Sexy September Starters



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey ali! glad u had a good thnxgiving and got to cook a lot. it doesnt matter that u weren't able to eat a ton load of food, what matters is that u had a great time and u did try the food, I'm sure u enjoyed it just as much as if u had over eaten. You should be happy. I did not count calories on Thursday, it was my free day but then with all the left overs we took home fri became a free day too. oh boy. The only think I am proud of is that I made myself get up and do my regular turbo jam workouts on Thurs, Fri and Sat. So hopefully all that food didn't do me too bad. Sat and Sun I didn't log but had relatively light meals. Just finished my TOM so will wait til Sat to weigh in after I've worked out and started up on my water again. That's another thing I left slide - not enough water this weekend. Oh well tomorrow is a new week and with only 2 weeks before going home to see my family - it's crunch time!!!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone;

    This week is going to be tough for me and my family. My brother called in Hospice care for our dear sister-in-law. (3+ years of battling breast cancer). As of yesterday, the hospice nurse said she will be gone in 2-3 days. Emotional eating has always been a problem for me but I know food doesn't solve anything. I know I will be taking a trip to TX at the end of this week so my routine and schedule will be so different. I just pray I can make wise food choices during this stressful time and still get some walking in.

    I was down a pound and a half this morning. That made me happy to have a loss over Thanksgiving weekend!
    It isn't all about food!

    SW: 150
    CW: 146
    GW: 130

    Hope you all have a good week.

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Morning everyone;

    This week is going to be tough for me and my family. My brother called in Hospice care for our dear sister-in-law. (3+ years of battling breast cancer). As of yesterday, the hospice nurse said she will be gone in 2-3 days. Emotional eating has always been a problem for me but I know food doesn't solve anything. I know I will be taking a trip to TX at the end of this week so my routine and schedule will be so different. I just pray I can make wise food choices during this stressful time and still get some walking in.

    I was down a pound and a half this morning. That made me happy to have a loss over Thanksgiving weekend!
    It isn't all about food!

    SW: 150
    CW: 146
    GW: 130

    Hope you all have a good week.



    I'm really sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. Even though it's hard on everyone to lose a loved one, it sounds like she has had a long struggle and at least her pain will be over soon. Take care of yourself during this stressful time. Remember that exercise will relieve stress and release endorphines, so if you do have the time, it might be a better idea to take a walk than eat something rich. The exercise will help your body cope with the stress, but the food will not.

    Congrats on losing weight over Thanksgiving.

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    wow where has everyone been all week?

    Well I finally have a weightloss to report, lol. I'm down 5lbs since I last weighed in which is probably a month ago.

    Hope everyone is doing great :)
  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Hello to all my fellow ladies,

    I am so sorry it's been so long. I REALLY need to get back on track 100%! I am proud of you ladies that have stuck with it through these last few weeks. My stomach has still been giving me problems so therefore I haven't worked out much lately. I am up 2 lbs but don't will be gone again very soon.

    Congrats to Ali, Nola, and Cindy for your losses. Congrats to anyone else that may have lost also. My Thanksgiving was great and I hope all of yours were also.

    Blessings to all of you ladies,

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    wow where has everyone been all week?

    Well I finally have a weightloss to report, lol. I'm down 5lbs since I last weighed in which is probably a month ago.

    Hope everyone is doing great :)

    WOW! That's great Nola! You're more than half way done!!!
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Hello to all my fellow ladies,

    I am so sorry it's been so long. I REALLY need to get back on track 100%! I am proud of you ladies that have stuck with it through these last few weeks. My stomach has still been giving me problems so therefore I haven't worked out much lately. I am up 2 lbs but don't will be gone again very soon.

    Congrats to Ali, Nola, and Cindy for your losses. Congrats to anyone else that may have lost also. My Thanksgiving was great and I hope all of yours were also.

    Blessings to all of you ladies,


    Hi Jessica! I'm sorry to hear that your stomach isn't feeling well. I think food is most of weight loss, and exercise is just a nice extra boost -- but hopefully you'll be able to get back to exercising again. I know moving around a lot will help during the holiday food frenzy.

