The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Yesterday I walked each dog individually for 20-30 minutes, so I went for over an hour. Even though it's not a fast walk, I walked more than 30 minutes, so I'm counting it.

    Tonight is Zumba again, I'm glad the class is at 7pm because I have some errands to run before, and things are getting really busy at work. Good luck everyone!

    Stephanie: Absolutely count your walking. Any activity is better than sitting on the couch and snacking!! Have fun at Zumba. I can't wait until next Friday when I can go again.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Hi kids... sorry about the long absence but dealing with some personal issues have sidetracked my focus on weightloss. I haven't worked out once this entire week and I honestly don't think I will until next week rolls around.
    Heather I do like your 30m challenge and will go for it next week.
    The good news is that I've maintained at 185 and am quite thrilled about that especially since my eating has been of the emotional sort lately which I do have to head off at the pass.
    Sounds like the weather in your part of the country is turning cold and white. We've had 3 days of stormy weather in San Diego which makes the front's crazy how people here get hysterical when it rains....OMG!!!!
    So, I have a gameplan for next week and will put it into play on Sunday and go hard and heavy for the rest of the month. I'm no where near reaching my V-day goal and need to get serious about it.....not to mention how bloody over I am being in the 180's. It's taking forever to budge this fat. Not in a very good mood at the moment...not that you can tell my this post huh???:angry:
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240

    we're currently in 2nd place...lets step it up this week! my goal is to lose 1.5 by tuesday

    Shredder...I hope you feel better! the 170s will come soon enough, just dont give up!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Shredder: Stick with it. Just watch your eating and it won't matter so much that you're not working out.

    Allie: I also need to step it up and get more exercising in each day. I want to meet my Valentine's Day goal, but that would mean I have 8 lbs. to lose in a few weeks!

    Yesterday, I stayed within my calories again, even with the DQ sundae. My only exercise was cleaning the house, but I worked up a sweat and did it for an hour, so I figure it counts. Last night, I went to see my horse since the weather didn't turn bad yet, and miracles of miracles, she let me catch her in 10 minutes! I think that's a new record for us! I gave her lots of praise, pets and a handful of treats and let that be it for the day as her reward. Depending on the weather, I'm going to try to get out to see her tomorrow, too.

    I'm going through horsey withdrawals, especially after I learned this morning that one of our beloved therapy horses passed away yesterday afternoon. The owner is having a hard time because she has had the horse for 22 years and she got the news from her husband since she's in the Netherlands for business and won't get to come home until today. I can't imagine how hard that has to be for her that she didn't get to say goodbye.

    Anyway, back to work. Have a happy Friday!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Shredder: I hope everything is going ok for you, it sounds like your having a rough week :/ Keep your chin and spirits up, do something that makes YOU happy as far as staying on track with weight just try and keep within your calories and exercise later when you can find time. I was told that when losing weight , 80% comes from actually just our eating and the other 30% comes from exercising, so its cool dont worry about :) I hope what ever personnel stand stills you might be having i hope they resolve because you are what counts and only you can do this for yourself, Were all here for you!

    I hope some of what I said made sense?

    Allie: I ant wait till Im 147!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Heather: I used to ride years ago! I loved it. I used to ride english and show equestrian jumping, its still so in my heart, When our house is built I do plan on having my husband build a barn so I can have a horse back and start riding again, it is soooooo therapeutic, and its me time!!!!!!!!

    Stephanie: Did you have a good week? Whats on the tasters for wine this weekend? I hope everyone has a great weekend, I have to work all weekend yuck!

    MPH2: Youll have a better week this week( keep your tires pumped)!

    Talk to you all later
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    So, I have a gameplan for next week and will put it into play on Sunday and go hard and heavy for the rest of the month. I'm no where near reaching my V-day goal and need to get serious about it.....not to mention how bloody over I am being in the 180's. It's taking forever to budge this fat. Not in a very good mood at the moment...not that you can tell my this post huh???:angry:

    OK, lets all be serious together! I vow to not have wine Monday - Thursday, it's cutting into my weight loss.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    So far so good this weekend. I joined the Zumba fitness class around the corner from my house and I've gone a few times this week already. I love Zumba, it's not like working out at all, but I love to dance so it works for me.

    This weekends wine of choice is Shiraz, yummy :)

    I'm with shredder to get serious, I need to get some weight off by spring.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Christine: That's so awesome that you're a "horse gal" too! I hope you do get a horse because it is therapeutic. I've seen horses do so much for people at the therapeutic horseback riding program I work with; it's simply amazing. If you ever want to check out the program I'm always blabbing about, you can view

    Stephanie: Hope the wine is delicious! I will probably have a beer with dinner tonight. So naughty but so wonderful.

    Shredder: Hang in there and stick with it!

    Last night, I stayed within my calories, but was low on my water again. It's hard to drink when I'm not thirsty! I went with my sister and one of her friends to open adult volleyball through community education and played for almost three hours! At first, it was scary since we'd never been there and none of us have played in several years. The serious volleyball players were intimidating and not very nice, but once they started a competitive court and a fun court, we had a blast with the fun people. I'm looking forward to going again next Friday. It's so great to get out in the community to meet new people and try new things without a big financial investment (it cost $3 per time).

    Unfortunately, the weather has turned crummy, so we won't be snowshoeing today. We'll have to wait to see what the weather brings tomorrow. All the rain and 35 degree weather has melted the snow, but they're forecasting snow overnight. I'm crossing my fingers. Who ever thought I'd WANT it to snow??

    Have a great evening!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I publically vow to not drink alcohol until the super bowl!! I'm very good about only drinking on the weekend...but every time I do drink I dont see any weight loss the next time I weigh in (i.e. the last 3 weeks). Its not so much the calories in the beer (which obv dont help) but its more the binging I do while Im buzzed/drunk and the lack of exercise I do because of a hangover. My goal is to not drink for the next two weeks...then only allow myself one night a week to go out. This will also help me save some money for the new wardrob I'm going to have to buy.

    Anyone else have a similar problem and want to join me?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I did terribly this weekend in regards to my water intake, exercise and calories! Ugh. I was so happy yesterday morning when my scale said 197.0, but this morning it was back up to 198.6. You'd think I'd learn!

    Anyway, I'm back on track today with the protein shakes and water. I need to get busy with the exercising tonight, though.

    Allie: I typically only have a beer or two a week, so it's never been a problem for me. I was proud of myself for only drinking water during the football games last night even though a beer sounded tasty!

    Hope you're all having a good Monday,
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Hi guys and thank you sooooo much for your lovely words of support and motivation!!!!!
    OK...I'm back with a vengence this week. I'd LOVE to not drink until Superbowl and really jump start my weight loss but I know myself too much and would fail miserably. I just look forward to my tasty wine at the end of the week but the problem is now I'm sneaking in a glass or 2 Mon-Thurs when I cook, relax etc. and then, like you said Allie, discipline walks out the door and I walk into the kitchen ahhhh.
    So I promise to not drink at all this week until Friday night - and Stephanie I'm gonna hold you too this too :drinker: .
    So I have to go throw dinner in the crock pot for tonight, get my gym clothes on and bust a move today.
    Anyone got a recipe for this week?
    You guys ROCK...let's make this week count :wink:
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hi Everyone,
    Sounds like we all had a rough weekend, I did lose 1lb out of it weighing in at 248.8 this week, yay!

    I made a beef stew with beef of course,carrots,red potatoes,corn, green beans and a slow cooker packet low sodium. It was something quick and easy. I had to work all weekend only having today off and working the rest of the week, and Ill tell ya im in no mood for cooking at all anymore im sick of it!

    I did workout all weekend and today now im just trying to figure out hoow im going to get exercise in for the next 4 days, it wouldnt be so bad if i could get out of work at 3 but that never happens, it more like 4-4:30 so by that time im pooped and got to pick up the kiddo at daycare, ive been trying to pump myself up enough to just get up early and shower there at the gym before work but im worried it will be people will be taking showers same time I need too, hummmmm what to do?

