Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week # 2



  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Just finish lunch, did good. slow on the wateer today,but working thru it.
    Yeah Megan 2 pounds!!! thats great:flowerforyou:
    Took a 10 min walk before lunch, hope to take another around 3 when I know I will be gettin sleepy.
    Have a good day everyone!!
    Crystal-glad to see u back, hope u had a good time with your friend
    thanks Jacque
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Checking in

    Megan 2lbs is great congrats:drinker: I am hoping to be under 200 this week :bigsmile:
    Crystal glad you had fun with your friend, and glad you jumped right back in, that can be hard:flowerforyou:

    still reading posts, I have to log in more to keep up with everyone :laugh:

    I have eaten my fruit orange, strawberries and banana
    water on cup 5
    :happy: I walked my 2.5 miles in 36 mins, keeping the fast time(burns more calories)

    Thanks Kelly I heard that if you zigzag your calories its ok Hope it works come friday's weigh in :wink:

    Will check in later. Have a great day Pepper's:bigsmile:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Checking in

    Megan 2lbs is great congrats:drinker: I am hoping to be under 200 this week :bigsmile:
    Crystal glad you had fun with your friend, and glad you jumped right back in, that can be hard:flowerforyou:

    still reading posts, I have to log in more to keep up with everyone :laugh:

    I have eaten my fruit orange, strawberries and banana
    water on cup 5
    :happy: I walked my 2.5 miles in 36 mins, keeping the fast time(burns more calories)

    Thanks Kelly I heard that if you zigzag your calories its ok Hope it works come friday's weigh in :wink:

    Will check in later. Have a great day Pepper's:bigsmile:
    thanks sindy :smile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Ok, the easy part -- exercise
    40 minutes walk
    20 minutes run

    The bad part -- my van is dead. Two repair shops gave similiar estimates. And both came back with the van isn't worth fixing -- get another.
    Of course, I don't want a monthly payment.
    However, we did get a lead on an used van... so that's our Saturday night.....

    Well, the Dunkin Donuts was too tempting. Hubby and I split a 2 donut/coffee combo. Each ate 1 donut and he had he coffee.

    SO OK, the stress of the past two days caused to eat a DONUT.
    Good news, the donut put me 60 calories over my daily calorie limit. So overall, that's not too bad.

  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Barb's update -- part 2

    After my last post, an interesting development happened in my house.
    My oldest has pinworms -- again! I had to drive to the pharamacy before it closed. Just made it.

    Seems like it's not a dull moment in my house this week.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning SHGPs ... It's yet again another dull day here in Niagara. I'm just not going to let anything else get me down. Life gets stressfull sometimes and there's nothing I can do about it. I've decided that I've been making excuses lately to slack off on my healthy lifestyle mission and I'm going to break that cycle starting right this second. So far today (which only really just started) I've been on track so now I just have to stay there. Thank you all for being such a great support system ... you really are the best inspiration.

  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Good morning SHGPs.

    Celebrated my Mom's birthday last night, made her a red velvet cake, I did really well and only had a small piece, no ice cream, so managed to stay in my calories yesterday (barely). I find it really hard to stay in my calories on the days I don't have time for exercise, have really become fond of the exercise calories, I don't always eat them all but it is nice to have a cushion.

    Ready for this week to be over, the next two weeks will be short due to some much needed vacation time. My bf and I are taking a trip on the train from Kansas City (where I live close to) to St. Louis, will be in St. Louis for a couple of days. Really looking forward to getting away. Thought the train ride will be a nice change of pace, really inexpensive too.

    Have a great, healthy day, get ready for weigh in tomorrow :)
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Megan, congrats on the 2 lbs. That’s awesome!!

    Sindy, you are doing much better with the fruit challenge than I am. I’m going to have to try again next week. I need get in the habit of eating more fruit.

    Barb, hate to hear about your van & the pinworms. But only 60 calories over isn’t bad at all. Good job having something that you want and keeping your calories at a manageable level!!

