Sexy September Starters



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    wow everyone is doing great! i havent reported a weight loss (or gain :S) cuz I have been afraid to do it. Haven't been focused. but this week I will definately do my very best and weigh in after I know I have put osme hard work in. I hope that's not cheating, I just don't want to see a weight gain and be dissapointed and really lose all motivation.
  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Well I weighed in this morning and was very delighted!!! :wink: I am down to 147.5. Down 1.5 lb. :happy: I was expecting a smaller loss this week so I was so excited!!! Hope you all have a successful weigh in and we'll talk more soon.

    Blessings to all! :flowerforyou:

    Jessica :wink:
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    The scale is finally my friend. Today's weight is 125.2 yeah!!!!! It's working the weight is finally coming off. I made it through Hallowen & only had a snack size nestle crunch. Hope everyone had a nice weekend.

  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    The scale is finally my friend. Today's weight is 125.2 yeah!!!!! It's working the weight is finally coming off. I made it through Hallowen & only had a snack size nestle crunch. Hope everyone had a nice weekend.


    Great job!!! Doesn't it feel GREAT! :happy: Have a great day and I hope everyone else's weigh in's go well.

    Blessings to all,

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • JanetParks
    Lost 1 pound. Not a great number but at least it is not a gain :)
  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    So how are all you ladies doing??? :wink: There haven't been many posts from our group lately and I am just wondering how all of you are doing? I am having an ok week. Not great, but not bad either. I have been walking 2 miles a day but I'm having a hard time getting my third mile done. We just got done moving today (it took a week and a half to get completely done!) and my body is just worn out! :ohwell: I haven't done terrible eating by any means, but I know I need to be working on making even better choices. I just feel sluggish with not getting that extra mile in the last couple days. Hoping I feel better tomorrow and can get my FULL workout in.

    Hope all you ladies are doing well and staying on track this week. Please feel free to drop a message to say how you are doing or let me know if you need some extra motivation. Hope you are all having a blessed week. :smile:

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Weight Loss as of:
    9/30/09 => 10/5/09=>10/12/09=>10/19/09=>10/26/09=>11/9/09


    - 164=>163

    188 => 186=>186=>183=>183


    139.5 => 138.5=>137=>137=>136

    171 => 173

    178 => 177


    150 =>149=>148

    128.8 => 128.8 =>128.2=>127.2=>127.5=>125.2

    164 => 164

    158 => 156.6=>154.6=>154.2=>152.6

    241 => 238=>237.5=>236=>233=>232.5

    155 => 154=>152=>151.5=>149=>147.5

    - 264=>260=>256=>255

  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Jessica,
    Moving sure takes a toll on your body. Reorganizing everything it changes your whole rountine. I have been staying on track. My kids had off Thursday& Friday so I have been busy keeping them occupied. i have also been planning my daughters 14 th birthday party. Hope all is well with everybody. Keep up the good work.:happy:
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403

    I had a really good weigh in this morning! I'm down to 230.5!! I'm almost back into the 220s, which is the higher of my "normal" weights. My body is pretty comfortable and it's pretty easy for me to maintain around 185 and again around 220. I hope that doesn't mean I'm up for a plateau in about 10 lbs.

    The biggest changes I've had so far in the past 14.5 lbs are mostly in the food choices I'm making (especially in quantity) and I've really stopped eating when I'm bored. I've only been doing this about 6 weeks, and I only eat when I'm hungry. That's a big deal for me since I stay at home all day, and I used to have a really bad habit of eating a ton of snacks between lunch and dinner. And then at dinner time I wouldn't even be hungry, but I would eat because it was "dinner time."

    Even for the one meal a week I just take off and don't worry about going over calories, the portions are getting much smaller and I'm not really craving them or looking forward to them as much as I used to. Today, I made cake truffles (cooked and then crumbled box of carrot cake mix, stirred together with homemade cream cheese icing, and then dipped in white candy coating) and I ate the little pieces left in the bowl, and then had two of them for dessert. I think I'm sending the rest of them off to my fiance's work on Monday since they are very good, but the recipe made way more than I expected and I really don't think I will eat them.

    I hope everyone else is having a great weekend, and wonderful weight losses!

  • JanetParks
    Hello everyone,

    I don't know what is going on with me but I didn't loose anything this week!! I have to say I am a little frustrated.:ohwell: But I am not going to give up. Congratulations to those of you that have had a lose this week!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm still Keepin the Faith!

  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Way to go Ali!!! :happy: I love those bigger loss weeks. Unfortunately this week was not one for me. I lost .5 lb. I am now 147. I am not complaining though because I am loving being at a healthy weight, BMI, and all! :smile: I have 12 more to get to my goal but it's getting closer every week. My size 7 jeans I got a month ago are a little baggy now. (A 5 would be tight but I think I could get them on! CRAZY!!! :laugh: ) I just ordered the P90X over the weekend and I am hoping that will help me lose the last little bit and tone up. Having had 3 children within 2 1/2 years stretched me in some areas and I want to put some of it back where it goes!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Hope all of you ladies are doing well and don't forget that you can post during the week if you need anything. I check this page out at least once a day. I would be happy to motivate anyone who needs it! :wink: (And sometimes I need it too!)

    This week I am hoping to continue staying in my calorie limit, working out 6 times this week, and not eating as much sugar. Even when I'm within my calories, I am trying to make better choices. It's HARD though somedays!

    I hope all of you have a wonderful week and I am excited to see how the rest of you did.

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Oh waist is down to 30 inches (NOT sucking in!) and my hips are 39.5!!! No more 40 inch measurements on this body!!! On 9-23-09 my waist was 36 and my hips were 43! Keep it up ladies because this REALLY does work!

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Oh waist is down to 30 inches (NOT sucking in!) and my hips are 39.5!!! No more 40 inch measurements on this body!!! On 9-23-09 my waist was 36 and my hips were 43! Keep it up ladies because this REALLY does work!

    Jessica :flowerforyou:

    Wow - that's quite a loss of inches in a pretty short amount of time! Great job, Jessica!
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    It has really busy at work. I have not worked out for 3 days. The scale says I'm 126.2 which is a gain for me.:cry::sad: Tomorrow I'm working out & hopefully by Monday I'll be back down.

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Gina, I hate those busy times. It makes it feel impossible to just be healthy. But, this is what life is about - being as healthy as possible and not backsliding when other things have to take priority over exercise and eating right. Good luck!

    I'm worried I'm going to have a small gain this week, or stay the same. I had a good loss last week, but I haven't been as good this week. I haven't had as much water, and I've been eating more junk food and prepared (even though it's usually within my calories) and less vegetables. I also wanted to start Couch-to-5K yesterday but here in NC we've got Hurricane Ida rain, and it's not letting up. Hopefully tomorrow the rain will be over, and I can start jogging.

    I hope everyone is having a great week. Friday's so close...

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey Ali, I wish you luck on your C25K, lemme know how that goes. I've been wanting to start and never get around to it. I'm trying to focus on high intensity work outs at this time to burn as much as I can.

    Hope everyone is having a great week. Friday is almost here, so start planning for the wkend. LAst wkend I ate out WAY too much and I'm not doing that to myself again!
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Alison,
    I'm back on track today with eating & working out. Tomorrow I'm taking my daughter and friends out for her birthday. I won't have time to work out since right after work the fun begins with the girls. We will probably go to Applebees. Any suggestions of what to eat there. I heard they have weight watcher meals?I

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Hi Alison,
    I'm back on track today with eating & working out. Tomorrow I'm taking my daughter and friends out for her birthday. I won't have time to work out since right after work the fun begins with the girls. We will probably go to Applebees. Any suggestions of what to eat there. I heard they have weight watcher meals?I


    Hi Gina,

    They do have WW meals at Aplebees. I especially like the french onion soup. I've had the chicken sandwich a few times and it seemed a little dry. I also had something that came with a rice dish (maybe fish or chicken? it was a while ago) that was pretty good. The french onion soup has been good every time I've had it though. I would almost just rather eat two of them, and call that dinner.

    I hope your daughter has a great birthday! I'm sure all of the girls will have a fun night out. :-)

  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Well I weighed in today not really expecting anything and I had lost 1 lb. :happy: Now I only have 11 lbs to go. This week wasn't great because I couldn't work out too hard. When we moved a few weeks ago I did something to my stomach while lifting all of our appliances. I am going to go to the Dr. on Tuesday since I haven't gotten fact a little worse. I am not going to work out until I know what's going on but I'll do my best with my diet. Hope you all have a great week...and BTW...WHERE ARE YOU ALL AT??? :wink: At lot of you haven't posted in awhile and I am getting a little concerned that you have fallen off the wagon. If you have, please make the choice right now to get back on and start fresh today. Blessings to all!

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Hey Ali, I wish you luck on your C25K, lemme know how that goes. I've been wanting to start and never get around to it. I'm trying to focus on high intensity work outs at this time to burn as much as I can.

    I'm finding it pretty impossible to get started on C25K since it's getting dark so early, but I did get some of Leslie Sansone's walking DVDs tonight at the video store. I've heard they're pretty great. I'll definitely give some input on them once I've done a couple of workouts.

    This Saturday I was down another .5 -- for a total of 15 lbs since September. I'm at 230 exactly, and I can't wait to be back in the 220s. Well, I really can't wait to be back under 200, but it's one step at a time.
