The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: That's awesome that your daughter got to have the equine experience. There are times when even I get a bit nervous around some horses that I don't know as well, but I usually just pretend I'm not nervous and things work themselves out. I definitely need to get out to see my horse this weekend, but right now I'm focusing on the refinement training and strengthening her before I ride too much.

    Wow, this day is simply dragging by. Why do the weekdays have to do that??

    Okay, back to work....for now.

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good afternoon!

    I'm bummed to say that I didn't workout again yesterday because of the blistered heels, which look and feel terrible. It was a chore finding comfortable shoes this morning that were appropriate for work!

    Last night I went just a tad over my calories, which I blame on finding the most delicious organic, low sodium salsa! Yum.

    Not too much to report today, hope you're all doing well!!

  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Happy to report I'm back at 187 this morning...not a great number but I was too embarressed to tell you guys what my weight was on Sunday and Monday heading into the week....are you ready....
    194 lbs are you serious!!!!!:sad:
    I actually was at 191 for 2 weeks but lied in the weigh in's. I'm sorry, it will not happen again.
    Yeap, i was that out of control. So in 5 days I shed the 7 lbs, I'm back to where i started and feel ecstatic.
    I cut out the wine, logged everything I ate, did not exceed 1,500 cals in one day and feel rejuvinated.
    I could feel the fat spilling over my hips, I felt like butt and vow I will never go to that dark place again.
    A bout of the flu really set me back in the gym but I did get a 45m aggressive walk in today and so far have eaten about 25% of my daily allowance with 4 hours till bed.
    Good lord, when you break it down, why is it we all have such a crappy relationship with our bodies. I mean for me, carrying around that extra weight was torture and I still have 50lbs to lose. Why am I celebrating a loss which takes me back to square 1???? Go figure.
    Do I sound like a broken record when I say "this is it, this time I'll lose it"?????
    I've shared my personal heartache with Allie but I think you all need to know the true reason for my crazy fluctuation in weight and attitude. My husband and I have seperated for a 3 month trial period. It sucks big time. I know I eat when I'm emotional and the last 3 week's weight gain is testimony to that.
    I've been so sad and afraid and anxious and angry aaarrrrggghhh:mad: :mad: :mad:
    A ton of our problems relate to me and my weight. I was so fit, healthy and skinny when we met and know it's like I'm a dumpy, frumpy wifey.
    He didn't sign up for this and who can blame him not being attracted to me, I mean if he barely drank when we met would I want to stay with a man who became an alchoholic???? A severe comparison , I know, but let's face it, marriage is for life and I changed the rules.
    I'm blabbing and I'm sorry.
    I love this group and need this group for more than logging weight and calories.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: Thank you for sharing; it's always hard to do that. I can't imagine how difficult things are for you right now, but you can't take all of the blame yourself for the problems in your relationship, I'm sure. All relationships take two to make it work. Just make sure you take the time to focus on you and take of the things that are important to you. Put yourself first! I'm here to listen whenever you need me, whether it's on this thread or if you want to send a personal message. Hang in there!

    So, it's looking like the Heather and Shredder show around here again. Where is everyone??

    Yesterday I only went over my calories by 47, but didn't get any exercise in again. I'm thinking my heels will be able to handle the 5K tomorrow morning, so I'm going to give it a try. I figure the worst that will happen is that my feet will get sore and I'll have to call someone to pick me up mid-route, right? Last year, my mom and I decided it was going to be an annual thing for us to participate in and I don't want to not attempt it and break the new (1 year) tradition.

    I'm proud of myself in that I made soup (not canned) for the very first time ever. I'm not a domestic type and have never been good at cooking, but I gave it a shot for the company potluck today. I made stuffed green pepper soup and mini cornbread muffins. All turned out really well and my boyfriend was pretty impressed, too; he thinks there's hope of me becoming more domestic, but we'll see about that.

    Hope you're all having a good day,
  • allie5199
    Can I join the Shredder & Heather show??

    Shredder: Im soo happy to hear you did well yesterday! I know youve had a rough year so far, but I'm sure things will get better! Just think summer is about 18 weeks away...If you can lose about one pound a week until then youll be about half way to your goal (and many sizes smaller!). You just cant let one bad day lead to a week ....which leads to a month (I wish I'd take my own advice). I'm glad this thread definitely has kept me motivated and focused!

    Heather: a 5K tomorrow?!? I cant wait to see how it goes! Im sure the excitement of tomorrow will take the focus off your sore heel and youll do amazing!