    Magglett, that’s a good attitude to have. Keep it up!!.

    I’m still trying to get back into the grove of my normal day to day activities, but I have a feeling it is a lost cause for this week. The food hasn’t been a problem, but the exercise has been. I’ll have a lot of ground to cover this weekend to make up for my inactivity this week. I dread tomorrow’s weigh in!!

    Hope everyone has a good Thursday!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all!!
    Well totally piged out at dinner last night. Seem to be able to stay on track all day till dinner. Need to really work on that
    So I am so not the smoothie drinker but my friend last night insisted I try one, amazing it was pretty good. It had spinch,strawberry,soy beans and pineapple in it and it was actually pretty good so seriously gonna hit up half price books and find me a smoothie book and play!!
    Wen- 16 min of walking, 2 fruits, and all my water
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I'm becoming quite fond of smoothies myself. this week I've been making one with

    1 cup skim milk
    1/4 plain natural low-fat yogurt
    1 banana
    1/4 cup diced mango
    1 Tbs flax seed
    1 Tbs honey
    1 handful fresh spinach.
    3-4 ice cubes

    So yummy, a bit higher in calories, it is around 375, but keeps me full all morning..
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    happy (wet, here) thursday! everyone ready for the wi tomorrow? keep at it team, i know together we can do this!

    any challenge ideas?? ? i have not done so well with the exercise...i am doing pretty good with my calories, and feel like i am in control there. now, just to incorporate thing at a time seems to work better for me....and i know the 2 together are most beneficial!

    running errands today. this is our homecoming week here. plan on going to volleyball games tonite and a community pep rally. my oldest son's g/f is on the court. really nice group of kids picked, so will be exciting to see who wins @ the game the rain i might they are predicting. both sons are going to the dance, so Saturday is a big day here too. think the hubs and i will have a Red Lobster date! short on all challenges's to a better day!

    barb ~ so sorry about the van, and hey 60 cal donut is nothing, it would be easy for me to devour 1/2 a dozen if i lost my wheels~ yeah for you in having control, yet satisfied the taste buds!

    magglett ~ hey hon, it will be have a lot going on lately...just take it slow and one day at a time you have had success and are down 33 lbs.! applause! applause! we're all gonna have bumps along the's normal. that's right, some things are out of our control. i know you will pull together and get back in the groove! i believe in you and you should too! :flowerforyou:

    jenn ~ yum the red velvet cake! how nice of you for your mom, and a lil taste yourself! nothing wrong with that! moderation is key! that is so exciting about your train trip! how fun! have always heard good things about train adventures!

    crystal ~ a few days wont do too much harm....just get back on the wagon here and we'll be here for you! don't worry about tomorrow, just focus on today!

    jacque ~ dinner is my hardest time too. kind of helps me though if i plan and keep a lil extra busy during that time. sometimes i chew a piece of gum ..... it is when everyone is here and i am fixing to their likings. if i can keep from tasting any of it, i have won 1/2 the temptation! smoothy sounds de-lish!
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    good morning ladies.....
    Sorry about MIA lately....I get feeling really guilty about not doing so good and I dont post. I havent been doing terrible with the eating...a lil bit here and there and even though i havent been keeping up with my calories intake (logging) I know I have not been too bad over if even over at all. My exercising on the other hand....I havent seem to have found time...honestly. Been staying so busy....which has kept me moving so I count that as something.....but oh well. Went and took the fam to the fair last night. Lots of walking and I really enjoyed the rides. Only indulged into a few fried did real good on not going over board on food. yeah!
    Been keeping the house cleaned and that helps and working on the garden too so yep I feel alright there. I just want to and need to go to the gym!!!!
    May be will try tonight.
    I am glad to hear how great others are doing on their challenges.....YEAH for the whole team!

