The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Stephanie: I'm SO glad you're back! Please keep us updated on your weekly progress at the Biggest Loser challenge!

    I bugged Christine yesterday, too, to see where she's been hiding. She says she'll be back soon to check in, which I'm looking forward to.

    Yesterday I thought for sure I was going to be WAY over on calories and sodium considering I had Dominos Pizza for dinner and Dairy Queen for dessert. Yes, I know I'm weak. After feeling guilty for about an hour after dessert, I decided at 9pm to get off my butt and do a workout. I was feeling so guilty that I went with Jillian Michaels Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD, which I hate because it's so hard. Anyway, I did 50 minutes of Jillian's torture followed by 15 minutes of stretching for a total calorie burn of 652.

    This morning, when I logged everything in, I found that I had 877 calories left over for the day yesterday. What?!? I was astounded. At first I was bummed because I was thinking, "Now I wish I would have had a larger ice cream." Then, I realized that it will only help me drop on the scale faster, so now I'm pretty proud of myself. It's funny how perspective can change everything so quickly, isn't it?
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Oh im here im here..... I just got done a 6 day work week and have been so stressed(Maybe I dont want to be a nurse anymore)

    Well it was my daughters 16th birthday yesterday and she wanted to go to olive garden for dinner, we went and i ordred the steak gargonzola with fettachini FATTENING and 2 margarettas a breadstick, salad and a mint when the check came, I did say no to the cake!!!!!!!!!!! I havnt weighed myself still ........ im scared to :( I hope everyone is doing well..

    Steph... Do you live in Maine?

    Heather.. doesnt that feel good tho, you can eat what you like in moderation but still feel guilty and look... you still came up on top... youre awesome heather keep up the great work:)

    Hi shredder... I hope youre doing well, i miss you
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Yay, Christine, I'm so glad you checked in!

    Olive Garden was my nemesis because one meal took me almost two weeks to get back down to where I was at. It was so delicious that I might argue that it was worth it...maybe...

    So, I'm also a regular on another thread where we were talking about losing slower but enjoying the journey. I've been thinking much the same thing lately in that the changes I'm making are truly ones I can live with long-term. Although I know I could lose faster if I were more regimented, I wouldn't be as happy. I love being able to have my ice cream (though not as often) and still lose weight...sounds balanced if you ask me. Slow and steady wins the ultimate race.
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    way to think heather!!!!!!!!!! good for you :)

    OMG im sorry shredder ......... Congrats on your bf challenge, wat to go and im proud of you, what you didnt drink, i did! I think im slowing down now tho. Its amazing how easy it is for me to jump right into drinking the the warm weather gets here.. and thats when my pounds start bulking back up on me. Tell me something? why does alcohol have to have so many calories???? Why cant it be an apple instead!

  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Welcome back Christine! I live in Mass; I think all of New England was under water this past weekend.

    I hear about the slow and steady wins the race! But I keep falling into the "Hmmm can I lose this much weight by this time", and then unfortunately when I don't lose it, I'm frustrated.

    So where's Shredder? Nursing a hangover :)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Stephanie: I get into that thinking sometimes too, but I just have to remind myself not to worry about it. Like when I've been good with my eating all week, have been working out and see a two pound gain on the scale this morning. What? Yeah, it's frustrating, but I know I'm getting healthier and stronger even if I'm not getting lighter. Unfortunately, though, the final weigh in for the weight loss challenge I'm in is Monday!

    Speaking of which, my boyfriend has agreed that we are to avoid eating out this weekend so that I can at least see something positive on Monday (either weight or inches lost). I just LOVE that's he's so supportive. He really is my biggest cheerleader and I'm his. I want to brag about him a moment, actually (big surprise, right?)...he is now in a size 32 jean, which he hasn't been in since middle school. He looks fabulous and he's just giddy about it. He admits that he can't stop looking in the mirror now. Too bad I have to purchase a bat to fend off the other girls...I mean, he's cute AND nice...sometimes I think I should be worried but I know we're perfect for each other.

    Okay, sorry for the tangent, but he's done so awesome with the weight loss too and I don't think guys get as much attention and appreciation for their efforts sometimes.

    Have a great day!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Ha ha Stephanie....Nooooo, I'm not nursing a hangover. St Patrick's night was nuts at my house. I had a bunch of people over, cleaned the house for like 6 hours and made beef stew, corned beef & cabbage, green mashed potato's and 2 loaves of Irish soda bread. We all had a great time and it was lovely to be able to enjoy (at long last) a glass of wine.
    The scales read 185 this morning so I haven't strayed from my weigh in although I cannot figure out why it's not going down:sad:
    For the Easter goal I'm gonna say 180 lbs.
    Easter Sunday is April 4 so that doesn't give us a lot of time and I want to HIT at least one goal on this challenge for the love of God.
    Stuck at the house today as my car is back in the shop ahhhhh- think I'll stick on a Gillian workout and see if I can get through it.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Well I'm glad to hear you're not hung over, but as for the weight, don't forget all the foods you made are super salty, so you're probably retaining water, drink lots of water to flush it out.

    So on a personal, TMI note, I'm really excited TOM is here because my first weigh in for Lose Big is on Tuesday and most of my water should be flushed out by then.

    Heather, it's great to have a supportive boyfriend, and I agree, you may want to grab a bat! :laugh:

    Just think, if you lost only .5 to 1 lb a week each week and never gained, where you'd be by Summer
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    good saturday afternoon everyone,

    Steph... im the one nursing the hangover today.... just the headache, my husband and i went to our local eagles club and played some pool and had fun with friends, we stayed about 2 hours too long! last call for alcohol!! I did go and walk the mall yesterday with my daughter,,,, there was some exercise.. right?

    Hope everyone is having a great start to the weekend :flowerforyou:

  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Christine - the "last call for alcohol" line made me laugh!

    Yes, walking the mall does count as exercise :)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member

    I don't normally get a chance to check in on weekends, but here I am!

    We did lots of exploring at state parks again this weekend, but unfortunately my healthy dinner last night wasnt nearly as healthy as I thought it would be. Sloppy Joe's aren't as good for me as I'd like to think...and they were homemade, not Manwich!

    I've been doing LOTS of walking this weekend; one hour on Friday night, three hours of hiking yesterday and and hour of walking today. And what does the scale say? Up the two pounds that I keep bouncing around. The weigh in for tomorrow does not look like it will be a winner for me. Boo! At least I'm getting enough from taxes back to cover the class I need to take AND the hotel lodging, so I don't need the money from the challenge as much as I thought I would, but it would still be nice to have it.

    I'm really hoping my muscles are retaining fluids and that I can flush everything out before 5pm tomorrow.

    Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend...if only they didn't go so fast!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Are we supposed to be weighing in???? :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Stephanie: We haven't been doing group weigh ins for a while, but rather reporting periodically when we see a change.
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hi Ladies....

    Well Im going to put myself at challenge this week just to get myself to the gym at least 3 times, so i can get my self back on track, I really do want that nice, small, round bum with as little dimples as possible! hahaha!

    Steph..... I like your new pic!

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Christina: Way to go on setting a mini-goal for yourself to get back on track. I propose that we ALL join you and get three workouts done this week, minimum. I personally do not belong to a gym, so I will make sure to do three workouts to DVDs (most likely Jillian Michaels). I need the extra push!

    One of the other threads that I follow is challenging everyone to try some form of pilates this week (video, youtube, class, etc) and I think it would it would be good if we did something of the sort with our group. Any thoughts?
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I like the challenge. I'm already planned to go to the gym 4 times this week (because of the lose big contest) but I can probably throw in a pilates class. If not, maybe yoga.

    Christine - thanks, that pic you can actually see my eyes :)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Stephanie: I'm glad to hear you're on board for the challenge. I will be doing a pilates video on Comcast at my boyfriend's house later in the week.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Oh, I forgot to mention that I just added some new pics to my profile (my critters, my boyfriend, and one of me snowshoeing). Unfortunately, they're a bit blurry since I took them from Facebook, but I'll try to get better ones up soon. The one of me and my boyfriend together is about a year old when we were chubbier, so I'll need to get an updated one. We typically take pics of each other and there is rarely another person around to take a pic of both of us together!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies:

    I'm bummed to report that I did not win either category for the weight loss challenge, but I came in third place in both categories. Unfortunately, only first place in each category wins money :-( But, in the twelve weeks of the challenge, I lost 12 lbs. and 8 inches. I can't be unhappy about that!

    Yesterday I stayed within my calories, even with having Chinese for dinner after my final weigh in. The really stupid thing is that with all of the sodium in Chinese food, I was the exact same weight this morning as yesterday morning. It might be because of all of the water I chugged right before the weigh in...maybe it didn't allow my body to absorb the sodium.

    Last night, I was watching tv and flipping through a magazine when I decided I was bored. I walked to the pantry in the kitchen and opened the door, with the intention of snacking. Right in front of my face were the homemade doughnuts my mom and aunt made last week. I immediately slammed the pantry door and walked briskly back to the couch without grabbing anything to eat. After a few more minutes I decided watching tv was a waste of my time, so I went to bed and woke up refreshed this morning. I'm pretty proud of myself for not giving in to the snack craving because I wasn't actually hungry, I was simply bored. Granted, I had enough calories left over in the day to eat the doughnut, but I didn't need to; I listened to what my body was really telling me. It's all about the baby steps!

    I hope you're all having a fantastic day!