10 in 9



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey Dawna, glad ur HRM is working out for you! I got the polar F6 for xmas and still haven't opened it yet! Just intimidated I guess cuz I feel like it will take me hours just to learn how to use it haha. need to suck it up and try it. Yesterday did not turn out as I planned, I felt weird, like a mild head ache that lasted all day, t hought I was going to get sick cuz its going around @ work. My friends asked me to meet them @ the movies after work, and I had already promised them I'd go just thought I would have enough time to go home and get my workout in but I wasn't able to. Movie was great tho, highly recommend watching Sherlock Holmes, but then when I got home and got everything for work today and showered and all couldn't fall asleep til almost 2am! Which made it impossible to get up @ 5am to get in a workout to make up for yesterday and I hope I'm not too tired when I get home to work out. Just feel so blah! I'm tired of eating sandwiches for lunch so atleast I put some time into making some whole wheat spaghetti's and 8% lean ground beef for lunch today. Dunno what's wrong with me! Just wanna scream!
    Anyhoo, back to work, its been a stressful past couple of weeks but I'm trying to relax to get back my sanity.

    Will check in later.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies!
    Yesterday afternoon I had big plans to do another workout in the evening--- but I was so tired, and I had lifted SO heavy with ChaLean Extreme that all I wanted to do was rest, which I did! It felt really good, and I didn't feel guilty- since I had burned close to 1000 calories yesterday. My husband suggested we watch my favorite movie, While You Were Sleeping, and we cuddled! It was a great relaxing evening. Went to bed around 10pm and had a solid sleep, so solid that I missed my alarm to get up early to do my Turbo Kick routine. I was out. But, I'll do my Turbo Kick tonight or go running- haven't really decided. I'm excited to see the calorie burn! I'm in love with my HRM, it realyl helps me to keep the intensity up in my workouts!!! Have a great day ladies!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    How is everyone doing??? Last night I rocked out to Turbo Kick Round 33, and burned lots of cals!! I've been underestimating my calorie burn...its so nice to finally know how much I'm burning with my HRM. Tonight my husband is excited to use the HRM on our run and while doing CE. He's anxious to know how many calories he burns in his exercise. Its going to be a fun night. I love working out!!! We're working out hard today because tomorrow is our "rest day" because its my hubby's b-day! So, we're going out to eat and I'm making him cheesecake for his dessert. I don't have any more "skinny" jeans left!! I fit into everything perfectly, in fact some of my "skinny" jeans are getting loose! Hopefully by summertime I get to do some shopping!

    How are all your workouts coming along??? Staying on track with food??? Have a great day ladies!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Does anyone know what should be done when you've met your goal weight but you still want to decrease your body fat %? My body fat % has decreased since I've begun my weight loss journey but I would still like to tone some more. I really want to see definition in my arms, back and legs but am unsure what I should do to get that w/o dropping pounds.

    Any and all ideas are welcomed.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey Choco Congratulations on reaching ur weight loss goals!
    I would check with SHBOSS or SongByrd about that question they are very knowledgable about that stuff.
    Like I had told you before, my bf lost % fat in p90x and eating high protein, high carbs, low fat meals. But a woman's body is different. I would definately eat more protein and less fat. (Think protein shakes post workout or in the mornings for breakfast, etc)

    As for me, I didnt workout last night but I did a lot of cleaning vacuuming, sweeping, washing the tub, sink, laundry, folding, etc for like 2-3 hrs and MFP gave me like 400 cals for that! so I'm happy with that, plus I took it light on the dinner.
    Tonight I'm going to wash my car and vacuum and still try to get a workout in if I have enough time left over, altho I still have laundry to do. Tomorrow my mom is coming to see me and the house has got to be spotless! I am even planning on going by my bf's apt and tidying up cuz lord knows she will say something if its messy. haha.
    Tonight I'm supposed to get a cake for one of my friend's bday - I will try to skip on the cake altogether or share a slice.
    Good luck everyone!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Nola, I know you're excited about your moms impending visit. I'm the same way with cleaning whenever I'm getting ready to go out of town or when expecting a visit. I just love the smell of a fresh clean house.

    I will shoot songbyrd an email b/c you're right she is very knowledgable about things of that nature but thank you for giving me some insight. What you have said makes a lot of sense. While I know I still need to do cardio workouts i'm not sure how long and the number of times a week. I have not yet made my goal but I'm hoping I will be tomorrow. Tomorrow is weigh in so we'll see.

    What kind of fun things do you have planned for your mom's visit?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    she'll be here for 3 weeks so we got plenty of time to figure something out. I want to take her to some of the mardi gras parades which are already starting up and hopefully she enjoys that. Apart from that we are going to do either morning or evening walks, she is used to doing like 4miles everyday so I will try to do some of that with her and on bad weather, we'll hit the gym. I know this can be an awesome time to workout and diet together cuz she is all about that stuff. I just hope she doesn't get bored while I'm @ work all day, cuz she won't have anything to do. hmmmm
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!!! :drinker:

    How is everyone doing?

    Dawna: I finally started using my polar F6 - I love it! can't wait to use it again tomorrow.
    Choco: any luck getting more answers/ explanations on ur % fat question?
    Porterbaby: how are those workouts coming along?

    Jocelyn, Shera, Patty, where did ya'll go??? I would really like to hear from u all! :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell:
  • aam_84
    aam_84 Posts: 46
    I am very excited for find this group! I am wanting the encouragment to keep at it. My work is doing a biggest loser competition and after 2 weeks I am down 5lbs.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Welcome aam_84 :flowerforyou:

    Any questions/ comments or concerns feel free to post or even when u are having a bad day and want to vent, we are here for u.
  • aam_84
    aam_84 Posts: 46
    Thank you nolachick .... I would like to know how I get my weight loss to show up on my ticker!? Right now im down 5 and it says i have lost 0. Can you help?

    I am going grocery shopping this weekend... any inexpensive yet healthy snack ideas?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Check in > enter today's weight > save changes> and it shud show up on ur ticker.

    as for the snack ideas, I love Activia FIBER yoghurts, very nice and good source of fiber, Hummus - goes a long way as dip on ur salads, or dip for carrots, cucumbers, brocolli, any vegetable really. And as for frui the more work u are willing to do the cheaper it will be eg. watermelon, buy it whole cheaper than buying it in cubes already sliced. thats all i got for now lol .
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    my workouts are doing really great. i been walking alot, with our dog alot. there's times he's got me running, either up a hill or down a hill. i do alot of stomach exercises and stretches. but tomorrow is the weigh in so i'll hope all the hard work i've been doing,i hope it shows. i'm kinda nervous about getting on there, i'll let you know what the verdict is. i hope you enjoy your moms company for 3 weeks. she sounds like a wonderful lady. at least you'll have a workout partner, that's great to have.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Happy Friday ladies!

    Last night was my hubby's birthday so I made some mini cheesecakes. I figured making "minis" would help me with portion control. They were only about 110 calories a piece, which- if I would have made them with Fat Free Cream cheese it would have been a lot less...but my hubby probably wouldn't have enjoyed them as much. He loved them!!! I thought they were pretty delicious too! We just had a low-key night and snuggled up and watched Australia. My plan is to take him to Avatar in 3D this weekend- I heard it was pretty good! I'm not planning on weighing in on Saturday (my usual weigh-in day) because Aunt Flo came to visit and I know that she carried some extra hormonal weight...which is not my friend. So, I'm just going to do lots of running (which, suprisingly helps with cramps) and eat healthy. I know that my body craves chocolate and ice cream...but those foods only make my stomach feel worse...so I'm going to avoid that this time around.

    Nola- I'm glad you love your HRM! I love mine as well! My husband is SOOO excited to use it tonight on our run, its fun to exercise together. The best part is Friday nights at the gym are pretty empty! It rocks!!

    Porterbaby-glad to hear you are getting your walking in!

    Aam_84 - Here are some of my inexpensive/healthy snack ideas.....

    Raw/Natural Almonds
    Buy them in the big pack for $7 and it will last you WEEKS! Portion them out into small bags (mini zip locks) and add about 18 almonds to the bag. That will give you exactly 100 calories.

