The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Yeah passed the wine test at the store, I'm so proud of you and the image of Pee Wee is now tatooed in my brain:smile:
    See....we can do this, we're almost on to day 3 and another bangle gets switched over tonight.
    No work out a bit of a decortating bug and redid my office in my bedroom- looks killer and the girls love it.
    Worked on it for 3 hours and sweated my tush off so that counts for something right? oh I also took Belle (my dog) on 2 long walks today.
    Sipping my tea as I write this. Have to say it's an aquired taste for me and the less bells and whistles it has the better. I like the green tea.
    My eating is right on track today and I feel confident knowing I won't crash and burn and give in to munchies tonight. Getting to bed at 9pm is a goal I like. Out of the kitchen, teeth brushed and all warm and cozy in bed with a good book.
    On to tomorrow kids, lets rock and roll.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: Way to go on Day 3. As you said before, this challenge is fairly easy for me, at least until we get to the weekend. I'd say working on your office and walking Belle count as a work out!

    I went slightly over my calories last night, but not as bad as I have been doing. I completely forgot to weigh myself this morning, which I just realized freaks me out because I feel like I need to be monitoring myself constantly. It's the not knowing that worries me more than the actual fluctuations in weight!

    Yesterday after work, I went to see my horse and she let me catch her in 7 minutes, which is a record. I was so happy with her. I didn't end up riding because she was wound up and I didn't want to be in the way of the girl who was taking lessons in the indoor arena last night. My horse and I got some good ground training done and even played our old game of follow the leader. I think my horse needed that to trust in me and settle down because after that she was much more relaxed. I then fed her a handful of treats and let her back out with her buddies. In total, we "played" for an hour. I plan on going out again tonight and since there are no lessons this evening, I want to ride! I definitely have the itch and am also anxious to see if I fit in my saddle better since I haven't ridden since I've lost the 27 lbs.!

    Have a fabulous day!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Im here Im here. dont leave me out!!!!! Im so sorry i havnt been here in awhile. I would love to join youre challenge Shredder, no drinking for me either, Ive been kind of a lush lately, My weekend at Attitash was a blast with alot of alcohol and the week before, So im here and back to dry out abit.

    So much has happened with all of you, Im going to have to go back and read up on all of you, Im going to start reading and Ill be back later, I miss you all :cry:

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Christine: I'm glad you're back with us! I've missed you, too!!

    Give us an update on how you're doing.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Yeah...on to day 3 of the BF (Booze Free) challenge. Heather you're so right, this weekend will be such a major challenge for us all as I know that Fridays and Saturdays are synonomous with partying. We can do it.
    My girls stay at the grandparents house from friday night to Sunday and with my husband moved out for 3 months that leaves me alone and in a dangerous position for 3 days. I usually fill those days and nights up with girlfriends and wine and food, that changes this weekend.
    I have workouts planned for each day, chores at home I want to tackle, walks with my dog and begin a job search. Also if I post on here like, every half hour or so, you'll know it's because I'm getting weak and will need to stay connected with my awesome gals, so have patience with me.
    Heather, your life with your horse sounds like it was taken from a romance novel. How lucky you are to have such a lovely way to connect with peace and nature. It sounds like you both enhance your lives equally. I'm so happy you have such a positive and kickbutt outlet.
    Well, Well, Well....hello Miss Christine and how is our little drop of sunshine. It's alwyas so great to hear from you.
    I'm glad your joining the BF challenge. We're onto our third day and this is HARD....makes me think if I'm in need of an intervention:drinker:
    Actually, it's been relatively chill so far but as Heather says, this weekend will be the test. I for one am staying away from my girlfriends and out of all grocery stores, why tempt fate? I know my neighbour will crash before I do and I'm waiting for the "want a drinky poo" text that she'll inevitably send this weekend. How in control will I sound when I respond with a "NO"!!!!!

    Just under 2,000 cals yesterday which is good but not at the 1,500 that I allotted until the weekend. I still gave myself a sticker and a pat on the back. Have 2 bracelets jingeling on my left wrist and can't wait to place the third on tonight. I swear this is such a killer motivator guys, you have to try it.
    Heather have you tried the Caribou tea you were talking about yet?
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: Yes, the Mango Caribou tea is delicious. I don't treat myself to Caribou items often, but I have a meeting there on Monday so I'm looking forward to a Northern Lite Latte and a Mango tea. I'll probably give myself another caffeine headache (as in too much caffeine), but it only happens about twice a month. This weekend, I'll try to get out to get some skinny bangle bracelets to try on the water intake.

    I'll try to check in over the weekend in case you find weak moments, but I can't promise that as I'm not yet sure what my boyfriend and I are up to this weekend. Know that I'm with you in spirit and my thoughts are with you!

    Only a half hour left of work then I get to go visit my horse again. Yay!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Um... I need an intervention.....

    I'm so sorry, I'm weak. Weak and pathedic. . . . Don't give up, keep going.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Stephanie: You are not weak and pathetic. You are human! Just pick up where you left off and all will be fine...really!

    Yesterday was a terrible eating day for me and it shows. I'm still hanging on to the two pounds gained with TOM and am hoping it goes away soon. It is so frustrating to see losses like crazy and then to see a gain that sticks around for a few days. I'm going to work on being good with the food this weekend, and being poor may actually help since I can't afford to eat out this weekend and neither can my boyfriend.

    I can't figure out why about four months into a weight loss journey, I sabotage myself and throw it all way. I am NOT going to do it this time around, even though I can see the start of it now. I need to pick myself up and kick it in gear! I've been snacking almost nonstop the past week and while I could blame it on TOM then, TOM is gone and now I need to stop using it as an excuse. I keep eating junk even though I know I'm over my calories and I'm not drinking my water like I should be. I also havent been doing much exercise. All of that needs to stop starting today!

    Okay, sorry, just needed to vent! Hope you're all having a great day.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    ok Heather, you need to breathe and take it easy. I can FEEL your frustrations through your last post and know where you stand, on shaky ground.
    First of all can you stand back and assess why you are snacking. What's going on in your work, life, etc that may be triggering this little snack attack? Are you sad, mad, concerned, annoyed about something? Is there an issue going on that you feel you have no control over? You know, turning to food is what we all do on this site for comfort and reassurance. Don't ask me why we do it and the person sitting next to us who weighs 120lbs looks to run 5 miles a day as her escape. Bottom line, we have to channel these emotions into a more positive outlet.
    You have come too damn far to get down on yourself over this minor set back and I am NOT going to allow you to bathe in a pity party:noway:
    So get up and figure out whats the deal, confront it head on and get back in the game.
    You have offered such hope and light to us all on this thread, you're allowed today to be bummed, but only today! Tomorrow I want the Heather we all know and love back....with a plan:flowerforyou:
    Stephanie what you had a glass. It's no big deal. I know you've been really working hard and this may be your stress reliever. How about I challenge you to get in 4 workouts next week? would you be up for that?
    I had a great day yesterday. Got in one hour of cardio and under 1,400 cals for the day. The scale is reading a number I like and come-what -may, next Friday I'll post my weigh in. This is day 4 of the BF challenge and I'm so vested in the whole thing now, there's no-way I can slip up tonight. I just had a thought, I'm gonna get some pm Tylenol to put me to sleep at 8pm....see how esay it is to avoid temptation.:laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is the first true frustration I've had since I started this journey in November. I think more than anything, I'm eating at work because I'm BORED! I'm too efficient and don't have enough to keep me busy. At home, the snacking is most definitely boredom, but I typically read to distract myself since watching TV does nothing for me (except for Biggest Loser).

    I fully PLAN to make my boyfriend go for a walk before dinner tonight so I don't slip on any ice!

    I promise, I'll try really hard to behave this weekend!!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Wow I suck!! Hahaha Its been sooo long since ive posted...but to be honestly Ive been following the posts I just havent had a moment to comment back.

    Great job shredder on the weight loss!! Great idea for the challenge...but I have a bunch of things to attend this month that involve alcohol, so Ill pledge to not drink during the week. So exciting about yesterday, keep up the great work!!

    Heather: I do the exact same thing...once I start doing good I ruin it. I've been trying soo hard lately so hopefully it will pay off. I also eat out of bordem! its the worst. I think thats one reason I work out so much...just to have something to do. If i hang out at my apt instead of the gym I eat every/anything.

    Welcome back stephanie!!! so happy to see you!

    I'm currently studying for the GMAT (taking it next weekend!) so I might go MIA for a couple of days. Im really hoping to stay focused and exercise every morning...but once its over (hopefully I will do well and wont have to retake it) I am going 110% again! I'm signing up for another 1/2 marathon in May so I need to start training again.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful (alcohol free) weekend!!!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Heather, boredom is soooo my enemy too. I know you'll get your head around this and see it for what it is, a momentary lapse in judgement. For God's sake I've been having those lapses since we started and have acually GAINED weight since I first threw down the gauntlet, so no giving up. Quitters are wimps and are not allowed here:tongue:
    Did you get to go on your walk? What did you have for dinner? What book are you reading?

    Hey Allie, how are you mate? So great to hear from you again. Have you been running again or devoting all your time to your studies?

    The dreaded Friday is here and so far so good. At 2:30 I left the house, went tanning (the smelly spray kind), gym for 1 hour cardio, grocery store for chicken and veggies, home now with a bottle of dye in my hair and 2 loads of laundry on. What did I tell you guys about my neighbour. She went to lunch with her husband today and had 2 glasses of wine and was waiting for me when I pulled into the driveway for that" Drinkey Poo". The look on her face was so priceless when I declined the if to say "Oh you're really doing this"?....well...yeah!!!!!!
    I felt so in control....yeah me.
    What are all you kids up to for the weekend?
    Off to make dinner.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Just back from the gym, 1 mile run and 45mins total cardio. About to put dinner on and craving a glass of wine. This is day 5 and not getting easier especially since its Saturday night. AHHHHHHH.....11 days to go with this. Have to say the weight is really coming off, down another pound today. Have to really stay strong with my dinner, chicken and veggies and a cup of hot tea before bed. Wow, if you guys really knew me, this is so out of character for me to be so committed to it. I think I really want to prove to myself that I do have the willpower. Also the grand master plan was to see a significent drop in poudage to really get my game on and it appears to be truely working. Yeah me.
    Am I a loser or what? You're all off partying and probably having a killer weekend and here I am talking about tea and crap:sad:
    Ah well, c'est la vie!!!!
    Love to all
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    I warned you guys I would probably be a nutjob during the weekend and here I am once again in my own little world.
    Day 6.:drinker:
    Went to the gym, ran 1 mile, walked uphill one mile and then elliptical for 30 mins- total of 1hour cardio. That's my goal for the 16 day BF challenge, to only do cardio and I seem to be sticking with it.
    Down 2 lbs today and back to my starting weight of 186 which I'm uber pleased with since I was heading fast into the 190's. Do you know I actually stayed at 192-194 for the entire month of Feb.????? Last Tuesday, when I logged my start weight , it was at 195!!!!!The heaviest I have ever been in my enitire life. I almost dropped off the scale when I saw that number looking at me.
    That was the wake up call I think, realizing how easy it is for me to slide into a really fast and out of control weight gain. I do think it has something to do with my husband and me parting ways but I felt soooo fat and squishy. I felt so out of control. A horrible feeling and a horrible, frightful mindset that can rule and ruin your universe.
    So in less than a week with no booze, working out, logging everything I eat and being mindful of each and every morsel of food I place on my plate, I'm back to square one and am going for the St. Patrick's goal of 180.
    How are you guys doing??
    Helloooo? Mmmmm....I can hear a pin drop today.:smile:
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Oh, gorgot to tell you guys, my neighbour called me to have Mimosa's today!!!!
    Do you think she's trying to sabotage my plan or what?:tongue:
    I HAVE to finish this if for nothing but to able to stick it to her that I completed the challenge she did not:drinker:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allie: I'm glad to see you stopped in!! Good luck on your GMAT and keep up the great work with the workouts! I can't wait until you can be back with us a bit're terrific motivation!

    Shredder: Congrats on being so strong this weekend and sticking to your plan! I'm sorry I wasn't able to check in this weekend, but we were on the run constantly, "state parking". I hate terribly this weekend (Applebees, Famous Dave's, Buffalo Wild Wings). My boyfriend and I have renewed our resolution to behave the rest of the month of March to really kick some butt. I'm up a bit (almost 3 lbs.!) but it once again HAS to be the sodium. Weekends are just terrible.

    So here I am, back on track today. We did go for a walk around the neighborhood followed by a healthy dinner on Friday night but it all went down hill after that. We went for a walk yesterday as well, but that didn't eve offset how terrible I ate all day yesterday.

    We hit 7 more state parks this weekend, with intentions of going back to three of them because they have some neat things to offer. One of the parks, Kilen Woods, has pioneer dugout homes, log cabins and ox-cart trails that are still visible near the river. How cool is that? Once the snow is gone and things are less sloppy, we'll be back. We also visited the place where I-90 was completed, which runs from coast to coast. If you were to drive the entire length straight through from end to end at 70 mph, it would take 44 hours. Interesting, huh? I totally need to get our travel blog up and running!

