Women 50+ for October



  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Good night ladies. I'm off to bed and hopefully will wake up feeling "thin".....tomorrow is my weigh in.
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    When I go to someone's profile and it says you can make comments, How do I do this? Does anyone know.
    Vicki M

    Vickie ... I sent you a message from your profile page to see if that would come up as a comment....
    answer is no it did not. Next I clicked on someone's blog and made a comment...nope, that only shows up as a comment on their blog. I noticed that someone called "mshotknicks" posted a comment on someone's profile page...so hopefully she will read your post... or she started the "10 Pounds At A Time Challenge" found listed under the motivation and support link. You could probably e-mail her and ask her or just click on the the tech/support button that appears at the top of Frequently Asked Questions page that pops up when you click on the help button at the very top of the page.

    Sorry I couldn't figure it out. Terri

    Terri, I went to your profile and sent you a message. It didn't show up as a comment either. Looks like it will only be in your "in" box. I'm sure someone out there has the answer.
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    I tried the stationary bike for awhile but it hurt my butt !!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    When I go to someone's profile and it says you can make comments, How do I do this? Does anyone know.
    Vicki M
    I'm pretty sure that you can only leave comments for people who are listed as your friend. Send a friend request to whoever it is that you want to comment on, then if they accept it, you can leave one. There will be a green button at the bottom of the profile page that says add comment. Hope this helps.

    I am heading for bed. Another long day - work, and then a Walmart trip (an event when you don't have one in your town), and a band rehearsal. Hope everyone has a happy Friday tomorrow!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I am up early this morning. For some reason when hubby left I could not sleep so decided to get up and pay some bills and play on computer. Thanks to all of you. Yes you do have to be friends in order to comment. I decided not to weigh in today but will wait until next Friday. Just does better for me. Hubby and I went to local seafood restaurant last night. I usually have gumbo and salad but decided to treat myself last night. had 2 fried shrimp and 2 pieces fried catfish. Have not had anything fried since Feb. it was good and I do not regret. Stayed within my calories even though I really try to avoid fried foods. I just needed something different. That is the difference for me lately. I choose to eat something like that. It was not a temptation. I chose to do it. I plan to get right back on track today. Need to drink lots and lots of water today. I feel little bloated. Probably the fried stuff and sodium in it.
    I hope you ladies have a great Friday. We are supposed to get our cool weather sometime today. Cant wait. Ready for that.
    Vicki M
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Just a quick check in. It was raining yesterday so we went to the gym for an hour of cardio and then cleaned up and shopped until well past supper time. I'm happy to report that I found some boots, and belts, and jewelery to go with the clothes my friend is now too skinny to wear. I am so blessed! It's gonna take a whole suitcase to get them all home.

    We've been eating quite a bit differently than I did at home so I am disappointed not to have lost anything yet. I'm having no trouble whatsoever staying under my calories. For example: last night supper was half an apple dipped in natural peanut butter. She is still losing at least half a pound a day, while I trudge on with only a pound every week or two. Makes me want to go get my thyroid checked again!

    Well its off to the gym for another workout. I'm stiff all over, tho I wasn't yesterday. Even the balls of my feet ache! Happy Friday y'all!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Jump little froggie, Jump !!! Lost a few more lbs this week in spite of the 3 Seabreezes the other night !! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Well its off to the gym for another workout. I'm stiff all over, tho I wasn't yesterday. Even the balls of my feet ache! Happy Friday y'all!


    Be careful doing too much exercise. Last year I ended up with shin splints because I kept pushing myself. It finally got so bad I had to totally stop exercising for about 2 weeks. Then it was hard getting started again.
    Don't get discouraged because your friend is losing weight in larger doses. I know it's aggravating and doesn't seem fair. But everyone's metabolism is different. Just hang in there.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,522 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    OK so even though I stumbed a bit, lost 3 lbs! Must be Heaven's way of saying "Stay on track!"

    Heather, Hooray for you!
    Going even after the day you had took grit.
    Now you KNOW you have the determination to go and do what must be done.

    Anybody have any good restaurant recommendations for Memphis? Places where I can get lean barbecue and salad, or eat off the appetizer menu?

    Will be there on biz for 2 weeks.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    SUZYQ: Be careful doing too much exercise. Last year I ended up with shin splints because I kept pushing myself. It finally got so bad I had to totally stop exercising for about 2 weeks. Then it was hard getting started again. Don't get discouraged because your friend is losing weight in larger doses. I know it's aggravating and doesn't seem fair. But everyone's metabolism is different. Just hang in there.

    :flowerforyou: SHEILA - Thanks for the reminder and concern. I am being careful. Even at home, I do reps until I feel a burn then only 5 more. Resting between sets. My massuse/trainer at home told me not to do strength training more than twice a week, but that cardio was okay everyday. So that is what I am sticking with here. There are just so many more fun options at the gym! Today I am going to work the parts of my body that aren't sore, like my abs, arms and shouders, then do some cardio.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member

    Be careful doing too much exercise. Last year I ended up with shin splints because I kept pushing myself. It finally got so bad I had to totally stop exercising for about 2 weeks. Then it was hard getting started again.
    Don't get discouraged because your friend is losing weight in larger doses. I know it's aggravating and doesn't seem fair. But everyone's metabolism is different. Just hang in there.

    I sure know about shin splints. I had them so bad I was in a walking cast for months. At the time, I was working at a nursing home and walked all day. (Activities Assistant) Before I would go into work I would go to the mall with my husband and walk for and hour.. Then when I got home from work, I would walk more. Believe me it took years before I could walk without pain. So don't over due. Please. It is not worth it!!!!

    Made it to the gym again. Not my best week for burning calories but I am maintaining. My body really loves these extra pounds. :noway:

    Keep on keeping on!!!

    :heart: Kathy
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Help! I need some advice!

    I went to a chiropractor in town for a free evaluation and he explained about “Relief” care vs. “Corrective Care”. One is temporary and the other one, Corrective, is an 18 mos. Treatment to alleviate 90% of the problem causing my occasional discomfort in my knees, back and feet.


    He’s had this spinal therapy place for over 25 years right here in town, and anyone that I’ve spoken to, that’s gone there, has been satisfied. He does have state of the arc equipment and a team of doctors, but he won’t let me pay per visit and he’s so pushy about it!! I finally got uncomfortable and told him that he was acting like a salesman and was making me uncomfortable! :angry: He said that he absolutely was a salesman regarding this stuff and was proud of his 25 year accomplishments in this field. He’s the official Chiropractor for the CVS Golf Tournament etc. etc. etc…..blah…blah…blah…:mad:

    The agreement says that I can get out of it at anytime, but also says that it’s a financial agreement and not a guarantee of results! My daughter goes there and loves it! It’s the “hard sell” that I’m trying to get my arms around!! Just sounds fishy to me! I already ordered (and paid for) the orthotics for my shoes but am sick about making a decision to make a commitment for either treatment! Why can’t I just go without signing something?

    Has anyone out there ever had this experience?

    BidieM:grumble: :angry: :embarassed:
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Greetings everyone and happy Friday! Once more, I love reading your posts. Congratulations to Auntiebk (Barbara) and Sheilajane for your wt losses and to Suezzzque for being so diligent about exercising while on vacation. Doing the same got me through 17 days away from home in August with a 4 pound weight loss!!! Now I'm looking ahead for two weeks the end of November when we go to Germany to visit my son. It's never too early to plan for success!! Of course the different times of year and locales (August in So. Cal and winter in Germany) will definitely affect my ability to exercise...but if I bundle up I can still go for walks.

    Vicki M - got your e-mail...glad you worked the comment thing out. Rea the fried food treat...my philosophy is "life is too short to deny yourself all the treats all of the time." Choosing to eat something and compulsively eating something because you can't make yourself NOT eat it are two completely different things. One is a choice, the other an addiction. Glad you had a nice dinner out!:happy:

    I went to the Doctor's this morning. My cholesterol has dropped from 258 to 168 (both on medicine) and I'd lost 29 pounds on the doctor's scale from July 1. Yippee--things are headed in the right direction. (I've lost 29 pounds on my home scale too....but I only change my "official" mfp-site weight on Monday's.

    I'm having a football party tomorrow so I'm off to the store to buy baby carrots along with other veggie tray items, apples and fat-free caramel dip for an extra special little treat! I'm already well stocked with baked tostitos and salsa!!:smile: Have a great weekend ladies.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Bidie; I love my Chiropractor but I go when I want to and there is no up front prepayment. that just doesn't
    sound very ethical to me. And remember just because your daughter likes him doesn't mean he is the right fit for you. I don't like anyone being pushy with me about my health issues. That's a red flag to me and I usually get out of there as fast as I can. Of course that is my own opinion but you did ask.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Bidie; I love my Chiropractor but I go when I want to and there is no up front prepayment. that just doesn't
    sound very ethical to me. And remember just because your daughter likes him doesn't mean he is the right fit for you. I don't like anyone being pushy with me about my health issues. That's a red flag to me and I usually get out of there as fast as I can. Of course that is my own opinion but you did ask.

    Thanks.:ohwell: That's the way I'm feeling. Big red flag:noway:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: greetings MFP friends! Well, I weighed every day this week and it was very interesting. It didn't affect me like I thought it would. It actually helped me and I took off 2 of my recent 6 pound gain! I was more conscientious each day and not just working toward the end of the week for my next weigh-in. Have a good weekend!!:flowerforyou:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Help! I need some advice!

    I went to a chiropractor in town for a free evaluation and he explained about “Relief” care vs. “Corrective Care”. One is temporary and the other one, Corrective, is an 18 mos. Treatment to alleviate 90% of the problem causing my occasional discomfort in my knees, back and feet.


    He’s had this spinal therapy place for over 25 years right here in town, and anyone that I’ve spoken to, that’s gone there, has been satisfied. He does have state of the arc equipment and a team of doctors, but he won’t let me pay per visit and he’s so pushy about it!! I finally got uncomfortable and told him that he was acting like a salesman and was making me uncomfortable! :angry: He said that he absolutely was a salesman regarding this stuff and was proud of his 25 year accomplishments in this field. He’s the official Chiropractor for the CVS Golf Tournament etc. etc. etc…..blah…blah…blah…:mad:

    The agreement says that I can get out of it at anytime, but also says that it’s a financial agreement and not a guarantee of results! My daughter goes there and loves it! It’s the “hard sell” that I’m trying to get my arms around!! Just sounds fishy to me! I already ordered (and paid for) the orthotics for my shoes but am sick about making a decision to make a commitment for either treatment! Why can’t I just go without signing something?

    Has anyone out there ever had this experience?

    BidieM:grumble: :angry: :embarassed:

    I have NEVER had anyone ask me to pay up front or sign a contract for a treatment plan. Personally I'd be looking elsewhere for a chiropractor.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I was a claims adjuster for years for a nurse review unit. We thought any Chiro/acupunture treatment much more that 10 visits to be suspicious. For a long time I couldn't understand why the 10 visit treatment plan until it happened to my dog, Kiowa.

    Kiowa got hit by a car. (His fault, not the driver's). The driver was a vegan acupunturist. She honestly would not hurt a fly. The poor lady felt terrible and brought Kiowa to the vet and paid his bill. He wasn't hurt bad, but he was a coward and was crying horribly. My Vet jokingly said he needed a chiropractor or acupunture to straighten his back and ease the pain or a mental health counselor.

    This lady immediately offered to treat him for free. (This is when we found out what she did for a living) She said if she couldn't fix him up in 10 treatments, accupunture wouldn't work.

    Kiowa loved going to the spa for his treatments. I should add he was a 100lb blond German Shepherd with a black nose and face markings. A handsome dog.

    He'd lay on the table with the therapists swooning over him and somewhere between visit 5 and 6 he was obviously feeling better. He was completely healed in the 10 visits. The lady provided free services for him until he died. She never did more than 10 treatments for any of his many issues as he got older. Kiowa lived to be 17 years old and could get around until 2 weeks before he died.

    So, I'd be vary wary of this doctor and investigate more. I agree. It just doesn't sound right.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Sorry for the double post-

    I also have a chiropractor story about a show horse. The doctor also only did a 10 visit treatment plan. I'll save Super Brat's story for another day. It's a real tear jerker with a happy ending.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :smile: SuzyQ and Jeannie,
    Thanks for your thoughts. I guess I need to hear things like that because some of these people are just in your face so much, it's hard to think clearly.:noway: Then they make you feel like you're the one who doesn't seem to get it!:angry::explode:

    Also, to everyone, I have not been keeping up my posting but I do try to read them:smile:

    :love: Welcome to all those that I haven't had the privilege to post with!

    :flowerforyou: Congratulations to everyone with their victories, as there are some real kudos to be given out:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :smooched: For those struggling, hang in there! I pray for everyone on this thread!

    I will try to keep up my posting this weekend although I have my two grandsons that I'm babysitting tonight:laugh: Can you tell...their in bed:laugh: :laugh:

    Have a great weekend!