    I have my first Christmas dinner on Wednesday, but I'm so lucky because it's at Ruby Tuesday so I can get the salad bar or order something healthier off of the menu. I'm hoping I can avoid holiday parties that involve trays of unhealthy food scattered around a room. Those are definitely my weakness, and have been the one type of social situation I have never really left feeling proud.

    On a more positive note, this Tuesday ends a 6-week challenge for me (on another thread) and although I'm not sure I'm going to get down to my goal for this 6 weeks because I did aim pretty high, I am pretty sure I'm going to have a good loss on Tuesday. I've cut out most of my candy and free day splurges for this past two weeks, and really upped my exercise to try to get down to 224 (21 lbs lost total) by this week. I'm really confident that if I don't hit it on Tuesday, I will very soon. And then I'll post a new profile pic since I'll be down another 10 lbs. How exciting!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend, and is ready for another great week of weight loss.

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    thnx ali. seems u are doing just great and I can't wait to see the new profile pic!
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I have not weighed myself in a while. Starting to eat right again. I guess I'm eating emotionally again. My car is in the shop and it has a major leak in the transmission. Of all the times for another large bill.I have been working quite a bit to help pay off the bills then somethig else happens.It just does not feel like the holidays right now.

    Congratulations to all that have continued to lose weight through the holiday season!!! Jessica I hope your stomach feels better.
    Sorry I have not kept on with the weight log. I will try my best but I'm still not use to this new format . Keep up the good work everyone!!!!

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Gina - sorry to hear about your car!

    Cindy - how are you doing?

    Jessica - is your stomach feeling any better?

    Nola - anything fun going on?

    I weighed in this morning, and I'm down to 225.5 -- 19.5 down! I know my tracker says 20, but that's just MFP's nice rounding up. I already ordered my reward for losing 20 lbs. It's a handmade cloth scarf with this beautiful pink/green/brown dahlia pattern, and backed in organic bamboo fabric. I'm so excited! I will need the motivation to get to 30 lbs down by the end of winter so I can have a new reward. My family spends Christmas with my grandparents and it's a food fest. Every year I eat too much. This year, I just need to keep it to one day instead of a week of celebration with my immediate family, my grandparents, and everyone else who throws a party.

    I hope everyone is hanging in through winter and all of these holidays!

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey ali, maybe ur new profile pic shud include u wearing ur new scarf. motivation baby!

    when I get to the big 2-0 my reward will be a nice new hair cut! will definately post new pics by then. I was trying to get there by december, but now I'll aim for January 22nd. hehe it's my friends bday and I'm sure we will be going out or having a party by then. hmmm lets see if I can do it. I hope so!

    nothing fun going on, it's really a gloomy day here and I wish the weather was nicer so I can feel like going for a nice run today.
    oh well turbo jam it is! I :heart: turbo jam anyways, and I'll kick my own butt tonight!
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    hi everyone,
    I feel off the wagon again. I was not logging my food, no exercise and eating a few cookies here and there. I'm back up to 129.5 . I almost want to cry but I did it to myself. Logging everything again and I did cardio for 45 iminutes today. Hopefully next week I will be down again.

  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Ali, to answer your question, my stomach is not doing much better. I tried to walk a little yesterday and it started hurting right away...within a minute or so of starting. I am not going to walk for a couple weeks and just watch my diet and see how it goes. I changed my settings on MFP to say that I am not active and added no workouts and that I want to lose 1 lb per week. It came back saying to eat 1,240 calories a day and I can do that! We'll see if I actually lose weight, but at this point I would be happy to maintain. :wink: I look forward to seeing your new profile pic WITH your new scarf! :wink:

    Nola, I look forward to seeing your new pic also with your new haircut! :smile: Also congrats on the 5 lbs!

    Gina, I am right there with you! I can't workout right now and I have been struggling with diet as well. It's a hard time of year to try to lose weight...add not being able to workout into the equation, and it ALMOST feels impossible! I know it's not though and I am trying very hard now. I am logging all my food for tomorrow and plan to from here on out! Let's try to keep each other acountable (spelling ???) if your up for it. I will try to post at least once a day to let you know how I did. Any of you who want to post with me regularly...let's do it! :wink:

    Cindy, I am curious how things are going with your sister in law? I am praying that you are doing well and that everything is going as well as it can.