    I've been doing amazing for about 2 weeks now with exercising and eating right...yesterday I slipped a little (I was crazy tired all day (so I didnt go to the gym at all) and it was someones birthday so of course I had cupcakes) but I made sure I woke up extra early this morning to get in some gym time and Im going to do Bikram yoga and running tonight! I might not weigh myself Sunday (Im 100% positive I didnt make my goal)...and do one big weigh in on February 26th! I'm really hoping to see 143 again...and break the 140's in March. I find that when I dont weigh myself as much I dont become unmotivated when numbers dont drop as quickly as Id like them to.

    My trip this weekend go cancelled...which I was kind of expecting. Its a bummer...but now I wont spend at least $450 on a weekend get-away...instead I spent the money on: a new pair of running sneakers ($80), a camera (which Ill hopefully get tomorrow)($100), a trip to tampa in April (to visit my brother) ($140), and a surprise trip home for Easter ($120)...all-in-all I think it was the right decision lol

    Anyone have exciting plans for the weekend?!? Im doing a "screw cupid pub crawl" with some friends...we did it last year and it was a blast!
  • allie5199
    No one weighed in for V-day!! Is that a bad sign?

    How was everyones weekend??
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Sorry, didn't make it to the computer yesterday for the V-Day weigh in, but I did get on the scale and...drum roll please...weight is at 194.8!! My goal was to be at 190, but I'll take it. It just means I have to work even harder to try to hit the St. Patrick's day goal of 180...hmm, I may have to reset my goals.

    This weekend, I really didn't pay any attention to my eat, but tried to just listen to my body and eat only when hungry and stop when I was satisfied. Apparently it worked! I'm craving fajitas something fierce today, so I'll probably have those for dinner tonight, if I can convince the boyfriend. He can usually be bribed with the white dipping cheese.

    Allie: I hate to admit that I didn't do the 5K. My heels were probably just fine, but I got lazy and it was cold (8 degrees) and windy. Excuses, excuses. But, if I did it when I wasn't in the mood for it I'd be even less likely to do another one.

    Not much else to report, as I was pretty lazy this weekend. I'll try to get back on track soon here with the exercising but at least the eating is going pretty well.

    Have a great day,
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Heather, once again, congrats on your amazing weight loss.....what a great job you're doing.
    I was in LA this weekend and party'd it up big time, as a result the scale is back to 190 which is waayyyy off my Vday goal.
    No more beating myself up and diving into a downward spiral.
    I'm shaking it off and heading forward to the St Patrick's day one.
    I'm revising my challenge weight, I want to be at 180 for the 17th, I can do that.
    How was your pubcrawl Allie?
    Where is everyone else???? Come on guys, this only works if we all dial in!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: My St. Patrick's Day goal is also 180, though I'd have to seriously kick butt to lose 15 lbs. in one month. But, we CAN do it, right?

    I am SO looking forward to fajitas tonight that if my boyfriend won't go with me, I'll just have to take myself. I figure I better satisfy the craving before it gets so strong that I eat six skillets worth! I am planning on sacrificing the sour cream as a small thing to make them ever so slightly better for me. We won't talk about the melted dipping cheese...

    Alrighty, off to my weigh-in and then dinner. Woohoo. Does anyone else hate how Mondays crawl by?

  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Im here, I as well partied it up all weekend and had a great time, I have no regrets except for feeling like real **** on vday. I weighed in today weighing the same 244.0, no loss or gain, Ill take it, my goal was to be at 240.0 for valentines, i didnt make it. Im just going to have to step it up for St. Pattys day. Ill check in soon im wicked tired.

    Shredder, Im soo glad you went out, Did you have a good time?
    Allie, how was the pubcrawl? thats sounds awesome.
    Heather, your right about being too cold I wouldnt have run that either in the 8 degrees!
    Stephanie... where r u??????
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Our little group looks like it's dwindling. It needs new life!!

    Nothing much to report here except I had my awesomely delicious fajitas and up just a smidge for it this morning. I blame the sodium, as always. No regrets, though. I made up for it by having a salad today.

    My annual review for work went great with a better raise that I expected. Overall, a pretty good day. I'm making stuffed green pepper soup for supper tonight and it looks like I will be struggling to even get close to my calories today. Guess I could have eaten more at lunch, huh?

    Have a great afternoon, everyone!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Lonely....I'm so lonely...

    One is the loneliest number that you'll ever find....

    It's just too quiet in here! Where are you all??

    Yesterday I stayed within my calories again, even with the DQ sundae. I didn't get any exercise in because I'm lacking motivation for that lately. Someone kick my butt into gear! I fully intend on working out tonight, so hold me to it!

    Last night I tried on my swimsuits because we'll be staying at a hotel with a pool this weekend and they all look horrible! Sure, the fit better, but they're the wrong style (one piece) for my body. With the weight loss my torso looks even shorter (it's super short anyway). I'm seriously considering trying on some tankinis this week. I never thought I'd consider something like that but I'm thinking it might make my torso look longer? One can hope.

    Alright, have a great day!
  • allie5199
    Sorry Ive been MIA all week!

    Heather: where are you going this weekend?? Sorry if you already told me...sometime I think Im losing my mind.

    Wheres everyone else??

    I've been doing pretty good this week. Im going to try to weigh myself about once a month for Lent (I couldnt give it up completely)...I feel soo much better since I havent looked at a scale in almost 3 weeks. Ill weigh myself next saturday, then hopefully not again until end of March. Any exciting weekend plans?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allie: I'm so glad you stopped in! I'm missing everyone!

    My boyfriend and I are throwing a birthday dinner for his dad's 60th birthday tomorrow night. Then, on Saturday morning, we're heading to Alexandria, MN (about three hours from home) to go snowshoeing at a few of the state parks we haven't been at yet. We're going to stay overnight at a hotel with a pool and just "get away" for the weekend. Yay!

    Yesterday I was able to flush out most of the sodium overload and am 0.2 lbs. away from where I was over the weekend. Darn sodium; it is my biggest weight loss nemesis.

    Have a great day!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Hey kids...
    had a killer workout on Tuesday, 1 mile run, 1 mile walk 8%incline and 30 mins on elliptical. I tweaked my calf somehow and had to lay low yesterday but feel good today so I'll for sure head to the gym.
    I was trying to get in a rythem of 2 days off and 4 days on, however if I get in today, Fri and Sat that will still be 4 days solid for the week. Nothing ever goes to plan.
    I'm still journaling and am so shocked sometimes as to what I can consume in a day, of course so many variables add to that equation, mood, tom, weather, schedule etc that no 2 days are consistent. I think that's my biggest take away having looked back the last 10 days in my journal. I HAVE to get consistent in my goals and how i implement them.
    You guys are rocking the house.
    I swear I'll do a jig if I'm at 180 for Lucky Loser 17th....Heather you with me???
    Nice to heqar from you Christine...
    Stephanie, i'm going to beat you like a drum if you don't check in soon (totally kidding):smile:
    Ok....Tomorrow IS our weigh in, so no slackers please.
    Allie is there a way to post our March goals on the spreadsheet to keep us focused?
    Love ya"ll
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hey Everyone,
    It sounds like were all doing good except STEPHANIE!!!!!!!!!!!! Were are u girlie?

    Shredder... Awesome job working out the way you did, I cant wait until I can start running, My butt and boobs bounce and I cant stand it when I try to run on the treadmill, so Ive been sticking with the ellipticle. Keep up the Great work Shredder and the journaling its amazing how much we can consume without realizing.

    Heather.... Have a great time this weekend, I love those just get away for a weekend trips. Have fun at the 60th!!!

    Allie .... Once a month thats it, that would kill me, especially if I weighed in and only a pound gone in that 1 month, uuuuggghhh. hahaha

    I didnt have a great week for exercising, didnt go once I worked my butt off and wasnt getting out of work on time to be able to go, Im hoping to get into action this weekend and step it up a couple notches to get back in the groove like how "Sella got hers back" get it? heehheeee that movie! Welt I did weigh in this morning at 241.6 so im down, yay yay yay!

    Im going away myself next weekend to Attitash mountain, 8 of us are going to relax, Us girls want to get some snowshoeing, cross country sking, and whatever else to get us out doing activity, Im putting my 2 kids (15yo girl and 4yo boy)in snow board lessons for the day, Ive down hill skis and boots maybe Ill take a spin down ,then again maybe not!, relax in a couple of jacuzis, theres an outdoor heated pool, Im excited.

    Ill be back soon,
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: I'm definitely with you on doing the jig if we hit 180 by St. Patty's Day. I need to kick it into gear!

    Christine: I'm glad you checked in. Your upcoming weekend sounds like a lot of fun! I plan on getting lots of snowshoeing in this weekend, as long as all of our snow doesn't melt with temps in the mid 30s this week and weekend. I'm also looking forward to sitting in the hot tub and swimming in the pool. I love to swim but don't have much access to a pool.

    I'm going to attempt to get back into the exercising groove tonight be we all know I've been doing terrible on it lately!

  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Back and embarrased at the fact that all my weight crept back on :(
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    OK kids, I've been MIA and mostly because I've been working day and night with a new client...but I realize that I've been using that as an excuse. I need to put myself first, just like all you gals have. I promise I'll check in each nite, at least to say "hi" even if my day has been good or bad. What's our official weigh in day now?

    Here's another thing I was thinking... wouldn't it be so cool if we all met in person one day? Some day out in the summer or fall? We could be like the "fat pack", don't take that the wrong way, I mean because we're losing it together.
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    OMG Steph,
    I was thinking the same thing , but I wanted to wait till I got to goal, I think that would be so awesome if we all met somewhere, just not in Maine cuz i want to go away hehehe
