So...about super sexy profile pics



  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    I have an issue with certain people posting pictures of themselves wearing next to nothing while posing provocatively. My thought process is that if you're a 40 something who is happily married and have children, that kind of behavior isn't appropriate.

    On the flip side, I have a lot of friends who post photos of their backs, in bikins flexing, their abs, etc, and those I feel are totally acceptable because they have worked hard to lose fat and increase muscle so I genuinely think they should show off their hard work. There's a fine line, especially for those married or in committed relationships, that people need to consider.

    So, it's the age of the person posting? Or their martial status? How many kids they have?

    See, I have a few photos the pop up from time to time of my bare back (heavily tattooed). One has short-shorts in it. Eventually, I might take a biking photo and share it. Why? Because I've lost 35 lbs, and look better than I ever have, and like you said, I'd want to show that work off in an appropriate setting. You know, like on a fitness site. The shots aren't provocative (inless you have a thing for tattoos or a workout fetish, but they definitely aren't what I wear most of the time.

    My husband has taken all the photos I've shared here, and he's been thrilled that I've found a support network of other people who are helping me with this. I don't see any reason that I should have to post photos in 3/4 sleeves and long yoga pants either, simply because I'm married with kids?
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Married, and yes he see's them. He's on MFP as well. Does not bother him. If it did I would respect his wishes and not post.

    Working out is slowly building my self confidence which was very lacking. 6 months ago I wouldn't be caught dead outside in a bikini top.3 years ago I wouldn't even wear shorts any higher than the knee. I wouldn't take my shirt off even in front of the hubby and workout b/c I didn't want him to see me that sweaty.

    Now it's different. Now we will do our own individual exercises and then exercise together. I feel more confident now than before we started on this lifestyle change.
  • wavdawg4
    wavdawg4 Posts: 139 Member
    So many responses to this are making me laugh :) a good start to the day, thanks guys :)
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member let me apologize in advance for all of those I am about to offend, because I know there are going to be a lot of women who take offense to this.

    But....can we please stop posting pictures of "big girl boobs." The pictures were someone who is probably a 42GGGG (if that is even a size), uses a bra to push their boobs up to their eyeballs. And then all you see in the picture are two things that look like over inflated water balloons. like I said...sorry. I am a big girl too, so I am not judging anyone. I also have a very small chest, so maybe I just don't understand or I am jealous and don't even know it lol.

    I'm surely not one :huh: as I don't have 42GGGG and don't have to push them up but as I have lost weight, I'm happy with the way they now look. I even like the way they look in clothes.

    I am attached, he is not a jealous man, and I am working very hard to be comfortable in my own skin
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    I wouldn't put a pic up that my SO hadn't seen first. When I reach goal, I'm sure my pictures will have less and less clothes in them.

    This! If I wouldn't put it on my FB for my school/childhood friends and family to see then I won't put it on here.

    I disagree. I have photos on here I'd never share on FB, and I even know a few people IRL who are on here with me. My sisters-in-law and best-buddy-from-high-school don't need to see my workout photos, progress pics in a sports bra, or whatever...but here I know I'm sharing with other people who are working hard towards the same goals. It is not the same thing as FB.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I personally wouldnt post these pics...number one becasue I have enough respect for my self and my son, Im sure he would not be happy to find out his Mother was posting pics of herself in her panties or a close up of just her boobs. whick by the way has nothing to do with weight loss but anyway thats just my take..for those of you that do , More power to ya ..I would just rather leave a little something more to the imagination than bare it all for the world to see.

    AGAIN... not judging, its just my thoughts..and again I have to think of my son before I would post any pics like this. NOW if I were single and had no kids..then that Might be a diffrent story ! LOL
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    I'm not super sexy enough for undie shots yet, but when I am, well... let's just say they better increase the photo limit by then.

    I don't have a partner, but even if I did, I'd still want to show off all my hard work. Why shouldn't I? :)
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 510 Member
    I wouldn't put a pic up that my SO hadn't seen first. When I reach goal, I'm sure my pictures will have less and less clothes in them.