    crystal-glad to hear about you and friend really enjoying your time together! yeah

    barb-sorry about the van and hope you can find one with lil or no payment to replace it. I can feel you on not wanting a payment. ewww...who would?!

    kell-no challenge ideas....not really had much thinking going on...too much on my mind with work and things at home but will try and come up with something and post before the end of the day!

    everyone else....I cant go back any further to track and remember what you have all posted....
    I agree that if you take a day off from logging and tracking makes it hard to keep up and cheer you all on...but I do read and keep you ALL in my thoughts! :bigsmile: :heart: :drinker:
    what would I do without my SHGP!!!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Afternoon Pepper's:heart:
    Yesterday I did ok on fruits(orange,banana,strawberries), water (8 -9 glasses)and exercise (36 min), but not so good on calories I went over about the amount I was under the day before. :grumble:

    Today so far I am doing good sticking to everything. It is so hard some days:sad:

    Kelly I find it hard to work in exercise as well, instead of taking a lunch I walk for 35-40 min and munch on my veggies and fruit for lunch. I do have a couple of idea's for challenges. At least twice a day take the healthier route, like in the morning I take the stairs at the station instead of the escalator. Just something through out the day that is better than what you were planning on doing. Another is a veggie challange, I am horrible at home with veggies. maybe two veggies at dinner time. Something like that. or maybe an exercise challange maybe a low impact exercise everyone can do. Just some idea's. I know a challenge get me moving. :drinker:

    crystal, I know how you are feeling I went off for a couple of months not days and I found it really hard to get back into the swing. But you can do it. :drinker:

    I have a question if anyone is a diabetic? I noticed there is a lot of sugar in fruit and I keep going over the sugar amount the MFP gives me. Is this bad?

    It has been really busy at work so I cant stay long on computer, but will try to check in a little later. This has been a challenging week, I know we can all do this. :drinker:
    Have a great afternoon Pepper's:bigsmile:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Good Afternoon Pepper's:heart:
    Yesterday I did ok on fruits(orange,banana,strawberries), water (8 -9 glasses)and exercise (36 min), but not so good on calories I went over about the amount I was under the day before. :grumble:

    Today so far I am doing good sticking to everything. It is so hard some days:sad:

    Kelly I find it hard to work in exercise as well, instead of taking a lunch I walk for 35-40 min and munch on my veggies and fruit for lunch. I do have a couple of idea's for challenges. At least twice a day take the healthier route, like in the morning I take the stairs at the station instead of the escalator. Just something through out the day that is better than what you were planning on doing. Another is a veggie challange, I am horrible at home with veggies. maybe two veggies at dinner time. Something like that. or maybe an exercise challange maybe a low impact exercise everyone can do. Just some idea's. I know a challenge get me moving. :drinker:

    crystal, I know how you are feeling I went off for a couple of months not days and I found it really hard to get back into the swing. But you can do it. :drinker:

    I have a question if anyone is a diabetic? I noticed there is a lot of sugar in fruit and I keep going over the sugar amount the MFP gives me. Is this bad?

    It has been really busy at work so I cant stay long on computer, but will try to check in a little later. This has been a challenging week, I know we can all do this. :drinker:
    Have a great afternoon Pepper's:bigsmile:
    Sindy i dont count natural sugar from fruit ... no i am not diabetic ... but i only count bad sugars not natrual sugars ... hope that helps

    HAPPY THURSDAY PEPPERS ..... good luck on the weigh in tomorrow :happy:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Sindy i dont count natural sugar from fruit ... no i am not diabetic ... but i only count bad sugars not natrual sugars ... hope that helps

    HAPPY THURSDAY PEPPERS ..... good luck on the weigh in tomorrow :happy:

    Thank you it does help, I would never go over with bad sugar :laugh: I dont add any to anything and look for no sugar or low sugar (oatmeal mostly).
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    afternoon peppers! well, the rain has not let up and i really should have stayed home today.....anyone else's life on hold b/c of aunt flow? :angry: i will not make this mistake again. really looking forward to the weekend and the next 2-3 normal/dry weeks...

