Over 200 Club Back to School (open group)



  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hello over 200 club! OOPS...
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    alright, going to bed, we are leaving tomorrow really early in the morning. I have already fallen off of the wagon....seriously you guys.. i have fallen, I have barely exercised the past month...i have not been eating my best .. I need a talking to when I come back on Monday because believe me I know I will not be exercising...I will be eating homemade Mexican food.

    This is a problem...Someone talked to me about having motives behind losing weight...about not trying to lose fat or inches but being healthy....That is hard because most of the stuff that I love is totally bad for you.

    Originally I wanted to lose weight because my boyfriends sister is getting married next June...it will be the first time that I will meet his family (since they all live in Ohio) and I wanted to make a good impression. I need to work on this because..this is the only motive that I have right now, besides the fact that I want to look good in my clothes...and go outside without having to cover myself up with a jacket or sweater.

    I dunno, I was hoping that maybe someone could help me realize the bigger picture.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Good morning!

    Despite my thai food indulgence last night, the scale treated me very well this morning.

    jlb123 SW 270/GW 150/CW 247.8 loss of 4.4 pounds

    Plus when I walked into work this morning my supervisor said "cute outfit!" I know I've worn this or something very similar before so in my mind that was her way of saying "hey, you don't look as bad as you did before!" :laugh:

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    thought I would post some progress pictures. First photo was taken June 1st, and the second one was taken yesterday.

    Wow Jenn you look awesome!!! Keep it up girl!!! I lost 4 pounds this week but I am not counting it as a loss for the biggest loser this week because its the same 4 pounds I put on and take back off.Hopefully I won't put them back on anymore.I have really focused on my faith in God to help me be healthy and fit for my family.I wasn't depending on him to carry me and to lift my burdens and stress.I was trying to do it on my own and I was wrong.I think now I will see alot more progress because I am back to leaning on my Heavenly Father to help through.I should have never left his side but sometimes we follow the path most traveled and forget that God never leaves us no matter what path we choose.He helped me find my way back this week.THanks for listening and I hope everyone else has a wonderful and blessed way in.All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hello over 220 club!
    Been out of state this week and it is so good to be home. What a test this has been to keep track of my calories and portions with some quesstimation:laugh: . It was doable, hopefully this has been a helpful challange for you. Tomorrow is weigh in, how has everyone done tracking all your foods? Any great whole grain dishes? We had Bariila whole grain thin spaghetti with homemade sauce that was excellent. We will definately be having that again.

    Looking forward to checking in daily with you all. Have a great evening.:flowerforyou:
    Snowflake have you tried whole grain rice with chicken and veggies mixed in with a dash of garlic pepper.Its wonderful and so filling.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good Morning!
    Wow this week flew by. New scales were delivered while I was gone, it has big ol' numbers that flash your weight so no more wondering what the dial is jiggeling on.:laugh::laugh: :laugh: With that being said I'm down my first 10 bls. Oh happy day...:love::love: :love: Weighing in at 215 pounds. That is down 1.3% this week.

    andreasoulcastle: You can do this, you have all the tools you need on this site. You HAVE to do this for yourself. I am eating all our usual meals only smaller portions. You do not have to feel deprived yet it does take self discipline. This is not a diet, this forum if for a healthy lifestyle. Seeing and tracking all calories in vs. calories out is very simply. It takes a few minutes a couple of times a day but it is so worth it. You are worth it. And (to me) exersice is anything that gets you off the couch and moving. It does not have to be 60 minutes at the gym. Get a pedometer and see how far you go each day. Small things is what is going to add up to the big lose on the scales. Hang in there!:flowerforyou:

    Jenn: you inspired me to take a picture of myself so that I will have a comparison for down the road. My biggest difficulty will be learning how to post the pics. lol:laugh: I'm pretty pathetic living in the 21st century with all this tecnology whirling around me.:ohwell: heehee

    lstpaul: Great pic. of your daughter swimming. I love to watch swimming during the olympics. What a great experience for her. Glad you are feeling motivated and on top of your goals.

    until later:happy:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hello over 220 club!
    Been out of state this week and it is so good to be home. What a test this has been to keep track of my calories and portions with some quesstimation:laugh: . It was doable, hopefully this has been a helpful challange for you. Tomorrow is weigh in, how has everyone done tracking all your foods? Any great whole grain dishes? We had Bariila whole grain thin spaghetti with homemade sauce that was excellent. We will definately be having that again.

    Looking forward to checking in daily with you all. Have a great evening.:flowerforyou:
    Snowflake have you tried whole grain rice with chicken and veggies mixed in with a dash of garlic pepper.Its wonderful and so filling.

