The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: I should look for boots on eBay. I do love finding deals. Right now most of the stores around here have sales on hiking boots, so I'm hoping to score a good price. I love shoe shopping!

    Only a half hour before I get to head to Caribou for a lovely coffee. I'm am SO looking forward to it. I hoping it will take care of the chocolate/sweet craving for tonight. I ate ice cream twice this weekend because lately I'm craving chocolate, which is very unlike me. I typically crave salty foods. At the grocery store last night, I bought Popsicles made from real fruit and fruit juice in hopes that it will fix the sweet craving when I want ice cream...for only 80 calories instead of the 580 or so calories in a Dairy Queen treat.

    I should also start journaling. I used to do it daily and loved it, but now there just never seems to be enough time. Perhaps I need to start blogging more as my journaling. I'm really trying to come up with a creative name for a blog that my boyfriend and I want to start to share our travels and journeys.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Yesterday I behaved myself in that I stayed within my calories for the day AND got 64 oz. of water in. I had to use the restroom every 20 minutes because I'm not used to that much water in a day (plus the coffee), but I do feel a bit more energetic. I didn't get home until 9:30pm, so I didn't workout, but I went to bed early instead and woke up before my alarm today (most because the water was still affecting me). I honestly thought about exercising this morning at 5:30am, but right as I was going to get up, my cats both snuggled up and purred loudly as I pet, I snuggled with them instead. How can I pass up a sweet morning like that with my children?

    I already have this afternoon/evening planned out to exercise, though I'm not sure yet whether it will be 30 Day Shred, Kickboxing or C25K. I really want to get back to the running, but I'm scared because I have a feeling I'll have to drop back a few weeks on the program since I haven't done any running for a month now. Wow, how time flies.

    Last night at my meeting, about four or five of the women commented on how great I look and they're impressed with how much weight I've lost since they've seen me last. Some of them saw me last month but a few of the others haven't seen me for two or three months. That was motivating. That and the fact that the scale is back up to 195, which tells me it wasn't just sodium that was causing the increase on the scale. Oh, well, live and learn, right? At least this time around, I know exactly how to get rid of the weight, so it shouldn't take long.

    Hope you're having a terrific Tuesday!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Yesterday I stayed within my calories and got a 48 minute workout done with the Biggest Loser Jump Start DVD. Boy, was it hard working out after being fairly dormant for a few weeks, but I gave it my all. I can really feel it in my glutes and calves this morning, but it's worth it.

    I'm bummed that it's been raining pretty much non-stop since yesterday afternoon because I really would like to go for a walk tonight with my boyfriend. If it keeps raining, though, I may have to find a workout on his Comcast to do.

    Because I worked out last night and got up a bit early this morning, I treated myself to a Caribou Mocha Northern Lite Latte and it is delicious (only 130 calories)!

    Hope you're all having a great day!

    Shredder: I hope you're still doing well on the BF challenge. If you slipped up, I hope you're not avoiding checking in here because I'm here for you no matter what the circumstances!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Nope, I haven't slipped Heather...still toughing it out.:bigsmile:
    Day 9 already and over the half way mark. I had gone to 187 the last 2 days and back to 186 this morning.
    I've worked out six days in a row and feel awesome.
    Today will be SEVEN yahoooo!!!
    The cool thing is I feel such a shift in my mindset at night. I'm no longer craving that glass of wine come 7pm and am hoping that this new pattern carries over beyond my challenge.
    This weekend will probably be the toughest as there's a bunch of stuff going on socially that my girlfriends want me to attend. I really need to figure out if I'm up to it or it's just not worth the stress. Wouldn't it be such a drag if I failed 4 days before crossing the finish line?
    I keep thinking to myself....only 6lbs to go to 180. So close and yet so much bloody work.
    My friend asked how much weight I had lost since I started my BF challenge, I told her 5lbs. When she told her husband he said "I doubt that" which both hurt me and made me furious. This coming from a guy who's stomach enters a room 15 minutes before the rest of him catches up. Now I feel I'm out to prove him wrong, I'm that pissed off.
    Heather, when people recognize your efforts with compliments and praise, it all really clicks that, yeah, I HAVE lost a ton of weight. You're doing such a great job!!!!! Enjoy the moment.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: I am SO proud of you for sticking with the challenge. Ignore the jerk who is skeptical because like you said, he has a huge gut and is in no place to put you down or discourage you. And way to go on the exercise. You're going to kick my butt right out of the water. I want to see the 180s. On the plus side, though, I have re-lost one of the pounds I gained back so I'm only 1.5 lbs. from my lowest again.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    You go girl...isn't it amazing how that one or two pound loss can affect so much in your weight loss journey. One day you're elated and the next so bummed out all because of what the scale reads. I'm a total scale slave. I am now conditioned to step on it every day of my life and I don't know if that's a good thing or super harmful. I have to see what I weigh, have to,have to.
    Heather have you been to the gym or eating better to lose again? Or is it all the fantastic compliments you got that has relit a fire in you:devil:

    Day 10: I now proudly wear 9 bangles on my left wrist and looking at those really tells me how far I've come the past 9 days.
    Ran another 1.25 miles yesterday, walked uphill 20 mins and ellip 20mis, ate under 1,500. Another good day.
    I've decided to take a break from the gym today (my first miss in 7 days) and will be back Fri and Sat. I'm excited for my workouts next week as I plan to incorporate strength training to boost muscle mass which burns more calories.
    It's not even about the weight loss right now, although that is a huge plus. Just giving myself an impossible (I thought) challenge and sticking with it has done wonders to my self confidence. It's true what they say about how you need to give someting a chance for 21 days to create a habit. I know my time is up in 16 days (5 days shy of this truism) but I take away changes in behaviour that my body will thank me for down the road.
    I HAVE to hit the 180- I need to, and nothing will get in my way now that I've tasted a little success and optimism.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: You're rocking the challenge! Way to go!

    Yesterday was yet another day of getting all 8 servings of water in, which I'm proud of because it's struggle for me since I'm just never very thirsty. I've been working out at home and trying to behave where the eating is concerned. I'm proud of myself for not giving up when the fourth month hit like I normally do.

    Last night, my boyfriend and I went to his sister's house (they have a home gym) and I did 30 minutes on the elliptical even though my muscles were sore from my workout the day before. Well, I'm feeling it even more in my glutes and calves today, so I'll be taking a rest day today then back at it tomorrow. The scale is up a tad this morning, but I'm thinking some of it may have to do with muscles retaining water from being sore. If nothing else, I know I'll start losing inches again!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I'm back!!!

    Sorry for being MIA for soo long...I took my GMAT (which went as well as I was hoping!) so now Im focusing all my attention on the half marathon I signed up for in May.

    Can anyone give me the run down of what I missed the last couple weeks??
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Welcome, back, Allie!

    The biggest thing you missed was the BF (booze free) challenge that Shredder started. We are working on going without alcohol until St. Patrick's Day. I was fine until my trip to Olive Garden last night where I had a Strawberry Daquiri because I forgot about the challenge.

    Shredder has been kicking butt with working out and sticking to her BF much so that she's dropping some serious weight!

    I've been frustrated because I'm mostly doing what I need to be but the scale is going UP. I'm not sure what else to do because it's frustrating. I'm hoping I can contribute some of the gain to sodium and some to muscles retaining fluid from working out hard, but that may be wishful thinking. Ugh!

    Stephanie chimed in a time or two and Christine checked in, but it's been pretty quite in here. We need to spice it up again!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Amazing job Shredder!!! 7 lbs...thats amazing! How was your weekend?? BF I hope!

    I'm going to weigh in tomorrow (good or bad)...I think all this not weighing my self has lead to me slipping up more and not holding myself accountable. Hopefully the news isnt too bad!!

    Heather: I went to olive garden yesterday too!! It was soooo good!!

    I definitely over did it this weekend (both w food, alcohol, and not working out as much as I should have) its back to business today.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allie: It sounds like we need to "kick it in gear" together!

    I have one week to go before the final weigh in for the Weight Loss Challenge and I'm scared. I'm doing my weekly weigh-in tonight even though I know it's going to be ugly. I think avoiding it will make it even worse, though.

    Have a great evening!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Hey Allie and Heather,
    glad to hear from you guys. It's been so quite around here, what's going on.
    I feel like we all need to get out there and recruit one person each to join our team, there's just way too much inconsistency and I feel as though our little boat is sinking. It's like we all get rallied up for a challenge or something and then the wind just leaves our sails.
    Sorry for all the ocean metaphors, but we either are here as a team or not.:sad: :sad:
    As Heather says we do need to spice it up....suggestions anyone?????

    Day 14 of the BF challenge and I'm doing well. Survived another weekend and happy to look forward to a glass of wine this Friday and Saturday night:drinker: Tomorrow night is my last night of the challenge and of course I'm hosting a St Patrick's day party and having some close friends over for stew and corned beef and cabbage.
    Suffice it to say, I will not be weighing myself on Thursday morning.
    I'm at 184.5 this morning and seem to be swaying back and forth a pound for the past 3 days. least it's not at 187, my nemisis number.
    I won't achieve the 180 goal by the 17th but will do my best to get as close as possible.
    Got in a 2mile run today and 30 mins legs (machines) which I can feel will make walking tomorrow a chore. I ache all over. Lord help me and pass me the pain killers:grumble:
    How is everyone else out there.
    Allie, what did the scales read?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: I will attempt to recruit someone because new life in here might be a good thing! I think we should do a mini-challenge such as a sit-up challenge. Something more specific than "30 minutes of cardio..." I'll say right now, though, that I would miserably fail a pushup challenge.

