Women 50+ for October



  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    There are so many Chiropractors who want treatments to go on forever. I have gone to a very good one who states her goal as "helping you to heal." If that can't be done in a reasonable number of visits and treatments she will refer you to another practitioner. She is a far cry from many around here, who treat their patients unendingly for the same condition. They get temporary relief and then need another treatment, some people I know have an appointment every week for one joint or another.

    Have greeat weekends everyone!

    Good night all; Alice
  • sissy56
    sissy56 Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks for all the encouraging posts everyone. Birdie, I used to work for an insurance company. A family called trying to get extra treatments approved because the chiropractor told them he could cure their child's Down syndrome. I'm sure there are ethical chiros out there, but keep asking questions.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hi anyone who is still up. this is KC

    Birdie, I worked for a chiropractor for a long time. My current one took me when I walked into his office one day in tears because I hurt so bad. I said I don't have a dime. He took me in and has treated me every since. Even the man who has now taken over his practice treats me for 13 dollars a week. This guy sounds like he's trying to lock you in. Don't do it.

    Barbie, your dogs are cute. Almost as cute as my grandboys.

    Birdie, you are an inspiration to me.
    Well, after my complaining earlier this week, i went to be and cried and basically told God I'd had it with myself and I couldn't take it anymoe. The next day I went to kids school and the mom said, "we were just talking about you and how much weight you've lost. I told them about my prayer and one of them said she'd lost 40 pds on South Beach.

    Well, to make a long story short, I went to the thrift store and bought it for 99 cents. I went shopping and laid in some veggies and lean meat and today, believe it or not, I am down 9 pds. Well, it's the 9 I gained but hey! I feel a liitle low blood sugar when I need to eat, otherwise I am feeling so much better and my diabetes numbers are awesome.

    So thank you for your encouragement and thank God for hearing my prayers because I think he truly answered them. kc
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    Well, I am back on track.
    I am losing again, but I would like to lose four pounds for the remainder of the month----even thought I said two.
    Plan on doing cardio tomorrow and tracking my intake.
    Lot's of water, water water.
    Did weights today for about an hour.
    Got to stay focused!
    :glasses: :glasses: :glasses: :glasses: :glasses: :glasses:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Chart

    Hello everyone.
    Haven't completed my cardio goal but I have lifted weights three times this week.
    Only drank five glasses of water but I am going to still keep posting my goals.

    Cardio 3-4 times a week
    Weights 2-3 times a week
    lose four pounds this month.
    Drink 8 glasses of water daily.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :drinker: Just got home from an hour of cardio at the gym. It always amazes me how much more energy I have after sweating that long. Finally lost the pound I gained earlier this week. :happy: I'm blaming it on travel.

    Last night RayRay made a yummy low cal/low carb pumpkin dessert you should all try. Even the non-dieters loved it.

    I entered it in the recipe index and food database. Here's the link:


    i think it would be even better with a sprinkling of chopped nuts on top.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: It is still raining here :noway: so inside exercising for me again today. Even though I would rather go outside and walk in the sunshine I am happy. :smile: I found a bunch of VHS tapes that I recorded 3 years ago and thought were gone forever. Two of them are Leslie Sansone with the "Walk Away Belt" (since I don't own the Walk Away Belt I am using weights and a Curves Elastic Belt instead). The other tapes are kick boxing, Pilates and Interval Walking.
    :ohwell: I didn't lose any weight so far this week but am holding steady at 179. It is my own fault. even though I am staying within my calories. I need to stay a little under or right at 1200.
    :wink: I've already done Leslie Sansone 3 mile, I think I'll go do the kick boxing tape now. I really want to lose another 10 lbs. before my son's wedding.
    :heart: I Hope all are having a wonderful Saturday. Be safe, be happy and may everyone have good health. For those who are in stress and distress my prayers go out to you. Hugs, Rosemary
    Drink :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: that water....
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :frown: it's me again...no kick boxing for me. I guess three years of being in a box has taken it's toll on my tape:laugh: :laugh: so the 2 mile will have to do. Later
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :laugh: OH NO It's me again....I was reading my e-mails and came across this article I thought you might like to read. Some of you probaly have already seen this article but for those who Haven't.....read on.:smile:
    The diet mentality says we are either on a diet or off a diet, or that if we eat something fun it is "cheating." This state of mind has proven time and time again to result in failure; just ask anyone who has struggled with weight. But year after year, some new, self-proclaimed diet expert writes a book that promotes this type of thinking because the idea of "cheating" or eating "forbidden" foods is alluring — and marketable.