    Sounds yummy. I have had brown rice (is that the same as whole grain?) a couple of times. It took about double the time to cook as compared to white rice. Do you make this in a crock pot or oven? What do us use for the liquid to cook the rice?:tongue:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hello over 220 club!
    Been out of state this week and it is so good to be home. What a test this has been to keep track of my calories and portions with some quesstimation:laugh: . It was doable, hopefully this has been a helpful challange for you. Tomorrow is weigh in, how has everyone done tracking all your foods? Any great whole grain dishes? We had Bariila whole grain thin spaghetti with homemade sauce that was excellent. We will definately be having that again.

    Looking forward to checking in daily with you all. Have a great evening.:flowerforyou:
    Snowflake have you tried whole grain rice with chicken and veggies mixed in with a dash of garlic pepper.Its wonderful and so filling.

    Sounds yummy. I have had brown rice (is that the same as whole grain?) a couple of times. It took about double the time to cook as compared to white rice. Do you make this in a crock pot or oven? What do us use for the liquid to cook the rice?:tongue:
    I use water and yes I put it in a crock pot and its wonderful.And no whole grain is not the same as brown.I also like to add long grain wild rice which is really good for you.I bake the chicken first with some garlic pepper on it.and then I throw the rice and any veggies I want sprinkle them with the garlic pepper and cook in the crock pot until done.
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    This week's check in: I started this week at 230.4. I am now 228.6. *DRUM ROLL* That is a 1.8 pound loss. Yippe!
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Jenn, you look fabulous! I love before and after pictures. They give me inspiration and I am sure for you it keeps you motivated. Keep up the great work!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hello everyone. I am sooo excited today. I lost the 2 pounds I gained last week (I did not think it was real weight considering I did maintenance cals all week) Plus I lost 2.2 pounds. I am not counting the the first 2 because I did not record them.

    My percentage of weight loss this week is .9%

    Wow snowflakes great percentage of weight loss. You are doing great.

    mscocoa, 1.8 pounds good job. Don't forget to check your percentage

    jlb123 Wow 4 pounds this week. I am sure you will have the highest percentage of weight loss with that kind of number

    Here is the link for those of you who want to check your percentage. Remember the one with the highest percentage chooses our challenge this week.


    andrea, you want to get healthy and you want to look good for that wedding. So do it. Your young and beautiful, and you deserve to feel that way by getting your self on a healthy road. We do not have to do this all in a couple of weeks. We need to start on the path and keep headed in that direction. I know you can do it. You are going to school and working. You have the drive to succeed in what you set your mind to. Now Girl, get that mind set to being healthy. We are all here for you, we all understand the difficulty of this journey and we understand how overwhelming it can be. But we know together with each others support and with our own desire we can do this. So lets get it done!!!

    awestfall, so proud of you on the 4 pounds lost

    C'mon girls, we are going to head down the road to being the under 200's team. We can do this.

    Hey Jenn, you are looking so good. I am proud of you
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    How do I check my weight loss percentage? If this question has been answered previously forgive me for the redundancy.
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Never mind about the percentage. I didn't read the entire post. I started this week at 230.4 down to 228.6. Sheesh, I finally figured out how to use the calculator. My percentage is 0.78%.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534

    Thanks awestfall for the new link for this week!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Happy friday everyone.

    Well I weighed in this morning, was 1.5 lbs down (.49 percent - if i did that right, i think i did)
    Sw-310 / cw 302 / gw 160 . That is a 8 lbs loss for me now....8lbs i don't ever ever want to see.

    I am so hoping i can get under 300 next week...i will be doing the happy dance if i do :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Happy friday everyone.

    Well I weighed in this morning, was 1.5 lbs down (.49 percent - if i did that right, i think i did)
    Sw-310 / cw 302 / gw 160 . That is a 8 lbs loss for me now....8lbs i don't ever ever want to see.

    I am so hoping i can get under 300 next week...i will be doing the happy dance if i do :)

    Hi lil! Our new thread is here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/69229-over-200-club-back-to-school-group-open-group

    Didn't want to lose you. :wink:

  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi All!

    Hubby took me out last night to Mexican, feeling bloated this morning. I will watch close for the rest of the weekend. Weekends can be hard for many of us. We are sticking with this! We are seeing weekly results! Yah us.:happy: :happy:

    Have great day!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi All!

    Hubby took me out last night to Mexican, feeling bloated this morning. I will watch close for the rest of the weekend. Weekends can be hard for many of us. We are sticking with this! We are seeing weekly results! Yah us.:happy: :happy:

    Have great day!

    Hey snowflakes, we moved to another post. Here it is


    By the way weekends are soooooooooo hard for me. Had waffles for breakfast this morning. My hubby took me on a 1.5 hour bike ride. Burned almost 800 calories. That is probably how many cals my breakfast was. You have a wonderful weekend and make sure you head over to our new link.
