Strength Training PR's - Brag About Your Success



  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member

    sjohnny: I had the same thing with lifting & mma. Ended up very burnt out and not making progress in either at the rate I wanted. After an injury I can't do mma anymore though and since then strength has been on the rise. If you were going to prioritise running over lifting I'd still chuck in one full body strength session a week just to keep what you already have.

    I will definitely continue to do probably 2 days a week of strength work while I'm running. I refuse to totally give up either one.

    I also haven't had any good sleep in over a month due to some outside stressors so I gotta think that's affecting my lifting and running both.
  • ravihira1892
    ravihira1892 Posts: 149 Member
    Before i went on my 35 day holiday i managed 198lbs (90kg) 3x5 on squats & deadlifts. Now its gone right down :(, i didn't train for them 35 days though so its expected and will take time to get back into my training and back to the weight i was lifting, feel so small & weak at the moment but must push through this stage AGAIN!
  • stevehomoki
    Broke a couple new PR yesterday. OHP 165lbsx4 reps. I was having trouble last week and early this week trying to get the bar up high enough to do OHP since I progressed past 155lbs x6 reps. I don't have a rack so I have to Clean & Jerk it to do OHP. I was training my upright rows more and it finally paid off since apparently i'm not very good at it. I can now do 165lb clean and jerk more often and can do those for reps.
    Also completed 120lb dumbell bench x 5 reps. Previously was only doing 3. I don't have any 2.5lb plates but I tried 130lb dumbell press and failed to bring it up.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Jnick77: yep it's just a novice comp. Raw only.

    And nice work on that DL PR. With sumo the hardest bit is getting it off the ground for sure. Once it's off it's generally all good. I'd be smashing the glutes/hammies with SLDL's, Ukranian Deadlifts, good mornings & that will help get it off the ground. Also deficit deadlifts are awesome.

    I actually started doing tons of posterior chain work about five or six weeks ago, so I completely agree with your recommendations. Although I will have to look-up Ukranian DL's because I have no idea what those are actually. Every few weeks I rotate my good mornings between wide stance and narrow stance. My gfriend loves the side-benefit of the added glute work too. :D LOL. This week I added DB Swings from a 1/4 Squat position to see how those will benefit me. They're similar to the starting position of a Pull-Through but the movement is more ballistic so I'm hoping to get some speed out of it. We'll see, in 3 weeks I re-test my conventional DL with a goal of 405lbs. Last cycle I pulled 385 so I only need 15lbs between then and 3 weeks from now. :)
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Just looked up Ukrainian Deadlift. Looks pretty awesome. Lots of ROM

    But this doesn't look like a great idea at all (I think I slipped a disc just watching this):
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Just looked up Ukrainian Deadlift. Looks pretty awesome. Lots of ROM

    But this doesn't look like a great idea at all (I think I slipped a disc just watching this):

    Interesting but I don't think my gym has the equipment to do those unfortunately cuz I'd give them a try otherwise.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    My wife is working late and I'm getting off work early today so I'm picking up the kids. I'm thinking I could tie a rope around my kids and stand one foot on the coffee table and the other foot on the couch and do these before my wife gets home this evening.

  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Do you mean this guy ?

    So at the abolsute opposite end of the spectrum are these two german olympic cyclists....

  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Do you mean this guy ?

    So at the abolsute opposite end of the spectrum are these two german olympic cyclists....

    O.M.G. That is beautiful and scary at the same time.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    whoa. So do those dudes have small upper bodies or just in comparison to those ridiculous quads?!
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    whoa. So do those dudes have small upper bodies or just in comparison to those ridiculous quads?!

    Hmmmm, actually looking at this pic I'd say not too bad proportion... apart from the head to neck ratio :)

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    yeah, he's just big all round. I think I'd prefer the slightly larger lower to upper than the other way around too.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    If I saw him IRL I would probably think he was a rugby player to be honest...
  • dusty8907
    dusty8907 Posts: 350 Member
    Awesome thread, these are my current stats:


    Squat - 315
    Deadlift - 375
    Bench Press - 265
    Ohp - 130 ( i have trouble with this lift for some reason, am working on this hard)

    Been lifting for about 7 months total, only started squats/deadlifts about 3 months ago. That's why they are so far behind my bench.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    whoa. So do those dudes have small upper bodies or just in comparison to those ridiculous quads?!

    EVERYTHING is small in comparison to those ridiculous quads. I've had cars that were smaller.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hit 70kg deadlifts (5 reps) on Friday :) Not considering 10 weeks ago I'd never done anything heavier than 15kg
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Hit 70kg deadlifts (5 reps) on Friday :) Not considering 10 weeks ago I'd never done anything heavier than 15kg
    Great progress!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Do you mean this guy ?

    So at the abolsute opposite end of the spectrum are these two german olympic cyclists....
    O.M.G. That is beautiful and scary at the same time.

    I would've thought they were cutting down for a bodybuilding competition. Honestly though, how do guys with legs like that buy pants??? My legs are not nearly that big and I have to buy pants that are two sizes too big and have the waist adjusted down to fit my legs right.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    I would've thought they were cutting down for a bodybuilding competition. Honestly though, how do guys with legs like that buy pants??? My legs are not nearly that big and I have to buy pants that are two sizes too big and have the waist adjusted down to fit my legs right.

    I've always wondered the same thing. I'm a pretty small 180 pounds, and I have trouble fitting into pants or shorts.
    khakis look like skinny jeans on me.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member

    I would've thought they were cutting down for a bodybuilding competition. Honestly though, how do guys with legs like that buy pants??? My legs are not nearly that big and I have to buy pants that are two sizes too big and have the waist adjusted down to fit my legs right.

    I've always wondered the same thing. I'm a pretty small 180 pounds, and I have trouble fitting into pants or shorts.
    khakis look like skinny jeans on me.

    I hear ya' bro. I have to wear dress slacks for work and I prefer plain front pants and it's really hard to get the pants right. Then the damn tailors want to bring in everything else on the pants too even after I tell him that i have big legs and to leave everything else alone. I went to the store to buy jeans one day and I found a pair that I really liked, so I went to try them on. I barely got them past my knee and they looked like spandex; I didn't realize that they were a "slim" cut and it was hard to get them off. LMAO. It's almost getting to the point where "classic" cuts are getting a little snug. Somebody needs to make more weight-lifter friendly pants because who the hell wants to wear baggy *kitten* pants? Well I guess some people do but I don't like my pants looking like I borrowed them from MC Hammer.