    The truth, however, is that for more than 40 years, medical centers across the country have promoted a lifestyle-change approach to weight loss that says there are no foods that are off-limits. So there's no need to beat yourself up for "cheating" and certainly no need to plan "cheat days." According to this lifestyle-change philosophy, you eat according to a plan that does not eliminate foods from your diet. You simply choose nutritionally balanced, whole foods that help you control hunger, include some of your favorite (and perhaps less balanced) foods on occasion so you don't feel deprived, and always practice appropriate portion control. If you love chocolate cake, for example, then occasionally put it in your plan and enjoy it. Just balance that out with other healthy choices and, of course, stay active.

    This approach gets rid of the guilt created by negative words like "cheating" or "going off your diet" and gives you the power to include your favorite foods within a sensible plan. This way of eating can last a lifetime; diets do not.
    :wink: Food for thought
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    It's rainy & cold in NC today. I put this recipe in the crock pot today. It was yummy.

    Chili Con Turkey

    1 lb. ground turkey
    1 Can (14 oz) Rotel original
    1 Can Black Beans, rinsed
    1 Can sweet corn, drained
    1 Package chili seasoning
    1 Tbs. ground flax seed

    Brown Turkey. Add everything else but the rice and cook over low heat for at least 10 minutes. (Or put it in the crock pot and slow cook it on low)

    Serve over the brown rice.

    Serves 4. Calories 482

    (I entered this recipe in the listed foods so you can look for it there when you put it in your food diary.)

    I've had what my BF & I call a pajama day. But now I'm going to have a cup of coffee & then do a leisurely walk on the treadmill. Have stayed within my calories and will probably have a little fruit this evening. Stay Warm!

    Rosemary: Eating what I want within the limits of my caloric intake is exactly what I want to do. I don't want to be mindlessly eating or stress eating but I don't want to totally eliminate the things I love either.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    This has been a goofy day for us. the power went out right after breakfast (I'm so glad it wasn't before breakfast because I love my protein shake and hot tea :bigsmile: ). It was raining too much for me to walk or for Jake to play golf. the exercise bike will run on batteries but it's not as much fun to ride when there's no TV to watch :laugh:

    I finished reading my book by the light of an oil lamp (the power never seems to go out on a bright sunny day, only on a dark, cloudy, rainy day :laugh: :laugh: ). We fixed chicken and veggies on the propane grill for lunch so we ate well. The power came back on while we were eating.

    Now the girls are here to groom the dogs so even if I turned the TV on, I wouldn't be able to see it because the dog grooming table is in front of the TV.

    I spent so much of my life entertaining myself with food that it's time for a change. I'm in search of different ways to entertain myself rather than trying to figure out how to include "entertaining food" in my daily food plan. Today my treats for high exercise (high calorie) days are peanut butter, almonds, bananas, sweet potatoes, Kashi cereal,etc. I want my body to last a long time so I've decided to feed it only really healthy food. So far, this is working for me.

    It's late afternoon and I have fewer than 5000 steps so this may be my day of rest.
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart:
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    :wink: :smile: :happy: :wink: :smile: :happy: :laugh: :smile: :wink: :happy: :wink: :smile: :happy:
    Happy Saturday!
    Well, I didn't workout today. I slept in and it felt so good! Had to pick up guests at the airport and they hadn't eaten so I took them out to eat. I chose the place---so we had a very healthy lunch. I did have a homemade peanut butter granola bar--I got the recipe off of this site. I also bought a new blender last night and I plan on fixing a protein shake later on.
    My eating is definitely on track.

