10 in 9



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I really want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. I had an absolutely wonderful day and although I'm a bit sore from my intense workout today I feel good overall in body and spirit. Turning 37 has been great, I can only pray the rest of the year will be just as great.

    By the way, I went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and because I checked out the nutrional informations prior to going I was able to eat a nice hearty meal AND remain well w/in my allotted calories. I ate the Black peppered shrimp dish which consists of spicy shrimp, white rice (I asked for brown but that don't make it), black beans, plantains and a mango salsa. There was a total of 1100 calories for the entire meal (and they give you ALOT) so before I even took my first bite I asked for a to go box and placed half of eat in the box and placed it to the side.:smile::smile: :happy: :smile: :happy: I only drank water and I didn't even have a desire for cheesecake.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Go choco! I'm glad ur bday turned out great and I must say I am extremely proud of you for two reasons - working out on ur bday AND keeping within your calories! I ain't gonna lie, my bday would definately be a splurge day - big time. haha. but you are treating urself to the best thing in life and thats health and happiness, so way to go!

    I ended up meeting m y goals for today and thats completing both the 20minute workout and the ab jam which left my abs crying. lol. proud of myself on that too.

    Way to go ladies, we are going to do this!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Go choco! I'm glad ur bday turned out great and I must say I am extremely proud of you for two reasons - working out on ur bday AND keeping within your calories! I ain't gonna lie, my bday would definately be a splurge day - big time. haha. but you are treating urself to the best thing in life and thats health and happiness, so way to go!

    I ended up meeting m y goals for today and thats completing both the 20minute workout and the ab jam which left my abs crying. lol. proud of myself on that too.

    Way to go ladies, we are going to do this!

    Hey Nolachick, I made the conscious decision to stay w/in my calories yesterday b/c I know my cousin and I along w/my girlfriends are going to a gourmet burger joint on Saturday. I asked a couple of ppl who've been to the restaurant and they have all said the food is very good but if you're going to worry about calories you shouldn't go. I also heard they have a Nutella milkshake w/burnt marshmellow topping to die for and i'm thinking about indulging on that.

    Congratulations on getting your workout in and staying w/your calories (YES, I took a peek).

    I'm about to get my workout in for today before beginning my work day.

    Awww my days of working from home are coming to an end for at least 3 months. I think I'll be back in the office by the end of this month or at the very beginning of next.
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Hello all :smile: Well today Im gonna try to get some exercise in . The last 2 days I have had a hard time getting my calories in seems that im just not hungry .... cal count was 741 and 1099 . ugh I know its not good . Just curious if anyone has tried the cinnamon honey and water cleanse thing ? Thinking about giving it a try . I have been doing the jullian micheal detox water for a few days and its not bad . I have decided not to step on the scale for at least 2 weeks so I will not be dissappointed . Have a great day ladies :flowerforyou:
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    hi everyone, how is everyone doing on their weight lose ? i'm doing good, i hope. i'll just have to wait and see this saturday.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    jocelyn! you can do it. lemme know which cleanse works out best for you, I'd like to try cleansing soon maybe this weekend. cuz A. I wanna be regular again and B. I just get tired of eating food sometimes or not so much tired of eating but tired of grilled chicken, etc.

    porterbaby - I think I might weigh in on Saturday too. Kinda nervous about it tho! I really don't wanna gain anything and I haven't weighed in since November :S
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Ill keep u posted nola !!!!! I get so sick of water :tongue: so the jullian detox water is a change sorta taste like iced tea . Want to try the other one but have to go shopping for the honey hopefully I can find the right stuff at local store . Well today I got off my butt again only burn 526 cals but I figured I maybe went to strong last time and fell off the wagon so im going to try and toned it down a bit ( 1 hr max) .... Hope you all have a great week and keep up the good work u ladies rock !!! :flowerforyou:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone! You girls are all doing SO great on your workouts and eating!! We can do this!!! I do my weigh-ins on Saturdays...so I'm planning on weighing in this week. I'm actually kind of excited about it. Last week I weighed in expecting to have gained like a pound on my 2 week vacation but I didn't...so I'm hoping after my hard work this week my weigh in will go well!!

    My biggest hurdle I need to get over right now is the snacking after 7pm. It isn't like I am going way over my calories, but I'm just snacking on things that probably aren't the best choices.

    Hope you all have a great night!! I was able to get my 4 mile run in this morning and then I did ChaLean Extreme push 3. Feels grrreat! Hope you all get your workouts in!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Dawna, I think you're doing great, and I just peeked at your food diary and I am getting some wonderful ideas. I love that you have a good bit of variety in there and still get in some healthy choices. I think food is my biggest problem right now becuz I don't know what to eat (I'm not very creative in the kitchen) and my appetite has been crazy recently, not even for junk , but for dense food like rice, potatoes, bread, etc. I guess carbs in general, haha.

