olympic events that r NOT a sport



  • sofakingawesome69
    Gymnastics, synchronized swimmimg and diving....those all moght as well b cirque de so

    Funny to hear from the untrained. My daughter is in gymnastics and trust me she is a great athlete and it is a sport. Synchronized Swimmers are in better shape than most anyone, you try to tread water while holding your breath for that long. Oh and by the way you are upside down. I would put them up against anyone in a "sport"... Now if you said Nascar was not a sport I am completely with you.
  • fdny9943
    fdny9943 Posts: 65 Member
    Shooting not physical? Have you ever tried holding a rifle in a standing position and slowing your pulse and controlling your heart rate for that delicate trigger squeeze?

    My pet peeve is why take softball out of the olympics and keep in things like ping pong and badmiton?

    My vote for not a sport is equestrian. Not the way the olympics does it. Now left them rope and wrestle cattle and that is a sport!
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    What about referees in football... don't they do some judging based on whether or not the ball passed through goal or over endzone line?

    THANK YOU! A touchdown or base hit is equivalent to sticking a landing or completing a difficult move. The judging in gymnastics is how the "players" earn points and IMO is no different from earning a goal based on instant replay--someone has to see it and judge it as acceptable. And swimming is basically a race, no different from track and field in many ways. If you just don't like those sports, then don't watch them, but don't insult athletes by saying what they do is not a sport.
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    Gymnastics, synchronized swimmimg and diving....those all moght as well b cirque de so

    Now if you said Nascar was not a sport I am completely with you.

  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I think perhaps OP is just not understanding how some of these sports are actually scored.

    Gymnastics and diving, for example, has circa 50% of the score pre-set based on difficulty, and there are very specific things that the judges are looking out for in the routine as to whether it has been executed properly. They are marked down if they perform these parts wrong in various ways. There is much less room for manoeuvre in the scoring than you might think. They have multiple judges so that they can ensure that they get a proper balance and things weren't missed.

    OP would presumably say olympic boxing and Tae Kwon Do is also not a sport? These are based on strict rules, but is up to judges to determine if those rules have been fulfilled.

    This is much like football where it is judged by a referee if a foul has been committed. Or cricket where it is judged by an umpire if the player was out in certain circumstances. Tennis where line judges and umpires judge whether a ball was in or out, or if an infringement has been made that warrants a warning or a disqualification.

    Weightlifting has judges watching to make sure the lifts are executed properly.

    Nearly all sports have an element of judging in them and gymnastics et al are no different. I think people just don't realise that they aren't just watching and giving a score based on how good they thought it was. They are watching for specific things and marking them down if they infringe. Much the same as a referee is watching the players and will call a foul if it is warranted.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    How about muff diving?

    I've been training for years.
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    sport: [spawrt, spohrt]
    1. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature.

    That would be the dictionary proving your opinion doesn't constitute fact.

    Competing for opinions...not a sport

    You obviously don't know how the scoring is done. In gymnastics, they have a set number of "moves" they have to include in their routine. They score points for completing these moves correctly. A large amount of their score is technical.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    How about muff diving?

    Definitely should be added:bigsmile:
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member

    My vote for not a sport is equestrian. Not the way the olympics does it. Now left them rope and wrestle cattle and that is a sport!

  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Ok ppl, whether gymnasts r in great shape or i can do a freaking handstand is not an argument....i have no doubt they train hard or that alot of ppl ate entertained by it.....but that does not make it a aport

    U can disagree or call me a troll, but make a legitimate argument

    I did. I have yet to see your rebuttal.

    They keyword is solely...do umpires judge balls n.strikes? Yes, but not the outcome of the game....a monster HR needs no judge. My point is anything solely based on judging is basically performance art
    OK... even if the winner or a loser of a competition is SOLELY based on a judges opinion, it is STILL a competition.
    Using your logic, fishing is more of a sport then gymnastics because the winner of fishing is judged by the size of the fish he catches.
  • rachgolds
  • lisapeteres
    Why isnt the caber toss(scottish) not it, thats almost as familiar as the shot put, kinda
  • fdny9943
    fdny9943 Posts: 65 Member

    My vote for not a sport is equestrian. Not the way the olympics does it. Now left them rope and wrestle cattle and that is a sport!


    Now by looking at your picture how did I know you would agree with me? HAHA Yea Haw!!!!
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    ANYTHING with a judge deciding the outcome is NOT a sport.

    Bodybuilding, halfpipe, gymnastics, figure skating....awesome activities but not sports.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    ANYTHING with a judge deciding the outcome is NOT a sport.

    Bodybuilding, halfpipe, gymnastics, figure skating....awesome activities but not sports.

  • Jones4177
    Jones4177 Posts: 136
    Sport = Competition ......all of them are sport
  • moonshadows72
    moonshadows72 Posts: 180 Member
    can you play defence?
  • faefaith
    faefaith Posts: 433 Member
    yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggg! I shall push my definition upon you and you will comply! You will comply or be obliterated.

    Obliterated.... is that a sport? Any sportsman like activity involved.... mayhaps? Probably not.

    But here's a sport that needs to be in the Olympics... Rugby!
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    you're just jealous that you're not in the Olympics, silly meathead. stop being so ignorant.
  • Jones4177
    Jones4177 Posts: 136
    Sport (or, in the United States, sports) is all forms of competitive physical activity which,[1] through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical fitness and provide entertainment to participants