Women 50+ for October



  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Greetings to all. This is such a great sight! Why is it that knowing others share in your pain and trials somehow diminishes your own? As far as having set-backs...it is just my goal to not have my usual Autumn set-back that usually turns into a full-fledged back-slide where I wind up weighing what I began at, if not more.:explode: There's just something about college football that screams nacho cheese for me (one of my biggest weaknesses). I am struggling to change my life by changing my attitude to food. Just seeing so many of these wonderful posts helps me want to keep going and not give up

    Hope everyone has a relaxing evening and a good start to the week!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    You need to change to the channel where the footballs are screaming "baby carrots, hummus, celery, salsa!!" :laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously, if it is not in the house, it can't call your name, :noway: or if it does, you will be too far away from it to hear!!!

    I made that mistake earlier in the week with the Newman Ohs Ginger Creme Cookies. Two of those pesky things has 130 calories, and they were my "binge food" when too many carbs came a' callin' as described in my prior post.

    I stuck to my veggie fruit regimen, except for 3 oz of lamb roast as part of dinner. A friend invited me to her house, so I brought a green salad and peaches for dessert. She does a baked root vegetable dish with yams, carrots, red onion and beets a a little olive oil that is EXCELLENT!! So I filled up on veggies and salad, had a little meat and peaches with a touch of whipped cream for dessert. Stayed well within my calories for the day, and under 1500 on the sodium, so I guess I have climbed back in my wagon after all.:drinker:

    Poor Mai Li, I guess our walk of this morning was a little more than she could handle, she is like Uncle Joe from that old 60's sitcom--"Petticoat Junction"--where the theme says"..and that's Uncle Joe, he's a movin' kinda slow..at the Junction.":laugh: :laugh: I took the dogs out before I left for dinner, and after about two minutes she was standing there looking at me, and when I asked, "Is it time for good little doggies to go home?" She was already point in that direction before I finished the question, with Pepper right behind her!!:laugh:

    Well, a good night to all. Two of the best things about my new schedule are 1) I don't have to get up at 4 am to go to work on Monday, AND 2) I don't have to get up at ANY time on Monday to go to work, because it is one of my DAYS OFF!! Hallelujah!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    That's great news, Lynn.

    So I slept through my morning workout. I didn't get to bed until 3am so I think I had a good excuse! :laugh:

    I did an alternate at the gym after lunch. Swimming intervals. I love to swim, but I would have rather swum in the ocean, like I planned, than the pool.

    Then the family went out to dinner and I took the kids grocery shopping. (They like to come so they can pick out their own snacks.) My son got bored and went back to the car to listen to the radio and the darn car almost didn't start again. Last time he did that, he ran the battery all the way down in about 20 min. but he managed to get the radio, A/C and daytime running lights all on. This time he only had the radio on so I think my battery is hosed. And my car is less than a month old!

    Oh, but get this.... dh decided to WALK HOME from McDonalds instead of go grocery shopping. He also turned down finishing MacBoy's McFlurry. I was IN SHOCK. I had hoped to inspire him to take a weight loss journey of his own but, until now, it wasn't happening.

    Because my morning workout was so late, my afternoon workout became an evening one. I just ran a 5k around my neighborhood and I am FINALLY running under 9 min. per mile! (When I first started running for 25-30 min. at a time back in Feb., I was doing 12.5 min miles. I can't believe how fast I've gotten this season. Now, the really fast people who win everything are probably snickering, but I'm happy.

    I'm driving to San Diego with my daughter this weekend. We'll visit family and I'm doing a very short triathlon on Sunday followed by a bike ride with Chrissie Wellington who just won her 3rd Ironman Championship. She's my idol and I'm so excited to actually meet her, workout with her and have a picnic lunch with her.
  • sumer_13
    sumer_13 Posts: 81 Member
    :smile: Good morning everyone.....wishing all a great day on program.....we can sure do this!!

    The alarm on!! I came out of the bed and started my workout......i am so sore!! need to work through it and did.....Turbo Jam 43 minutes....burned some serious calories..... seems like everyone is doing good.....keep the work up.....:smile: off to work.....check in later this evening.......have a great one...

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good Morning! I'm back from camping. I had a great weekend, and didn't gain any weight (or lose any, but didn't expect to.) Hope everyone had a great weekend. Only 2 1/2 weeks or so until we set goals again - don't know if I will make mine, but still hope to. Have a marvelous Monday!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Packing today for my trip to Pittsburgh to visit my bestest friend. More time consuming since I have to try everything on before it goes in the suitcase. :happy: LOVE how my too big pile is growing. I have one pair of jeans that actually fit, and one pair of khakis that will stay up if I wear a belt. Looks like I'm taking a mostly empty suitcase so far. PTL my friend is giving me all her size 12 "fat clothes" now that she's a size 4! At least I won't have to worry about constantly being exposed to high calorie foods since we are both eat pretty much the same things. She got me a visitors pass to her gym too!