    So my scale is back down two pounds this morning, so I'm at 194.2. I still need to get back down to the 192 I was hovering at and needless to say, I won't be meeting my original OR revised goal for tomorrow. I'll see where I'm at in the morning and reset my goals from there.

    Tonight is a night that I eat out (due to a meeting after work), but I'm having Subway and have already planned out my food for the rest of the day. I'm pretty happy with that. The boyfriend made a healthy dinner last night and then we went for a 1.5 hour walk and burned around 430 calories, according to his HRM. It's funny, but if we both wear our HRMs, we're super close in calories burned and can use each others numbers and be fairly accurate. We're a very proportionate couple, I guess. We made our pact again last night to stop eating out all the time and to be active as much as we can. In fact, he's going to workout while I'm at my meeting, but I'm cutting down my calories for the day to make up for not having time to exercise tonight.

    Speaking of the meeting, that means tonight is Caribou Coffee night! Woo hoo! Now I just have to decide while Northern Lite Latte flavor to indulge in....
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    The weigh in...could have been worse. Im at 149 which sucks...but I start my TOM in a couple days, I had a high sodium dinner, and I worked out this morning (So i drank about 3 cups of water before the weigh in). I'm going to start weighing myself every week (or everyother week)...other wise I lose focus a little. My goal is to be at 147 next Monday/Tuesday (and only consume about half the sodium).

    Heather: I love caribou coffee!! My new addiction from there is their sugar free Carmel soy latte...about 160 calories and AMAZING!! Its actually my new treat...if I can make it through a week with no slip ups I can get that and read for a couple hours to relax. You and your BF sound sooo cute! I need to meet a boy who loves working out and eating healthy as much as I do!

    Shredder: Im sooo proud that youve made it this long...although I never doubted you!! I cant believe youre down 8 lbs already! its crazy how much alcohol affects us...

    I have an idea to get new people to join out challenge...lets start a new thread. This one has almost 500 posts so Im sure when people see it they think they cant join. If we start a new one Im sure we can recruit newbies.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allie: I'll have to keep the sugar free caramel soy latte in mind. I typically get the Northern Lite Lattes (160 cals) in either turtle or mocha. However, tonight I'm going to see what they can whip up for a mint condition...yum!
    I love the idea of starting a new thread to attract newbies! I know I always check out the new threads as they pop up!

    Oh, and I'll see if I can get a pic of my boyfriend and I posted on my profile here. Otherwise, we have lots of pics on Facebook if you're on there...mostly of snowshoeing this winter!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Last day of my BF challenge.
    Back up to 185.5 this morning...I just don't get it.
    Another hour of cardio and a 1.50 mile run. Why is the needle stuck on this???I Can't figure it out.
    So to bed. Will check in tomorrow.
    Remember to Wear The Green everyone.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: As of today, you successfully completed the BF challenge! I'm proud of you!! Unfortunately, I forgot to wear green :-(

    Yesterday I was successful in staying within my calories and I only went over my daily sodium by 184, which is huge for me. The scale was nice to me today in that I am back down to 192.6, which I haven't seen since February 26th. So close to my St. Patty's Day goal, but not quite there. Looks like I need to revamp my goals again.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    :smile: HAPPY ST.PATRICK'S DAY EVERYONE!!!!:smile:
    Heather, great news about your weight. Soooo close to your goal. I know Easter will be the one to beat for you.:bigsmile:

    My official weight for the 17th is 185....5lbs shy of my goal but I have so many things to celebrate.....

    I completed my BF challenge today, a total of 15 days and 2 weekends without wine. A major accomplishment:smile:
    I'm 7lbs lighter than I was 15 days ago.
    My stomach has shrank in size
    I've rekindled my love for working out.
    I run 1 mile minimum every time I go to the gym
    I'm way more disciplined in the food choices I make
    I have a love affair with my journal
    I now see this as a way of life rather then a diet

    So.... here we come Easter and making our "Eggsellent" goals (which I have to think seriously about).
    Ok.....dieing to hear from the rest of you and if anyone beat Heather! She's a tough one!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: What a great list of things to celebrate. Enjoy a beer or two tonight, but no more! I don't want you gaining back those wonderful 7 lbs. for alcohol's sake!

    So, I've decided I'm going to keep my Easter goal of 185. I realize it's a bit aggressive, but it's not completely impossible. So, here's to trying to lose 8 lbs. in 18 days!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    OMG, it was like reading a soap opera, I couldn't wait to see if Shredder made it!!! Congratulations Shredder!!!!!!

    Heather, I'm glad you stayed in goal and paid attention to your sodium.

    Christine - welcome back! After the weather this weekend in New England, I thought I'd have to start building an Arc!

    Allie - congrats on your test and I look forward to hearing how you're doing on the marathon!

    So I'm back. I joined the Lose Big challenge at the gym again (which is what brought me to this website in the first place) and I'm looking forward to this session because I have the support from you wonderful ladies!!!