    This! If I wouldn't put it on my FB for my school/childhood friends and family to see then I won't put it on here.

    I disagree. I have photos on here I'd never share on FB, and I even know a few people IRL who are on here with me. My sisters-in-law and best-buddy-from-high-school don't need to see my workout photos, progress pics in a sports bra, or whatever...but here I know I'm sharing with other people who are working hard towards the same goals. It is not the same thing as FB.

    My family and friends are there for me during this journey to get fit so I had no problem posting my profile picture on FB (now that's my progress before+after side by side), in fact I got more encouragement from them than I did here, so I'm glad that I posted it.
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    Good lord. I go away for an hour and missed a whole bunch.

    Please, know...I don't mind the sexy! Just was curious.
    REALBIGBATBASTARD Posts: 103 Member
    This is as sexy as it gets for me. =P

    This is what I call natural sexy!!
  • lou1618
    lou1618 Posts: 96 Member
    ok , so I usually dont care want people think or say..but I read a reply on here where someone said that its not appropriate for 40 plus to post sexy pics on here espeically if the are married and have kids.....well I'm 49, married, have 3 grown kids and 4 grandbabies, and I have bikini pics in my profile, at one time I use one as my profile hubby didnt have a problem with it at all. Whats wrong with it?...40 plus people ( male & females) work hard to reach their goals and if they're comfortable with posting sexy pics, then I say ,go for it....40 plus can rock a bikini just as well as someone in their 20's.
    REALBIGBATBASTARD Posts: 103 Member
    I'm not super sexy enough for undie shots yet, but when I am, well... let's just say they better increase the photo limit by then.

    I don't have a partner, but even if I did, I'd still want to show off all my hard work. Why shouldn't I? :)

    I disagree!
  • nicholjenny
    nicholjenny Posts: 74 Member
    I enjoy seeing the pics when someone has been successful in getting into shape. I think it inspires me to keep working. Everyone has a different opinion on what is sexy, so to each his/her own... If I don't like someone's pics, I don't look. I definitely won't pose in undies... fitness wear that shows my progress is good. Spouse is ok with it. All the important places are covered up!
  • tweakz20
    tweakz20 Posts: 152 Member
    mine's in gym shorts and not impressive. I figure, if I pose exposed, maybe more sexy girls will be comfortable doing it too.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    and all I have are books and a sexy skull.

    (I do have other pics on my page- like of a kitchen knife, scuba goggles, and an onion- and one with scars)

    ** but I kinda understand, i would never every feel OK posting posed panty pictures- and if I did, my husband would get upset-- that I didn't post them on HIS computer, too.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    ok , so I usually dont care want people think or say..but I read a reply on here where someone said that its not appropriate for 40 plus to post sexy pics on here espeically if the are married and have kids.....well I'm 49, married, have 3 grown kids and 4 grandbabies, and I have bikini pics in my profile, at one time I use one as my profile hubby didnt have a problem with it at all. Whats wrong with it?...40 plus people ( male & females) work hard to reach their goals and if they're comfortable with posting sexy pics, then I say ,go for it....40 plus can rock a bikini just as well as someone in their 20's.

    I just looked at your pics..CONGRATS ! you look great but I dont think you bikini pics are as provacative as some that the original may be talking about...Your are simple pics of a fron and side view progress pics, not sprawled out on the bed or a pic of just your boobs with your nipples almost showing..I think thats more waht she if talking about . Kudos on rocking the bikini !
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    my husband wasn't a fan that my small icon zooms in on my *kitten*.. but he supports my choices. and I haven't found a way to make the small icon the whole picture and not just my *kitten*. lol

    LOL Better then one of zooms in on my crotch :(
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    i have never thought about this as it just doesn't bother me... I think it is fine people show off what they have worked hard for. Having said that my partner wouldn't like me posting those pics at goal im sure, and i wouldn't really appreciate him posting pictures like that either. Having said that I really do not mind looking at other peoples... each to their own! x
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 474 Member

    Hmph....... :noway: