TEAM FIT in October Week 10th-16



  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    oops I forgot!!
    Yesterday: 8 glasses of water and 65 mins of exercise
    Today: 8 glasses of water and 65 mins of exercise
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Ok girlies

    So Tuesday I did my 25 min workout and I actually did a bit of walking. Went over on calories because we had a few drinks for our night out. My husband did great we saw Phantom of the Opera, a hotel room for the night, and drinks of course.

    So Wed 40 min workout not sure about water but of course I went over on my calories because I could not resist the temptation of a piece of Claim Jumper Apple Cream Cheese Pie - it is only a 1700 calories a slice. I only ate a 1/4 of it and it was my birthday.

    Today 45 min workout so far and I will try to stick to my calories. Hopefully I did not do too much damage the past two days, but you only have a birthdya once in a year - right.
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Good morning everyone!

    Okay, I look at these tickers and I am sooo impressed with how well everyone is doing. Even with birthdays and boyfriends' temptation... (THAT'S will power to eat only 1/2 of Pei Wei!!!) it looks like everyone is hanging in there and doing really good!

    Wed. - 8 water, no exercise (all this rain is making me lazeeee!) :grumble:

    GREAT NEWS!!! My son's follow-up doc appt was yesterday and no elbow fracture!!! He got the cast off and will be able to participate in everything (karate, pe, basketball, etc) on Monday!! woo-hoo!

    Does anyone want to extend our challenge to November 30 or thru December? This is really helping me :smile: and I've got alot more lbs to shed :cry: !
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Does anyone want to extend our challenge to November 30 or thru December? This is really helping me :smile: and I've got alot more lbs to shed :cry: !

    I was thinking the same thing...I definitely want to extend!!!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Sounds good for extension.

    Do we want to wait until Monday and set new goals for November?

    We don't have to worry about the spreadsheet but I like having to accountable to post each day what I am doing and then the Friday weighins.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Down Sizin - great news on your son.

    I was just bad again. My office had a birthday party/halloween party for lunch. I had 2 slices of pizza and a salad (not too bad) but then ... I made those chocolate cake and diet coke cupcakes. And I had to taste them - they were really good. I did use regular icing so that added a bit more calories but I am totally impressed with the recipe. Why would you ever use the real recipe again.

    Oh well I have about 300 calories for dinner tonight. Hopefully I can manage that. Don't know if I want to get on the scale tomorrow. If there is a gain it is not going to be water retention - but it is that TOM so maybe that can give me some comfort.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Sounds good for extension.

    Do we want to wait until Monday and set new goals for November?

    We don't have to worry about the spreadsheet but I like having to accountable to post each day what I am doing and then the Friday weighins.

    I totally agree. Monday for new goals - no need for a spreadsheet - Friday weigh in's. YEA! :drinker:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    i def. want to keep this going! it is def. helping knowing that you guys are working hard right along with me! :smile: whats going on with jadelynn though? are we going to find out how much weight we lost as a team at the end of the month still? she hasnt been around for a while again.......

    I'm in it for as long as you guys are!! :glasses: :tongue: :bigsmile:
    And downsizin' yes eating half of my pei wei last night was hard, but i am so glad i did it because i would be totally hating myself right now if i had eaten the whole plate!!! it was sooo yummy!!!!! :cry: hehe.
    Lets keep up the good work and start thinking about our goals for next month! GO TEAM!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :laugh: :smile:
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Sounds great!
    I agree with everyone that posting daily helps me with accountability. Seeing what everyone else is doing keeps me motivated and I appreciate the advice, etc.!

    I'll wait to see how my weigh-in goes tomorrow, then make my November goals. :smile:
    I know one goal is to start the 30 Day Shred. I think I'm ready to add more cardio.

    I went to the community chatroom under 'before/after' and saw some pics that really got me motivated! She lost 50 lbs and looks very toned. It made me want to keep going! Check it out!

    Stay strong tonight for tomorrow's weigh-in, TEAM! :happy:
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Here is where to look for that success story I mentioned in my last post:

    Message Boards > Success Stories
    Topic: BEFORE AND AFTER!!!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Maybe we should each set our Monday goal too. So this week I am going to do... then we can have our weigh in and see if we did what we said on Friday. I just like to have the accountability too.

    Whoever gets on first on Monday lets set a new forum that is TEAM FIT in November or something like that so we have our new goals and chats all together.

    I am off tomorrow so I will be on sometime during the day and then my relatives are in this weekend so not sure how much I will be on the computer.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Thursday - 10 cups of water - 47 minutes of exercise. Tomorrow is weigh in - good luck everybody!!! :flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    OH MY GOSH, guys, you are never going to believe this..................................I lost 4 pounds this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :smile: :laugh: :noway: :bigsmile:

    So overall during this October challenge, I lost 7 pounds!!! I am so crazy unbelievably excited about this!!! :bigsmile:

    Now comes the tough part - I have friends coming in town this weekend and we are going to eat Mexican food tonight and go out tomorrow for Halloween. YIKES...I better go hit the gym for a loooong time today!

    Can't wait to see your results!!!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    morning team!!:flowerforyou: It's Friday!!!!

    Congrats on losing so much this last week Lmr9!!!! Way to go! I hope its not a probablem with you guys that I weigh in on Sundays. So I'll be posting 2 days late. :bigsmile:
    We're having a pot luck today at work, so I need to be good. I hope someone brought some healthy stuff! lol. I didnt! I brought lil smokies. hahaha :blushing:

    Well I'm going to a party tonight and tomorrow but I'm not going to drink, I drank too much alst weekend so at least my friends will have a DD!!! Be safe this weekend guys and I'll talk to you Monday!!

    If someone gets on first on Monday and starts a new thread, will you post the link for it in this, just in case someone cant find the new one?:wink:
    Have a fun and safe halloween everyone! And keep up the excellent work!! :glasses: :flowerforyou: :smile: :bigsmile:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Well I might have meet my weight goal on Tuesday but I gained 1.5 pounds back this morning. Back to 136. I am ok with that. I am sure it is a combination of water weight from eating high sodium food and the over eating calories. So now I have to buckle down and be strong and figure out what my goal weight will be on Monday.

    aabelein - no problem on the Sunday weigh in. I actually weigh myself on Monday (accountable for the weekend) and that is the only weight I actually use for my ticker.

    lmr9 - amazing results on the 4 pounds. Stay strong this weekend. Eat the goodies but only in moderation and maybe trying going for a walk with your friends.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend and a Happy Halloween
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    lmr9 - - - AWESOME & AMAZING!!! THAT'S FANTASTIC!!!!!! :happy: :laugh: :smile: :flowerforyou:
    Stay strong this weekend...kholmes is right - moderation is the key! :wink:

    aabelein - I'll be with you on the late weigh in. I don't know what happened to my alarm this morning, but it didn't go off, so I missed my workout and the weigh-in. I'll be at the gym in the morning to weigh, so I'll post mine tomorrow. :smile:

    Kudos for being the DD aabelein! Very cool of you!

    My Nov goals: Make all my calories, start 30 Day Shred (Sunday 11-1), drink MORE water, lose 5 lbs by 11-30.

    Everyone stay strong and be safe this weekend! :smile:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    Hey guys!:smile:
    Sorry I have been missing for so long. I have been doing 45 min of cardio everyday except for yesterdayIi got interupted and had to leave the house. So I only got 23 min of my workout in. I have also been keeping up with my strength trianing. I drank 4 cups of water everday except for tue and wed I think I had 8 cups. I forgot to weigh myself this morning and I dont want to wiegh now cause I just got done eating. I will give my weigh in tommorow. Is any one keeping track of this stuff like jadelynn said she was going to. I would like to have a chart with who looses most and how much percent of our weight we have lost so far and stuff like that. I am glad that we dicided to keep this going, you guys are what keeps me motivated to do this even if I forget to log it in for a couple of days. I am going to take my measurments as well to see if I have lost inches yet, too.
    lmr9-CONGRATS!!! 4 pounds would be awesome and 7 a month is pretty dang good!!!:flowerforyou:
    Hope it goes that well for me tomorrow:smile:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    lmr9 congrats on the weight loss!!

    Thursday total: 3 glasses of water, no exercise
    Friday total: 4 glasses of water, 45 mins cardio
    Friday weigh-in: 151 lbs (gain of 2 lbs :cry: ) -- doesn't really surprise me though. I have been bad with going over my calories lately and not drinking enough water.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Friday - 8 cups of water - 45 minutes of exercise . Don't know by how much, but definitely went over my calories for the day. About to go hit the gym! Have a great weekend everybody!! :flowerforyou:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    Hey guys no weight loss but I am on my period. lol but I did lose 5.5 inches all over hopefully that means I am losing fat and gaining muscle although I do hope the weight comes off soon