    Tomorrow will be taken with travel, so I REALLY need to get in an extra good workout today. :drinker:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Hubby is home. HOORAH!!! He got home last night and we went and had a salad about 9 pm. It was late but I stayed within my calories. He has been eating so little he wanted a good meal. He wanted Outback but they were closed so he settled for Copeland's. He did get up and go to work this morning but said he may take afternoon off. It is just good to have him home. He did weigh this morning and he is down to 178. That means 4 pounds to get below his weight. I will get there sometime. I am glad he is losing again. He always loses when he goes on a job. Just one little one today. Schools have fall break. If he gets home for the afternoon we need to cover the pool for the winter. Will probably go to gym later tonight. Have a great day ladies. Talk to you later.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good Morning all!

    I'm at work, so this needs to be short.

    To everyone with health issues and / or family health issues - I hope all goes well for you this week and things start looking up and getting better.

    To those of us stuck and not loosing - hang in there and take the time to reflect on what you are doing and if there is any small change you can make to get things moving again. Hang in there either way, weight loss will come.

    Have a great day,

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi All!!:flowerforyou:

    Remember me?--the one who said she wasn't posting as often. (Yeah, right :laugh: ) Well I never said I would take time to BRAG!! Thank you Suzzeque!!! I did the veggie fruit and water regimen yesterday, and only had a little lamb roast w/my dinner, kept, my sodium to under 1500 mg & voila!! I lost the 2.5 pounds that had snuck back and were "hanging around" and another as well, so I am FINALLY at 40 lbs GONE!! WOO HOO!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Now I feel like it is possible I will be down 50 lbs. by November 7th, my aunt and uncle's anniversary party.

    Linda, I took a moment to look at your profile. The second pic with the before and after photos is very striking. You CAN do this!!! Anyone who is posting at 5 AM CT AFTER their morning workout is certainly motivated, so best of luck to you!!!

    I have lots to do today, so I will bask in my glory while cleaning house.:laugh: :laugh:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I'm anxious to go walking but I like to wait for an hour after I drink anything so I can walk longer on my route that has no rest room along the way.:laugh: :drinker:

    Happy Thanksgiving to Heather, Heather, Marie, and everyone else in Canada. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, I walk alone except when my husband is home (not traveling or not playing golf). If I waited for someone to go with me, I'd never go. I have an MP3 player loaded with music I love and I enjoy my music and the sights while I walk. Yesterday a friend asked if she could meet me at the dog park and I was thrilled until I discovered that she wasn't a walker and wanted to sit on a bench in the sun and talk and watch the dogs. Sometimes when I walk I compose the post I'll write for all of you when I get back. I usually don't write anything but I feel like I'm talking to you while I walk.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, my cleanse day went well. I know friends who get a tremendous sense of exhilaration from cleansing. I just try to endure it and keep myself busy. It always jump starts some more weight loss but isn't nearly as much fun as eating.

    :flowerforyou: Terri, take autumn one day at a time. Read our posts every day to remind you of your focus so you can meet the challenges of food and stress that will come your way. You can do this. You are not destined to repeat your old mistakes.

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, as a non runner (I have to do low impact stuff) I admire your running and the great improvement you've made. All we can do is compete against ourselves and try to do better every day. That's what you're doing.....and the great stuff you've accomplished along with raising kids:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Good luck on your triathlon:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Linda, how cool that you can get out of bed and start your workout immediately.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Mary, glad you had a good time camping

    :flowerforyou: Susan, have a great time with your friend. How great that your clothes don't fit and how nice that you have a friend to pass on something that you can wear. Enjoy:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I'm so glad for you that your husband is home. Best wishes on your goal of weighing less than hubby. You can do it.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, best wishes on your goal to get into that cute ski outfit. :bigsmile:

    It was 33 degrees when I got up this morning. It will be a little warmer when I go for my walk but I'll wear jacket, hat, gloves, with the anticipation of taking some of them off as I warm up and the air warms up.

    Have a great day,,,,,,Only two more sleeps until Jake gets home......it's pretty quiet here without him.
    hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Barb, you were posting while I wrote my long message. How great that you discarded (released, disposed of) more weight.. That 40 pounds lost looks great on your ticker.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Remember me?--the one who said she wasn't posting as often. (Yeah, right :laugh: ) Well I never said I would take time to BRAG!! Thank you Suzzeque!!! I did the veggie fruit and water regimen yesterday, and only had a little lamb roast w/my dinner, kept, my sodium to under 1500 mg & voila!! I lost the 2.5 pounds that had snuck back and were "hanging around" and another as well, so I am FINALLY at 40 lbs GONE!! WOO HOO!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


