women 40+ would like to share progress



  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    I never finished my daughter's plate, I would tell them to finish it. They would tell us they weren't hungry anymore and there was only 4 or 5 spoonfull in their plates.Sometimes I wonder if it had become sort of a game for them because if I reduced their portion size by about 4 or 5 spoonfull, they would still tell us they weren't hungry anymore when there was about 4 or 5 spoonfull left :wink:

    This morning, I am sore. I will still do my workout, but maybe not as much. I'll see.

    Have a nice day everyone!! Be good to yourselves!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Help Ladies......
    I am seriously trying to figure out what my calories should be for the day....I exercise for at least an hour a day, some days 2 hours, I do p90x, so it is a mixture of strength and cardio. I was feeling that I may have been lacking in cardio, so last Friday I started adding in more cardio. I want to lose 2 pounds a week. I'm very confused as to wether or not I add back in the calories when I do extra cardio...or even add them back in at all, and just stick with the 1330 calories per day the site suggests I have to be able to see the loss. I read the files, but I'm still confused.
    What are you gals doing? Do you add back in your calories or not? Thanks in advance..
    I've got the kids off to school, so I'm going to get my workout in......
    Good luck today in whatever you do! :bigsmile:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Okay, there goes the left over pizza. I hope Oscar (the grouch) enjoys it :bigsmile: If I keep it, I know I will be too tempted to eat it tonight.

    makeitallsue - do you wear a heart rate monitor with exercise? They are supposed to give you a more accurate calorie burn rate. I dont wear one and eat about 1/2 of my exercise calories. I set my goal at a pound a week and have sedentary day (except for ex) and it tells me to 1590 calories (I'm at 221 now). So when I exercise, I have been eating closer to 1700 or 1900 calories. So far I have been losing 1 to 2 pounds most weeks. It sounds like you may need to eat more with the intensity of your exercise. 1330 without eating the exercise calories is pretty low with all your working out - that is probably already a 1000 calorie a day deficit for your body without the exercise.

    My favorite post on the topic is from SHBoss on calorie deficit for dummies:


    Good luck and keep up with the exercise.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    You should definitely eat at least some of your exercise calories. I recently increased my calories to 1400 because I wasn't losing weight any more, and have started the scale inching back down again. Also, I have been eating a little bit more fat, and I think that helps too. I think it jumpstarts your body to burn it's own fat. I had been going under on my fat a lot. I am not talking a whole bunch, but I have started adding olive oil and vinegar to my salad, where I used to eat it with no dressing, and I occasionally have a tiny but of butter on a slice of bread. Stuff like that. It seems to help, and I have a lot more energy.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Pinbotchick & Tabbydog,
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    opps a little happy fingers there on that last post....thank you for your answers...I was wondering if I have been eating enough, it's just so darn scary to up the calories...I'm trying to wrap my mind around it and realize that if it is whole (good for me)food, it should be fine.
    I do love the calorie counter...I'll keep using it and up my calories some.
    Thanks again....
    I'm heading down for some lunch now, had a good workout this morning, Ab/upper body and went for a run with my favorite pal Bella..
    Hope your all doing well!
  • motocaryschell
    Sue, I feel for your daughter. i have a 15 year old myself that has had a very emotional year and her weight has really fluctuated. Unfortunately all of her friends are smaller than her and she just quits eating for a while. I always cook healthy at home, so at the very least I know that when she eats dinner, it's food that she needs. plus we have been nagging her to take her vitamins. She's not bulemic or anorexic, just spotty. I used to be that way, and I know how easy it is to just stop eating and not feel hungry. Anyway, if your daughter can find something to fill the void left from softball, (my daughter rides her horse instead of basketball this year), it may help with the eating emotionally and boost her confidence.

    About the eating, I have found that I cannot resist the oreos. But I count the calories and fat and don't eat 12 of them like my skinny husband does. (yes, I'm jealous) If we can eat what we want and have conrol over our bodies, then we are good shape. that's one of my goals, to have complete control and never go berserk the way I used to.

    I just want to thank all of you here who are so supportive and helpful, by the way. It's funny but where I live, there is no one you can talk to candidly and n ot worry about hurting feelings. I don't judge people and think we can learn from everyone, but there's no one I know who doesn't seem to judge me. I just wanted to let you guys know that you all seem very straightforward and feel free to say what ever is on your mind. Sometimes I need that kind of kick to keep going.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Shelane
    Hi all, I'm 40. Just started last Friday, but I'm already feeling better. I'm really looking forward to looking and feeling great! Life Does Begin at 40!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Hi Shelane, hello everyone!!!

    I was very lazy today but I finally did my training at 5 pm!! It was a little softer than yesterday because of my soreness, but I did it!!! I am at 3/18!! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I decided to stop my eating and my exercise journals. I was never one to eat a lot and I try to keep good foods in the house. I do a lot of exercises and I try to do them every day. That should be good for me. My scale doesn't really want to show me the figures I want, but my measuring tape is really encouraging!!

    Nowadays, my challenge is to obtain 18/18 on November 26th. While on vacations, I hope I won't gain so much weigth. Before the New Year, I would like to have lost everything I will have gained while I'll be on vacation.

    I think those goals are not to big.

    I just took a message on my answering machine, my GP got my blood test results and wants to see me. I hope she has room tomorrow. I hate waiting when I know something needs to be fixed :grumble:

    Have a nice evening every one :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hi Debra,

    The scariest jump is eating your excercise calories!!!

    I went through a very long plateau (almost two months) and the answer everyone kept telling me is to increase my calories. It made no real sense to me but eventually out of desperation I did and guess what...after about two weeks of eating more I started to lose again. I eventually increased my calories by 50 per day and try to eat all or most of my excercise calories.

    Right now with not excercising I am still eating about the same...many days I am over by 200-300. I am waiting to see if I gain doing this or maintain.

    Just give it two weeks and see what happens. The worst that will happen is that you go up a pound or two but really if you are doing P90X, I doubt that will happen.

    A HRM is an excellent suggestion. I can't live without mine now.

    As for our daughters....excellent topic. My daughter is 12 and went through puberty over a year ago so she is quite developed with a pronounced pear shape. Her breasts, hips, thighs and bum are very curvy. Many of her friends are still flat chested with no curves. She has one in particular who is always saying she is fat (really she is quite tiny, it is sad) and my daughter questions her weight often now. She loves chocolate and is very indulgant. I have started working with her and she now excercises with me. The challenge is to teach her a healthy lifestyle and motivate her to do this without making her feel like I am saying that she is fat. It is my hope that by just encouraging the healthy lifestyle that we don't even need to go there too much.

    I am working on ways to create more nutritious meals for our whole family. I may need to just sit down with all of them and say, "look, this is how it is going to be from now on...don't complain!" My husband is on high blood pressure meds and has high cholesterol and my mother who lives with us just had a cardiac catheterization today and is also on BP meds. It would be good for everyone!

    When I started this I made my meals seperate and continued to fix for all of them the meals that they enjoy but I think that needs to change!

    I am growing quite fond of all of you!

    I too need more people to really share with.

    Missou...can you explain the 3/18 and 18/18...I don't understand fully and really want to. Your progress etc. is so interesting. I hope it is good news from your GP and nothing bad. Keep us posted.

  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Good morning ladies!!!

    I feel a lot better today! I will have a good workout this morning!!

    DeeDee, when I was able to exercise without any knee pain, that was last Monday, there were 18 more days before leaving for Barbados where I will start my cruise on the 28th. I did my workouts on Monday, Thuesday and Wednesday, so I did my workout 3 days out of 18 and I want to reach 18 out of 18.

    This morning is a goooood morning, I just stepped on my scale and the 6 is gone again!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am back in the 159s :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I hope to reach 155 by the end of my 18 days!! I wonder if I can???

    Have a very nice day and take care everyone!!!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    LOL!! IF you could see me right now you would be cracking up! I have learned so much since joining and I thought this was some magic math formula for excercising that I was missing. (If I haven't mentioned it before I am a homeschooling mother so math is on my brain all the time!)

    You seem really motivated so I think you can at the very least get really close! The bigger challenge will be to not gain weight during your cruise! I have always wanted to do that and might not really care about my weight for that week if I was on one though.:laugh:

    Happy to hear you are having a good morning!!! My throat doesn't hurt as much today either and my glands seems smaller...maybe this is the beginning of health? I sure hope so!!! I have gained about a pound or two during this 2 1/2 weeks of illness. It is my fault though, I have made some bad choices.
    BUT...I am making better choices starting right NOW!!!

    Yay us! Here is to good choices today!!! :drinker:
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    On a cruise ship, there are so many healthy, delicious food choices, my eating should not be to much out of balance. As for exercising, there are a lot of stairs to take to go from one place to another and we will only have two days at sea during the two weeks. On the islands, I don't expect to sit around so much. I am pretty sure I will gain some weight, but I hope to keep it to a minimum.

    Here's to cruising :drinker:
  • tigermom79
    Good morning ladies!!!! Well for the last 2 nights I have been on my treadmill. Only 20 minutes the first night (I actually "ran" some) EGADS!!!! and then last night I was a little more sore so only 15 minutes. I know it isn't much but it is a start.

    I have a board of directors meeting today and we always furnish "snacks". Because it is Thanksgiving month, of course we opted for pie!!!! Holy Gamoly!!! I am going to limit my slice to very small and then send any left home with my staff so I don't get tempted!!!!

    I have been really good on watching stuff during the day. My biggest problem is at dinner. Because I have to very growing boys still at home (19 & 13; college and 8th grader) I want to get them to eat healthier which is a challenge but we are making progress. My 8th grader is more in need of the healthier diet. My husband is a bean pole and the 19 year old seems like he can eat anything as well. I love the crock pot ideas I have found on this site so that is going to start helping at dinner time!!!

    Well.....everyone have a super duper day!!!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    HI everyone! I just ate my lunch and I am stil hungry! :frown: It is one of those days where I am constantly hungry. Going to go get coffee later, though. Maybe that will help! I might get myself a tiny treat, since I did weights this morning and have Zumba tonight. Have any of you tried Zumba? I LOVE It! It is so much fun, it is not even like exercise. I go once a week to break up the running.

    Hope you are all having a great day!
  • richcat22
    Hi to all! I am a 45 year old nurse of 14 years. Just finished the masters program and now am a certified nurse practitioner. During the course of completing my degree I put on 20 lbs. I stumbled upon this site and am LOVING it!!! I have a 23 year old daughter who is the joy of my life. I will begin a new job and career Monday so I thought I should begin a WHOLE new life all together! Good luck to all those on their wt loss journey!
  • tigermom79
    HI everyone! I just ate my lunch and I am stil hungry! :frown: It is one of those days where I am constantly hungry. Going to go get coffee later, though. Maybe that will help! I might get myself a tiny treat, since I did weights this morning and have Zumba tonight. Have any of you tried Zumba? I LOVE It! It is so much fun, it is not even like exercise. I go once a week to break up the running.

    Hope you are all having a great day!

    Okay......so what the heck is Zumba???? You have my attention!!!
  • tigermom79
    Hi to all! I am a 45 year old nurse of 14 years. Just finished the masters program and now am a certified nurse practitioner. During the course of completing my degree I put on 20 lbs. I stumbled upon this site and am LOVING it!!! I have a 23 year old daughter who is the joy of my life. I will begin a new job and career Monday so I thought I should begin a WHOLE new life all together! Good luck to all those on their wt loss journey!

    Hi richcat22!!! Welcome and Congrats!!!! That is awesome that you have received your masters. You can be our resident physician!!! :) TEHEE

    Best of luck and I think you will really enjoy the site and the different groups. I really enjoy this group because it is people we can really relate too!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    tigermom: you will get stronger. I do some type of cardio every other day and on the off days strength training. I feel some soreness so I now I have worked but it is not miserable and painful. Stick with it, you can do this.

    tabbydog: some days are just harder than others. On my really hungry days I eat things for a snack between meals that I really have to chew on, like a piece of homemade jerky, a serving of almonds, peanut butter crackers. They satisfy me more than say a yogurt, or string cheese. Hope this can help you.

    missou: so glad that your knee continues to feel better. December is our 20 Anniversary. Enjoy your cruise...

    deedee: that flu really hit you hard. so sorry:flowerforyou: glad that you are feeling better. With my family there was no discussion at to the menu changes. They get what I fix.:happy: We actually don't eat much different than we did, smaller serving sizes is our biggest change.

    take care
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    richcat22: welcome. That is terrific you are starting a new career.:flowerforyou: I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up:laugh: :laugh: