guns or no guns?



  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Pro gun.
  • 600racer
    600racer Posts: 149 Member

    To set the record straight fully automatic rifles have been illegal since the 1930's unless you are able to obtain a class III firearms permit which is extremely hard to come by.

    Excellent - so if they are illegal, criminals won't use them?

    Sort of a stupid question since by definition a criminal has no regard for the law.
  • ChaosMoosie
    ChaosMoosie Posts: 77 Member
    Definitely, completely, irrevocably and eternally Pro self-defense and independence!
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    I have very good control of my guns, so PRO.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Anti-gun. They are a coward's weapon. Sadly, if they were banned average citizens couldn't defend themselves against thugs and psychos. *sigh*
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    If there were no guns how would my family bond? And one person in that theater with a gun could have stopped that sicko before that many people died.

    True, but the theater specifically bans guns and the law abiding gun carrying citizens did the right thing and did not bring them in, per the law.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    I do not understand Americans' obsession with guns. And yes, it's an obsession -- glancing over the replies here, we aren't talking about something sensible like about owning a rifle or two for hunting deer. No, we're talking about egotistical, fearful idiots who think they're Vigilante McJustice, when in reality they're one step removed from James Holmes.

    What the hell are you so scared about that you need a gun to "protect" yourself from?

    Here, let's look at some numbers.
    Leading causes of death: Heart disease. Cancer. Hey, I'll give you some credit -- being this is a fitness site foremost, you're probably doing something about #1. Great. But the rest of that? Where do guns come in against these actual, legitimate threats to your life?

    I hate to break it to you, but your gun is never going to protect you from your phobia(s). Sure, arm yourself to the teeth in the meantime -- I'm sure it makes you feel really, really tough. Great job, Rambo.

    You're still a paranoid lunatic.

    You have got to be kidding me right? Sane people are not the only people with access to guns. Owning a gun to protect yourself is not being paranoid.

    No no your right the guy that followed me to my house and stores, then later kicked in my friends door and beat the **** out of her
    Was not going to be an issue.

    Making them illegal wont do any good either, not a single criminal would hand them over.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401

    Remember your words if you or your family are ever the victims of violent crime. It may not be very likely to happen, but if it does, your lives can be shattered in an instant. Some of us choose to be prepared for that possibility.

    Have you given any though as to how you would deal with the emotional fallout? Say Johnny Crackhead breaks into your house to steal you PlayStation and you put a bullet in his head. How do you live with that?

    I would not hesitate or loose a moments sleep about it.

    In this case, if all he wanted was the playstation then ****, let him have it and report it to the police. I am pro-gun, but would only shoot as a LAST resort. If he said he acting like he was just stealing something I may try to talk him out of it but if he pulled a gun and didn't seem he was going to shoot, I'd let him have it and go on his way and remember what he looks like and report it. The class I took for concealed carry, I was told ONLY to shoot if your life was threatened. I'm assuming if some guy is breaking into your house and just stealing something, and didn't actually threaten you in anyway, your LIFE is not threatened therefore you do not have the right to shoot. Like I said, it's a material thing that you could buy again. Sucks losing it, but I'd rather lose it than shoot someone and regret that for the rest of my life thinking "What if he wouldn't have come after me and he was JUST going to steal? Is that fair to end his life?" No. And even then, you aren't supposed to shoot to kill unless it's LAST resort. :\
  • mommanurse33
    mommanurse33 Posts: 189 Member
    Hmmm. We've got 4. Saving for my next one.
  • meldaniel
    meldaniel Posts: 111

    Remember your words if you or your family are ever the victims of violent crime. It may not be very likely to happen, but if it does, your lives can be shattered in an instant. Some of us choose to be prepared for that possibility.

    Have you given any though as to how you would deal with the emotional fallout? Say Johnny Crackhead breaks into your house to steal you PlayStation and you put a bullet in his head. How do you live with that?

    Here is a PRIME example to answer your question. This girl saved her own life and the life of her newborn child when 2 guys broke into her home after learning through obituaries that her husband had died of cancer several days prior.

    PRO GUN...PRO GUN EDUCATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For many reasons, not just home protection and hunting. It's about so much more than that, and I am always shocked when other Americans do not understand that. :(
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I am anti-gun personally but I respect others' rights to carry- my boyfriend has two and his concealed carry permit- it makes him feel safer so I don't fuss as long as he leaves me out of it.
  • nsmith6325
    nsmith6325 Posts: 41

    Remember your words if you or your family are ever the victims of violent crime. It may not be very likely to happen, but if it does, your lives can be shattered in an instant. Some of us choose to be prepared for that possibility.

    Have you given any though as to how you would deal with the emotional fallout? Say Johnny Crackhead breaks into your house to steal you PlayStation and you put a bullet in his head. How do you live with that?

    I think the critical point you make is "HOW DO YOU LIVE" and quite fine knowing Johnny Crackhead was alread committing a crime during which I am sure he was not wearing a sign that said I am only here for the Playstation. At what point do I full understand his intent; before or after he kills me?
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    If there were no guns how would my family bond? And one person in that theater with a gun could have stopped that sicko before that many people died.

    True, but the theater specifically bans guns and the law abiding gun carrying citizens did the right thing and did not bring them in, per the law.

    Never noticed such a sign at my local theaters. But it might be different since we are open carry.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    as for the people dropping stats...

    something i want you to think about is that a lot of gun related deaths (edit: in CANADA) are actually people who were in the cross fire and not being aimed at. so these people don't really stand a chance in defending themselves or being defended with a gun.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    If there were no guns how would my family bond? And one person in that theater with a gun could have stopped that sicko before that many people died.

    Not necessarily... unless the person was an incredibly good shot... because the psycho was wearing a bullet proof vest and a riot helmet....
  • cafeface
    cafeface Posts: 2
    The problem with this question is that it ignores the nuances associated with the question regarding of the value of guns. It creates the illusion of a two sided argument that feeds into exactly everything wrong with the current American political climate. Guns or no guns is a political question and it's not just yes or no.
  • HikeRunLift
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I'm sure Dr. Petit wished he was home with a gun when those psychopaths invaded his house, raped his wife and daughters, tied them to the bed and set them on fire.
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    Umm... PRO! I guess I've never seen a gun wak out of my guy safe & go shoot someone. If that ever does happen, I will become anti-gun.

    Sorry for being snarky, but gun control does nothing but keep guns out of the hands of decent, law-abiding citizens.