Over 200 Club Back to School (open group)



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Momma - yes the biggest looser is for the wii fit. I got it a few weeks ago. I like it, the work outs are good they woop my but, but I am committed to it. THey have a 4 wk plan I am on right now (they have 4 , 8 and 12 week), there there is a weigh in 1 x a week along with a challenge. The cons I see on it is that it calculates your caloris way hight and your calorie burn low. Also the weigh in you are a charcter so it is their weight loss, you still capture your data on your progress. But i still like it. I do the workouts they come up with me, even when i am dying i try to push and do it.

    I have been looking today at this gym that is openening at the 1s of the year, I really want to join it, just trying to get my head wrapped around the cost. It will be like 78 for me and my husband, but it is like right around the corner thinking that i would go more if it being just down the street. I have till janury to see, as it won't open until then, and after the cost of christmas and taht stuff. THinking to myself is we don't have problems ordering pizza or going out to eat more than a few times a month in the past, and that is way more than 78 dollars a month.
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Well, today wasn't such a bad day. I worked out for about 60 minutes. Low impact stuff so I didn't burn that many calories, but it was still the effort for me that counts. Does anyone know of a good colon cleanse product? I have used Sonne #9 or Health Plus' Colon Cleanse. They are 100% pure psyllium. I try to do a cleanse at least every 6 to 8 weeks. But, if anyone knows of any other natural based products, I'd be interested in knowing as mixing and drinking the psyllium leaves much to be desired.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    snowflakes, thanks for the challenge this week. I buy whole grain breads and cereals. I actually like the bread as toast with and egg white on top.

    awestfall, everyone is behind you and we all know you can do this.

    mscocoa, I know you can be in the 220's this week. You are soooo close. Good for you just think onederland is not too far away. Right now I would just love for my weight to start with a 1 even if it is 199.9. :laugh:

    lildebbie, 2,200 is about a mile. Good for you. Keep it up and you will see results. I love making grilled cheese sandwiches with spray butter. That is how I have always made my kids grilled cheese. One day they ran out of spray butter and my husband had them use butter(I have never made them one with butter). They were in love. But I said no-way back to spray butter. They have survived and still love their sandwiches. Is that the biggest loser game for wii fit and if it is, Is it fun? Tell us all about it... I am debating between a wii fit and a wii active for Christmas.

    lstpaul, one meal at a time. you can do it. keep tracking everything so you can see. Great Job on the 90 minute workout this evening. Good for you!!

    Andrea, how did you do on your calories yesterday?

    To all my girls in the over 200's happy weight loss today. :heart: you guys!!!!!
    Right now I would just love for my weight to start with a 1 even if it is 199.9. :laugh:
    I second this quote Momma and I am so close I can taste it .I Know 28 pounds away from that goal sounds like alot but it doesn't to me because I was close to 260 when I started my journey and now I am 227 so 28 pounds to reach 199.9 is so close to me and I am going to reach it and hopefully before the new year begins.I haven't seen 199 for along time
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ok so I am back down to 226 so i have 10 pounds to go to be back where I left off in the summer which was 216.I know I can do this and I am going to.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    awestfall - Good for you!

    lildebbie - I know for me, joining the Y has been well worth the money. I have a hard time being motivated to exercise on my own - but I try not to miss my 'regular' group classes, and I enjoy the social part of chatting with some of the people I've gotten to know in the classes.

    Check in:
    I FINALLY stayed under my calories yesterday (with eating a lot of exercise calories ... but that's ok).
    I really pushed myself to work out at the Y for 90 minutes last night (step aerobics and then half of a weight lifting class).
    I did a really good job on drinking my water all day.
    I threw away part of my lunch when I realized that it wasn't that good and not worth the calories. All in all it was a good day.
    I need to try a whole grain food though, that is something I haven't been good about. I tired switching to whole grain pasta and bread, but my kids didn't care for it. I'll have to try again.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am doing pretty well with my calorie intake, decent with my exercise, it is my water I am NOT drinking enough. My kidneys are killing me every morning. I have to drink my water today.!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Momma - yes the biggest looser is for the wii fit. I got it a few weeks ago. I like it, the work outs are good they woop my but, but I am committed to it. THey have a 4 wk plan I am on right now (they have 4 , 8 and 12 week), there there is a weigh in 1 x a week along with a challenge. The cons I see on it is that it calculates your caloris way hight and your calorie burn low. Also the weigh in you are a charcter so it is their weight loss, you still capture your data on your progress. But i still like it. I do the workouts they come up with me, even when i am dying i try to push and do it.

    I have been looking today at this gym that is openening at the 1s of the year, I really want to join it, just trying to get my head wrapped around the cost. It will be like 78 for me and my husband, but it is like right around the corner thinking that i would go more if it being just down the street. I have till janury to see, as it won't open until then, and after the cost of christmas and taht stuff. THinking to myself is we don't have problems ordering pizza or going out to eat more than a few times a month in the past, and that is way more than 78 dollars a month.

