Trim for Turkey Day October page!



  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Down 1.6 this week! :bigsmile: 3 more weeks till Thanksgiving! Keep up all the hard work everyone.
    SW 163.8
    09/03/09 - 161.2
    09/10/09 - 157.2
    09/17/09 - 157.0
    09/24/09 - 155.8
    10/01/09 - 154.6
    10/08/09 - 155.6
    10/15/09 - 152.8
    10/22/09 - Out of Town
    10/29/09 - 153.2
    11/05/09 - 151.6
    TD GOAL -148
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    new goals:

    current: 147.6
    TD: 145
    1/1: 142

    I know it is conservative, but I am nearing my goal weight so I don't want to expect too much loss because i know it will get more and more difficult to lose.... just wanna keep chugging, slow and steady :)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :flowerforyou: starting weight January 14, 2009 183
    weight last week 121
    weight this morning 120

    YIPPEE:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: my goal for Thanksgiving is 118

    :flowerforyou: my goal for New Year's Day is 115

    I up for staying away from sugar and checking in on weekends
    when I'm home, the refrigerator and cupboard are always telling me that I need a snack (something healthy, but still something I don't need to be eating:laugh: )
    Congrats to all who have lost
    I'm seeing so many women putting on weight that I want to also congratulate anyone who hasn't gained. That is a huge accomplishment.:bigsmile:
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Wow! We've had some great results so far on this thread! Congrats to our team here!

    Barbie - you've done an amazing job this year!

    Akgrant - I think you can still keep to a weight loss program without exercise - it just means you have to watch your calories a little closer. How long before you can exercise again after the surgery?

    BTW - I forgot to mention that I am no longer overweight! My BMI is 24.6 - just below the upper limit of normal (24.9) for my height. Finally!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Wow! We've had some great results so far on this thread! Congrats to our team here!

    Barbie - you've done an amazing job this year!

    Akgrant - I think you can still keep to a weight loss program without exercise - it just means you have to watch your calories a little closer. How long before you can exercise again after the surgery?

    BTW - I forgot to mention that I am no longer overweight! My BMI is 24.6 - just below the upper limit of normal (24.9) for my height. Finally!

    Congrats on no longer being overweight! That is fantastic.:bigsmile: I am so short so I feel like I am never going to get there. I am right under 5'1" so my weight range is between like 97lbs and 132lbs it's crazy. :grumble: My overall goal is to stay somewhere in between 120 and 125. I have another 19lbs before I am a normal weight.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I have been doing very well on my calories this weekend which is huge for me. Our Marine Corp ball is on Monday so maybe I can get another pound off by then.
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    Wow! We've had some great results so far on this thread! Congrats to our team here!

    Barbie - you've done an amazing job this year!

    Akgrant - I think you can still keep to a weight loss program without exercise - it just means you have to watch your calories a little closer. How long before you can exercise again after the surgery?

    BTW - I forgot to mention that I am no longer overweight! My BMI is 24.6 - just below the upper limit of normal (24.9) for my height. Finally!

    Thanks, Jlbay... I'll have my arm in a sling for 6 weeks and I can't pick up anything heavy for 3 months...including my babies!!! (lots of hug time on the floor!) :laugh: Like you said, I will have to really watch my calories which will be alot harder since I won't be at work where I'm usually too busy to think about eating! Thanks and good job with the lower BMI - - that's AWESOME!:smile:
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    I didn't do that well this weekend! My breakfast and lunch started well on Sat and Sun but then it got alittle out of control! Didn't work out on Fri or Sat and wasn't planning to tonight but I'm feeling a little guilty now so I will go do something right now! :grumble: Hope you guys had a better weekend!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yesterday was a minimal exercise day for me that included a meeting for our business , a long visit with friends, and a gratitude dinner which was a 300 person potluck with a speaker. When we got home and I recorded what I ate (chicken, turkey, salad, and apples) I was over my calories and way under on my pedometer soI got on the exercise bike, walked the dogs, and walked up and down the hallwhile hubby was on the exercise bike so I could get the steps I needed and burn more calories.

