Which food(s) have you given up completely?



  • galilanee26
    galilanee26 Posts: 39 Member
    For allergy reasons, I had to give up soy-based products and regular dairy due to the growth hormones and antibiotics (can tolerate regular cheeses in small amounts and yogurts).

    I gave up regular peanut butter because it kicks in my cravings, something about the hydogenated oil, sugar, and salt as well as the texture. I substitute the natural Krema brand sold at Meijer.
  • angusmike
    watermelon/melon of any kind,
    deep-fried anything,
    all soda drinks,
    non-whole grain pastas,
    orange juice,
    white rice,
    most breakfast cereals,
    doughnuts, biscuts, cinnamon buns, cookies.

    Newly diagnosed diabetes and working to control blood glucose.
  • bohonomad
    bohonomad Posts: 171 Member
    French fries and donuts, I guess. I never ate them though I just know I will probably only have them once or twice a year now.
  • Wvictory53
    Wvictory53 Posts: 7 Member
    white rice, white sugar, carbonated sodas, donuts, cake, fruit pies, donuts, cinnamon buns, and I have only had pizza once.
  • Cking86
    Cking86 Posts: 39 Member
    Nothing, surprisingly.
  • 319tokona
    Beer!! It was a major side liner for me. It's gone and it is missed!!!
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    Not so sure if you count it as a food, but I completely gave up soda on April 16th, 2012. I thought it was impossible for me to ever give it up cold turkey, but I took a drink one day, got completely sick (I swear, I think I got a tainted Diet Coke!) and never looked back. I can't even drink carbonated drinks anymore, it hurts my stomach too bad. Nowadays I drink only water, juice or almond milk. Never felt better :-)
  • ParaSempreAmor11
    ParaSempreAmor11 Posts: 105 Member
    BEEF BURGERS!!!!!!!!!
    french fries
    anything thats breaded or fried
    2% milk
    coffee half and half cream
    pancakes :(
    bacon :(
    MOST desserts
    anything with white flour
    thats all i can think of now the list can probably most likely go on for a while LOL
  • AnneM69
    AnneM69 Posts: 30
    Donuts as they all taste too sweet and doughy now - yuk!
    Coffee/mocha/chocolate from the coffee shop with sugar and cream.

    I have to walk 10 to 50 mins to get anything we don't have in the house as we don't have a car, so I walk to the Chinese takeaway, the bottle shop, McDonald's, KFC, Subway, supermarkets, etc. and just make sure I burn off st least some of the calories on those days. If I have Chinese I make sure it lasts for 2 meals, similar with fried chicken and Subway.
    I have a subscription to a website called Harvest Box and they send me a box with 4 punnets of healthy snacks in them once a week. They are lower in calories than chips, and most are more filling. When I eat chips, I get a salad bowl, place it on the scales, and weigh out one serving. Then I only eat that bowl, whereas before I'd eat the whole big bag for dinner when I had PMS.
  • jamifaith
    I dont eat fast food in general anymore (with the exception of Subway) because its just not worth the calories!
    And I don't buy my creamy peter pan peanut butter anymore. This is a matter of self control for me. Every time i go grocery shopping I stop in front of the peanut butter and read the label and think about how many of my calories i can afford to spend on peanut butter and how likely it is that ill stick to a serving size. But in reality, if i bring that delicious creamy goodness into my house, the whole jar will be gone in 2 days. I am learning to practice self control in the grocery store, instead of having to struggle every day when i open up the cupboard and really want just "one spoonful".
    The same now goes for Nutella, because last week i bough a little jar and it was gone in 3 days...oops
  • xoxobollywood1991
    Plenty, but there are 3 foods I've given up forever:

    - Cheese!!!!
    - Cakes. Not all types, but I do only eat Nut Cake. (the healthiest)
    - Hot dogs!

    Giving up cheese was the hardest thing to do in my entire life. It was ...like my drug. I've always been a cheese-addict. But i'm so proud to not have eaten it since June.
  • Presleyforpresident
    fast food, but that was before i joined MFP. it doesn't get along well with my body and i always end up running to the bathroom 10-15 minutes after i eat it. and when there's not a bathroom around, i run to the nearest tree, i kid you not.
    other than that- nothing :)