women 40+ would like to share progress



  • amcmamcm
    I also prefer the digital scale to the analog. I think it is more accurate.

    About the hydrogenated oil I agree with you makeitallsue. I guess if the amount of hydrogenated oil is under a certain amount the manufacturer can claim that the product has no trans fats. This makes it very hard on the consumer. I have cut out the creamer in the coffee and just use skim milk. But I have to admit that I still use whipped topping now and then.Do any of you have suggestions about substituting something that has hydrogenated oil with something healthier?

    Welcome to all the newcomers and keep posting!
  • LittleEva44
    Missou: did I read somewhere that it took you 2 months to begin losing weight, even though you were following your plan & exercising? Can you share some tips on what on earth kept you motivated during those 2 months? The last time I tried to lose weight & get into shape, I went for 3 weeks without losing, and then just gradually fizzled away - not even on purpose, but I think my subconscious was saying "Aw, to heck with it!"

    I'm thinking that maybe this time around, I'm only going to weigh myself once a month, but I sure would be disappointed if I didn't see a drop in the scale at all. And yes, I know muscle weighs more than fat, the scales aren't the perfect tool to tell what's going on, etc. Yet seeing the numbers drop certainly can be motivating.

    I do have to say kudos to you for sticking with it no matter what! (And where are you going for your cruise??? My last cruise was for my 40th birthday, and I'm about due for another one. Would like to shrink a little first!)

    Little Sista,

    You can let your clothes do the talking for you. I did/have. I can tell by your post you noticed my "monthly" weigh-ins and you'll do the same. Yippie! I have converted my 2nd woman to weigh herself monthly!! :happy:

    I too, had trouble losing the weight. My stupid quack of a doctor was giving me allergy shots that contained steriods and he didn't tell me. I GAINED 45 pounds and my periods were "funky" (this was back in early 2000, I married in 2004, and had a baby in 2006). Flash forward to today. I have lost 20 pounds in 8 months and my 2nd goal is to lose an additional 10 pounds BEFORE my 45th B-day (2nd March 2010).

    And yes, muscle weighs more than fat. Remember to drink 64 oz of water a day, drink only ONE Diet drink at dinner, refrain from alcoholic beverages, stick to 'wheat products" and exercise for a full hour 3 times a day; then gradually go to 4 times a week. Drink black Chai/green tea instead of coffee. I learned from Oprah's Boot Camp (you can tell that was MANY moons ago, but stuck!) to stop eating 2-3 hours before I go to bed. Refrain from eating "fried" foods (French fries, Fried rice, fried egg rolls, etc). Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil, eat plenty of fruits/veggies as I see you're a vegetarian. Which means you're eating refined foods that contain hydro oils (which are bad for you), cookies, cakes, pies, cheese cake, etc.

    Please remember to stretch before and after your regimen. AND stock up your medicine cabinet with Alieve/Tylenol. Look at MY results! :tongue:

    I began by power walking during my lunch hour 3 days a week (back on 30 March 2009; I REMEMBER the day). Since I read Prevention magazines, I read that the next step is to jog/run. I have. I am training myself to run. At first when I power walked I had terrible shin splints! I googled that and learned how to stretch 5 mintues before and after I power walked, to buy a new pair of tennis shoes (mine were 15 years old if you can believe that), to eat an apple 30 minutes before I work out. Why? Thirty minutes before you work out eat one of the following: one apple, OR one small box of raisins with a handful of walnuts, OR soup, OR yogurt. Why? "They are packed with high-quality carbohydrates, which provide a quick source of fuel for your muscles, but they have just enough protein and fat to help you maintain a steady, elevated energy level" (source: Prevention Magazine April 2007).

    And to drink a Slim Fast (Special K, EAS Myoplex, etc) ready-to-drink shake after my work out. Why? "After a workout, your muscles need protein to repair microscopic muscle tears, plus another shot of carbs to help restock energy stores. Cyclists who drank it after a tough racing session had improved endurance and recovered fast than those who drank an ordinary sports drink (which supplies carbs and electrolytes, but no protein)" (Source: Prevention Magazine April 2007).

    Last is MOTIVATION and WILL POWER: I had lost my will power a long, long time ago. When I found it this year it was like BAM! It hit me like a tons of bricks! We had our Organizational Picnic (I work for the Army; Civilian so don't salute me, LOL) two weeks ago on a Friday. Did I attend? Heck no! I didn't want the Bar-B-Que, cole slaw, beans, potato salad, DESSERTS galore, and Sodas! I stayed to man the office and during my lunch hour I worked out (ran around the PT track).

    I get motivation from people at work. They'll tell me, "Was that you running around the track today during lunch time?" "Yep! that was me!" I'll proudly answer them. Or the ladies will see me in the ladies room when I'm changing and say, "There you go again, doing PT". Yep! Or I'll have people honk their horn or wave at me while I'm running around the PT track. I'll just smile and keep going! What helps me is that I wear my Sony Walkman when I work out. I JAM to the 80's music and is the best thing I do to help me get motivated! Yeah, I'm tired, lazy, feeling BLAH when I'm getting ready for my period, but I shake it off and go out to the track!


  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Question for all of you wise women.

    I have been down with the flu. Today marks two full weeks.

    As you all know it is sooooo discouraging to go that long without excercising or seeing any progress.

    The first part of it I was very good about staying within my allowed 1250 calories but this past weekend I was so tired, I just could not stop eating.

    I tried to choose healthy snacks (apples and cinnamon, nuts, etc.) but some were also bad, like sugar free chocolate.

    Anyway...I still do not feel 100% and I have been told that a re-lapse with this flu can be worse than the original illness.:grumble:

    I am tired, still have respiratory symptoms.:sick:

    Should I...

    #1..Get tough and just jump back in.

    #2 Accept this as another turn in lifes journey.

    I know that if I was giving advice to another I would say #2 a but I feel like such a WIMP!!!!

    Any encouragement would be appreciated right now!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    DeeDee, I will tell you to listen to your body. If you gain some weight while you get your strenght back, remember that you will have the time and the energy to work very hard once you feel better. You lost 31 pounds so far, I don't beleive you will gain them back because of the flu.

    Take care of yourself, you definitly do not want to have a re-lapse!!! :flowerforyou:
  • amcmamcm
    DeeDeeLHF you have my support :flowerforyou:

    Please take care of yourself. I think that your body will let you know when you are ready to start your regular exercise routine. In the meantime you can take a walk or do some stretches.

    Best wishes!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Thank you! I think I just needed to hear someone say that I am not a wimp by respecting this time of convalesence and that it does not signal the beginning of the end!

    Anyone else suffer from the fear that this might just be a phase and that in a few years you will be back where you started?

    Maybe it is a healthy fear to recognize that unless you truly change your lifestyle you are destined to fall back into what is most familiar. Habits that have been entrenched from our mother's knee are hard to break and may need ever vigilance to abstain for life.

    What do you all think?
  • tigermom79
    Thanks so much for the encouragement. I am going to start out slow as you did and see what happens!!!! I will stay posative and remember your words when I get frustrated!!!

    Thanks also for that great idea for the recipe changes!!! EXCELLENT!!!
  • tigermom79
    Hi everyone. I just saw the 40+ and I wanted to reply. I am new to this site. I joined in oct. I have to say that is the BEST!!!!!!. I am 45 and have to beautiful daughters that are 8 and 5. Yes I know, I had them late. We tried for 18 years to have my first one. I decided to loose the weight for me!!! No one eles but for me. I have lost 13 pounds and I to hope to have lost 20 by thanksgiving. If I don't, thats ok I will keep trying and never give up because I like the way I feel!!!!. I wish everyone the best of luck on their journey!!!!!!:smile::happy: :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Debdouglas! Sounds like you are doing great on your weight loss journey! This site is great and full of helpful and encouraging people!!!!

  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Thank you! I think I just needed to hear someone say that I am not a wimp by respecting this time of convalesence and that it does not signal the beginning of the end!

    Anyone else suffer from the fear that this might just be a phase and that in a few years you will be back where you started?

    Maybe it is a healthy fear to recognize that unless you truly change your lifestyle you are destined to fall back into what is most familiar. Habits that have been entrenched from our mother's knee are hard to break and may need ever vigilance to abstain for life.

    What do you all think?

    I agree that old habit are very hard to break and tend to hant us for the rest of our lives especially when they involve sweets :noway: The worse thing that could happen to me is if a doctor would tell me I could not eat dairy foods anymore.

    Controling yourself is not always easy and I love it when I can find alternatives that will offer a lot of satisfaction with no deprivation. The only problem is that those alternatives are not always easy to find.

    Good luck everyone!!
  • cc28655
    Yes it is hard to break old habits.I just do the best I can and take one day at a time.
    I feel with me loging my food intake helps to know what goes in my mouth and be acountable.
    Hope you all have a great day
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Okay ladies what is your preference on THE SCALE. I have two one that is the Weight Watchers Digital, and the other is the dial. Sometimes I like the digital and sometimes the dial, then of course sometimes I don't like either.:mad: Which one do you think is more accurate, DIAL or DIGITAL?? I've noticed their is useally a 2 pound differance.:grumble:
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Which ever one has the smaller number, is most accurate. LOL :flowerforyou:

    In all honesty, I think that digital models are generally more accurate, but it probably depends on your scale.
  • tigermom79
    I have a Health-o-meter digital scale and it seems to be pretty accurate. Sometimes too honest :tongue:

    My doctor advised me to not weigh myself except for once a month. That is really hard for me, but she said it would cut down on me getting discouraged and calling it quits!!! I'm all for that so I am trying to do what she said!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi all,

    Since I joined MFP I now have bought a digital scale (a Tanita was highly recommended on one of the posts on MFP) it is everything is said it would be. My dial scale the needle would wiggle if I adjusted myself at all. The digital has been consistent time after time. It has been a good investment for me.

    One old habit that is hard for me is, ( did any of you hear this)"Eat everything on your plate", "Don't be wasteful". Left overs on my plate are okay! Also just having smaller portions is good. Maybe mothers felt they were doing their job if their children were well fed.

    Have a great day! Keep hydrated.
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Deb Douglas, just wanted to say hello - I'm 46 and I have an 8 year old, so I know what you mean about the late-in-life parenting! I never thought I'd have a child, so she's our miracle girl.

    Gives us added incentive to get & stay healthy!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    "Eat everything on your plate"

    What about "Think about the kids in Afrika who don't have anything to eat."

    I have learned to keep my portions small, that way, I do not waste anything!! I do have a problem when I visit my in-laws, they never heard of small portions :grumble:

    I just finished my training and I am very, very happy. I was on the Gazelle for 25 minutes, I did 25 up and downs in my staircase, I went on my Ab King Pro and I did my Pilates for my buns and thighs. Now, my body is in paaiinnn!!! :laugh: :laugh: My back hurts, the back and front of my thighs hurt, but my knee is in perfect, or almost shape... No pain, just soreness!! :happy: :happy: It feels so go to be able to use it again!!! I am doing some streching to make sure I won't be too sore tomorrow. I want to keep on doing my training.

    Yesterday, when I started, I had 18 days left before my vacations and 18 more workouts to do. I did my workouts both today and yesterday. That means that I did 2 out of 2!! Let's keep on going everyone, we can do it!!!
  • motocaryschell
    Hey everyone! I've always been a stickler about cleaning my plate. I think a lot of us grew up with that eat all your food or you can't get up from the table. I've never done that to my kids, and i regret it only a little as I hate to waste food. I've learned, though that I only cook what I know we'll eat and I freeze the rest. Saves time, money and I don't feel so guilty. So I haven't weighted myself this week ( alittle nervous) but I did measure my thighs and I've lost an inch (yay). Don't want to lose any more around the chest area (haha), just the heiney. (Yes, I'm talking to my body right now, you don't have to listen, but my body sure does!)

    I'm taking a minute to pat myself on the back, because this has been an extra stressful week and I have not gone off my diet! yay again! I'm really bad for eating lots of carbs when I'm stressed and justifying it. Then when my belly hurts and my heiney can't fit into my pants, I get mad. Well, so far, so good! I ahve splurged on oreos, but I've counted what I can eat and stayed within my diet budget. I'm not gloating, I just rarely find a cause to be proud of myself these days. Too busy and worried about silly stupid things. I hope everyone here always finds a good reason to pat themselves on the back. I'm learning, I don't mind admitting it! Good luck to all! :smooched:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Congratulations Moto...I really think the more we train ourselves to be "normal" rather than on a diet the more long term success we will have. Stress is the killer so you did great!

    Dominique...sounds like a great work out. I am happy to hear that the knee is still good!

    Snowflakes et al, it is sooooo hard for me to waste food. It took me forever to stop eating the left overs on the kids plates. Now I am a stickler for portions...take a little, you can always get more if you are still hungry.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome to all of the new members of our group.

    DeeDee - rest and get better :flowerforyou:

    Missou - glad to hear your knee is feeling better.

    I have a doctor's type scale and everyone that comes over tells me it is as bad as their doctor's (more accurate). It is very consistent and easy to use.

    Old habits are hard to break. That's why I'm here - to form newer and healthier ones. Right now I wish I had the will power to pitch all of the left over food from my company this weekend. I don't want to waste it but I don't want to eat it. Now when I open the door I'm going to see all those starving kids in Africa.:huh:

    We played The 80's Trivia and I must be getting old. I couldn't remember half of the topics let alone the answers :sad: At least we had fun and reminisced about our days in high school and college.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member

    Old habits are hard to break. That's why I'm here - to form newer and healthier ones. Right now I wish I had the will power to pitch all of the left over food from my company this weekend. I don't want to waste it but I don't want to eat it. Now when I open the door I'm going to see all those starving kids in Africa.:huh:


    I did that last night! The hardest one was this shrimp cocktail one...I did eat the shrimp:blushing: but tossed the cream cheese part in the garbage.:laugh:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Snowflakes et al, it is sooooo hard for me to waste food. It took me forever to stop eating the left overs on the kids plates. Now I am a stickler for portions...take a little, you can always get more if you are still hungry.

    Oh My, This was one of my big hang-ups too, I have found that all of us had portion problems as well, so I started measuring everyones food out and I put them on smaller plates. My son has lost 18 pounds this past year..(he's also grown taller by 6 inches) but his tummy is a lot smaller. I wish my daughter would get on board with us, but she eats emotionally (like me) and the stress of school has really put some pounds on her, especially after she quit playing softball last year.

    I just keep trying to make the right choices when I go to the grocery store and I am hoping the scale will start moving down again..it's beens stuck for a while...I have started adding more cardio in.I have been doing p90x, on my 9th week with that...I just wish I could figure out my magic combination so I could regularly take off a pound or two a week, it gets hard to keep going when I don't see the results.
    Everyone have a super day!