    It was hard to get going this Monday morning, but it's supposed to be lovely again today and I get Caribou coffee after work (meeting!). It's something to look forward to and I've logged my food for the day, so I should stay within my allotment. If the meeting doesn't run too late, I'll also try to get a workout completed tonight as well.

    Have a great day!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hi everyone....... sorry ive been gone, I worked all weekend, I see a few of us have had some rough days, including ME! The BF challenge was ha I drank that right under the table this weekend! I feel like im the weak, pathetic idiot this time, I havnt been checking in with any of you and im eating sooo way out of control, I even went thru Wendys Sat. after work and ordered a small fry to eat on the way home from work :cry: whats wrong with me?! I only went to the gym once this past week:sad: , I think I have a :devil: on both my shoulders telling me to EAT IT!!!!

    Im like really scared to even weigh myself, so im not going to until this upcoming friday, Im going to be nowhere near goal for st. pattys day, which is my daughters birthday she'll be 16 going on 30, i know nothing and she knows everything:noway: And I always put on a New England boiled dinner (SODIUM FILLED) and green beer.

    So ya no i dont want a pity party either, So as of today Im going to start logging my food again which I havnt done in a month, getting back on track with going to the gym after work instead of the bar which ive done for the last 2.5 weeks and im really feeling like crap and guilty for going, I dont think my husbands been to happy with me lately but he hasnt said anything.... sorry if im starting to get personel, I just dont understand what im going thru blah blah blah.

    Heather/Shredder.... whats this mango tea and caribou coffee youve been talking about? It sounds tasty:drinker:
    Allie.... Good luck on youre GMAT, What kind of exam is it? I also envy you with your marathons. You rock!
    Shredder... Im so proud of you with having a handle on you BF challenge and not letting your neighbor ruin it for you, youre a superstar :}
    Heather.... Thats awesome you and your boyfriend take these adventures together. These state parks sound really interesting and fun. It sounds like me and you have had a similar eating pattern over the weekend, lets leave it behind us and move forward, we have ALL worked way to hard to give up, so what do ya say!?!!
    Stephanie.....How are you? I can smell spring in the air:flowerforyou:

    I hope you all have a great start to the week:heart:

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Christine: I'm so glad you're back with us! I'm with you regarding jumping back on the wagon starting now!! We do deserve this and it would be a shame to throw away the progress we've had so far.

    You asked about the Caribou stuff...well, I love Caribou Coffee but have made it a point to not go there unless I have a meeting there. We hold most of the meetings for the volunteer group there, so I only allow myself to have it about twice a month. Tonight is a meeting, so I'm looking forward to it. I order either their Mango Iced Tea (0 calories!) or the Northern Lite Turtle Mocha (160 calories). This gives me the flavorful treats I'm craving without consuming too many calories. The coffee drinks I used to get at Caribou have 400 calories! Yikes!

    This weekend, it is my mission to find some comfortable waterproof hiking boots because as soon as the snow is gone, my boyfriend and I will be hiking at the state parks every other weekend (when he doesn't have his son).
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Hey kids, so happy to hear from you both.
    Heather's Adventures are really beautiful. I love that you and your guy get out there and see so much that our awesome country has to offer. I just love that you mix up your social time and also get a work out in at the same time.
    Have you ever bought anything from e-bay? Just wondering that maybe you could find those waterproof boots your on the prowl for at a reasonable price. Those babies can really get up there in dollars at a camping/sports shop.

    Yeah Christine......Hi sweetie. You've beaten yourself up enough for one day, I'm not gonna even go there. That's the beauty about this group- no judgement and lots of encouragement.
    It does seem that we have all gone through a pretty tough time as of late. Is it because of the transition in the time of year? or what.
    I so hear you about feeling your husband's anguish. Sometimes it's what the DON'T say when you really know your up the creek without a paddle. He's probably letting you sort it out yourself and sounds like you know what your doing to get yourself in trouble. Time to turn that around
    I really urge you to buy a cheapo little notebobook and begin logging your food, thoughts, feelings, workouts- everything and anything. You should see mine, I have doodles, stickers, charts, graphs, goals, highliters, you name it I have it. I LOVE sitting in bed at the end of the day and taking it out. It's become my accountability, my truth serum. It's all there in black and white- and you own those words for better or worse.
    Day 7 of my BF challenge. So glad it's Monday...yeah, I really said that. I am, cause the weekend sucked and I have one more to go through before the 17th.
    Got my 1hour of cardio in this morning...1 mile jog, 15 mins walk uphill and 30 mins on the elliptical.
    Fell my belly bulge is getting a little smaller and my energy is way up.
    Happy monday to you!