    Hope you are all off to a good start this week:happy: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    With much health,
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    I feel good!!!!
    Had a killer workout on the stairmaster ( are we still calling it that lol!) and burnt 543 cal.
    As far as eating, am doing well today and digging in to the proteins big time.
    No carbs for me after 12noon for this week and next, we'll see how that turns out.
    For weigh in this week I'm at 187 and I know why. All's I did last week was eat on an emotional level. Lots of the bad stuff, carbs and more carbs. It's like I can FEEL the fat piling on when I'm eating so wrecklessly, I feel know what I mean??
    I"m sorry to let the team down this week guys, I really am, but I'm in a way better place this week and intend to kick some butt.

    You are all doing so well and I am so proud of this team.
    Christine: are you soooooo thrilled getting close and closer to your goal. It's such a motivator when the scales reads the way it should after your hard work.
    Heather: seriously leading the charge. You're throwing down the gaunlet and we should all step up to the challenge.
    Allie, Stephanie and MPH: love you guys....what would I do without you all.
    Kisses:heart::heart: :heart:
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I'm sooo happy to hear you had such a great day yesterday, shredder!! Great job...and heres to many more! I cant stand the stair stepper! I think the most ive ever done on that machine was 5 minutes.

    Christine: Great job with the 1lb!!! Hopefully you can sqeeze a couple work outs in this week...dispite your crazy schedule!

    So I weighed in this morning...usually I use the scale at my apt, but when I got on it it said 142 (what would be a 5lb loss)...obv that cant be right. I had a pretty good week but was expecting more like .75-1 lb loss. So i decided to weigh myself at work instead...149 (so a 2 lb gain)! I dont understand how the scales can be sooo different! When I first got the one that I keep at my apt it weighed about .7 less than the one at work (which is why i use it for official weigh ins :wink: )...but 7lbs is quite a difference. Any suggestions??
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Yeah...that's a quite a discrepancy in reads Allie.
    Here's what I've done in the past to ensure my scales is on track.
    Take an 8 or 10lb free weight and place in on the scale. It should read whatever weight your using.
    I've noticed the heavier the weight the closer to a real read you'll get.
    Like if you place a 5lb weight on it, it barely reads it at all...afterall it's not a fruit scale and we're not weighing a
    bunch of grapes :tongue:
    Also make sure your scale is on a hard surface and not on a carpet....that makes a huge difference.
    Let me know how it goes.

    Getting ready to go to the gym. Plan to run 1 mile and strength training legs today.
    Have a great Tuesday everyone.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Shredder: Thanks for the kind words. I've been slacking a bit myself so I don't know that I could be considered a leader, but I do try to stay motivated and help others become motivated. Good job on getting your workout in!! I slacked last night and need to get back on track this evening.

    Allie: It's odd that your scales are so different. I have two different models at home and also weigh myself at my boyfriend's house and all three scales will give me the same reading on the same day. Maybe one of the ones you're using is too old? The other thing to consider is whether you're wearing the same clothes and weighing at approximately the same time of day. I can be off by five pounds if I'm dressed and weighing during the evening vs. weighing unclothed in the morning.

    So yesterday I stayed within my calories again, but bad on the water and no workout. At least I was down .2 lbs. this morning. I'll take anything! The officially weigh-in last night wasn't great, but I'm in third place for weight loss percentage. I think if I really kick the workouts into gear, I can take the lead. Granted, we don't have the final until mid-March, but an early lead would be helpful!

    Oh, and I'm excited that my snowshoes came yesterday (to my boyfriend's house), so we're going to try to meet up to go snowshoeing tomorrow after work. He said they're awesome!

    Have a great day!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Ta Da!!!! here's me:smile:
    Just figured out how to upload a picture from my files.
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hi everyone,

    Well I got out of work ontime today and got to the gym to do a 35 min on the elipticle! i was excited! had a good day I hope everyone else is too:drinker:

    Shredder: nice pic, i wish i had those beautiful blue eyes:smile:
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    YAYYYYY Christine, way to go with the workout. Isn't it so awesome how your overall attitude shifts into such a positve zone after a bit of sweat...
    I got in my workout plan as scheduled...ran 1 mile and worked legs on the machine. I'm eating ok today and have a cut off time of 7pm tonight. I always lose faster when I curb my evening eats.
    Where are you Stephanie and MPH?
  • Hi all, I joined your group one day several weeks ago & I have not been back since. I had a MAJOR family emergency going on, so I appologize. I am ready to actually participate now, but can't remember what I need to do???
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