    Today was better. Hubby had two different friends over one in the morning and one in the afternoon and I like to leave and give them privacy so In the morning I walked at WalMart and in the afternoon I took the dogs to the dog park and walked for an hour.

    :flowerforyou: jlbay, congrats on getting your BMI down to healthy. That is a major achievement.

    :flowerforyou: usmcwife, just keep on keeping on and you'll reach your goal. It always feels like you'll never get there but it will happen one day at a time.

    :flowerforyou: akgrant, sorry to hear about the shoulder surgery. Find out from your doctor how soon you can start walking even if you can't do pushups for awhile:laugh: so you can start burning calories as soon as it is safe. Until you can exercise, keep your eating as clean as possible so you can eat the maximum amount of food and still stay at your calories. You can do it.:bigsmile:
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    Thanks, Barbie!!

    How's everybody today? It's awfully quiet! :laugh:
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member

    I finished my final exam week last week for my university program. Wow, it is very difficult to study, study, study without what I call "study snacks." When I was in university, we always snacked while we studied. This has been the toughest food challenge for me since returning from my German holiday. I did okay, but for some reason on the last day I really overate at dinner. I got back on track the very next day, but it was a good reminder that I'm not completely safe from junk binges and temptations. I'd been doing so well with not using food for emotional eating.

    Well, back on track and I'm working on the "home stretch" of our Turkey Day challenge. My new dress for this weekend's company party.... well, I've lost enough inches that I had to have several inches taken out of my dress around the waist and hips!!!

    How did everyone do over the weekend?
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member

    I finished my final exam week last week for my university program. Wow, it is very difficult to study, study, study without what I call "study snacks." When I was in university, we always snacked while we studied. This has been the toughest food challenge for me since returning from my German holiday. I did okay, but for some reason on the last day I really overate at dinner. I got back on track the very next day, but it was a good reminder that I'm not completely safe from junk binges and temptations. I'd been doing so well with not using food for emotional eating.

    Well, back on track and I'm working on the "home stretch" of our Turkey Day challenge. My new dress for this weekend's company party.... well, I've lost enough inches that I had to have several inches taken out of my dress around the waist and hips!!!

    How did everyone do over the weekend?

    WOW! :bigsmile: Look at you go! You had to alter your new dress?? That's so awesome! Good job!
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    I have a gripe: I did the Julian Michaels 30 day Shed 20 mins workout yesterday. I also did a 10 min abs and back workout just to get to 30 mins. I logged it as low impact aerobics and it shows I burned 180 calories. :noway: I know we are suppose to alternate between strength training and cardio but I gotta tell you, my focus has been on burning the maximum amount of calories in the shortest time and 180 just makes me want to give up! :frown: Please help me see how benefical this is?? And how do you guys incorporate strength training into your workouts?

  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    i log the 30 day shred under circuit training, which may up your calroies burned a bit because it is definitely not "low impact" haha. i do the shred and her other dvds for strength training, and then do the bike or elliptical at the gym a few days a week for extra cardio.

    enjoy the shred!! i know i do :)
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    i log the 30 day shred under circuit training, which may up your calroies burned a bit because it is definitely not "low impact" haha. i do the shred and her other dvds for strength training, and then do the bike or elliptical at the gym a few days a week for extra cardio.

    enjoy the shred!! i know i do :)

    Now that makes more sense. 286 cal for 30 minutes!!! Thanks, Sudzie! it is pretty intense but my exercise channel on cable only has 2 days of the 30 :grumble: so I won't get the full benefit. There is a Less is More program that I've used a few things and that's pretty good too!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: jlbay, how fabulous that you had to have your dress taken in and congrats on avoiding the bad snacks while studying. You are a champ.

    :flowerforyou: sudzie, your exercise plan sounds ambitious and wonderful. Keep up the good work

    :flowerforyou: akgrant, I've had to do research on some of my exercise items to make sure that the calories are fair. i know that a heart rate monitor would provide the right information but I'm not willing to spend the money or remember to use it:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: so I muddle along with my approximations

    I lowered my pedometer goal because a lot of the calorie burning stuff I'm doing doesn't register as steps and I found that I was ignoring some good workouts and just walking so I could get all the steps I was aiming for.

    Tomorrow is weigh in day
    I wish us all the best :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Down 1 lb! So, with two weeks till goal, I'm about 4 lbs away. I think I can do 2 lbs, maybe 3, but I don't think I'm going to meet my goal, but I'm still pretty pleased. I really think this group has made a huge difference in my success.

    I have a personal challenge in the last week - we're going home to Texas for Thanksgiving, but we're leaving on Saturday (we live in England) - so that means almost the full last week of this challenge, I'm going to be home in the land of my favorite foods - TexMex, Barbeques, Kolaches and Donuts, mmmm. I have to start preparing myself mentally. It is JUST food - I don't need to go back and eat every meal as if it were my last.

    Good luck everyone!:drinker:

    08/27/09 - 168.5 (starting)
    09/03/09 - 165.5 (-3 lbs)
    09/10/09 - 165.5 (-0-)
    09/17/09 - 165.0 (-.5 lbs)
    09/24/09 - 162.5 (-2.5 lbs)
    10/01/09 - 162.5 (-0-)
    10/08/09 - 164.0 (+1.5 lbs)
    10/15/09 - 160.0 (-4.0 lbs)
    10/22/09 - 159.5 (-.5 lbs)
    10/29/09 - 158.5 (-1.0 lbs)
    11/05/09 - 157.5 (-1.0 lbs)
    11/12/09 - 156.5 (-1.0 lbs)
    11/26/09 - Thanksgiving

    TD Goal weight - 152
    Final Goal weight - 135
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    I'm up 0.4 oz today...with TOM and my pattern of no weigh loss one week and -1 lb the next, I guess I'm ok. :tongue: We really have only 2 weeks before T-day??!!!:noway: If I can lose 3 more lbs to 155, I will be a happy camper! :laugh:

    Start weight: 167
    Current weight: 158
    TD goal: 154
    1/1 goal: 149 (5 weeks=1 lb p/w)
    Ultimate goal (2/1): 145

    My personal challenge this week is to workout EVERYDAY and burn at least 300 calories!! Anybody with me??:flowerforyou: :laugh: I can lose 4 lbs in 2 weeks!! I can do this! WE can do this...we are in the home stretch!!! :flowerforyou: :laugh:

    Good luck everyone! Good job JLBAY!!! Welcome home (soon) to the good US of A!!! :drinker:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Starting weight 168

    My current weight is 151 ( lost 4 lbs from last weigh in )

    Goal weight for Turkey day: 144

    My over all goal weight is 130

    7 lbs to go until i meet my Turkey day !:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    The big news is that I'm down one more pound :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    starting weight January 2009 183
    weight September 1 130
    weight last week 120
    weight today 119
    Turkey day goal 118
    final goal 115

    I like the goal of burning 300+ calories a day sounds great. The more calories we burn the bigger the deficit and the more weight we'll lose.:bigsmile:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Sorry I didn't post yesterday I had a sick daughter and just didn't have time to get on. Down 2lbs this week! :bigsmile: Only 1.6lbs to go. I hope everyone has a good weekend. Kind of nervous about next week, we have family coming to visit and weight loss is never good when there is company.:grumble: Good luck to everyone and there TD goal weight only 2 weeks left.
    SW 163.8
    09/03/09 - 161.2
    09/10/09 - 157.2
    09/17/09 - 157.0
    09/24/09 - 155.8
    10/01/09 - 154.6
    10/08/09 - 155.6
    10/15/09 - 152.8
    10/22/09 - Out of Town
    10/29/09 - 153.2
    11/05/09 - 151.6
    11/12/09 - 149.6
    TD GOAL -148