Strength Training PR's - Brag About Your Success



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Interesting re box squats. I always get new people to do goblets squats to a box to teach the hip hinge & sitting back.

    I take it for more advanced people the box squat would be to gain more power out of the hole? Similar to a paused squat?
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I take it for more advanced people the box squat would be to gain more power out of the hole? Similar to a paused squat?

    Yes. Louie Simmons indicates that it has a good carryover to the DL too.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    It was a little ugly, but I finally got it - 500 lb deadlift! I just feel so pumped right now.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    It was a little ugly, but I finally got it - 500 lb deadlift! I just feel so pumped right now.

    fark yeah! Well done!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    It was a little ugly, but I finally got it - 500 lb deadlift! I just feel so pumped right now.
    Holy Crap! I bet you do feel pumped.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I rocked 85kg squats on Wednesday and I'm up to 82.5kg deads - without wraps :) Slowly sorting my grip issues out.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I rocked 85kg squats on Wednesday and I'm up to 82.5kg deads - without wraps :) Slowly sorting my grip issues out.

    Yeah Girl! Work it!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I rocked 85kg squats on Wednesday and I'm up to 82.5kg deads - without wraps :) Slowly sorting my grip issues out.

    Yeah Girl! Work it!

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I rocked 85kg squats on Wednesday and I'm up to 82.5kg deads - without wraps :) Slowly sorting my grip issues out.

    If your squats are that heavy, you have great potential to go much higher on your deads so its great you are getting your grip issues sorted out. Go you!!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I rocked 85kg squats on Wednesday and I'm up to 82.5kg deads - without wraps :) Slowly sorting my grip issues out.

    Yeah Girl! Work it!


    :blushing: oh thanks. :)
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I rocked 85kg squats on Wednesday and I'm up to 82.5kg deads - without wraps :) Slowly sorting my grip issues out.

    If your squats are that heavy, you have great potential to go much higher on your deads so its great you are getting your grip issues sorted out. Go you!!

    Yeah, my trainer agree's.

    Our current goal for deads is 100kgs and we are making great progress.

    I'm doing farmers walks and some other grip stuff ... it's mostly my left hand, my right seems better.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I rocked 85kg squats on Wednesday and I'm up to 82.5kg deads - without wraps :) Slowly sorting my grip issues out.

    If your squats are that heavy, you have great potential to go much higher on your deads so its great you are getting your grip issues sorted out. Go you!!

    Yeah, my trainer agree's.

    Our current goal for deads is 100kgs and we are making great progress.

    I'm doing farmers walks and some other grip stuff ... it's mostly my left hand, my right seems better.

    I'm shocked, it sounds like you found a good trainer! Don't let them out of your site!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    The bast@rd (said in the most loving way) is going on a 6wk holiday in 2wks. :sad:
  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    I rocked 85kg squats on Wednesday and I'm up to 82.5kg deads - without wraps :) Slowly sorting my grip issues out.

    If your squats are that heavy, you have great potential to go much higher on your deads so its great you are getting your grip issues sorted out. Go you!!

    Yeah, my trainer agree's.

    Our current goal for deads is 100kgs and we are making great progress.

    I'm doing farmers walks and some other grip stuff ... it's mostly my left hand, my right seems better.

    I must ask you for some ideas on grip exercises. I am already struggling with grip issues (dang weak muscles) more so since coming back after being sick, but I want to nip this in the bud while I am only starting.

    Framers walks... I have done them before. Hrm... PT has me doing wrist curls with some lighter weights to start (2kg hand weight at home) and we did it today with 10kg barbell. I too am finding my left hand to be the problem!

    Any more ideas would be great!
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    On the grip strength thing, I have been thinking about this because I train with quite a few people and none of us really have grip issues. I think its because we've all come to lifting through CrossFit which generally has workouts with really high rep ranges at moderate weights. So it is definately time, practice and effort (like most things). Also working alot on the pullup bar helps, for me gripping a heavy DL is way easier than holding myself up at the bar.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    grip: hang off a chinup bar for as long as possible.
    high rep bb or db shrugs or calf raises
    ****loads of chinups :tongue:

    That's all I've ever done :smile:
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Oh and I am assuming that you've both tried reversing one hand on your deads?
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Well, I've been on a bit of a hiatus to do some health issues, but I was doing Stronglifts 5x5 which I had just started doing with only the bar. I was up to 60/65 pounds on all of the lifts. 65 was easy on the deadlifts, but I figured I would just follow the program and go up in the 5 pound increments. One day my husband left the bar sitting on the floor w/ 45 pound plates on it. I jokingly said, "Let's see if I can deadlift this!" I actually did 3 reps at 135 pounds, thinking I was only capable of maybe going up to 70 that week!
  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    I am in my 3rd week of CrossFit
    Week 1
    Back squat 118#
    Shoulder press couldn't do it
    Deadlifts ~100#

    Week 3
    Back squat 203#
    Shoulder press 88#
    Deadlifts 233#

    I made the board for my back squat and deadlifts (I think)
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Well, I've been on a bit of a hiatus to do some health issues, but I was doing Stronglifts 5x5 which I had just started doing with only the bar. I was up to 60/65 pounds on all of the lifts. 65 was easy on the deadlifts, but I figured I would just follow the program and go up in the 5 pound increments. One day my husband left the bar sitting on the floor w/ 45 pound plates on it. I jokingly said, "Let's see if I can deadlift this!" I actually did 3 reps at 135 pounds, thinking I was only capable of maybe going up to 70 that week!

    I think that's probably pretty common with people who do Stronglifts. Don't get me wrong, I think it a great program for beginners who don't have a trainer. However the progression seems way slower than what I generally see with people training with my trainer. It's hard to know what you can really do without someone telling you.