Women 50+ for October



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I'll be up later than usual tonight. Jake is on a plane from Dallas to Seattle and won't be getting to Seattle until late and I want to be awake when he calls.:yawn: :yawn:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Kathy, you are on track and it's so great to hear from you again. When I see your picture I am reminded of how much you inspired me when I was new on this thread and how many funny cartoons you posted. Your sense of humor kept me going.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I had to give up a lot of favorite carbs. I gave them up at first because they had too many calories to fit in with my food plans and later because I realized that I couldn't eat "just one". I recently figured out that it was better for me to go into the grocery store through the door at the produce end instead of the one at the bakery end. :laugh: Yesterday I was listening to a song that has the line "I just wanna sit with a bag full of chips watching the NFL" and I realized that if jump off the the healthy eating wagon it will be with a giant bag of pita chips from Costco except that I'll be sitting at the computer , not watching football.:laugh: :laugh: I liked what you said about "evicting two pounds". We should make a list of all those words. evicting, releasing, discarding,dropping,....... Your ticker says 41 pounds lost----yippeee :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, how great that the doctor and the receptionist noticed your weight loss. When I went to the doctor, the only one who noticed was the nurse who weighed me and saw what I weighed last year.

    :flowerforyou: Linda, I like your idea about doing lunges and squats during the commercials.

    :flowerforyou: Suzzzque, your friend is a "keeper". I hope I can remember all those nice things so I can do them the next time I have a friend come to visit. If you learn any good new recipes I hope you'll share them with us.

    Even with dog walking I don't have nearly enough steps so maybe I'll go walk up and down the hall for awhile :laugh: :laugh:
    hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Quick check in as I have to get ready for work. Down another 6 lbs:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: That's 1 lost from last week's gain and 5 more!! Total of 12.5 in. !! Got to get ready for work!
    God Bless!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Hi ladies!
    Mea culpa. I've been absent so long. I didn't forget about you - I've just gotten swept away by life in general. All is well, except for the added pounds and flab (that's what happens without mfp and too little exercise).:ohwell: .
    Life has been hectic and will be for the next couple months. Will try to check in now and then. Have some travel planned. Going to Florida w/my sisters. Will be wonderful! Then I head to Europe to travel for a week w/my son who is studying abroad. We're doing a whirlwind of Edinburgh, Paris and Barcelona.
    In the meantime, I have lots of paperwork and chores etc. I better get back to it since I have my parents arriving shortly.
    Hope you are all well. Will try to skim the posts tonight.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Wow you ladies are all doing so well! I want to bury my ticker until it moves.

    Just a thought but don't you think our words about weight hark back to the day that being plump was a sign of wealth or great health, and looked on as a good thing? There was a day when we were thin by circumstance not choice. We "gain" weight (+) and we "lose" weight (-). Positive and negative but expressed in the wrong direction. The thought process just seems backward.

    Shouldn't we lose (gain weight) health and gain ( lose weight) health ?

    Have a great day everyone!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    :) Made 10,000+ steps yesterday!

    Went over 1200 C but thanks to the exercise stayed below daily max.

    Gotta keep bankin' those calories for the weekend... ;)

    p.s. to Alice,
    Really like the way you're thinking Gained health instead of lost weight!

    Keep to your plan and the ticker will move... in the right direction!

    Good luck with you size 10 goal, wish me luck with mine?
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Auntiebk--

    I see you have been a member longer than I have, but this is the first time I recall seeing you on the thread, so "Welcome". Now it looks like there are 3 Barbara's active on this thread--you, Barbiecat, and me.

    The rest of you remember me, the one who said she was going to be too busy to post?:blushing: :laugh: Funny how I can find time when my ticker keeps going DOWN!!!:drinker: :drinker: Just for the heck of it, I got weighed this morning, and as you can see, I knocked off another one!! Apparently my plateau/slowdown, whatever, is gone.

    I have a theory. They say people who don't get enough sleep are prone to weight gain. Since I got off the shift that had me out of bed at the crack of dawn, I am getting more sleep, so maybe this is the payoff. I don't care what the reason, I will take it!!

    Barbiecat--I know you will be glad to welcome Jake home!! This morning, I bet it is just a gray and wet at your house as it is at mine. This morning I have to go to my friend Linda's and fix her fence, which the wind did a number on. Her little doggie is banned from using the doggie door until I do, so will take care of this before I go to work this morning.