    I am going to take it easy tonight and tomorrow so I have a good weigh in on Saturday, although, I still don't think I'm ready for the scale, I'm dying to know what the actual numbers are.

    Oh well, all I can do is try~!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Dawna, I think you're doing great, and I just peeked at your food diary and I am getting some wonderful ideas. I love that you have a good bit of variety in there and still get in some healthy choices. I think food is my biggest problem right now becuz I don't know what to eat (I'm not very creative in the kitchen) and my appetite has been crazy recently, not even for junk , but for dense food like rice, potatoes, bread, etc. I guess carbs in general, haha.

    I am going to take it easy tonight and tomorrow so I have a good weigh in on Saturday, although, I still don't think I'm ready for the scale, I'm dying to know what the actual numbers are.

    Oh well, all I can do is try~!

    Nola-- I definitely need the carbs with how much running I am doing. I am mostly a lean eater...but with the amount of exercise I have been doing I need the carbs to keep me going. I'm not the type of person that can go low-carb. So, I will get some healthy carb options in my diet. For example: Today I had oatmeal for breakfast, I'll have a small portion of brown rice for lunch with some steamed stir-fry veggies & marinated chicken. For dinner I am having a small red baked potato, salmon & broccoli. I'm not saying its for everyone...but with the amount of running and lifting I am doing...the carbs definitely help fill me up and keep me energized.

    P.S. My food diary has been awful lately! I remember you saying you had a new post for healthy meal ideas? I can give you some if you'd like...I just don't remember what the post was called. I've been trying to get more of a variety lately...its hard sometimes! My meals are mostly pretty easy, especially during the week because I don't have much time. On the weekends I try to get creative. Remind me of that post and I'll be sure to put some meals on there...
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Awesome would love to hear some ideas. the post I believe was EATING HEALTHY ON A BUDGET

    any and all ideas are welcome!

    P.S. Dawna I was wondering if you had ever tried other TJ Dvd's like this set I saw online called Fat Blaster, Cardio Pary Mix 3 Punch,Kick & Jam and the last is 3T Totally Tubular Turbo
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Awesome would love to hear some ideas. the post I believe was EATING HEALTHY ON A BUDGET

    any and all ideas are welcome!

    P.S. Dawna I was wondering if you had ever tried other TJ Dvd's like this set I saw online called Fat Blaster, Cardio Pary Mix 3 Punch,Kick & Jam and the last is 3T Totally Tubular Turbo

    Yeah I have tried a bunch! I have the "Punch, Kick & Jam" & "Fat Blaster" They are all great...but I enjoy the Turbo Kick Rounds the best. I feel they are a more intense workout and for me- burn a lot more calories and they include a LEGS and ABS section at the end. If you are interested, they have Turbo Kick for Fans. Check out this site if you are interested...I'm sure you could find a better deal on E-bay...but you get 2 workouts per DVD- pretty good deal.

  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    i.ve doing pretty good trying not to any chocolate. i went jean shopping today. bought 2 pairs of 8s' and a size 6. i need to do a little more work for size 6. i've been doing that deck of cards that someone mentioned in the exercise section. i even got my sister doing it in ohio, and she really likes it. i really like it too. i'll just have to wait saturday, to see how i've been doing. good luck nolachick,kicklikeaGIRL,dawna and others on their weight loss journey.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    will i weight my self and i didn't get very far. only 181.4lbs. that's not much. my challenge from today to next saturday is do work more on doing more exercise tapes, and not heavy foods.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    My cousin and I along w/three girlfriends took an exotic dance class and had A BLAST!!! I think we are going to go back and take the lapdance class that the studio is offering for Valentines's Day.

    After exotic dance class we all went to a gourment burger joint called Flip Burger Boutique. If anyone ever watched the Top Chef reality show the owner of Flip was a finalist on that show. The food was EXCELLENT since we had a late start and talked so much afterwards that meal will have to account for a.m. snack, p.m. snack and dinner since we are just returning to the house. I tried to account for the calories the best way I knew how since the restaurants nutritional information is not posted. Based on what I ate (Turkery burger w/avacado, alfafa sprouts & tomato, hand cut fries and a nutella milkshake) I estimated that I consumed about 1300 calories on that meal. Since I ate a light breakfast (boiled egg and turkey sausage w/1 slice of whole wheat bread) and burned calories from the kickboxing I DID NOT go over my calories....YiPPEE, YIPPEE!!!!

    Despite the rainy and dreary weather in Georgia I had a WONDERFUL DAY W/FAMILY AND FRIENDS!

    Btw, I'm down another .5 lbs so I only have 1.5 lbs left before I meet my goal weight.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, another Sunday workout complete....YIPPEE...YIPPEE....YIPPEE.

    I got up early to get the workout in and over so my day of relaxation can begin. I completed a 10 minute circuit training dvd called "Melt It Off" and then I completed 20 minutes a dance exercise dvd called "Core Rhythm".

    Since my cousin decided to get on the road a day early I have the rest of today to chill out and watch FOOTBALL!

    I'll check in later to see how everyone is doing
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey Choco, Glad you had a blast! I was definately thinking about ya, but cudnt log on to check on ya. My weekend started out bad, haha with a night out with the girls friday night @ Chili's I was bad and I knew it BUT Saturday Morning I got up and cleaned around the house, did laundry and then popped in the Turbo Jam Cardio Party - 40minutes. I gave it my ALL knowing I had pigged out the night before and I sweat so much I was soaked @ the end. It's the most intense workout I've had in a while and boy I am still feeling it in my arms and legs. Sat I actually got to go to the Saints Game and I had some junk food, but kept my alcohol intake to a minimum (maybe 2 cocktails total) and I didnt go over on calories. Yesterday I was doing pretty good but @ night I got all kind of cravings and I regret them so bad like the ice cream that made my tummy hurt. Oh well this week, I'm starting off fresh and ready to give it my all! My work pants are already loose and I can't wait til all my clothes is falling off so I can go into my storage bin and take out my old clothes.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and is starting off with a great Monday!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello all! It's amazing how one day you feel like you can take on the world and you get up w/o a problem and rock out the exercise routine and the very next day you don't want to get out of bed at all, never mind trying to workout. Well that's how I felt this morning. I did not feel like moving from my bed and I could have cared less about working out. It's a holiday and I felt like having a lazy day. HOWEVER, I did not allow that negative attitude to win out and I got my lazy tail out the bed and was at the gym by 8 a.m. and rocked it out for a little over an hour. I then spent 10 minutes in the sauna but it was not as enjoyable as usual b/c there was a woman in there talking on her cell phone.....REALLY, I mean the space is small enough and who really wants to hear your damn conversation. I played my Ipod a little louder than normal in order to drown out her damn voice and attempt to lose myself in the words of my favorite artist, Ms. Mary J. Blige. My day did however improve when I purchased my favorite banana/strawberry protein shake b/c it was DELICIOUS!! I spent another 1 1/5 walking around the grocery store so i'm sure I burnt a few more calories doing that (but I won't claim them)

    All in all it has been a productive morning and I'm so glad I made myself go to the gym. Since it's a nice day here in GA a friend and I will probably walk around the park a little later.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hey Choco, Glad you had a blast! I was definately thinking about ya, but cudnt log on to check on ya. My weekend started out bad, haha with a night out with the girls friday night @ Chili's I was bad and I knew it BUT Saturday Morning I got up and cleaned around the house, did laundry and then popped in the Turbo Jam Cardio Party - 40minutes. I gave it my ALL knowing I had pigged out the night before and I sweat so much I was soaked @ the end. It's the most intense workout I've had in a while and boy I am still feeling it in my arms and legs. Sat I actually got to go to the Saints Game and I had some junk food, but kept my alcohol intake to a minimum (maybe 2 cocktails total) and I didnt go over on calories. Yesterday I was doing pretty good but @ night I got all kind of cravings and I regret them so bad like the ice cream that made my tummy hurt. Oh well this week, I'm starting off fresh and ready to give it my all! My work pants are already loose and I can't wait til all my clothes is falling off so I can go into my storage bin and take out my old clothes.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and is starting off with a great Monday!

    Nola seems like you had a pretty good weekend. I know you ate a little more than you had intended but keep at it. I thought I read somewhere that you had not weighed in since November and if this is true I suggest you get on the scale to hold yourself more accountable. I mean, whether you lost, remained the same or gained, you want to know b/c it can provide the motivation you need to stay the course. We often don't like to see the numbers when it's showing us something bad but it's reality. It's 2010 and you should see where you stand. I'm sure it's not as bad as you think and if it is then that should kick start your workouts. It's the middle of January and the summer will be here before we realize it. You don't want to look back in a few months and say "shoulda, woulda, coulda". I know you can meet all the goals you have set for yourself.

    Holla at me later.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey ladies!
    I bought a Polar F4 HRM this weekend and I was able to test it out today. I am in love! It is great and I love knowing how many calories I burn. I found out that I've typically been under-estimating my exercise calories. I'm sure on some days it varies. But, my workout today was amazing! I burned 550 calories running, I did 4 miles. Then I did Chalean Extreme and burned 380 calories...which really suprised me!! I think I'm going to do Turbo Kick tonight just because I am so excited to test it out!! Its been a great day off work- I wish I had more days like this! I loved having my workout in the morning! I also lost 2 pounds since I've gotten home from our vacation to Arizona--Jan 8th. Not bad. I'm looking forward to meeting my next goal of 150 by April 1st. I'm going to work hard to make my goal before that date!! Its going to take a lot of work because I think I'm at a slight plateau. But, I know its possible! I feel great!

    Keep up the great work ladies! Its 2010 and we CAN and WILL do this!