Sexy September Starters



  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Great job Ali!!! I bet next week you will be in the 220's!!! :happy: Have a great week and stay on track.

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey Ali, I wish you luck on your C25K, lemme know how that goes. I've been wanting to start and never get around to it. I'm trying to focus on high intensity work outs at this time to burn as much as I can.

    I'm finding it pretty impossible to get started on C25K since it's getting dark so early, but I did get some of Leslie Sansone's walking DVDs tonight at the video store. I've heard they're pretty great. I'll definitely give some input on them once I've done a couple of workouts.

    This Saturday I was down another .5 -- for a total of 15 lbs since September. I'm at 230 exactly, and I can't wait to be back in the 220s. Well, I really can't wait to be back under 200, but it's one step at a time.


    thnx ali and good luck. 15lbs is an awesome step to take twds ur goal. I didn't lose anything unfortunately but I've been doing a lot of strength training so hopefully its some fat to muscle transformation going on. lol
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm a bit upset the scale this morning said 128.4. That is another gain about 3 lbs.I did not write down what I ate for 3 days . I also did not work out for 3 days.TOM is also about 3 days late , I'm really hoping I'm retaining fluid.To top it off my daughter had a fever & today it is 101.5. Off to the doctor's today.I will write everything down today.:sad:
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I had a great weigh-in this morning! Down 2 lbs for a weight of 228! Back into the 220s finally. I've been pretty good this week with my food. Still trying to get inspired to do those walking DVDs - I just find there are so many other things I'd rather do during the day. I re-rented them though, and I am determined to do them at least once before I have to return them. I don't think that should be too much of a challenge.

    I hope everyone else is doing well, and seeing some good results.

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Gina - How is your daughter doing? Did you get back to tracking your food?

    Jessica - Did you figure out what you hurt in your move? Is it better now?

    Nola - How's it going? Still working out and building up those muscles?

    Everyone else - I really hope you're lurking and still doing a fantastic job. Even if you haven't been tracking or exercising, today is a new day!

  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Alison,
    I just got back tracking my food today. Now my other daughter is sick 102.0 temp. Have not been able to workout.To top it off TOM is visting today. :(
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member

    I just didn't have motivation for the past at least 3 weeks. I went to the dr for my physical and got the report that my cholesterol is the highest it has ever been. The dr wants t put me on meds but I told them I want to try to lower it myself so they have given me 3 months. That has really given me a wake up call and motivated me.

    My sister says "well, it's our age & heredity. I've been taking Lipotor and all you do is get a liver test every 3 months". Well that just isn't acceptable to me. She's been way over weight for a long time and is also now diabetic. I really don't want to go there with her.

    So back to MFP for me. I haven't weighed yet but will do so Monday morning and let y'all know what I've done to myself.

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403

    I just didn't have motivation for the past at least 3 weeks. I went to the dr for my physical and got the report that my cholesterol is the highest it has ever been. The dr wants t put me on meds but I told them I want to try to lower it myself so they have given me 3 months. That has really given me a wake up call and motivated me.

    My sister says "well, it's our age & heredity. I've been taking Lipotor and all you do is get a liver test every 3 months". Well that just isn't acceptable to me. She's been way over weight for a long time and is also now diabetic. I really don't want to go there with her.

    So back to MFP for me. I haven't weighed yet but will do so Monday morning and let y'all know what I've done to myself.


    I'm so glad you're not just giving up and accepting medication. I mean, if you give it a few months, and your cholesterol is still high, medication is just what you have to do, but I agree that it's better to just be healthier in general than to try to solve the symptoms instead of the problem itself.

    There are some health problems that run in my family (high blood pressure, arthritis), but I'm honestly not sure if it's because everyone is overweight and eats badly, or if it's because it's genetic. I'm sure the weight problem itself is genetic since when I weighed 175, I was by far the skinniest person in my family with the exception of my 18-year-old brother who is built like a beanpole. I'm trying to avoid those problems before they become problems, since I've already got the bad back and I'm only 27!

    Maybe it would help to put a Lipotor ad on your fridge or your planner or whatever you look at every day as a reminder of what you are working for.

    You can do this!

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Thanks Alison, The Lipotor ad just might work!

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Anyone else weigh in this weekend?
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    After being in a funk for the past couple of weeks I weighed this morning and to my surprise I had lost 1/2 a pound. Yet, I'm not going to excuse my laziness because I could have been down at least 2 or 3 by now.

    11/22/09 147.5

    This Thanksgiving I am planning on cooking smaller quantities of everything so there aren't many leftovers.

    I went to a Thanksgiving service at Church last night and they had refreshments afterwards. I picked out things that weren't too bad. I pretty much stayed away from the dessert table (okay someone made pecan pretzel turtles and I couldn't resist). I was amazed at the piled high plates of desserts people walked away from that table with.

    Let's just be thankful this week and stay in balance now that he holidays are here.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Gina - How is your daughter doing? Did you get back to tracking your food?

    Jessica - Did you figure out what you hurt in your move? Is it better now?

    Nola - How's it going? Still working out and building up those muscles?

    Everyone else - I really hope you're lurking and still doing a fantastic job. Even if you haven't been tracking or exercising, today is a new day!


    Hey Ali, been doing good for the most part. Fri I think I hurt my back so I took off Sat n Sunday from exercise, but that didn't stop me from eating out - Grr. :devil:

    But I did sneak a weigh in last week at a new gym, it was in the evening after I had eating my 2 meals and 2 snacks and I was at 182 so that -1 lb but I don't wanna count it in as my weigh in cuz this wkend I was horrible! I'll wait until next Saturday to weigh in after my TOM :)

    You seem to be doing a great job Ali, I'm so proud of you. I really am. :smile:
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Gina - How is your daughter doing? Did you get back to tracking your food?

    Jessica - Did you figure out what you hurt in your move? Is it better now?

    Nola - How's it going? Still working out and building up those muscles?

    Everyone else - I really hope you're lurking and still doing a fantastic job. Even if you haven't been tracking or exercising, today is a new day!


    Hey Ali, been doing good for the most part. Fri I think I hurt my back so I took off Sat n Sunday from exercise, but that didn't stop me from eating out - Grr. :devil:

    But I did sneak a weigh in last week at a new gym, it was in the evening after I had eating my 2 meals and 2 snacks and I was at 182 so that -1 lb but I don't wanna count it in as my weigh in cuz this wkend I was horrible! I'll wait until next Saturday to weigh in after my TOM :)

    You seem to be doing a great job Ali, I'm so proud of you. I really am. :smile:


    I'd say if you were down a pound after eating and everything that you're in for a really good weigh-in next Saturday! I hope your back is feeling better. When you go out to eat, are you at least eating the healthier options? I try to go online before I go to a new restaurant and figure out what I can eat reasonably. It's gotten much easier to order things without cheese or with healthier sides.

    I'm actually pretty good at the whole taking weight off thing. I was 254 my sophomore year of college, and the summer between my sophomore and junior years, I started the South Beach Diet and lost about 35 lbs. I kept exercising (I actually love jogging, once I'm in shape enough to do it) and eating alright for a college student, and even for two years after graduating college and through my first year of grad school, I kept it all up and got down to 174. My biggest problem is the mental part of keeping it off. In all aspects of my life, I'm really hard on myself. It's a great quality for school and great for taking weight off, but not so helpful for maintenance since there isn't any real "goal" to work for in maintenance other than maintaining, and that just didn't feel like a satisfying goal to me. I'm working on the mental aspect a lot more this time, since I'm really sick of losing this same weight over and over.

  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I have really been off schedule this last 2 weeks. Between working and my daughters being sick AAhhhh. :explode: They have gotten better thank goodness :smile: My daughter ended up missing 4 days of school because of fevers.So She had to catch up on homework & studying which stressed me out. I weigh today 127.8 TOM is still here so I feel really crappy. I can't let this continue I was doing so well. I'm logging my food again& going to the gym today.Sorry for not posting everyone's weights.:sad:

  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Well, I haven't lost anything this past week. I am still at 146. I don't expect too much of a loss this week either with Thanksgiving and TOM, but I'll take it for now. I just don't want to gain! :laugh: It has been a rough week or so for me also. My kids all have yucky colds and I was taking it a little too easy with my injury...not working out AT ALL! I need to at least be walking since I am feeling great right now. (Outside of cramps and all that!) I have also been very busy with Dr.'s appt.'s and such and haven't been tracking my food. I PROMISE to get back on track 100% tomorrow. I am doing well today, but I don't know if I will be able to workout. Right now I almost feel sick to my stomach from cramps, so we'll see how the day goes.

    Gina and MamaCindy, welcome back and just be happy that you ARE back!!! Don't beat yourself up. These are the times where I usually fall off the wagon and stay off for a long time! NOT THIS TIME! I want these last 11 lbs. off! We can do this ladies, and we ARE doing this. Way to go. Cindy, keep us posted on your cholesterol. My husband is trying to lower his with diet also. I know that fish and/or fish oil are good, fruits and veggies, nuts, olive oil, but I'm sure you already knew all that! I'll be praying for you! I agree about not wanting to be like your sister. You are taking the hard road, but it will be SO much better for you and your life.

    Ali, thanks for hanging in there even when we were all off the wagon. :wink: You are doing awesome. You should be so proud of yourself because you are really taking the time to change your life this time. I hope you have a wonderful week. :smile:

    I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Remember to give thanks for all the blessings that we have. NO SECONDS and only a little bit of dessert...that's my motto for Thanksgiving day.

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Jessica,
    Thank you so much for all your support. It is amazing how things can snowball once you go off track. I am very grateful that everyone is feeling better. I did sign up at my gym for a 7:30 am bootcamp class on Thanksgiving day. The gym is trying to raise money for St. Judes Children's Hospital.They offered special classes for Thanksgiving. I get to workout and help children in need.Have a very blessed Thanksgiving. :smile:
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    To all the Sexy September Starters,

    I wish you all a healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!!!:smile: I'm very grateful that we have food, shelter , our health and my husband has a job.:smile:
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Cindy,
    Unfortunately cholesterol is a problem in my family also. My husband has high cholesterol & so does my 15 year old. My daughter is not overweight but she does need to move more. My pediatrcian suggested Benefiber for her. I mix the powder in non carbonated drinks. The fiber helps bind the fat and flushes it out. I know you can lower your cholesterol. I know age and hereditary are factors against me also. My dad use to be obese and now my mom is and she is diabetic. My mom didn't become diabetic until her 40's. I will NOT let this happen to me. I love my husband & kids too much to let that happen. I fell off the wagon for 2 weeks also:cry: ::mad: . I am back , the holidays will not win.

    Take Care of Yourself
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! I was cooking for about 2.5 days, and was just waaaaaay too busy to come online and track my food. Wednesday I think wasn't too bad. I did have some homemade bread, and probably did go over on calories. Thursday was my free day this week -- which means that tomorrow I don't get a free day. The food was great, but the only problem was that since I've been eating better for a while, my stomach has gotten much smaller. So, I made myself a plate of food for Thanksgiving dinner, and wasn't even able to finish my plate! I waited quite a while before getting some dessert, and didn't quite eat all of that either. Normally, I like that I don't have to eat a ton to feel full, but on Thanksgiving it made me a little sad since my mom and I literally had been cooking for 2.5 days.

    I didn't get to work out like I had planned, but I figure with all of the standing and cooking, I burned plenty of calories. I also went to Asheville, NC today and walked around for over 2 hours. I might weigh tomorrow morning just out of curiosity, but I don't really care what the scale says until next week.

    Nola - How is it going? Did you have a happy Thanksgiving?

    Jessica - I'm sorry everyone has been sick at your house. I hope they were well enough to enjoy all of the food yesterday!

    Cindy - Congratulations on working out on Thanksgiving morning. How was the class?

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey ali! glad u had a good thnxgiving and got to cook a lot. it doesnt matter that u weren't able to eat a ton load of food, what matters is that u had a great time and u did try the food, I'm sure u enjoyed it just as much as if u had over eaten. You should be happy. I did not count calories on Thursday, it was my free day but then with all the left overs we took home fri became a free day too. oh boy. The only think I am proud of is that I made myself get up and do my regular turbo jam workouts on Thurs, Fri and Sat. So hopefully all that food didn't do me too bad. Sat and Sun I didn't log but had relatively light meals. Just finished my TOM so will wait til Sat to weigh in after I've worked out and started up on my water again. That's another thing I left slide - not enough water this weekend. Oh well tomorrow is a new week and with only 2 weeks before going home to see my family - it's crunch time!!!