    Thanks for the info. Still trying to decide what we are going to get for Christmas. I need something I can do indoors when it gets really soggy outside.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I did pretty good today, i had to put jeans on today ( iusally don't as a i work from thome, and wear stretchy pants), i was hoping since i have lost a little they would be reall big ...but not so much :( I know I will get there, just was hoping.

    I ate good lunch and breafast, dinner is going to be challenging, will stay in my cals i know my sodium will go through the roof though, becuase it is a prepared beef thing and potatoes.

    I need to get start drinking water, i really don't drink ANY water. I am a diet coke addict and I know i need to drink more water and less diet coke I just have a hard time with the water..

    I am excited for our gym to open in January, hoping i will loose about 20lbs before I actually start it.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I did something very simple today, but it was such an amazing accomplishment for me. I ran and around and played with my kids today. We has a soccer ball out, and I was able to run and play with everyone instead of sitting on the side lines. I was still tired and out of breathe LOL but I could do it and it was a great feeling.
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Hey there gals! Hope everyone is doing okay. Today was a good day. I ate well and I worked out. I hope to see the scale tip in my favor tomorrow as my ticker is dying to move in the right direction. My positive affirmation for each day this week has been: "Be free of guilt today". I am keeping this in the back of my mind all week as I don't want to make any rash food decisions. Keep up the fight ladies. :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I did well today. I need to figure out how I'm going to get a couple hundred more calories in to get me up to 1200 for the day. I really can't believe I actually have trouble eating enough to get to 1200 calories some days! Several years ago I lost weight by eating 1400 calories/day and I was *starving* all the time. What a difference really paying attention to the nutritional value of what passes my lips makes!

    Finally, someone other than my bf or mom noticed I've lost weight today! I work at my agency's headquarters so hundreds of people work in the building. I've been walking during my lunch break. After work I walked down the stairs & outside & someone stopped and looked at me. I feel like I've talked to her before but I don't even remember her name. She said something about seeing me walking at lunch & then said "You really look like you've lost weight, how are you doing it?" I said something about eating healthy and exercising & she says "Well good for you, you're looking great!"

    I just thought it was really nice that someone who's essentially a stranger noticed and was nice enough to say something encouraging. :smile:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hey everyone, haven't really kept track of my food diary. I shouldn't be eating that bad, been making soups. I am going to be leaving tomorrow to go to L.A. area, little road trip with my sister to go see some family. Won't be checking in until Sunday.

  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    thought I would post some progress pictures. First photo was taken June 1st, and the second one was taken yesterday.

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks for posting those pictures, they are awsome....I just can hope that in 5 months I can be as successful as you...looks like you and me have simllar starting out weights.. I love seeing before and after pictures it is very inspiring.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    WOW!!! Jenn, you look amazing. How inspiring!! Also that is awesome that you were able to play soccer with your kids. Great job. I am really excited about getting to 60 pounds lost. You are such an inspiration.

    mscocoa, you always have wise things to say. I think you are headed in the right direction, physically and mentally. We are going to see that ticker moving tomorrow!!

    lildebbie it won't be long and you will be the one posting after pics. Keep up the good work.

    andrea, have fun in L.A. this week!!!! Exercise while your gone!!! Drink plenty of water!!! See you Sunday.

    jlb123, It is amazing how when we change our mind set and are conscience of what we are putting in our mouth how much easier this all is. You make sure you make it to 1200 though you do not want to burn out. You are doing really well, I expect to see your ticker moving !!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    It sounds like most of us had good days yesterday! woo hoo! I went over on my calories ... but just barely - so that is an accomplishment! I mananged 2 days in a row eating under control ... plus I feel so good from working out this morning - I feel like I'm back on track! :happy:
    I made the mistake of weighting at the Y this morning :angry: ... and I have gained 2 more pounds back (not recording it 'officially yet') ... maybe tomorrow morning's weigh-in will be better. If not, oh well - I know I've had a bad couple of weeks but I am feeling in control again, so the weight will come back off.
    Have a good day everyone!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    This is off topic but I just had to share ... my 15-yr-old was selected to swim at sections (which is how they letter in swimming at her high school). At first she was told she wasn't going, and then the coach changed his mind the next day ... woo hoo! Her goal was to letter this year, so we are very excited for her. I had to change my profile picture to celebrate for her! :drinker:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    This is off topic but I just had to share ... my 15-yr-old was selected to swim at sections (which is how they letter in swimming at her high school). At first she was told she wasn't going, and then the coach changed his mind the next day ... woo hoo! Her goal was to letter this year, so we are very excited for her. I had to change my profile picture to celebrate for her! :drinker:

    Good for her!!!!! Love it when our kids make great strides. Congrats, you should be proud. By the way love the pic. So cute of her in action
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good for her, hope she does great!!!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hello over 220 club!
    Been out of state this week and it is so good to be home. What a test this has been to keep track of my calories and portions with some quesstimation:laugh: . It was doable, hopefully this has been a helpful challange for you. Tomorrow is weigh in, how has everyone done tracking all your foods? Any great whole grain dishes? We had Bariila whole grain thin spaghetti with homemade sauce that was excellent. We will definately be having that again.

    Looking forward to checking in daily with you all. Have a great evening.:flowerforyou: