women 40+ would like to share progress



  • booboogroom
    booboogroom Posts: 126 Member
    Well ladies I have returned from the gym. Cardio is my favorite. I guess because you can burn more calories and fat then any of the other stuff. I do some strength training but as one of the ladies called me at the gym, I'm a cardio Junkie. 45 min. to an 1 hour and I'm good. I do like the abb machine and some of the legg machines. But I think my favorite is the back machine. My cardio is the elliptical trainer and bikes. I don't like the tread mill at all.
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  • areedy
    areedy Posts: 2
    Booboogroom - I'm with you on that cardio. I love to run now. I never ran before but I started 2 months ago and I'm loving that runner's high. And I can burn at least twice as many calories by running rather than walking.

    Has anyone seen a workout machine called a "Gazelle"? It is like cross country skiing + elliptical. Great stuff.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Areedy, I have the Gazelle, it is a great wokout and it burns a lot of calories!!! I had to stop using it because of my back. I stored it at my parents and I just called them. I will take it back tomorrow!!! Thanks for mentionning it, I had totally forgotten about it. Now that Hubby is a massage therapist, he will take care of my back so I can keep on using it :heart:
  • wengoulet
    Hello ladies, Iam 43 and a mother of 2, boy 21, girl 19, and a granddaughter, my daughter made me a gramma in March of 2008. I too had a hysterectomy in 2003...I have been told that I am in menopause.....my sister has problems as well and has had other proceedures done and keeps saying "I don't want to have a Hystroctomy I am going to gain weight like you did" do I think that my weight gain is caused from my hystroectomy? No, obesity runs in my family, my dad quit smoking 40 years ago and has since had his battle with the buldge.....I have to quit smoking because I am having weight loss surgery and they won't do the surgery until I quit smoking and lose 5 pounds....I have been on this weight loss regiment it was 1 week yesterday, so 8 days, I haven't lose anything yet, but aI haven't been excersing.......so I know what I have to do...but I've been eating well and keeping a food diary....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish me luck??
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Sunday, we celebrated 2 bday at home and DH caked 2 cakes. Yesterday was really bad for me, I sacrificed myself and I took a lot of the rest of the cakes... I did not want Hubby to take them all, his belly doesn't need it and they were calling out to me. My eating was bad!!! Good thing I walked for about 2 hours. The downside to all of this... I am at 159.8 this morning :angry: :angry:

    Last night, my knee was in serious pain and I took a major decision. I will stop the Hip Hop Abs video and the treadmill for at least 2 weeks so my knee can heal properly. I fell on it at the beginning of the month and I still have difficulties to use the stairs. I will keep on doing specific exercises to reinforce my leg. If after 2 weeks my knee is not back to normal, I will keep off the treadmill and the Hip Hop Abs for at least another week. Right now, I have difficulties to use the stairs There is one problem with all this, I am now addicted to my training :tongue:

    I have the Maury-Windsor Pilates collection, that is a total of 19 DVDs. I am sure I will find a program that will satisfy my hunger for exercises and my need to do some cardio workout!! When my knee will be better, I will start my stairs program all over again. The stairs to go to my basement have 10 steps in a straight line and I was going up and down the stairs last spring. The most ups and downs I did without stopping was 50, that means I was going up and down a total of 1000 steps!!! I went on vacation and I did not do the program again when I came back :explode: In 32 days, I will board a huge ship with a lot of stairs. I want to use them as much as possible!!!

    Thursday, when the Gazelle will be installed, I will start using it. I hope the weight will go down as quickly as it was doing when I used it in 2005. I was loosing about 5 pounds a week!!! Then I had to stop for a few weeks because of my back :grumble: I know it has been 4 years and I am now in my premenaupose. This could change things a little. The fact that DH will take care of my back is a major plus for me. I won't have to stop using the Gazelle this time :happy:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Missou - sorry to hear about your knee. Are you putting ice on it? The first line of defense is the RICE method Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate. Is this your first knee injury or one that you have had on/off for awhile? Have you considered a knee brace -at least temporarily? Let me know if you want more info on knee injuries. Good luck with the Gazelle - it should be good for your knee.

    Today, was a good day for me. I did 45 min of step aerobics in the morning, ran/jogged on treadmill for 18 min and took power walk for 2 miles outside this evening. Thank goodness I have a hot tub to soak my sore muscles in :love: And I ate well today. The weather was sunny and 52 :happy: (thats pretty warm for this time of the year in northern Michigan.)

    I hope everyone else is having a good week.
  • booboogroom
    booboogroom Posts: 126 Member
    Missou, please be careful with that knee. I tore my ACL Aug. of 08. Had ACL Reconstruction in Sept. 08, then had to have it scoped out in Dec. 08. I'm still trying to get it back to normal. Well as normal as it will ever be.:grumble: . I went to Walmart an bought this knee support thing. Its womens and it comes in queen size. I love it, it helps to keep my knee from sweeling as much. But I think thats why I don't like the tread mill cause it feels like I'm pounding the ground with that knee.

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  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Here is my knee history. I fell off my bicycle in 95 and broke the tip of my febular bone. It was a small fracture situated right under the knee cap. Didn't have surgery but I did have a knee brace for a few months. Slowly but surely, I developped a valgum on the knee. See the explanation on the link below. I had a partial knee replacement surgery in June 08. The knee was not hurting me anymore until I went hicking in an intermediate trail at the beginning of the month and fell on it. I know about the ice, but I am really cold right now :laugh: I am letting it rest and I will do specific exercises to reinforce the surrounding muscles. That way, I will have a better support for my knee. Working on the Gazelle will also be very good. It does not put any pressure on the knee. I am anxious to go on it and lose some pounds!!! :smile:

    Thanks for worrying and for your advices, it is really sweet!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • ZuzanaFan
    Hello ladies! I am 42...soon to turn 43 in December. I have to boys that are 21 and 23. I too have had a hysterectomy which was in July of 2008. EVERYONE told me that I was going to gain all this weight! Not true! You need to believe in yourselves and do just what it is that you enjoy doing. Also, I quit smoking one month ago today cold turkey and just replaced my cravings with excercise! I am loving it all. I also am active duty military and actually joined when I was 4 months from turning 35. I too tore my ACL completely along with my MCL and have had 3 surgerys in 3 years. I am now starting to run and excercise due to quitting smoking and I have never felt so excilerated in my life! Comn' girls, we can keep this up together! Just keep cheering eachother on! Please let me know what I can do to help anyone! Enjoy your week and see you around MFP. :flowerforyou:
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Hello everyone!

    This morning I feel really good and if it wasn't for my knee, I would already be downstairs on my treadmill. Don't worry, I'll be good :wink:

    I just spoke to Hubby about the ACL and the MCL. He checked them after my fall and everything looked normal. He will check them again tonight to make sure. Thanks for mentionning them.

    I just spoke with my father and I am not sure that I could have the Gazelle today. I will know a little later on.

    For now, I will work on my leg to reinforce it so that my knee can feel better!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I have worked with 2 clients recently that fell following their total knee replacements (I know yours was only an hemiarthroplasty) and both had to have surgery again. 1 had a fracture and the other knocked the patella button off. If it doesn't get better soon, you may want to see the your ortho doctor. I will keep you in my thoughts and hope all is well. :flowerforyou: Good luck with your exercises.
  • amcmamcm
    I am so impressed with some of you ladies exercise routines and how much you look forward to them.

    My exercise routine consists of back stretching/core strengthening which I have to do to prevent further deterioration of my degenerative disc disease and walking on week days for 1 hour at about 3mph.

    I enjoy the walking when I am able to go outside and walk with a friend, but I am pretty bored when the weather is bad and I have to use the treadmill, even if I watch TV while walking. As for the back exercises I know that they are working so that is my motivation....

    I wish I were an exercise junkie!

    I hope that everyone is having a good week and achieving their goals. This has been my first week and I am looking forward to my first weight in tomorrow.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    I was thinking of going to see my ortho this week. I don't want to :grumble: :grumble: I don't want another surgery :grumble: :grumble: I think 16 in a lifetime is enough :sad: :sad:

    One thing I do not want is to suffer. Pain is my enemy!!! :wink: If I have to, I'll have the surgery.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    I am going to get my Gazelle this afternoon. It fits perfectly in my car!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    missou - have a great workout on your gazelle :happy: I am glad it fit in your car.

    amcmamcm - I agree with you that it is boring to walk by yourself. I am an avid reader and have discovered books on tape/CD or even MP3 format for my IPOD. If I have to walk alone, it goes much quicker when I listen to a good book. You may become an exercise junkie yet. It took finding MFP and seeing the first few pounds fall off before I really started to exercise more. My husband has gotten on the exercise band wagon with me and encourages me to get up early (6 am:grumble: ) to workout to exercise videos with him before work. I also have 2 walking buddies to help get me outside. Having someone else count on you to exercise with them makes you more accountable to actually do it. Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    The gazelle sounds interesting. I would like to try one sometime.

    It is said that some people crave exercise, maybe those are the exercise junkies. I'm definitely
    not there yet . I love the privacy of my own home yet I can share here with MFP. This has been a good combination for me. Today I rode the stationary bike and did wall push ups. Drinking the recommended amount of water is not an issue for me. But smaller portion size of food is a daily goal for every meal.

    Have a great rest of the day:flowerforyou:
  • amcmamcm
    pinbotchick - I agree with you that having the support of your husband and friends is helpful.
    I have one walking buddy and we go out as soon as the our kids board the school bus, which is 6:45am for our daily walk, unless it rains (then it is treadmill time)
    As for my husband he is not on the wagon yet! I am trying to convince him that he will have more energy and feel better if he exercises, but he says that he does not have time or that he is tired. He gets up at 4:30am and leaves home around 5:00 am, so I understand him being tired when he gets home at 5pm... How did you convince your husband?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My husband (he's also 41) noticed I was logging calories and for kicks asked me what his lunches were. He eats out every day for lunch. His favorite salad was 1200 and the hamburger and fries were 1500. He was shocked. When I explained the concept of MFP, he thought it made sense. I gave him some better options at his favorite restaurants in the 600 to 800 calorie range. He also ate the healthier dinners I cooked. He lost 2 lbs the first week and thats all it took. He noticed the changes in me and decided he would get up and exercise too. He doesn't have to leave until 8 am. We both cant believe how much better we feel. :bigsmile: He is down 10 lbs as well. I still cant get him to log onto MFP. I wish you luck with your husband. Would he consider a 1 mile walk before dinner - it could be bonding time and time to de-stress? We generally go out to eat on Friday nights - our local restaurant is a mile down the road. We have been walking there, having dinner and walking home (saves gas, lets us spend time talking about our week and and is some added exercise :tongue: )...
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    My husband has started counting calories too. That support makes it easier for me when he is not sabotaging my efforts. We don't eat much different than we did. We are just eating smaller portions and seeing results. He has kicked up his exercise so he gets many more calories than I do in a day. I really like the support from MFP but at this time it is not for him. Maybe it is a man thing?:laugh: Wishing you each support in your goals.:flowerforyou:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Well, I am actually grateful for the flu. I dont have it but one of my patients called to cancel today because she has it. That leaves me with an extra hour. I called my mom and she is coming over to take a 3 mile walk on this beautiful fall afternoon. Then its back to work for 3 more patients. Hope everyone has a great day.