Strength Training PR's - Brag About Your Success



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    my deadlifting PR right now is a set of 9 at 105 lbs, cause I still consider myself new at this, Im going for 125 on Tuesday.
  • CharleneExtreme
    Ye all make me feel so weak!! My deadlift PR is 8 at 60lbs...
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    It was a little ugly, but I finally got it - 500 lb deadlift! I just feel so pumped right now.

    awesome job!!! congrats!!!
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    This was last month, but I bench pressed 110 pounds for 6 reps. Go me! And you guys are all inspiring I must say :drinker:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Ye all make me feel so weak!! My deadlift PR is 8 at 60lbs...

    You're not weak- you're on your way! That's great!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    You're not weak- you're on your way! That's great!

    I like this. I need to remind myself of that with some of the workouts I've had lately.
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    Out of curiosity today, after my back squat sets.. i did a few box squats to test max. 365, 385 405, i think i could have gone little higher but i was spent after my 5 sets of back squats beforehand.

    i wanna say and think it may be easier for me due to the much wider stance.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Out of curiosity today, after my back squat sets.. i did a few box squats to test max. 365, 385 405, i think i could have gone little higher but i was spent after my 5 sets of back squats beforehand.

    i wanna say and think it may be easier for me due to the much wider stance.
    How does that compare to your regular back squat load? (sorry if you've already posted this and I missed it)
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    For grip I don't use over under because of symmetry issues but I use straps. I maxed out on that because my fingers are really small and lame. Hook grip is superior to all I noticed but I wasn't willing to deal with the pain that comes with it.

    Thanks :) not seen the hooks in use, but not liking the sound of pain! lol

    I did my first farmers walk tonight! Did a circuit training class and although I only carried 10kg kettlebells in each hand it was great, I was hot sweaty etc but really worked on focus and grip. Will def be adding these with dumbbells to my workout and up the weights as I can. :)
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Out of curiosity today, after my back squat sets.. i did a few box squats to test max. 365, 385 405, i think i could have gone little higher but i was spent after my 5 sets of back squats beforehand.

    i wanna say and think it may be easier for me due to the much wider stance.
    How does that compare to your regular back squat load? (sorry if you've already posted this and I missed it)

    I'd be curious too. It could be the wider stance as well. One thing I noticed is that my hip flexors feel like they engage differently on the box squat, perhaps they're not as strong. I'm not sure why because when I Back Squat I definitely hit parallel. Not sure...
    I only carried 10kg kettlebells in each hand it was great,

    That's great. Farmer's Walks are versatile because there are a couple ways to load them. Obviously you have KB's and DB's, but if your gym has the mini-olympic bars you can use those too. This will distribute the weight further away from your hands and should stress those muscles even more. They should weigh 25lbs, so that's about where you're at right now with the KB's.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    For grip I don't use over under because of symmetry issues but I use straps. I maxed out on that because my fingers are really small and lame. Hook grip is superior to all I noticed but I wasn't willing to deal with the pain that comes with it.

    Thanks :) not seen the hooks in use, but not liking the sound of pain! lol

    I did my first farmers walk tonight! Did a circuit training class and although I only carried 10kg kettlebells in each hand it was great, I was hot sweaty etc but really worked on focus and grip. Will def be adding these with dumbbells to my workout and up the weights as I can. :)

    You actually put your thumb on the bar first and wrap your first two fingers over it and hook them under the thumb.
    Its actually very very painful. And your told to work through it and eventually you'll thumb will stretch out and the callouses will develop. No way. LOL
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    For grip I don't use over under because of symmetry issues but I use straps. I maxed out on that because my fingers are really small and lame. Hook grip is superior to all I noticed but I wasn't willing to deal with the pain that comes with it.

    Thanks :) not seen the hooks in use, but not liking the sound of pain! lol

    I did my first farmers walk tonight! Did a circuit training class and although I only carried 10kg kettlebells in each hand it was great, I was hot sweaty etc but really worked on focus and grip. Will def be adding these with dumbbells to my workout and up the weights as I can. :)

    You actually put your thumb on the bar first and wrap your first two fingers over it and hook them under the thumb.
    Its actually very very painful. And your told to work through it and eventually you'll thumb will stretch out and the callouses will develop. No way. LOL

    What symmetry issues are you having?
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I was going to suggest using hook-grip. Personally I only use it for my olympic lifting, but if you're having grip issues it may help with the heavy deads and the lat pull downs.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member

    What symmetry issues are you having?

    I won't do over under because I don't want my any over development/under development in either side shoulders or arms.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    I was going to suggest using hook-grip. Personally I only use it for my olympic lifting, but if you're having grip issues it may help with the heavy deads and the lat pull downs.

    My hats off to you. That crap hurts *L*
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member

    What symmetry issues are you having?

    I won't do over under because I don't want my any over development/under development in either side shoulders or arms.

    That's really not an issue to be honest. I had the exact same concern at first and it really hasn't turned out to be true. If it's that concerning for you rotate which hand is under/over on each set or just rotate each week. It's definitely a better approach than using straps.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Not so much a PR and the weights were nothing spectacular but Monday and Wednesday I was failing reps left and right on my Stronglifts workouts. Today everything "clicked" and I was actually able to add two reps to my 5th set of squats and bench presses and 3 extra reps to my 5th set of barbell rows. Just a good workout all around.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member

    What symmetry issues are you having?

    I won't do over under because I don't want my any over development/under development in either side shoulders or arms.

    That's really not an issue to be honest. I had the exact same concern at first and it really hasn't turned out to be true. If it's that concerning for you rotate which hand is under/over on each set or just rotate each week. It's definitely a better approach than using straps.

    I tried it at first. It was so awkard and uncomfortable on once side. I felt like I was engaging my biceps with the under. Frankly DOH feels more natural and even. Not a strong grip though. But it the grand scheme of things I don't care what my pull is, just need to stimulate muscle hypertrophy. Plus my coach told me to do over over. And hey it made me a winner so who am I'm to switch things up. LOL
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    Out of curiosity today, after my back squat sets.. i did a few box squats to test max. 365, 385 405, i think i could have gone little higher but i was spent after my 5 sets of back squats beforehand.

    i wanna say and think it may be easier for me due to the much wider stance.
    How does that compare to your regular back squat load? (sorry if you've already posted this and I missed it)

    Havent done a max rep on back squats for couple weeks, i deloaded and running stronglifts 5x5 now for 12 week cycle. But 2 weeks ago i did 375x2 which was PB. Currently in the program im at 305 for 5x5. Which is a good workout, but not extremely hard yet, i know as weeks go it will get worse lol... but im ok with this as my strength should boost thru 400s .

    If progression goes as planned i should be mid 400s by end of 12week cycle. But realistically i'll be happy with 5 sets of 5 on 405 full parallel Squats.

    I actually had a PT at my gym compliment me on my form and depth, had his client at the time watch a set as he explain why to go parallel, how it engages the muscles etc.

    Was a nice boost of confidence lol
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    1) 253 lb squats, 6 reps. It was on the smith press (only machine available in my gym) but I'm still proud!
    2) 75lb chest press (smith) I forget the reps. Dumbbell I'm up to 40 lbs.

    Not huge but works for me. I try to lift more every set and every week. My husband spotting me really helps with my gains!