Petpeeves, what does YOUR partner do?



  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Stays up all night, then complains that the kids and I wake him up during the day.
  • jahsshh
    jahsshh Posts: 18
    when my wife just doesnt try to figure out a problem on her own and thinks i am somehow the All Knowing, then she gets pissed, stomps off and figures it out, then feels dumb cause she could have done that in the first place but still holds a grudge because i didnt help her figure out her own problem and also when she does something and i try to explain the How To or the Not How To, she fires back defensively like im scolding her or something lol SMH
  • mpmama2re
    mpmama2re Posts: 212 Member
    He says he's gonna exercise with me and then flakes out. later comes home with a huge burrito after I just finished my JM shed and shred video and asks me if I want some... *sigh*
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    To start it off, here's a few of what MINE does.....

    *He leaves the toilet seat UP!!

    *When he opens a cupboard, he forgets how to shut it I guess!

    *Flushes before he is done so OF COURSE theres pee in the toilet still.

    Ready, Set, GO!!!


    What a sad sad soul you are complaining about your man for pitiful things....... I hope he isnt on some site complainig that you are a whining person who has nothing more to do than be a complaining *****!


    For the RECORD, I have read him ALL of the things listed when we got home on Friday. He knows. And he laughed. He laughed because he KNOWS he does all these things. And he knows they can be irritating. He also knows that apparently other guys do the same things as him!!!! He has complaints about my faults too. I know what I do that irritates him. Thats why this is an OPEN forum, to COMPARE men/women to men/women and see how different people and their spouses are. You don't like it, YOU CAN FIND A DIFFERENT SUBJECT.

    I cannot believe how close minded you have been.
  • dirtydmvkid
    dirtydmvkid Posts: 184
    I'm in love with my woman and not much bothers me.... except one word answers to text messages that obviously require a little more explination. Guess I should just call haha!
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    (Sorry wouldnt let me delete this, accidentally posted wrong thing)
  • Sappy320
    Sappy320 Posts: 77 Member
    Keeps used tissues in his pocket!
  • jeffryjirraf
    jeffryjirraf Posts: 179 Member
    The worst thing is that she doesn't exist currently
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    In the 21st century and the time of equality and men and women being able to perform the same tasks.....

    I'm really surprised how many women here can't work a hinge (aka toilet seat), but we still let them vote :bigsmile:

    oi. you know if some of these people don't have the same sense of humor as you (and i) do you're going to get reamed for this comment. lmao

    Lmao. I too do enjoy humerous inputs. (I do know how to work the toilet seat hinge though, constantly putting it down because its left up heehee. I am afraid pretty soon I will loose this fight though when my son gets older and potty trained, oh well.)
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    He will try to fart on my face, he picks his at his feet and nose hairs, snores, and chews with his mouth open!!!

    Oh my gosh! Have you explained to him that farting on your face could give you pink eye! Lol. (Mine picks at his feet too! b/c they are dry. I bought him a bottle of mens lotion, he now uses on everything BUT his feet. Lol)
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member

    So everytime he does I put an empty ice tray in the freezer. (one of his peeves)

    Lol, oh man this is mine! He leaves ONE or TWO cubes in the tray and puts it back.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I just want to say that the problem with men leaving the toilet seat up is more about the way it looks. I just think walking into a bathroom and seeing the seat and lid up is disgusting. I have a bathroom right at the top of the stairs by the garage door so if the seat is up anyone coming in the garage door sees that. It's just nasty. Put it down! it really has nothing to do with this fallacy that I can't be bothered to put it down. Just respect the way I want my home to look.
    If it looks nasty with the seat up then you need to clean your toilet.
  • Cliffy94
    Cliffy94 Posts: 1,265 Member
    im single at the minute, but my ex-gf had a realyl sarcastic sense of humour and it annoyed me at times! lol
  • Sappy320
    Sappy320 Posts: 77 Member
    im single at the minute, but my ex-gf had a realyl sarcastic sense of humour and it annoyed me at times! lol

    I agree, constant sarcasm is annoying and condescending!! ugh.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    In the 21st century and the time of equality and men and women being able to perform the same tasks.....

    I'm really surprised how many women here can't work a hinge (aka toilet seat), but we still let them vote :bigsmile:

    oi. you know if some of these people don't have the same sense of humor as you (and i) do you're going to get reamed for this comment. lmao

    Lmao. I too do enjoy humerous inputs. (I do know how to work the toilet seat hinge though, constantly putting it down because its left up heehee. I am afraid pretty soon I will loose this fight though when my son gets older and potty trained, oh well.)

    You won't lose the fight! My son is 6 and puts the seat down every time. ;) He will make some girl very happy one day. Not only does he put the seat down on the toilet, he cleans his own room, puts away his own laundry, and loads the dishwasher... LOL
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    im single at the minute, but my ex-gf had a realyl sarcastic sense of humour and it annoyed me at times! lol

    I agree, constant sarcasm is annoying and condescending!! ugh.

    My husband and I are both sarcastic *kitten*... LOL maybe that's why we are good together. haha
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Oh one more! He will take his dishes & drink into the kitchen, that's nice, but if its a soda can & a paper towel? That will be placed on the counter. The trash can is 3 FEET AWAY! Put them there! Lol

    Lol, mine does that same thing with styrofoam cups from fountain drinks and cans except he puts them in the sink! Lol
  • MichelleB1427
    lol let's see here...

    Leaves Toilet Seat Up
    Doesnt shut the cupboards either
    Leaves food still on his plate
    Doesnt use the garbage, apparently the table is good enough. =)
    Doesnt put stuff back in the fridge, Like bottle of Ketchup, or sour cream.
    Leaves his shoes in the bathroom! We have a TINY bathroom, we dont need his big ole shoes in there! =)
    Picks on me when I am Crabby!

    but you know what, I still love him A LOT!!!! =)
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Keeps used tissues in his pocket!
    Hee hee I have been guilty of this, like if i wipe my sons face, and were in wal-mart, i will stick it in my pocket.
  • linda1243
    linda1243 Posts: 166
    -his clothes never find the hamper
    -he never puts the toilet seat down
    -lays clothes on my couch even if they are smelly
    -dawdles everywhere. I've seen turtles move faster
    -is so friggin messy and is showing signs of becoming a hoarder

    now what i do (and why I have to put up with the above):
    -super moody
    -obsessed with diet to point where i will ignore him because i need to log food or workout
    -not give directions clearly
    -say one thing and mean another

    i figure if i can fix some of mine then i can ask him to fix some of his.