I eat all my meals on small plates. I take much smaller helpings of everything. But I haven't given up anything at all. I still eat cake, pie, cookies, fast food, chips, cheese, sour cream, butter (though not very often), red meat, candy, etc. And it's working for me! One of the pictures on my profile was taken before I started my journey (end of April), and my current picture was taken this last week. I've officially lost 8 pounds, but I've also lost an inch off each of my arms and my calves, 2.5 inches off my waist and hips, and nearly 4 inches off my thighs. All I'm doing is eating small amounts of food throughout the day, and exercising 60-90 minutes a day.
  • Firephoenix013
    What I have given up:

    Starbucks. No more fru fru drinks. I get iced black coffee, that's it. Lord help me when the pumpkin drinks come out.
    Chipotle. After finding out its 1000 calories for ONE burrito...no more. Because if I get one I'll want to pig out on it.
    Movie theatre popcorn. Went to the movies yesterday and read how bad a small even was...passed and ate blueberries instead.
    Pop. Only coke zero for me now if I want it.
    Fast food. Only if I have no other choice do I go and even then it's a push for me to find something I want.
    Bread with everything. Instead of making something a sandwich if it doesn't need bread to be eaten I try to avoid it.

    So far I think that's it. I've been eating a lot more veggies and fruits lately.
  • underthisfatareabs
    icecream , oreos and chocolate chip cookies,
    if it is offered, i let myself have it,but i never keep it in the house
  • leo02098
    leo02098 Posts: 106 Member
    Grains, can't say I miss 'em though.

    This used to be my down fall. Bread. Loved bread, but it always made me feel gross afterwards.
    Now that I've kicked the habit, I don't miss it at all, and when I have the "urge", I immediately tell myself "it's not worth the sickness you know you're going to endure for the rest of the day!" and that's enough to keep me away!
  • nrd2212
    nrd2212 Posts: 128
    The whole "have the foods I want in moderation thing" doesn't work for me. I've done it before and then I put the weight back on plus some when I went to college. I needed a bigger, healthy change this time. I eat whole grain everything (cereal, bread, rice, etc.), lean meats, lowfat dairy prodects, lots of veggies, etc.. The biggest weakness for me was salty snacks (chips, Goldfish, pretzels) and candy, I used to eat a ton of those. I also cut lunch meat because I'm going low sodium. I cut fast food and soda but those were never a big issue for me. I did cheat days when I was losing the first chunk of weight, but I don't even want a cheat day. I want my abs more. :-)
  • sleonardbranson
    Any and all sweets...I love chocolate and I gave it up completely...Also coffee, I love coffee, still have a cup in the morning, but without all the sugar :)
  • bryarlove86
    PEANUT BUTTER! Can't have it n the house or I would devour it- with honey... I am truly disgusting :)
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    refined sugars, alcohol (for the most part), glutens, soy, dairy
    Feels like so much more, but it really isn't.

    I'd prefer the question.. What did you gain when you gave up so much..
    Confidence, energy, strength, muscles.. a new wardrobe.
  • Tina180130
    Tina180130 Posts: 127 Member
    Maltesers, Curly Wurlyies, chocolate cake.......but I do not miss them anymore as I'm weaning myself of white sugar, white rice, potatoes and white pasta.
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    I've given up eating in excess but that's kind of it. I have a bunch of food intolerances that cut out all fast food and many other treats. If I want deserts/pizza/food of almost any kind I have to make it myself or buy very expensive allergen-free versions. I learned to make them though, but to lose weight I've learned to eat in moderation and take the rest of whatever I made into work/give it to friends/etc.
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    Just switched to healthy eating....so gave up
    - fruit drinks.
    -coke and other sugary drinks
    -starbucks ice caps and other sugary drinks....

    So...I guess I gave up processed sugar....lol.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I give up all sacrifices. Too barbaric for me.
  • polishmehappy
    polishmehappy Posts: 92 Member
    Excess of sugar, pasta, and white bread. I've noticed that since I started eating a lot less of these things my body feels better overall. I don't feel as sluggish as I did before and... my gut, as in my intestines, is behaving a lot better. I used to have horrible tummy problems and have to take pills to get my gut to "move around", not anymore. Although I haven't lost a ton of weight my waist looks and feels better. It is no longer swollen and I don't have the "roll" under my diaphragm anymore.
    So for me is not just a matter of "giving up" just to loose weight, it is a matter of eating healthier things for my body to function better :)
    I envy people that can eat everything and anything (even in small quantities) and not suffer later on with side effects :(