    Have a blessed night everone! Only 16 days until Christmas! :happy:

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I had a bit of a setback today, but I'm planning my food right now for tomorrow so I will be on track. I graduated from law school in May, and have been unemployed since. I got one part-time job in October (very part time - it's teaching test prep classes and now that I'm done with training, I don't have a class to teach until March). I sorta got hired to help out at a law firm recently, but today was the first day I went in, and I'm under the impression that I'm not going to get enough hours to pay my school loans. I was really down today, so I ate some candy and homemade marshmallows. It made me feel like crap (physically) because I'm not used to eating so much sugar. I guess I had better learn to deal with my emotions, because it looks like food isn't going to do much except make me feel shaky and gross.

    I'm sorry to hear that you can't work out, Jessica. What about exercises that maybe don't involve as much movement? Maybe like a senior yoga video or just sitting on the couch and lifting your arms above your head or kicking your legs a little? I know it sounds silly, but at least it's some movement. If you can't get any, it will still be okay. I know that diet is the majority of weight loss, and exercise just makes it faster.

    Gina, it's all part of the journey. Be proud that you are back on track at 129.5 and didn't let it get more out of hand. I just said yesterday that I wish I had gotten back on track when I was up to 195 (from 174) instead of waiting until I got back to 245. It would be nice to not have to lose all of this weight over again.

    Alright, off to go plan my food for tomorrow. It's a new day, and it's going to be okay.

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey ali glad u realized that food is not the answer. haha I should take my own advise cuz yesterday i was stressed out after work and didnt make it home til 7pm by which time i was too hungry, tired and stressed to workout so i skipped my workout.

    gina, glad u are back. 129 is really not a bad weight to start at, haha I wish that was my problem.
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Jessica,
    I will do my best to log in everyday. Have you tried seeing an gastroenterologist for your stomach pain? If it causing that much discomfort you should see a doctor or a specialist. I hope you start to feel better soon.

  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Alison,

    I'm sorry that your stressed out about your new job.When you least expect it something better will come along just have faith.

    Feel free to vent it is better than sugar.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Cindy, I am curious how things are going with your sister in law? I am praying that you are doing well and that everything is going as well as it can.


    Thanks for asking: Our dear sweet SIL passed away Friday Dec 4th about 4 hours after I got there. Some of my friends said she was waiting for me so I could say bye. The Hospice nurses say that the last thing to go is hearing so I got to tell her how much she was loved and be there for my brother & children and her Mama.

    My brother's community & Church has so loved on his family. They brought in meals on & off for 3+ years. Drove their kids to where they needed to be and anything else that was needed. I talked to him this afternoon and the latest thing is someone in their church has given them a trip to Orlando over the holidays. I am so amazed. My daughter, sister & I stayed at the home of one of their friends while we were there and that saved us a lot in hotel expenses. They gave us a key to their home & said make yourselves at home. I was down in their family area writing in my journal one morning and saw their framed wedding invitation. It is the same date and year my husband & I got married and her name is Cindy too. We were just meant to be in that home.

    We didn't eat all that good while we were gone so I am using this week to regroup. But I did manage to stay pretty much away from all the cakes that came into the house. Why don't people ever think to make people some good vegetables when they take food to the bereaved? I think that is what I will do from now on.

    I'll be back on Monday for sure with my weigh in.

    My main goal for this month is not to gain! Remember Christmas is only one day NOT the whole month!

  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Cindy,
    I'm so sorry about your sister in law. There are people out there that still care so much for everyone.During this season it is always nice to remember how fortunate we are to have our healthy families. Keep up the good work Cindy !!!!!

  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Jessica,
    I will do my best to log in everyday. Have you tried seeing an gastroenterologist for your stomach pain? If it causing that much discomfort you should see a doctor or a specialist. I hope you start to feel better soon.



    Thanks for your concern. I actually did see a specialist last month and he said it was a strained muscle. It doesn't really hurt that bad and sometimes not at all. When I notice it is when I overuse that muscle and walking seems to aggravate it also. I could easily push past the pain and do just about anything, but the specialist told me that I need to take it easy especially with things that aggravate the injury. I know this is sure frustrating to me, but I am just trying to do well with my diet so that hopefully I can maintain and not gain.

    Jessica :flowerforyou: