Putting your KID on a leash



  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    My parents put me on several LOLOL

    I honestly dont blame them, they couldent control me what so ever

    Worst child ever right here , LOL

    *Edit: i would manage to escape from the "leash". I dont know how... LOL*
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I think that for some kids leashes are necessary. If you're in a very busy area with lots of people, have a child who is prone to wandering off, and potentially have two or three other children with you, I don't see the issue. It's a safety measure. You're kid won't wander away and get lost in the crowd. Your child won't run out into the street.

    Anyone who has worked with kids know that some children take directions better than others. Some aren't even being unruly- they just wander and living with the heads in the clouds. From what I can tell, most kids don't mind being on leashes. So why do random strangers?
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    my kid is a pitbull, so he goes on a leash :D

    I have pitbull kids two....they also go on leashes!

    There was a funny Modern Family episode about this....Here is a clip

  • mcedes02
    mcedes02 Posts: 56 Member
    Personally I've felt like I've needed one at times....lol. But I'd rather see ppl controling their kids than allowing them to run wild in the stores! Not only that but there would be less of a risk of the kids getting kidnapped.
  • vbrent07
    vbrent07 Posts: 115
    I thought the same way too until I had a kid! Sometimes they run away from you and get into things so I can understand why they are used. I don't use one but sometimes I do wish I had one!
  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    When I was little I wandered off everywhere sometimes too fast. When we would go on vacation, to the zoo, etc I wore a bracelet that was connected to a bracelet on my Dads wrist so I wouldn't get lost. He told me it was to keep him safe and I was none the wiser (I felt obligated to protect my Dad from getting lost). If they hadn't they would have spent a great deal of time worrying about me or trying to find me.

    By the way, I had great parents and was a well behaved child. Just a little too curious when out on big adventures.
  • jehembee
    jehembee Posts: 114
    When taking out a single stroller with two children (aged 7 months and 2 years) I sometimes make the 2 year old walk with a wrist leash. No, it does not make me a lazy parent. If I did not use the wrist leash, he has been known to dart towards the road. I still hold his hand, even with the leash on.

    My care giver also uses the wrist leash with my son if he has to walk. People have chastised her on it, but she had a very good point about it. Before, she had a little guy like my son. Liked to dart away while the caregiver had a stroller. She had ropes she would make the children hold onto if they were walking, but it didn't work for this child. Here is the conversation.

    Random woman: why are you treating that child like an animal? Leashes are only for pets.
    Caregiver: so, you will keep your pets safe, but not a child?

    For me, the wrist leash is a safety thing.
  • cait0902
    cait0902 Posts: 127 Member
    No way! I have two kids, ages 3 and 4. I also babysit during the week, ages 6 and 2. Never would I put my kids on a leash. Every time I see someone with their kid on a leash, I want to ask if I can pet them. Someone mentioned that this should really relfelect on the abilities of the parent, but it actuall does. Ok, sure, if the kid has a handicap....maybe. But even then, if it's just the one child youhave...hold his/her hand. If you have more than one and can't handle them all together, DON'T take them out all together. And NO, I have never lost my child....how? I watch them! I teach them right from wrong! I understand that they are children and I am the parent and I need to be responsible for them.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I always want to go up to the parents of kids who do this and go "Awe, how cute, what breed is he/she?" Leashes belong on dogs, not kids. I don't have kids myself, but I've babysat a LOT. I've never once had a problem losing any, IMO parents put their kids on a leash because they are too lazy to enforce rules, and think it's okay. It's really not that difficult to hold onto their hand or put them in a cart. I've also had to deal with some very bratty kids too. Again, I've never lost a kid this way, and I won't when I have my kids either. Of course, I plan on paying attention to my kids and teaching them how to behave in a good manor.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I used one once. I had a barely two year old who refused to hold my hand and an 11 month old who couldn't walk. I didn't own a double stroller and we were flying with just the three of us. It was very helpful to keep my two year old from running off in the crowded airport (which he attempted more times than I can count). I didn't want to use it, but at that time I couldn't see any other way. I never used one again because I strongly believe in teaching kids appropriate behavior. I think most people who use them are simply lazy especially when they only have one kid.
  • CajunNino
    CajunNino Posts: 269
    My wife and I always brought a lil wagon for places like the zoo - so much easier. The grocery store....well, that's what the little seat on the cart is for. I never wanted the leash, and don't plan on using one for my grandchildren. However, there are special circumstances that my judgemental eyes just may not be aware of. I'll raise my kids and grandkids like I want. Other people can raise theirs how they want.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    So... I have two children. The oldest I put on a leash when we were out in public for a year or two from 18 months to about three years of age. I used it as a backup for holding hands, as she had nursemaid's elbow. Nursemaid's elbow is where the lower arm dislocates from the elbow. The younger the child is when it first happens, the more frequently it tends to happen and the easier it is for the arm to pop out of joint. As it happend to her when she was young, it happend to us alot over the next 4 years, from her doing a pushup, rolling over in bed at night, playing on the playground, to doing a cartwheel in gymnastics class. Most frequently, however, was that it happened when she tugged while holding our hands. POP! Dislocated. And it was either a trip to to the doctor's office ($25) or a trip to the ER ($2,000) to set it. We used a leash as a backup for when she tugged. We had to drop her hand immediately, or risk a dislocation. So, for me the leash was used as a backup so she a) wouldn't run away, and b) wouldn't dislocate her arm, but c) still be safely in our control.

