OMG this model has the most perfect bod!



  • Scandinavia
    Scandinavia Posts: 291 Member
    Skinny Gurl is a website blog for Pro-Starvation. She didn't mean 'skinny girls'. She meant the owner of the blog.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    She is beautiful but in all honesty she is a little bit chubby (not fat but definitely a little overweight). That doesn't detract from her beauty though. :)

    I seriously doubt she's even the tiniest bit overweight. She probably falls squarely in the healthy weight range. I am not good at guessing body fat percentage, but I'd guess she's in a perfectly healthy body fat range too. 20% maybe? I don't know. But overweight/cubby? No way.
    I think she is talking about her being "chubby" in the modelling industry & not the real world. However personally I don't think she's chubby at all.
  • leserpent
    leserpent Posts: 27 Member
    I read that article on yahoo.. How Skinny Gurl called her Fat and then got flack because of it.

    I think she's just fine.. and that skinny gurl is wishing she looked like her instead of a 5'7 100 pound stick!

    Why? Maybe that "skinny gurl" is perfectly content with the way her body looks.

    I've never really understood why it's alright to bash thin folks, but it's not alright to say anything about someone who has more curves or is heavier. Calling someone "a stick" is just fine, but calling a fat person a whale would cause outrage. The double-standards, especially on these boards, get very frustrating.

    Skinny Gurl (as referenced in the article) is a pro ana site.

    Says who? You?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I think all these arguments/debates were started because OP used the word "perfect". :) I think both sides agree she looks pretty but whether being perfect, that is where the difference starts.
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    She is beautiful but in all honesty she is a little bit chubby (not fat but definitely a little overweight). That doesn't detract from her beauty though. :)

    definitely a little overweight?!? On what planet 0_0

    On the planet that teaches our children they fat and that unless they are thinner than thin they will never succeed.. which is why so many children are becoming victim to eating disorders and drugs to maintain the skeleton thin body.

    THIS model is BEAUTIFUL. Not over weight at ALL.

    Not that eating disorders aren't scary and serious (they are) but childhood obesity is a much bigger problem in this country.

    Are you freakin kidding me??? Are you even around any pre-teen girls?? Cause I am and let me tell you, ITS A BIG PROBLEM!! I hear it everyday throughout the school year with the girls and hear things they probably dont know I heard. *sigh*
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    i'm surprised this has so many replies. i don't find her attractive.
    To each their own. Unfortunately you're one of the very few people who don't find her attractive
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    I giggle and weep that many people are so used to seeing altered photos that anything that hasn't been photoshopped beyond the laws of physics is considered "wrong."

    I was foolishly clicking through a "guess that celebrity bikini body" article last night, and the comments were ... disgusting. A crease in the flesh that occurs on pretty much anyone while moving, twisting or sitting, is all of a sudden "giant rolls of fat." Someone without big boobs is "completely titless," but would get blasted even more if she had implants. If they didn't have a thigh gap, they had "giant thunder thighs."

    You always hear about how harmful "the media" is, but these weren't the direct comments of the media. These were comments from the users. The "regular folks." Women and men (at least judging by usernames) who are going to be in for a life of disappointment, either with their own physiques or those of their prospective partners, because reality never quite measures up to a photo spread in Playboy, Maxim, Cosmo or Vogue.

    Thank you for writing this comment. It is so true how the media has warped the publics perception of body image. You look fabulous btw... you put in the hours, sweat and tears to get where you are and it's inspiring... Keep up the hard work and keep posting the positive comments.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    i'm surprised this has so many replies. i don't find her attractive.
    To each their own. Unfortunately you're one of the very few people who don't find her attractive

    I am not sure if "very few"...I actually think there might be a larger crowd than we see here who might think she's not that attractive...They either choose to be silent or say it in very indirect or subtle way as they don't want hurt others feelings? I personally think she's pretty but she's not my model for perfection. :)
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I must ask the question: How can anyone in their right mind claim this nice looking girl is fat or "a cow"? This girl has been blessed with a nice body and yet isn't afraid to live in a little excess every now and then. I see nothing wrong with her at all. Just because she has curves or whatever does not distract the fact that she's still very beautiful. She shouldn't have to be asking forgiveness because she doesn't confirm to your anorexic, bulimic standards. Yes, there are women out there that should take better care of themselves and get on a stair master or elliptical every once in awhile. However, attacking a girl who is just an average, beautiful woman because she has curves? Really?

    How about all you twigs out there that can barely stand up because you do not have the body fat or muscles to do just keep your opinions to yourself, have a cheeseburger and STFU!

    lollllz....calm down! most of us agree, no need to bash. And yeah, I might be a "twig" in your opinion but I assure you I have curves, can stand up, and have plenty of strength.
    All of you are so silly for even caring enough to let these posts anger you so much. Choose your battles. ;)
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Eh, I'd invite her for a sleep over. Only if my Mom says it's cool.

  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    She is beautiful but in all honesty she is a little bit chubby (not fat but definitely a little overweight). That doesn't detract from her beauty though. :)

    She is deff NOT overweight. She has meat on her bones.. which makes her healthy.

    She's a good example of what a healthy person (who isn't looking for a more muscular body) could aim for.
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    She has more fat, and less muscle than I'd want. I'd guess 25% to 27% body fat. She's beautiful and healthy, don't get me wrong, but she's not my idea of "perfect".

    LOL! I don't think your guessing skills are very good.:noway: I've got 26% BF & I'm still 20 lbs overweight. I would kill for a body like hers!

    Marilyn Munroe also had a great bod even if she did wear a size 14
  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    she's a swimsuit model....don't know how anyone could say she's fat! she might have some killer curves, but she's not fat! comments like saying she is fat is what has young girls developing eating disorders. We need to have healthy role models for our young people to follow.

    She is not fat and she makes a super role model. FORGET the "modeling world" they are the ones driving unhealthy body images of all women. It's time to stand up, be strong, and have healthy body weight. []==[]

    Size 8 is plus size??? In what closet? My god I wear a size 7 in jeans and I can assure anyone at 112 lbs I am not at all fat or whatever they want to rudely call it.:huh:

    No one should call anyone fat or twig it's very rude.:noway:
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    If she's fat, consider me the white Ruben Studdard.
  • hem8787
    hem8787 Posts: 50 Member
    I think she looks great. Yes, she is "softer" and not very muscular, but I really like the way she looks! I can't believe anyone would think she is "chubby"! Jealous much?! :wink:
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    Posted on my FB and G+ as well as in another thread after I read the article:

    OK, I normally do not care for media politics and try to stay as far away from it as I can but this right here infuriates me to no end. I was sent to this site by a friend of mine and it just made my jaw drop. This right here is exactly what's wrong the fashion world and the world view on women in general.

    I must ask the question: How can anyone in their right mind claim this nice looking girl is fat or "a cow"? This girl has been blessed with a nice body and yet isn't afraid to live in a little excess every now and then. I see nothing wrong with her at all. Just because she has curves or whatever does not distract the fact that she's still very beautiful. She shouldn't have to be asking forgiveness because she doesn't confirm to your anorexic, bulimic standards. Yes, there are women out there that should take better care of themselves and get on a stair master or elliptical every once in awhile. However, attacking a girl who is just an average, beautiful woman because she has curves? Really?

    How about all you twigs out there that can barely stand up because you do not have the body fat or muscles to do just keep your opinions to yourself, have a cheeseburger and STFU!

    ROFL!!!! I think I love you;)
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I would take that body any day!
  • jennylea16
    jennylea16 Posts: 97 Member
    I giggle and weep that many people are so used to seeing altered photos that anything that hasn't been photoshopped beyond the laws of physics is considered "wrong."

    I was foolishly clicking through a "guess that celebrity bikini body" article last night, and the comments were ... disgusting. A crease in the flesh that occurs on pretty much anyone while moving, twisting or sitting, is all of a sudden "giant rolls of fat." Someone without big boobs is "completely titless," but would get blasted even more if she had implants. If they didn't have a thigh gap, they had "giant thunder thighs."

    You always hear about how harmful "the media" is, but these weren't the direct comments of the media. These were comments from the users. The "regular folks." Women and men (at least judging by usernames) who are going to be in for a life of disappointment, either with their own physiques or those of their prospective partners, because reality never quite measures up to a photo spread in Playboy, Maxim, Cosmo or Vogue.

    I totally agree!
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    To me, she's "built" -- like stacked up top (which I would LOVE to be but am not) and with a pretty slim tummy. She also looks she has good proportions. I wouldn't say perfect, but close to it!:smile:
  • farrari17
    farrari17 Posts: 19
    I read that article on yahoo.. How Skinny Gurl called her Fat and then got flack because of it.

    I think she's just fine.. and that skinny gurl is wishing she looked like her instead of a 5'7 100 pound stick!

    Why? Maybe that "skinny gurl" is perfectly content with the way her body looks.

    I've never really understood why it's alright to bash thin folks, but it's not alright to say anything about someone who has more curves or is heavier. Calling someone "a stick" is just fine, but calling a fat person a whale would cause outrage. The double-standards, especially on these boards, get very frustrating.

    It's because most people on this site are looking to lose weight, not gain or maintain weight. I personally think it's ridiculous how coddled overweight and obese people are. Yes, you are beautiful, and it's fine to love yourself, but if it's to the point where it's unhealthy, no, don't say you're fine and beautiful the way you are, you need to lose weight or you'll die prematurely. This is the same for the "sticks as well". You're not fine and beautiful either, you need to gain weight or die prematurely. It works both ways. Under and Over weight people do not need coddled, they need the truth or else they will never see what's wrong and so will never fix it.