    Everyone have a great day!!!:flowerforyou:

  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Good morniing ladies. It's been a hectic week, haven't had time to check in. Bought a treadmill yesterday so I can start walking on these rainy days, like today. Used to have a treadmill that I used faithfully everyday for an hour, but I lost it in the divorce....:explode: :sad: :mad: :brokenheart:

    My new husband and I have a small house but I finally decided it was time to make room for another treadmill. Getting ready to jump on.....check in again later.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I did make it to the gym. With the crazy weather, I allowed plenty of time and so I ended up 30 min. early for the yoga class. So I jumped into the tail end of a spin class as a little warm up. I haven't spun in a while -- it actually uses different muscles than a regular bike because muscles I haven't used in ages were sore.

    Then I went home and did a bunch of housekeeping. Next thing you know, it was 4am. I figured, no big deal, I'll sleep in and, as long as I get up by 8:30 am, I'll make it to work before my first commitment.

    But then I remembered Wed. is Crossfit day and I have to be at the meeting place by 6:30am. Oops.

    I got about 45 min. of sleep. :laugh: I think it's going to be a caffeine day.
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning all. Not much happening here weather wise...just dreary, dreary, dreary. I'm starting to feel like the sun will never come out. But, of course, we all know it will eventually. Which is the same, more or less, for that pesky scale...the numbers will eventually move downward if we stick to our healthy choices of portion control, healthy food choices, and exercise! I've concluded that I am wasting significant portions of my life being obsessed with either food or the scale...Lord help me, I'm trying to change that.

    Donna is in my prayers. I have a niece-in-law and a brother-in-law that both have cancer (originally ovarian and mesothelioma). All I can do is pray for them and offer whatever moral support I can as they live in Colorado and California and I am here in Nebraska.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Terri
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Wow you ladies are all doing so well! I want to bury my ticker until it moves.

    Just a thought but don't you think our words about weight hark back to the day that being plump was a sign of wealth or great health, and looked on as a good thing? There was a day when we were thin by circumstance not choice. We "gain" weight (+) and we "lose" weight (-). Positive and negative but expressed in the wrong direction. The thought process just seems backward.

    Shouldn't we lose (gain weight) health and gain ( lose weight) health ?

    Have a great day everyone!

    HA HA! I always say I have a body that Michael Angelo would love!!! My grandmother use to put cream in everything so her kids would look fat and healthy:ohwell: Too bad they found out how bad it is for you:laugh: We'd all be happier, more popular but dead at an early age:laugh: :laugh:
    :wink: BirdieM
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morniing ladies. It's been a hectic week, haven't had time to check in. Bought a treadmill yesterday so I can start walking on these rainy days, like today. Used to have a treadmill that I used faithfully everyday for an hour, but I lost it in the divorce....:explode: :sad: :mad: :brokenheart:

    My new husband and I have a small house but I finally decided it was time to make room for another treadmill. Getting ready to jump on.....check in again later.

    Me too, as far as posting. I'm trying to catch up today!:ohwell:
    Everyone has their plan of exercise that seems to work for them and for me, also, it is my treadmill. :happy: The only excuse I have to NOT go on it, is when my back or knees are a little achy but other than that I just jump on it first thing in the morning, rain or shine and do it. Then I can shower, get dressed, put on my makeup etc and I'm all set for the day!
    Glad you found a spot for it and GOOD LUCK!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Made it to the gym again. I really did not want to go today but I just told myself I had to. I ended up working on the treadmill for 30min. & elliptical for 40. I did not work up to as much as I wanted. I'm feeling down today. I sure wish I felt better. HOWEVER, I know it will pass.

    :heart: Kathy
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    hello everyone,

    I was off the computer yesterday and have just read all your journals. Thanks so much for the encouragement. I really am going to try and look at this as everyday caring about what i eat. I am downthe five pounds I gained and have no idea how.

    I ate ground beef and a chocolate bar but then went to bed without snacks. Hum. Maybe the nighttime popcorn is a problem.

    Thanks so much and keep up the good work. If you don't I won't believe I can be just like all of you. God bless, kc
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member

    Went to my bowling league this morning and actually had a pretty good score. I just wish I could be consistent and do that each week.

    I got my report from my mammogram this week and I have to go back for a follow-up. I've had to do this a couple of times before but it is always scary since my Mom had breast Cancer. She is a 30 yr survivor which is great but it doubles my chances of getting it. Also my Sister-in-law has had it for over 3 years and the drs have said she doesn't have much time left. I'd really like to not have to deal with this at all. I guess it is just one of the things we have to handle as it comes.

    I've been doing good with my calories this week but I am a stress eater and I really don't want to cave to my emotions.

    I think I'll just go read and maybe have a cup of cocoa. It's cold & rainy here today, what my GF and I call a good pajama day.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Hey All

    Just a quick note to say I am alive and well. Still working on the master plan. Still trying to stay married:tongue: Still trying to keep up with my daughter and son. My 14 yr old daughter is a going concern - which means I am a going taxi:laugh: I love that she is involved and I will facilitate that involvement always - even though I gripe about it:laugh: Well fundraising season is upon us! Anybody for some GG cookies - Tupperware - Mom's pantry?? How about a coupon book - Car wash ticket? Symphony Ticket?? IT makes me crazy how much the kids have to sell. I wish I could just write a cheque for their trips and/or activities so I could stop selling stuff! Oh well a couple of years down the road that part will be over. Please someone tell me there is NO fundraising in university:laugh:

    Tonight I am going to a wellness centre to check it out. I have been trying to talk myself out of it the whole day. My stomach actually hurts. I think that I'll be the fattest - or the ugliest - or ask dumb questions - Then I just say "Self You can be fit and beautiful if you would just try!!!!"

    I know these are just panic "don't wanna" feelings and I will come out the victor but boy feelings can sure mess with you can't they?

    I will report back tomorrow on how it went because I WILL GO

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Oh, fundraisers. Blech. There seems to be a trend these days to let people buy out their fundraising obligations and I'm ALL FOR IT. It's way more efficient than selling people crap they don't want an inflated prices.

    My kids' school doesn't do any fundraisers at all. Their old fundraiser did one a year -- and it was basically collecting money. They did have the kids run laps and you could pledge money per lap, but a lot of people pledged a set amount. Nothing to pick up, nothing to sell, nothing to return. Just a piece of paper with some checks attached. I loved it.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    MamaCindy, Keep your chin up and put the fork down. (small bit of humor there)

    I played mammogram roulette this spring. It starts with just one more shot and segues to an MRI
    I also have breast cancer in my family,and every time this happens you cannot help but be frightened.
    The hospital tried to schedule my follow up in 2 weeks, when pushed they got me in the next morning.
    All was well and I pray it will be for you also.

  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Hi, everyone,
    I've been away again, and lots of new names since I was here last. Greetings to all.
    Special hi to Barb, and Barbiecat, Suzzeque and the others who've been a great support over the last months.
    I've been floating through the summer it seems, about where I was before, time to get going again. Feeling some better but seeing the specialist again next week, and hoping for good news.
    Thanks too to Calie for her note.
    Talk to you all soon.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Welcome, back, Ellen, I'm glad you're still on this journey with us.

    As a former teacher, I want to add my lack of enthusiasm for the fund raising done in schools. Years ago I had a t shirt that said, "wouldn't it be great if the schools had all the money they needed and the Air Force had to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber" Neither the schools nor the military should have to be doing their own door-to-door fund raising.

    Jake is home from his trip and we are all delighted, especially the dogs because he made popcorn and he always shares it with them.

    hugs,:heart::heart: :heart:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Hello to all the ladies that joined recently that I haven't "met" yet and to all the ladies that I knew several months ago.
    How is this - twice in one day?!
    heather, how did it go at the wellness center? I feel for you. Keep giving yourself the positive messages. :flowerforyou:
    Kathy, nice to see you. :flowerforyou: I've been off mfp for so long. Sorry to read you're feeling depressed. Hope it passes quickly. You had been so positive and energetic when I had been on mfp before. Maybe it's just that change in weather. We've got 2 nor'easters heading in - will be an ugly couple of days ahead.
    I'm substitute teaching in Special Ed tomorrow so I guess we'll have indoor recess.
    That's about it for now.