    It had nothing to do with whether or not she was "trained" but the fact that I couldn't hold her arm while she tugged to go see something, pulled, or temper tantrumed, or went limp. Try parenting a two, three, or four year old who does none of the above ever.

    So, before you judge a child on a leash, know that it isn't always for the "lazy parents" but also can be used as a tool for those who wish to leave their house but still need to keep their children uninjured and safe.
  • I have used a Harness in the past. I see nothing wrong with it. I would rather my child not be able to run away than have him/her take off and someone take him or her. I don't look down on those using them. I personally think some need them and some don't. I have 4 children. I have had to use the harness on our youngest boy. He likes to dart off constantly. We used it when we went to Disneyland and Sea World :)
  • rinnismom
    rinnismom Posts: 190
    when mine were little, their *kitten* were on leashes. someone bombards you... you're in a busy location... you have to put them down for "just one second"... you want to let them get a look at something without worrying they might stumble away in that one moment you're side-tracked.... there's a million scenarios.

    i'm an attentive mom. i was constantly worried about their safety when they were small, that someone might snatch them. i don't care what you think. if putting my kid on a leash means that i'm just being overprotective then that's my business. a child can dart away just like a dog. no, my kids weren't prone to doing that sort of thing but i'd rather give them the choice of walk-with-leash, being tucked on my hip, or being strapped down in a stroller.

    you don't like it, then don't do it. kids, especially at that age, don't care one way or the other. people, like yourself, that overanalyze and turn something genius into something disturbing, need to realize that it's about control. if taping them to my leg meant i felt they were safer, i'd do it.

    unorthodox or not, it's not up to you. it's up to the parent.
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    I havn't and probably never would. I have a 26 year old and 11 and 10 year olds. All boys. However, I have seen it done. The parents I have seen do it were not treating their children like animals. I never saw one place a bowl of water on the floor for them.:laugh:
    The kid's on the end of a leash never look neglected. ( That I have seen) So, I guess, if that parent feel's they can better care for that child by doing this, then o.k. Because coming from a back ground of law enforcement, bad things can and do happen to kid's who wander off.
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    My kids weren't runners so I didn't use them. But I have friends whose kids are and I wholeheartedly support the leash. They're not treating the kids like dogs, just keeping them safe.
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member
    I once thought the same thing as I had a darling little girl that stayed right by my side. Then I had my second child.... The boy was always moving and had no thought of "this might hurt". He actually bruised his thighs while getting himself out of a belted highchair because he couldn't see me. I bought a leather harness (child one) for him after he started following a man at the mall because he wanted to see what was in the bag (he was 2). People may have thought I was being mean but I kept my child safe and gave him the freedom to explore without going too far.
  • Just because a parent may use a Harness on occassion does NOT mean they do not pay attention. Our youngest boy is VERY hard headed and does not listen at times. We are very consistant in our pnishment, yet he still is a child who does disobey on occassion. I think its ridiculous to ASSUME parents who use them are LAZY. You can not compare Babysitting to what you would do as a parent. Children listen different to Parents vs Sitters, Not in all cases but most!
    I always want to go up to the parents of kids who do this and go "Awe, how cute, what breed is he/she?" Leashes belong on dogs, not kids. I don't have kids myself, but I've babysat a LOT. I've never once had a problem losing any, IMO parents put their kids on a leash because they are too lazy to enforce rules, and think it's okay. It's really not that difficult to hold onto their hand or put them in a cart. I've also had to deal with some very bratty kids too. Again, I've never lost a kid this way, and I won't when I have my kids either. Of course, I plan on paying attention to my kids and teaching them how to behave in a good manor.
  • lauraniwa
    lauraniwa Posts: 131 Member
    I was a runner as a kid, and was at times leashed if there was going to be a crowd and I wouldn't be able to be caught/supervised from a distance. I've turned out OK.
    We also leashed my youngest foster sister, in similar situations, because if she got lost she wasn't afraid (she has a delopmental disorder BTW). One time we lost her for 3 hours in a mall, the place was in lock down, security alert, the whole 9 yards.

    Personally I don't think it's any worse than the parents who park they're kids in front of the TV, allow them to play video games in social situations, 5 point harness them into oversized strollers, or bribe them with candy if they misbehave.

    There's lots of stuff we can judge other people for if we don't know the situation. My oldest foster sister got yelled at by a stranger for disciplining her younger (biological) sister for running away (same kid as above). Apparently the nosy *kitten* didn't like her tone, and made a 13 year old girl cry for trying her best to take care of her 4 year old sister.

    So please think before you judge someone else.
  • puffidredz
    puffidredz Posts: 119 Member
    heh my mom did that to both me and my sister when we were kids because we kept wandering off. better to have ur kids on a leash than on the side of a milk carton