Sexy September Starters



  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    I'm doing pretty good. I've got my exercise in. But my eating isn't as under control as I would like it to be. (TOM is coming and I get super hungry.) If I can just get through the next few day without going food crazy I'll be okay. I turn 54 tomorrow and I thought I'd be done with this already!

    I'm going over to my Mom's tomorrow and my daughter and sister's will be there. I'm looking forward to that and being away from Granny (my MIL, who has Alzheimer's, & I'm her primary caregiver) It will be nice to have a break!

    Did you use your bread machine yet? I'll send you my favorite recipe if you want?

  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Happy Birthday Cindy! You don't look even close to 54! Way to go! :happy: I am doing alright this week. I was 150 on Thursday when I weighed in. Also just so you know I started walking today. Nothing big or fast, just a few minutes here and there. I will work my way back up day after day. I'll keep you all posted. :wink:

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403

    Cindy, Happy Birthday! I agree with Jessica - you do NOT look your age. I'm sure it was annoying when you were in your teens, but now you are certainly getting all of the benefits. I'm only 27 and I've already started using anti-wrinkle cream because I've always looked a little older than I am, which is fine but now that I'm nearing 30, I don't want people to start thinking I'm in my 40s. And I have used my bread machine since I got it, but not in the past two weeks. It has a pasta dough setting, and I really want to try to make some fresh whole wheat pasta with it.

    Jessica, I'm so glad you're able to walk around some. Slow and steady. Don't reinjure yourself. Just don't forget to keep pushing a little at a time.

    Gina, how are you doing?

    Nolachick, still checking this board? I hope you're doing great!

    I've been weighing myself every day, and this morning was back down to 226.2. Before the holidays I was at 225.5, so I'm pretty happy to almost be back down to my pre-holiday weight this soon. I'm really pushing for 225 though because that will be a total of 20 lbs for me. The first 10 came off pretty fast, this second 10 has been a bit of a struggle, so I'm hoping the next 10 are a breeze. I'd rather it go back and forth like that than for it to just keep getting harder. I think the next 10 will be good though because I'm getting to a weight where I can jog comfortably, and the weather is starting to get nice enough to be outside more.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Ali, thanks for the encouraging post for us all. I am so glad that you do good to get on here and keep us all going. Life's been kind of crazy and it's finally getting back to a normal pace. Thanks for all your care and concern. :wink: I am having a great weekend. I've walked about 12 minutes so far today and hope to do about 10-15 more. I am doing about 5 minutes or so at a time. So far so good! I am really proud of you for getting that holiday weight off so fast. I still have a few pounds to go, but I know that with adding the walking back in it should start coming off faster. I hope you have a great week and we'll be in touch.

    Nolachick, I have been wondering how you are doing also? I hope you are doing great and we hope to hear from you soon.

    Gina, how have you been doing? I hope you are doing well and I hope you have a great week.

    MamaCindy, I hope you also have a great week and thanks for sticking with this even when some of us aren't on here much!

    Blessings to all of you!

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Ali, thanks for the encouraging post for us all. I am so glad that you do good to get on here and keep us all going. Life's been kind of crazy and it's finally getting back to a normal pace. Thanks for all your care and concern. :wink: I am having a great weekend. I've walked about 12 minutes so far today and hope to do about 10-15 more. I am doing about 5 minutes or so at a time. So far so good! I am really proud of you for getting that holiday weight off so fast. I still have a few pounds to go, but I know that with adding the walking back in it should start coming off faster. I hope you have a great week and we'll be in touch.

    Nolachick, I have been wondering how you are doing also? I hope you are doing great and we hope to hear from you soon.

    Gina, how have you been doing? I hope you are doing well and I hope you have a great week.

    MamaCindy, I hope you also have a great week and thanks for sticking with this even when some of us aren't on here much!

    Blessings to all of you!

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hey girls,

    Yes I'll be the Mama on this board! Thank you for your sweet comments about me not looking my age. My daughter was in a training conference yesterday and was with a co-worker who asked how old I was. She replied that she was just 2 years older than me and my daughter said she thought in her head "You look about 10 years older than my mom"! She said she was glad I had taught her tact and that it didn't actually come out of her mouth! and actually this was someone I had worked with before she was born. I'd kinda like to see her because I remember her being a beautiful person.

    I guess I'll just say to all of you preserve your skin now. It helps in the long run.

    My daughter is 27 and people still think she is a teenager. And most people think her younger brother is the older of the two. He will be 26 the end of March.

    Remember, Make good choices this week.

  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Doing well still exercising and eating right. Met with the nutrtionist am learning a lot. Weight still 128.4 on my scale. Nutritionist scale 131.4. I will weigh in every week with her same time. She believes I'm exercising too much and breaking down muscle. Will be an interesting week.
    Take care everyone,

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey September starters! Its about to be about four months since I joined MFP and just wanted to say I'm glad we have this group to remind me of when I started, how far I've come and what my goals I want to reach are!

    Everytime I see the SSS group I remember what a difference between what I knew then and what I know now.
    Time to put it all to good use. I have been slacking this whole week and I really am pushing myself to get back on track.
    I want my one year anniversary with MFP to be amazing!
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Nolachick,

    You are so close to your goal keep up the good work. Hope everyone is having a good week.
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    I'm off to the gym in the morning then to work. I have managed to balance work and working out so far. Made brownies for a party I used unsweetened applesauce instead of oil and egg whites instead of eggs. The brownie was really good but I only ate one.:bigsmile: I snacked on carrots and green beans until dinner came.Can't wait to weigh in on Tuesday. I hoping it is good news.:happy:

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hey Gina;

    I hope you have a good weigh in this week.

    I'm down another 1.5 pounds. I would love to see the scales go down much more quickly and it is frustrating at times but I keep telling myself "slow and steady wins the race".

    I'm a little sore this morning because of working out hard yesterday.

    I'm sooo ready for spring! I'm just not a winter time gal at all. Ready for gardening. Maybe I'll just plant a few herbs in some pots and see if I can get a head start on spring.

    I hope you all have a good day and make good choices.

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    My weigh in isn't until tomorrow, but we decided to look at houses all weekend, so the past two days have been a cycle of getting too hungry and then finding whatever wasn't too bad to eat. I'm not too excited to weigh in. My unofficial weight this morning was 226.4, so I'm still not quite to my 20 pound mark, even though this week I have really been doing a lot of walking and jogging. I know eventually I will break through 20 pounds -- I'm just going to keep sticking with it!

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hey Ali!

    Glad to see you are still on here. I don't know if I said it here or the other message board I regularly go t but remember "slow & steady wins the race"!

    I got to update my weight loss ticker to 10 lbs gone today. My goal is another 10 and anything after that will be bonus points. I'm only 1 lb away from being in the "healthy weight" range for my height. I'd really like to be in between the high and low number.

    Gina, be sure to connect after you appt. with the nutritionist and or trainer which ever you said you were meeting with.

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!
    This weekend was a great weekend for me! I did cheat a lot and eat out a lot but I also made some wise choices and managed to stay in my cal range. Also started used my HRM which is a real eye opener. Sat I walked for about 75 mins n burned about 635 cals! which was soo awesome. Today I only had a 45 min workout at the gym and burned 333. What a difference, looks like I'll be going on those long walks more often!

    Well I'm feeling positive about this coming month. My mom is in town for a few weeks and she is definatley into the diet and exercise thing. I think together we can accomplish a lot in the time that she's here.

    Hope ya'll had a great weekend! GEAUX SAINTS! WE'RE GOING TO DA SUPERBOWL! :drinker:
    sorry just had to throw that in there
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Cindy,
    I did speak to the nutritionist and she told me I need to eat less then 1200 calories because of my height. They are also calculating my body fat. I weigh in on Saturday and they recheck my body fat. I do lift weights about 5 times a week. weighing 115 lbs with 30% body fat looks very different then 115 pounds with 25% body fat. I may be doing too much cardio which is breaking down muscle mass. So much still to learn.Renee who I'm working with is a certified sports nutrtionist.

  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    God Morning Everyone,

    This morning the scale was my friend. I weigh in at 126.6 finally. It has taken a while to recover from the holidays and not working out for 2 weeks. Hopefully the rest of my journey will be easier. Hope all of you are doing well.:happy:

    Gina:drinker: :smile:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good morning ladies, I'm happy to report that I also lost 1lb and I'm hoping for even better numbers at the end of the week. I've been working out on a daily basis and hope to keep it up for the rest of the month. I recommend a HRM which tells u exactly how much u burn that way u know for sure ur not under/over estimating.

    Congrats Gina, hope everyone else is doing well.
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I'm still working on my 20 lbs. Been having some allergy problems lately, and the weather got cold again, so I haven't been on a walk in the past few days. I'm hearing rumors of snow tomorrow (yuck!), so I guess I need to get my calories back under my limit since I'm not going to be walking or jogging in the snow.

    I will stick with it no matter what though. I don't want to be back up at 245, and that is enough motivation to keep with it even if it does take me forever to hit 20 lbs lost. :-)

    I hope everyone is doing well!

  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Well that nutritionist is paying off I dropped weight . 2 lbs it feels so good. :bigsmile: My favorite snack to share is Chobani 0% fat greek yogurt with 1 Tbsp or 2 of polander sugar free fiber jelly , it comes in apricot, rasberry, grape and strawberry with 1 tsp of peanut butter mixed together. It has protein from yogurt, carbs from jelly and fat from peanut butter. I have some other receipes that I have tried for dineer that are really delicious and healthy. I will post later have to go to work now. Keep up the great work everyone.:smile:

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    So happy to see you made some progress!!!!!!

    I love Greek yogurt too. I haven't tried any jelly in it though or peanut butter. If you find any really good recipes please share. I think that is one thing we all get caught up in.....eating the same things over and over and over.