    I should reach my water goal today.
    I didn't reach my work out goal for the week. BUT I am so happy that I lifted weights three times this week--which has been a long-term goal.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :wink: Hi All…..catching up!!!

    :happy: Sissy56, Kc and everyone who gave me advice about the chiropractor, thank you!!!:flowerforyou:
    You helped me to see, what I think I already knew but needed confirmation on!:wink: I called the Chiropractor’s office today and told the receptionist that I will not be going there and have decided to go to my husband’s chiropractor! :bigsmile: My hubby has one in the town he works in, but it’s a 40 min drive from my house! Now in RI that’s a lot. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: So instead of finding someone local I found someone LOCO!!! :laugh: :laugh: I guess the drive is worth not having to deal with this pushy and money hungry person!!!:angry::ohwell: :happy:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Terri: 25-29 lbs!!! That’s great!!! Also, the cholesterol drop was equally as amazing!! God Bless!!! (Hope the football game party went well Fri night!)

    :happy: Doobiedoo: What ever works for you!!!
    Hey that rhymes!!!

    :flowerforyou: Kc Praise the Lord for those 9 lbs lost! God always answers our prayers, but we aren’t always privy to the answers! This time it was very clear!! :wink:

    :happy: Fabulocity: Whatever you are doing is MORE than you would be doing if you weren’t trying. The glass is half empty or half full?
    Sounds like Saturday is turning out to be a real good day!:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ: I’d love to have that same kind of energy at the beginning of the day!!:laugh: I haven’t started weight lifting, but my daughter has an “Infinity III Multi Station Training Center” in her room and I hope some day she shows me how to use it. :happy: I’m so inspired with what you and others have accomplished!:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Rosemarie: You’re doing well! Those tapes (DVDs) are great tools! Stay focused on your food, like you said, and don’t think about the wedding. :noway: Success seems to happen when we’re not planning on it but just doing the right thing:happy:
    E.g.: My niece got married this month, and when I started this program in August everyone thought I was doing it for the wedding. I WASN’T!! :noway: :noway: I had just had it with the weight :grumble: and by the time the wedding came, I was down 15 lbs. :happy: I got so many compliments and everyone was amazed and wondered how I did it! :blushing: :blushing: I can almost guarantee that if my goal was the wedding, I would have been concentrating on the wrong thing, getting nervous watching the calendar, and wouldn’t have lost! :ohwell:
    And now…..what goal would I have? Do it for YOU, for HEALTHY changes, and for TODAY and you might be surprised how much better you’ll do!! I am now down 20 lbs and no wedding!!! Just pure satisfaction and gratitude!:drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I agree with the article. If you “go on” something….there’s always the fear of “going off” of it. :wink:

    :tongue: Mamacindy: That recipe sounds great!:tongue:

    :ohwell: Barbie: I lost my electricity yesterday just as I was about to get on my treadmill!! My husband said I should have still done it and would have worked off more calories :laugh: (his sense of humor)
    Those propane grills come in handy, we have a gas grill on the deck so we’re never stuck for a good meal.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Have a great "rest of the weekend" everyone!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :smile: Good morning ladies, ANOTHER YUCKY, :grumble: RAINY DAY The wind is howlin', branches are fallin', and I think I may have had a fever last night cause I was chilled to the bone and could not get warm. We still have electric, thank GOD. I did cardio and weights 5 days this week so :wink: I think I will do Yoga today to help soothe my soul.:happy:
    Thank you everyone for all the support, suggestions, recipes and concern. It is very much appreciated. Hope everyone has a warm and cozy Sunday, Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good morning everyone. I am so sorry that I have been MIA. I miss all of you and realize that I need the help and encouragement that I get from this thread. I will just have to fight more for the computer or sneak in some computer time at work when no one is looking.

    It sounds like several of you are having some terrible weather. I think that losing power is very romantic. Just light some candles and cuddle up with your loved ones.

    :flowerforyou: Fabulocity, it sounds like you really have it together. I am sure that you will succeed with your weight lose and healthy life style.

    I have added another Zumba hour to my week. Plus, I am now doing two hours per week of strength classes. I am hoping that upping my exercises that I can jump start my weight lose some.

    :flowerforyou: Wow, SuziQ...I just noticed your new picture. You look soooo thin in it.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :smile: Good morning ladies, ANOTHER YUCKY, :grumble: RAINY DAY The wind is howlin', branches are fallin', and I think I may have had a fever last night cause I was chilled to the bone and could not get warm. We still have electric, thank GOD. I did cardio and weights 5 days this week so :wink: I think I will do Yoga today to help soothe my soul.:happy:
    Thank you everyone for all the support, suggestions, recipes and concern. It is very much appreciated. Hope everyone has a warm and cozy Sunday, Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    The rain and wind are soooo bad in RI that I had a hard time holding on to my shopping cart!:noway: I make sure I go to the store and stock up on all the foods I like to eat so I have no excuse to start picking in things that I really don't want to!! And it's all things I LIKE!!! Whenever I go to the store I try to find one item that's new, healthy and good:tongue:
    Have a great day!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning everyone. I am so sorry that I have been MIA. I miss all of you and realize that I need the help and encouragement that I get from this thread. I will just have to fight more for the computer or sneak in some computer time at work when no one is looking.

    Sometimes it's hard to get time on the computer.:ohwell: I hate getting behind , which I do at times, because the posts go up so fast I can't catch up:laugh: :laugh: If it's slow at work, I do some reading and some posting. Sometimes my husband and daughter take up the time :angry: and I just ask them to let me use it! We are worth it.:wink: YOU are worth it and I believe it's something that helps with our journey:wink:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Fall in New Mexico is wonderful as long as you don't mind not seeing the maples turn colors. We have a few stands of them here and there, but our fall colors are mostly yellow and white with a little red and orange thrown in. The tempurtures are what make it so great. Warm during the day and cold at night.

    A coworker showed me a trail near our office that I did not know was there. It was very exciting to have an alternative to walking around the parking lot. It is a paved city bike trail, but on week days we shouldn't run into any cyclists.

    Have a great day all!

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    I have added another Zumba hour to my week. Plus, I am now doing two hours per week of strength classes. I am hoping that upping my exercises that I can jump start my weight lose some.

    :smile: Hello and good afternoon. What is Zumba? Sounds interesting. I have seen it in other post and am curious, Rosemary
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Laurel, thank you so much for sharing the article about weight loss mentality. Insightful and helpful.

    Birdie...good choice on the chiropractor...and thanks for the kudos on weight and cholesterol. I'm thrilled with both, needless to say.

    Suezzzque---I posted a question on your recipe on the recipe page...I've never heard of Stevia, is it similar to Splenda? I am assuming that it is some type of sweetener.

    Football party yesterday went well. Even though I did not have time to do mfp (till very late at night), my journal or my exercise. Cleaning house and pulling out some fall decorations helped with the lack of exercise. I am pleased to say that my contributions to the food were a veggie tray with fat free veggie dip, baked tostitos and salsa, popcorn, raw almonds, and reduced fat as well as Rosemary Olive Oil Triscuits and cheese. Fortunately the more fattening dips and chips (and yes, that does include meaty nacho cheese dip) came and went home with my guests. What little indulgence I had in one of my favorite fattening foods was limited to the party and thoroughly enjoyed!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Have a great Sunday. OA meeting is calling to me...

    :heart: Terri
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    I have been absent today cause Hubby and I went shopping. We got up this morning and took our winter clothes out of the barn. It has finally turned cold here in South Louisiana. When hubby put his jeans on they were entirely too big. I tried on all of my clothes from last winter and very little fit. I really dont need anything right away but hubby did so I suggested we go shopping. We went to Baton Rouge and were very successful. He got his jeans. I bought two pair of boots. Got a very good sale. One pair was only $6.00. I also bought me a little black dress. I needed a basic black and it was on sale plus I had a coupon. The best part was it was a size 10. We ate out twice but ate very well. I came home and ate cereal for supper. Sounds like you are all doing well. Tired now so I will talk to you tomorrow.
    Vicki M