The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • allie5199

    I lied...this is actually week 12 (not 11)...and unfortunately we came in last place :grumble: BUT I did challenge the other teams to a rematch.

    Great job on the 4lb lose Christine!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allie: Thanks for posting the results. If the other teams accept the rematch, I'm in!

    Christine: Way to go on your progress! You kicked our butts!

    Everyone did such a great job on this challenge. I'm proud of you all.

    Yesterday, I went over my calories because I had Famous Dave's for dinner. But, on the plus side, I got a side of fries and a side of coleslaw instead of my two usual sides of fries. To be honest, I get the fries because dipping them in BBQ sauce gets more deliciousness into my system. I'm all about BBQ sauce intake some days. At least the scale was back down to where it should be and the 2lbs of pasta bloat is gone. So weird...

    I've already logged my food for tonight (more fast food because of a meeting), including the Caribou coffee I intend to indulge in. I really want the Mint Condition, but am cutting out 330 calories per large coffee by switching to the Northern Lite Turtle Latte, which is still delicious. Oh, and I'm cutting out the whip :-( Oh, the sacrifices!

    Have a fantastic day!
  • allie5199
    Congrats Heather on being out biggest % loser!! You really are competitive...and I love it!! You better bring that attitude to our next challenge!

    Congrats Christine on being the biggest lb loser!! 9.4 did you do it!?! Thats simply amazing!

    I couldnt be prouder of our group! Lets step it up so we can take first next time!

    I've been sooo good about not drinking...still havent had anything since I vowed not to until the superbowl! My friend and I are planning a trip next weekend ( we have the 15th off so were gunna find a last minute deal) so Im thinking about skipping the beer on sunday & hopefully seeing a little extra weight loss. This will be the first time Ill be seen in a bathing suit in almost 2 Im hoping to drop another 2lbs before then (10 days...totally manageable, if I dont drink) ...145 is the goal!

    Hows everyones morning going so far??
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allie: A weekend, last minute trip sounds like a blast! I know you can hit that 145 for the bathing suit because you rock! Oh, and you can bet the competitive spirit will be around for the next challenge!

    I may have to wear a bathing suit the weekend of the 19th because my boyfriend's family wants to hold his dad's birthday party at an indoor waterpark. I wore a swimsuit all last summer, but I should try mine on tonight and see how it looks and feels being 22 lbs. lighter since it last came out of the dresser drawer! Hmm..maybe I'll have to buy a cute new tankini afterall...

    Okay, back to work. Have a good one!
  • m0m2three
    I just can't seem to get here on time...I'm gonna try again. My weight on Monday was 234.5. I realize it doesn't really matter at this point, but I thought it my help with Monday's weigh in.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Yesterday I managed to stay within my calories again, but went over on sodium. That darn sodium...ahh. Anyway, I had a three hour meeting for the therapeutic riding program and had a blast. I love the group of instructors and I can't complain about having my coffee, but a lite latte to save calories. Then, instead of getting a second coffee, I got a Mango tea instead and it was delicious.

    The only bummer is that driving home, I had a pounding headache, but I think it was caused by caffeine overload. I had 20 oz. of Diet Pepsi, followed by a large latte, followed by a large tea. Ugh. It never used to bother me before, but now that I don't always drink caffeine each day, I guess I've developed a sensitivity.

    Oh, and I peeked at the scale this morning and was down! I'm now at 196.6. I'd love to see 195 by Valentine's Day, even though I'll have missed my VDay goal by 5 lbs.; I wanted to be at 190 for Valentines Day. But, I'll take it. If I even lose 5 lbs. per month, that would be 60 lbs. for the year and I don't even need to lose that much. It put it in perspective. j

    Anyway, hope you're all having a fabulous Friday!!
  • allie5199
    196.6!! Thats amazing!! Great job Heather. I get the same way when I drink too much caffeine. I agree...5 lbs a month would be ideal and is definitely do-able. I cant believe V-day is a week away...any one have big plans??
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Thanks, Allie!

    No Valentine's Day plans for me, but my boyfriend and I don't really care about this particular holiday. I might be doing the Freeze Your Bunz 5K the day before Valentine's and maybe we'll find something fun to do with my boyfriend's son the day of. I'm thinking some skeeball at Chucky Cheese sounds like a good Valentine's Day plan...
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm still around but things are super busy at work for the next two weeks. I should be around more after next Friday. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hi Everyone,
    I just wrote to all of you and I dont know what I did but it erased eeerrrrr!:explode: Don't that make me ugly. Ill catch up tomorw or Monday, Have a great rest of the weekend ladies♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥:smile:

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning,

    I hope you all had a great weekend. I didn't do so well on the eating, but had fun anyway.

    We went snowshoeing twice this weekend, so burned a lot of calories, but still went way over on Saturday. Of course, my burn was an estimate because my HRM wasn't working right, so perhaps it's not as bad as it seems. Even with the Super Bowl, I'm only up a half pound, which should come off by the time I peek at the scale tomorrow morning. I'm crossing my fingers in hopes that my evening weigh in tonight doesn't reflect the increase.

    Not much else to report, so I'll try to check in later.
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hi Everyone,

    Happy Monday! You are all doing so well, Heather even after the super bowl! No one could be hard on themselves after that game, and I didnt even drink well I had one :ohwell: a Sombrero nothing like the calories in that sucker.

    Allie: have a great time on your weekend getaway, 145, I wish I was there!, last time I weighed that It was 1993 and i was actually 142 right before I conceived my first child who is now a teenage female terror:grumble: Anyway have a great time and im sure youre going to look hot in your bathing suit!

    Heather: great job on the weight loss! Snow shoeing must be a blast and you must get lots of exercising out or your riding as well. We have a therapeutic rink down the road from where i live, ive never stopped in though to check it out, it must be so rewarding. When the nie weather starts coming around im going to try and get back into riding again, its just been one of my only hobbies ive ever loved so much and relaxing:smile:

    Stephanie: How are you? Youve been really busy ah, what do you do for work? Actually whats everybody do for work?

    Shredder: Where r u? I miss you:happy:

    Ill weigh in tomorrow am before work, bright and early ! Everone have a great afternoon and evening!

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Christine: Unfortunately, I don't really ride in the winter, even though this year I have access to an indoor riding arena. I'm lazy in the winter, I guess. Well, that and my horse likes having the extended vacation. You should definitely stop in and check out the therapeutic riding program near you sometime. It's amazing to watch the little miracles that happen! We're starting to gear up again for our riding season, which begins in April...I can't wait! As for work, I do accounts payable and human resources for a small manufacturing company. I like my job but it's definitely not my passion. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up!

    Anyway, I'm off to lunch and craving something naughty, though not quite sure what yet. Hmm...
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Happy Monday everyone!!!
    I've had the bloddy worst week of my life with eating....I cannot even begin to tell you guys how much I overindulged every single day. It was almost as if I was possessed:mad:
    First off my 13 year old had a sleepover with her girlfriends on Friday night and I was sent to the store with a list of goodiesto get...oreos, ice-cream, snickers, popcorn,chips.....what a nightmare cause once I got home with them I dove in and didn't come up for air.
    Then superbowl was a whole other story.
    I stood on the scales today and suffice it to say I have NEVER seen the number that blinked back at me. I'm appalled and disgusted with myself. I can't make myself tell you guys what I's over the top bad!!!!
    So....I've dusted off my journal, tore out all the healthy meals from my Oxygen mags and am determined to get back on track.
    There is one change I need to make to the group...I just cannot weigh in on Tuesdays. For some reason that day usually is my worst weight day and I get soooo down when I don't see change that it literally affects my entire week. When I work my butt off all week and see the Friday number, it keeps me stronger over the weekend. Sorry, I've tried the Mon-Tues for so long and you guys know how much I hate it, so I'll be giving my weight on Fridays and I guess thats the # to use for the weigh ins.

    The rest of you sound so pumped up and on top of it....who'll get closest to the V-day goal.
    Christine, I'm actually a stay at home Mom. I worked retail for 17 years and then 2 years ago (in May) i quit and never looked back. I have most morning free until I get my kids from school and all the activity/homework chaos starts, so I'm currently looking for a little part time job to keep me busy and get out of the house.

    Here's to a fab week everyone!!!
  • allie5199
    I'm with you shredder...Mondays/Tuesday havent been working for me lately. I know that I was originally on board for Monday weigh ins but I usually eat really high sodium foods over the weekend so that really messes me up come monday. Actually I think Im going to weigh myself bi-weekly...for some reason seeing .75 each week isnt as great as seeing 1.5 everyother week...sound crazy, I know, but it worked for me in the past so Im going to try it this month and see what happens.

    I got my makeover yesterday...It turned out soo good!! unfortunately I dont have any before and after pictures...but the studio that did it recorded the entire thing and will be posting a video on youtube sometime in the near future so Ill post it on here when its up!

    I'm excited for my trip this weekend...although my gf who was suppose to be going w me might back out. if she does I might suprise my family w a spur of the moment trip home...we'll see.

    I also over did it this weekend...but I also exercised enough to cancel it out (just about). Im proud to say I didnt drink anything yesterday (haha kinda sounds like Im an alcoholic) Im going to shoot for this weekend. If I end up staying in Chicago Ill probably do a v-day bar crawl, then a fun girls night w some wine

    Heather...I use to take house back riding lessons for 3 years...I loved it! Ive often talked about doing it again, but living in a big city w no access to a car makes it pretty hard. How long have you been riding? When I was younger I use to be soo jealous of the girls that competed and won ribbons (I was too young to compete, and stopped before I could enter any competitions)

    Shredder: I think weve all had weekends like that! They suck but sometimes theyre a slap in the wake up and get back on track!! Im sure youll have a much better week this week!

    Wheres MPH2???

    I wont be at my goal for V-day...but hopefully much closer by St. Pattys day!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allie: I've been riding for about 16 years now, but have never competed. I just do it for fun. Sometimes I wish I would have had the means available to get into barrel racing, but now it doesn't hold a lot of interest for me. Being involved in the therapeutic riding where I can work with horses to help people with disabilities seems so much more worth my time because it's more rewarding.

    I can't wait to see your makeover on youtube! It sounds like so much fun. Then again, so does your weekend coming up!

    I agree that weekends are terrible, mostly because of my increased sodium intake. I won't make my Valentine's Day goal, so that's a bit disappointing. I'd have to lose 17 lbs. to hit my St. Patrick's Day goal now, so I'll probably have to revamp my goals AGAIN! Grrr.
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    I hear ya Shredder about the weigh ins also, So do we all want to weigh in on Fridays instead? Or do we all want to weigh in on what ever days we want and then just make sure we hit the scales before tuesday for Allie to record all of them for the other challenge? I must say also Im in this pre pms mode and i have a neverending stomach! I feel I could eat and eat and eat! I only had one drink on Superbowl but it had to be a sombrero mhm, high calorie of course, oh well it was only one. Dont give up Shredder were all here with ya, youre back like you said you dusted off your journal, awesome job. Do you find it hard also staying home? I was home for 5 years and just this last October I went back to work after I finished school and got my LPN, so now I work 32 hours as a charge nurse for a skilled and long term nursing facility. I just couldnt take it at home anymore. I really missed the adult communication. I was going stir crazy plus I was putting on the weight and fast.

    Great job Allie with no drinking! haha

    Heather and Allie, I was lucky to be able to compete when I used to ride, equestrian and jump seat but i worked for it cleaning stalls, lunging horses, grooming whatever it took to help pay for my lessons, my parents couldnt always afford it and I was determined to ride,I loved it! and miss it soooo much Its the one thing I wish I wouldnt have never given up and I hope to get back into it soon.
    Have a good nite everyone!

  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Im weighing in this morning at 244.0, Im down only .8 oz. Ill take though considering I had a big loss last week, AND I have been alot more this week . I just cant be satisfied, not with tom coming:ohwell:

    Everyone have a great day

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Christine: It's more rewarding working for what you want rather than having someone give it to you. When in middle school and high school, I paid for my riding lessons with babysitting and dog walking money. My parents gave me the first set of riding lessons as a Christmas present and then I was hooked, so I worked extra hard to get the money to continue my lessons. I had to take a break in college and just after due to finances, but it was a wonderful feeling when I was living on my own and was able to buy my horse.

    Regarding the weigh-ins, I tend to have my best weigh-ins on Thursday and Friday mornings and my worst on Monday mornings. I'm fine weighing in whichever day works best for everyone else, so just let me know!

    Yesterday, I stayed within my calories (yay!), but was over on the sodium. Boo! I didn't exercise, but I'm waiting for the blisters on my heels to feel better. Darn snow boots. Needless to say, I think I need smaller snowboots for when I'm being active during the winter. I'm also in need of a smaller winter jacket AND snowpants. It's tough snowshoeing when I have to stop every few minutes to hike up my snowpants! Guess I'll be hunting the clearance racks or waiting until next winter to replace all of my winter gear!

    Have a great day,
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Heather what a giggle you are...I can just imagine you yanking your pants up over your skinny butt!!!
    Time for new clothes soon!!!! Yahoo, I'm so happy for you.
    I grew up around horses in Ireland, all my posh friends who lived in the countryside had them. Coming from the suburbs I wasn't as lucky but I did get to ride a bit. I gotta tell you I've never been 100% comfortable, always a little anxious. I mean these animals are so powerful and their abilities so enormous, you have to have a huge amount of respect for them.
    I admire all of you who can ride and work with these beautiful horses.
    My in-laws bought my oldest daughter a Connemara pony 4 years ago named LambChop. We stabled it at a friends house and she took riding lessons and learned all the details that goes into owning an animal. She became quite good at riding and jumping but we no longer have her. Still, it was an incredible experience for my daughter to have.:happy:
    Had a great day yesterday. My journal was by my side every single moment of the day which really helped me. I logged way under my allowed calories and was fully satisfied by the end of the day.
    Woke up with the flu so have no taste buds to speak of, don't you hate that. Still, am so determined to knock the added weight off by Friday that nothing will get in my way.
    So, are we on board for weigh-ins Friday? I didn't mean it to sound like we all have to do it but sounds as if a lot of us are running into the same issues. So, let's make this Friday our official weigh in and if anyone wants a different day, you can do whatever works for you.
    Christine, I have definately gained weight since staying at home, it creeps up on you huh? I love being there for my kids and making them meals and providing a cosy home but I am so on the lookout for a partime job to keep me sane. I talk to myself all day long, no literally, I think the men in the white coats will appear any minute at my front door to haul me away:grumble:
    Allie, you little bombshell, we're all waiting for those pics. And good for you, even if your gf backs out, you make a plan and get the hell out of dodge to go see your family.
    I think MPH has backed out, that's ok, we may have been a bit too girly for him. I sent him a message but he has yet to reply
    Ok kids, thats it for today, I'll check in later.