    HI kitn!! :flowerforyou: good that your keepin busy there! hey, are you a GT fan?

    sindy ~ a carb is a carb is a carb...and we all know there are good ones and bad ones. yup, sugar is in fruit, but it is a natural sugar...however, there are some fruits that have lower "glycemic' levels....those would firstly be your berry fruits, and all of them! and maybe slightly better would be the melon family. next would be the tomato's, then the citrus clan....and then the peach/plum duo, and grapes are good. now the higher ones are banana, 23.7and pears 25.1. i say don't worry bout it, but i do try to stay with the lower ones, even tho nanners are my fav. something i learned from JM Master your Metabolism, is to have your fruits earlier in the day, and preferably not after 3pm......b/c of the sugar content. this way you have all day to burn off the sugar/carb when you are likely more active....well, for some of us, and then not for those of us who workout in the eve. i would just do what works best for you and be careful with the diabetes. congrats on being mindful of this. my mother is diabetic insulin and she is a horrible patient. she doesn't check her blood levels, and has not changed her diet one bit. it is very tough to see her do this to herself, but it is her choice. good luck and let us know if you switch anything up:wink:

    you guys wanna go with a veggie challenge starting tomorrow? like, 3 servings / day????

    ** ALSO ** don't forget to post your exercise/workout minutes so we can keep track for the 200 HR month challenge!! woot woot, go SHGP's!! wishin ya all the best tomorrow! keep on keepin folks!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Thank you so much Kelly, that is very helpful I only eat fruit with breakfast and lunch but banana's are my fav as well. I pick the small ones :laugh: But it is good to know that it does not hurt me to go over on natural sugars in fruits and some veggies. My mother is a diabetic as well as all my siblings, I was just put on medication (a pill), but if I loose 20 pounds I can come off them. I have been fighting my weight since last year when they told me I was a diabetic and I cried I did not want to go through what my mother does everyday(she is so strong, and hers is bad, but she takes care of herself). I lost a bunch of weight and stress and no will power put 13 pounds back on and the doctors had to put me on meds after my last test. So now its on for life. I will take this weight off, I will come off the medication and I will take care of myself. This is what I wake up saying and go to bed saying. I have to many other medical issues to deal with more meds. I also have lupus and artritis in hips, knee's and ankles. Makes it tough to exercise, but pain or not I will do this :bigsmile:

    Now that I wrote a page. :laugh: Looking forward to the new challenges for this week. I like the veggie on I dont think I get enough. Will check in later. :bigsmile:
  • evgal
    evgal Posts: 22
    hi all, well blew it yesterday!!!,didn't go over my cal but had 900cal lunch!!! lobster bisque ,salad,fried calamari appetizer.went shopping for 4 hrs walk, walk ,walk!!!!
    veg challenge sounds good. this is my first week wigh in & lost 3 lbs!!!
    good luck all
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey all happy thursday!
    was gone yesterday and what not, havn't been feeling well around here:grumble:
    but sticking to myself seems to be working, another part of the not feeling well is I havn't been really eating, trying (and I believe doing good on gettting water in thought). But stomach junk arg!!
    did get a starbucks today to get the calories rooling:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: No really though! I did!
    :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: me and my coffee:)
    so hopefully I went down this week but never know because my body could be starving:( too not hungry just nausiea you know.. the DRASTIC weather change is to blame I believe:grumble:
    went from 67 degrees to 50 and windy as heck:(
    I :heart: the veggie challenge, and im sticking to the water and exercise, but not doing much of the exercise right now:(
    Ill updat you in the am
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all,
    Love the veggi idea!!:heart: Like V I am trying to keep on with water and exercise.
    Hey Kelly-what would be easier if we give you daily post for exercise and fruit or a tally on weight in day?