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  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi ladies! I am back! I was in Arizona at the Fiesta Bowl for about 5 days so I didn't get to log in my food...and by the end of the week I felt like CRAP from eating out!! Luckily I made healthy food choices, but even "healthy" foods have high sodium intake. I did try to keep working out throughout the trip. We did some hiking, we walked everywhere, and I even ran uphill with my little sister in her wheelchair (talk about Heart Pumping Excercise!) But, even with all of the exercise I still felt so gross eating out. But, today I am BACK home and ready to get back on the healthy eating! I am going to hit the gym for a run tonight and then do ChaLean Extreme. I'm pretty excited and my husband is excited too! I haven't been able to think of my specific goals for 2010...so I'll think about them and get back to ya'll!! I like telling people so that I feel accountable to stick to it!!

    Have a great Monday!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Dawna! there u are! was wondering where u went, but I am sooo glad to have you back. I kinda felt lost without this group hahaha and no feed back for days had me going crazy.

    Well yesterday I didnt get to workout out but, I staywed within my calories, even after going out for dinner. I had a miso soup and some spicy tuna rolls. yummy. :)

    Tonight, I wanna to the TJ 20 minute workout and Turbo Sculpt.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    hi everyone, i just arrived in texas tuesday, so i haven't had time to exercise yet, but our little dog sure does give me a good run though. once it's get warm here and i get things done that i have to do , then i'm going to kick my butt into gear. i'll try to keep in touch on my weight loss.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    hi all,
    i am still going to the gym, i try to go 6 days/week ( 2 days for 1 hour, 4 days for 2 hours), i try to do both cardio and weight lifting. i try to run at night 3-5km 6 nights/week. as far as exercise goes, i think i am doing great. i am struggling with the food. i am still trying to do clean eating but i was doing 1200 cals but now i am much hungrier and going up to 1500 cals on some days. it makes me feel guilty because i am trying to do 1200 cals but it is tough. i am also really craving pizza so i think i might get some tomorrow for lunch but go to place where you can get just a single slice ( with some veggie toppings) otherwise i will be tempted to eat more than 1 slice. wish me luck and willpower!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Welcome back Porterbaby!

    Kgrutch, I think you will do just fine @ 1500 cals considering how much you are working out, so don't feel guilty.

    Last night I got home, and decided to do Turbo Sculpt. After not having done it for about 4 weeks I must say it totally KICKED MY BUTT!!! WOW.... I only used 5lbs but, boy were my legs shaking and my arms tired half way in.

    Tonight, I'll try to do Cardio Party 1!

    I can't wait til February my bf and I are starting p90x and that will really kick my butt into gear!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    i did do my own exercises last night. i'm going to do somemore here pretty soon.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    i feel great i took our little dog for a long walk today and we're going for another after while. since it warmed up some today.even though he wanted to go for a run here and there. i hope by next saturnday i'll be back down in the 170's, i hope. hey has anyone has that wii fit or wii fit plus? does it work and how do you hook it up too? hopefully i can start using my exercise tapes soon.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    hi everyone i did my morning walk with our dog, it felt great.i walked again with him last night, i'll probably walk again tonight.
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Hello My Girlies !!!!!! Well I finally got up the nerve to get my big butt moving again and did a little exercise . DAMN , who knew u could lose that much energy and tolerance in such a short time. Christ I only worked out for like and hour , which felt like 3 and it totally kicked my butt !!!! :explode: Oh well hopefully I can get back up to speed in no time .....ugh just sucks when i could easily burn 1000 cals in a work out and get whipped by a 575 cal . Hope all u ladies are doing well and Mrs. Dawna I have to say u rock wow 20 lbs is awesome Congrats :flowerforyou:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Porterbaby: glad u are having fun walking ur dog and enjoying the exercise. I don't have the wii fit but am very curious about it since I've heard a lot of ppl who have it and have had success with it.

    Jocelyn: its never too late to jump back in. and I know exactly how u feel with working out again. Last week I did turbo scupt which is kind of like circuit training involves weights and lots of reps. Well I used my usual 5lb dumbells which used to be a breeze adn boy were my legs shaking and wabling half way through! it was ridiculous can't believe I could barely finish that 40 min workout! But give it a few days and u'll be back in no time. and I have to agree DAWNA - U ROCK! keep it up, u are truly an inspiration.

    Next weeks challenge for me: plan my meals atleast one day in advance so I'm not left reaching for unhealthy snacks.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    my challenge for this week is no matter how i feel or how upset i get with myself, i going try not eat any sweets and i'm going start working more on my stomach for the week. even though it hard to work on your stomach when you are bloated from being on that TOM, but i'm going to stick with it. i'm going to work my butt off , while i'm here in texas, that way when i get back home in illinois i'll be less. any suggestion on what would be a good stomach exercises for the whole stomach. it's hard to do situps, because it hurts my neck. i'm thinking on buying a wii fit, wii fit plus, or that shape up. because i like to get that biggest loser wii.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    theres a bunch of free exercises on youtube I think. I was bored one day and looked up ZUMBA on you tube and did a couple and wow were my abs and obliques hurting after just 20 mins of dancing! try it in the mean time before you buy the wii. I'm not saying dont buy it just sounds like a lot of money, haha maybe I'm just really cheap.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    thanks nolachick.
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    theres a bunch of free exercises on youtube I think. I was bored one day and looked up ZUMBA on you tube and did a couple and wow were my abs and obliques hurting after just 20 mins of dancing! try it in the mean time before you buy the wii. I'm not saying dont buy it just sounds like a lot of money, haha maybe I'm just really cheap.

    Wow just checked out zumba on u tube ....looks awesome and right up my alley ....now If i could only find a dvd here ...walmart and sears don't sell any here grrrrr . wish I could download from u tube and burn it .... everytime I try it never works !!! :cry:
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    i love just doing different plyometrics at home sometimes. some of my favorites are stand with your legs spread and do a squat, then jump up as high as you can, do 20 of those and you will feel it. also the mountain man with hands and feet on the ground and alternate your knees into your chest, as fast as you can. pushups are always a killer. planks are great also: on your toes and elbows, butt down, and hold that position for 1-2 minutes. also just with 2 cheap dumbells you can get a great workout with weights.

    i went to the gym this am and did 1 hour of "fight club", i love it, you wear boxing gloves and do different punches, jumps, kicks, twists for 1 hour. great workout, hope to be sore tomorrow. i also did 45 minutes of weights mostly biceps/triceps but threw some leg/butt stuff in there since 2010 is "year of the firm booty" for me.

    i have made my goal weight and still went to weight watchers to weigh, i going to keep going weekly to make sure i am not slipping, its so easy for me to cheat when weighing in, this is unbiased. i am on maintenance ay WW so it doesnt cost me anything. i want to stay this weight forever.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Aww thanks ladies for the compliments! I'm about to rev up my workouts again and get all crazy to drop another 20 pounds by July. I was so suprised that I didn't gain a pound during the whole 2 weeks I was on vacation. In fact, on Saturday I stepped on the scale and had lost a pound..what in the world? But, I'm back on the crazy-train and ready to AMP up my workouts and get serious!! I've felt amazing the last few weeks, and I can only imagine how much more energy I will have once I lose 20 more pounds!

    One of my goals for the new year is to try some new recipes and make my cooking more "clean". I want to give more of a variety to my meals WITHOUT adding calories & fat. I know its just going to take a lot more planning and preparation on my part, which is why I am making it a goal. I think the more I get into this habit, the easier a Healthy & Clean lifestyle will come to me naturally.

    Another goal is a "number" goal, and that is to lose 20 pounds by July. I know that I can do it, and I know it will be difficult, especially the last 10 pounds. But, I SO determined and my success had only fueled the drive for me to continue to my goal.

    A third goal is to run some sort of local half-marathon or 10K. I am so excited and I want to feel that sense of accomplishment when I cross that finish line!

    ...You ladies are my motivation to continue to do this! I have appreciated all of the support, advice & listening that you've all given to me! I definitely think a support group like this has helped, So Thank You All!!!

    I'll hopefully get some time to post after my workouts tonight!! Have a great Monday!

    P.S. I really really want to go to a Zumba class... looked it up on Youtube a few weeks ago...its definitely something I would love. Jocelyn, you could probably get some good deals on Ebay if you found something you liked. You might google/youtube different videos you see on Ebay! Good luck!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    2day is a special day, it is a day that everything will go my way, 2day is the day that I was born, Its my birthday yall, I GOT IT GOING ON, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S BIRTHDAY!!! From January to December everyone has a day they wanna remember, whether turning 21 or 95, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, come on and get live, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!. I turned 37 today and I'm feeling and looking good.

    I began my day w/many text messages and phone calls with birthday wishes from friends and family. I went to the gym and ROCKED IT. I was able to burn 361 calories on the treadmill and 284 on the elliptical for a total 645 calories. After that I spent about 10-15 minutes in the sauna (pure bliss) and topped it off w/a banana & strawberry protein shake. I'm feeling real good.

    Have a great day ladies!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Go Choco, It's your bday! you better party like it's yourbday! haha glad ur day started off well, hope it ends great and u have a blast with ur familly and friends when u go out to celebrate!

    Last night I did Cardio Party 1 and boy was I feeling it! Pushed myself to the end and now I'm so proud of myself. Today - I'm aiming for the 20-minute workout + maybe Ab Jam. I hope I make it through both.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Congratulations NOLACHICK on sticking w/the workout yesterday and I'm sure you'll rock it out today as well. You do you feel like you've gotten your workout groove back? I haven't checked the food log yet but will be doing so soon, will there be any surprises (smile). I'm kidding I will not be the food police.....LOL
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Happy Birthday Chocolickkyss!! Have a fabulous day!

    I wasn't able to get my workout in last night. I had some stomach issues last night and working out did not help my cause. I drank a lot of water and today I'm feeling better so I'm hoping to get my workout in. This week is so busy--- I'll be excited next week when I get a day off work!! yahoo!! Have a great night ladies!