Strength Training PR's - Brag About Your Success



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    New pr on my cleans today. I did a clean at 140lbs today. more than my body weight :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    And not a strength training but still a good one I made a new best time on my 800m run at 3min 9 seconds. Not really super fast but pretty fast for me

    I just started doing Oly lifts with a trainer. My sessions are ad hoc and I only use one for these due to them being more technical. So I have only had two - but I I am loving it and 140lb, especially at your weight, is totally badass.
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    For the fourth legs session in a row, I was able to 12-rep all sets on my leg press (this time 440-530-620-710 lbs), and thus will be bumping those AGAIN next time. Just for good measure I threw in one more set (at 800lbs), but so drained by that point that five reps was enough!

    I may have deadlifted 245x5 before, but not sure, and it wasn't terribly difficult tonight, so that will be increasing as well.

    Very close to bumping leg curls/extensions again as well.
  • 01foxy
    01foxy Posts: 28
    Someone told me to work up to handstand pressups. I regularly do pressups with my hands on the floor and feet on a bench but the advice i was given was to do them against the wall and gradually move your feet upwards. Wierdly, you do get the sense that you are going to land on your head but you just have to keep doing them regularly and you will soon increase your numbers. Don't compromise on safety though and at first, have someone there with you. However, form is everything - no point in doing 10 ****e pressups when 1 really good form pressup would work just as well! There are lots of things I can do now that 12 months ago i would have considered out of the realm of possibility for me.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    I just wrapped up my last building phase
    275 on bench (only can get 3 up at this weight)
    315 on squats 3x5
    465 deadlift 1x4
    Machine leg press is 7 plates on each side(630) plus whatever the sled is.
    I'm at 265lbs with 190LBM or so.
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    Some new stuff between last night and today:

    Leg press - upped my final set to 760lbs, I just missed being able to hit that 12th rep last night so I will be going it again later this week.

    Squat - upped to ten reps at 275lbs

    Bench press - currently maxed at 245lbs

    Chest fly - I went off the wall on this station today. My setup previously had been two warm up sets, then two strength sets at 160 and 175 pounds, usually hitting 12 and then 8-10 reps. I pegged 12 reps with ridiculous ease at 160, so I jumped my 175 to 190.. pegged 12 with almost the same ease there so I added a fifth set at 220lbs.. and finally I was only able to do ten reps. No idea what gives there ^_^

    Also threw in some planks. Did a one minute plank with 45lb weight on my lower back, then a 30 second plank with 90lbs of weight on my lower back, then did a 30 second decline plank with hands on medicine ball weighted with a 45lb plate.

    (on a nice side note, I picked up a GREAT haul at GNC!)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    squatted 65kg(143lbs) x111 reps a few days ago

    And new 20rm at 130kg (286lbs) x 20

    80kg body weight
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Feeling like a n00b ... How do you calculate the 1RM dealie?!

    That's ok. Not that many people know.

    (weight x reps x.0333)+ weight = approx 1rm

    It is more accurate with lower reps ie. 5 or less. And calculated and actually doing it are definitely different. The mental aspect of testing 1rm's is always a big thing.

    I use this formula to determine perceived effort on sets e.g. last week of smolov squats, every single set I did was equivalent to a 175kg 1rm effort or more. Seeing as how my actual 1rm was 170kg at the time, I knew ALL of those sets were going to be very difficult.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    squatted 65kg(143lbs) x111 reps a few days ago

    what the... i dont even...
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Apparently my 1RM for Squats is 106kg, I take back my comment that I could get up 1 of your 130kg squats.

    Although, I'm gonna keep believing that I can ;)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    squatted 65kg(143lbs) x111 reps a few days ago

    And new 20rm at 130kg (286lbs) x 20

    80kg body weight

    That is ridiculous - and by ridiculous, I mean awesome.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    squatted 65kg(143lbs) x111 reps a few days ago

    And new 20rm at 130kg (286lbs) x 20

    80kg body weight

    That is ridiculous - and by ridiculous, I mean awesome.

    yeah yeah yeah Chris is awesome now would you get back to flirting with me via PM's please? thanks.

    Chris: seriously you're an animal. Crazy.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    yeah yeah yeah Chris is awesome now would you get back to flirting with me via PM's please? thanks.

    OK - will do. Pics in your inbox....mmkthxbye
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    yeah yeah yeah Chris is awesome now would you get back to flirting with me via PM's please? thanks.

    OK - will do. Pics in your inbox....mmkthxbye


    (And that's what this thread is about).
  • belben22
    My barbell bicep curl is up to 30kg for 5 sets @ 6reps without any sway & bent over rows at 35-40 kilo's depending on what I've already been up to (same sets, 8-10reps)

    I can also do unassisted chin up & locked elbow hangs for 35 seconds without weakening.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    205lb power clean today, just missed 225... got it to my chest but couldn't complete the clean.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    thanks people. Physio said I can start squatting again, so light weight high teis was the plan. You know for toning :p

    Found out the 60kg record for ptc (strength gym in oz) is 137 teis by a guy my weight. Will be having a crack at that sometime next week.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Found a vid of the 65kg (143lbs) x 111reps. (just the last 13 reps :smile:)
  • starcurl
    Today: Cybex leg press: 360 lbs - 4 sets x 8 reps.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Clean & jerk today at 135lbs.

    Pretty happy with this one because I had no idea i could split jerk almost as much as I can clean.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Clean & jerk today at 135lbs.

    Pretty happy with this one because I had no idea i could split jerk almost as much as I can clean.