    Peanut Butter (1 or 2 TBSP) & Apple--- Slice your apple into slices and dip your apple into the peanut butter. Make sure to measure the PB out that way you stay on track. About 200 calorie snack, but VERY filling. I use this snack as a "jump start" snack. If I'm droggy in the morning....or if my afternoon is taking forever!

    Light Cheese Sticks---- Many brands carry these light cheese sticks. Typically range between 50-60 calories a piece. Good for calcium.

    Buy a box of healthy & good cereal and measure it out dry to eat. Typically about 80-150 calories. I like to eat it dry as a snack.

    And, veggies are always a great option. You can add a bit of Hummus (Athenos is a great brand) to your veggies. You can also use light or fat free sour cream and make some ranch dip if you prefer that. I love veggies!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!!! :drinker:

    How is everyone doing?

    Dawna: I finally started using my polar F6 - I love it! can't wait to use it again tomorrow.
    Choco: any luck getting more answers/ explanations on ur % fat question?
    Porterbaby: how are those workouts coming along?

    Jocelyn, Shera, Patty, where did ya'll go??? I would really like to hear from u all! :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell:

    Nola, i've been getting a variety of information so I have to do a little more research but I'm really considering doing P90X since that's the one thing most ppl have mentioned. I haven't actually been on much today so I couldn't contact the dude you were telling me about.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    i'm disappointed this morning. i weight myself and as much as i did, i only lost one lb.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies, once again i'm late logging in b/c I had such a busy morning. My day started w/a trip to the gym. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes and completed a 45 minute kickboxing class. My back felt pretty good this morning but I think I over did it b/c it's beginning to ache now. After the gym I head to various locations trying to complete all of the days errands so that once I returned home I could relax. All the errands have been completed so now I can either watch a movie or begin reading my new book......decisions......decisions......decisions.

    BTW, even though weigh in days are on Fridays I decided to step on the scale this morning out of curiosity and to my surprised I had dropped another pound which puts me at my goal weight....WOOHOO....WOOHOO....WOOHOO. I won't record the weight until this week's weigh-in but it feels great knowing that with some hard work and dedication I have reached my goal. Let the maintenance phase begin.........

    Anyhow, I hope everyone's day is progressing well.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    congratulations go out to Choco for reaching her weight loss goals! must be an amazing feeling.
    Porterbaby - I'm sorry you didn't lose what u expected, but don't give up, cuz ur body likes to play tricks on you sometimes. When you are bad it loses weight sometimes and when u are good the results take long to show. Just re evaluate what u did this week and how u can imprive it next week. Use the reports tools to see your weekly summary of food, exercise, etc. Pay attention to sodium u ate, sugar, carbs, etc. I think u have to check each one individually but it's a very helpful tool.

    Update on me:
    My Mommy is here! we have had a great time, I've taken her out to eat but have made wise decisions and stayed within my calories, also she cooked a home made meal yesterday it was DELICIOUS! beef soup with veggies - potatoes, carrots, sweet potato, zuchini, squash, etc. WOW it was delicious and very light. We also got up early yesterday to get in an early morning walk for a total of 75 mins and 630 CALORIES which I recorded with my HRM. Wow! I was soo happy and excited to see that. Plus I know I burned extra cuz yesterday we went and walked around the french quarter for another couple hours, stopping at different stores, etc. I'm feeling good and feeliing positive. I haven't weighed in but she commented on how she can tell I lost weight since I last saw her in December. OH YESSS! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Monday all! I hope everyone's weekend was wonderful and there were no major setbacks. My weekend started well and ended alright so I won't do too much complaining. Despite my back hurting (I have arthritis in my lower left back) throughout the weekend and even into today I manage to workout everyday. Saturday I probably over did it but yesterday and today I think I took it a little easier. Today, I completed 4 miles of the Leslie Sansone dvd w/5 lb weights for a total of 50 minutes. The workout is done now the rest of the day can begin.

    Have a good day everyone!

    Nola, thank for the shout out and glad to learn you and your mom are having a good time. Get on that scale and see what you're working with. You may be pleasantly surprised.

    Also, I see the Saints are going to the superbowl.....Congrats to your team!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Wooooo hooooooooooo! GEAUX SAINTS!