    Wow! 40 pounds down is such a HUGE accomplishment. Glad you "took time" to brag a bit. Reading of your success makes it that much easier for the rest of us with lots to lose to keep on keeping on. You go girl! :drinker:
  • jmann1100
    jmann1100 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello...I am 50 years old, going through menopause and need to lose about 65 lbs. I have tried Weight Watchers with a little success, but not much. I hate exercise, but vow to try harder. I am also trying to quit smoking which is probably my biggest health risk. I welcome any and all suggestions, advice, etc. to make this journey easier. I just want to get healthy!! I am tired of being overweight!!Thanks for letting me join you .
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    good afternoon ladies,
    It turns out I have not children today. heather took Emma to work with her. After I found out I went to the gym before I coudl talk myself out of it. Had a great workout. Glad I got it out of the way.
    Barbie, I had to chuckle at your 2 more sleeps. When my oldest grandchild was little that is how we explained time to her. We would tell her we were going in 2 more sleeps or whatever the case may be. Brought back great memories. Thanks. I know how you are looking forward to his homecoming.
    Welcome to newcomers. You will love this site. Congrats Barb. 40 lbs is awesome.
    Talk to you later.
    Vick M
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Greetings all and hope your Monday is going great. Also hope all those who are under the weather may soon be feeling well.

    Thank you Barb and Barbie for your comments. I value both of your inputs. I am happy to report that I haven't actually succumbed to the nacho cheese dip...just thought about it....so far I've been serving up veggie trays and baked or multigrain tostitos (both are delicious) with home made salsa!! Mmm-mmm good! And Barbie, I am working hard on the one-day at a time thing...I know it works...but I do tend to get a little over-anxious and want to jump ahead! OA is helping me greatly with this!

    It is mid-day and while I have done my weekly weigh-in (only down one pound, but at least I am down one:smile:) and my journal page, I have not gotten to the exercise or daily devotion yet. Went with hubbie to transfer MIL from a skilled nursing facility back to her assisted living home after a bout with a cracked pelvis that happened on Sept. 19). It felt really good to get her back to someplace that feels much more cheerful, cozy, and homey! Now however...time for me!!

    Have a great day!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I'm back from my walk. It never got warm.......cloud cover never went away. I walked for an hour and 43 minutes and saw a deer and a squirrel along with the beautiful scenery. Now I'm fixing lunch.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, I'm glad to hear that your dad is progressing well. Best wishes to you for continued emotional balance as you cheer on his recovery.

    :flowerforyou: Fabulocity, it's good to hear from you again.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, you are so busy all the time. Your posts always make me smile

    :flowerforyou: jmann, welcome to the thread. these women changed my life and I hope the same will happen to you. Check in with us every day, as your questions, share your success and setbacks. Take it one day at a time, take baby steps, don't try to change your whole life at once, stay open minded to new ideas, and drink a lot of water :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Terri, my husband is in Ohio helping his brothers move their mother into a nursing home and out of her apartment. She seems to be resigned to the fact that she can't take care of herself. Glad to hear that your MIL is moving out of the nursing home. Glad to hear that you're finding the healthy snack foods. Congrats on losing another pound.:bigsmile:

    hugs, :heart: :heart:
  • HeatherMMB
    Hi All!!:flowerforyou:

    Remember me?--the one who said she wasn't posting as often. (Yeah, right :laugh: ) Well I never said I would take time to BRAG!! Thank you Suzzeque!!! I did the veggie fruit and water regimen yesterday, and only had a little lamb roast w/my dinner, kept, my sodium to under 1500 mg & voila!! I lost the 2.5 pounds that had snuck back and were "hanging around" and another as well, so I am FINALLY at 40 lbs GONE!! WOO HOO!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Now I feel like it is possible I will be down 50 lbs. by November 7th, my aunt and uncle's anniversary party.

    Linda, I took a moment to look at your profile. The second pic with the before and after photos is very striking. You CAN do this!!! Anyone who is posting at 5 AM CT AFTER their morning workout is certainly motivated, so best of luck to you!!!

    I have lots to do today, so I will bask in my glory while cleaning house.:laugh: :laugh:


    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    WAY TO GO BARB!! this is when it's VERY good to hit the big 40!! you have bragging rights for sure!
    Congratulations!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMMB
    Hi Jamann - this is the best thread - these ladies are the best!! Advice that works - take it one day at a time - NEVER beat yourself up - drink lots and lots of water and move whenever you can!!

    Welcome!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Barb- I just had to jump on to give you a big CONGRADULATIONS on the 40 lbs! Way to go!

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just a quick note tonight I am exhausted and need to go to bed early (earlier than usual) :flowerforyou: I just had to say: Congratulations suezzzque and Barb on the weight loss.
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I love to walk with my earphones on and do so just about every day at lunch time. I would just like to have some place serene and beautiful to go for long walks. When we went camping I hiked everyday, it was wonderful.
    To everyone prayers and hugs. May God bless and keep you and your loved ones safe.
    May he bring home those away and bless those in transition. Love to all, Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: