women 40+ would like to share progress



  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Thanks for the welcome and a warm welcome to our new members to MFP, Phonzie and mommabee!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    BTW. I love the Olive Garden and actually it is one of the easier restaurants to go to. You can order the soup and salad and ask for the low fat dressing. I was skeptical but it was really good. I will have that with one or two bowls of Minestrone soup. A lot of food for not a lot of calories.

    . I have a hard time saying no, and I have to supplement with healthier things in order to stay true to my diet (no always possible...hello Olive Garden)
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Are we dieting or are we changing to a healthier lifestyle?? :wink:

    Welcome to our newcomers! I hope you will find what you are looking for with us.

    Boubou, I just looked at your dog and he looks like an alien :laugh: :laugh: Thanks for your thoughts about my knee. I agree that walking puts more impact on the knee than the Gazelle does. Hubby has studied my knee carefully yesterday and has found the exact painfull points. Part of my knee has been replaced and is mechanical and one of my miniscus has been replaced. So the pain is not miniscal. It is most probably caused by a ligament. Is it torned, I don't thing so since I am able to walk and there is only one movement that will cause it to give out. So Hubby will work on it every evening and I will keep on doing the rehabilitation.

    Every Monday since April, I have been doing a weight-in and every first Monday of the month, I am taking my measurements. Today is Measuring Day and here is my data.

    SW (Starting weight)...165 lbs
    TW (Today's Weight)....162.5....161.4...159.2....161.4...162.8....160.8....161.8...163.2...164....161....163.8....161....161.6....160.6....159.2....158.6....159.2 lbs
    GW (Goal Weight)....135 lbs
    Weekly weight gained....0.6 lbs
    Total Weight Lost...5.8 lbs
    To Goal....24.8 lbs

    Neck......14 ....13.5....14....13.5....14....13 inches
    Arms.......13,,,,12.5...12.5....13....12....12 inches
    Bust....39...38.5...38.5....38.5....38....38 inches
    Waist....34.....35...32.5....31.5....31.5....31 inches
    Belly...On April 6th, 2009 ...40 ...On October 5th, 2009...37....37 inches
    Hips.....40....40...39....39....39....38 inches
    Thighs....22....21.5....20.5....21.5....21....20 inches
    Calves...15.....15....14.5....15....14.5....14 inches
    Inches lost this month......4 inches
    Total inches lost since the beginning.....14 inches

    I am so proud of myself when I look at my measurement table!! The weight may not be going down as quickly as I would like, but the inches are going down and I am feeling 100% better and so much younger than I was in the beginning!!

    I love my new lifestyle!!!!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Dominique! Wow!!!! Your inches lost are impressive!!!

    Stay the course!!!:drinker:
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    When I thing about what the Gazelle did for me before, I can't wait to start using it again!!!
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Greetings everyone! I just signed up for mfp today so I don't have any progress to share yet.

    However, I want to say how much reading everyone else's posts has meant to me. I have been feeling so sore and achey - sometimes I feel like I can barely move. I was starting to suspect fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, since I tend to get all over body pain and tend to feel ill a lot. However, now I'm wondering how much of this can be attributed to my excessive weight. I have been seeing a doctor, and although he hesitates to actually go so far as to recommend I lose weight, he has suggested that many of my symptoms could be aided by losing weight.

    Anyway, I'm 46 years old and I have one daughter who is 8 years old. I'm a late-in-life first time parent. Sometimes I feel guilty because I can't run around with my daughter as much as I want to. Plus, I'd like to make sure I'm modeling healthy behaviours for her. So things are going to have to change.

    I have about 50 pounds to lose, and I'm totally okay with losing it very slowly, as long as I'm moving in the right direction.

    Thanks, and by the way, great idea for a thread!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    Welcome to all those that joined over the weekend. Well I made it through Halloween within my daily calorie count, but just barely. Plus no exercise over the weekend. ooh my. I really want to stay within the daily calories from now through the new year. Halloween was just the beginning of the extra temptations.:grumble: Ah the holidays. :happy: I have been losing about 1.5 - 2 pounds a week. A pound a week would keep me happy. Slow is how I intend to make it permanent weight loss. Have a great day. Until next time...Bye
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hello everyone and welcome to the newest members,

    With winter just around the corner, I dont want to get bored with my current DVD collection. Does anyone have any favorite exercise DVDs that you recommend? Low impact are preferred... I have the Shapely Girl Walking Video and the 4 mile walk by Leslie S.

    How about favorite strength training videos? I have Denise Austin's Power Zone which uses elastic bands.

    Can The Firm videos be done on a regular aerobics step? Have you tried and do you like The Firm videos. I have lots of step aerobic videos and prefer styles of Gin Miller and Kathy Smith.

    Any other suggestions? I plan to try some Yoga and/or Pilates.
  • motocaryschell
    Hey everybody! missou, I love your measurements ( a little jealous of your thigh measurement, but I'll get there!) It seems you and i are very similar in size. Good news though, I've lost 4 lobs woo hoo! Finally! I don't get on the scale everyday because then I would be obsessing, and I am prone to do that. But the new exercise method is working just fine so far.

    I've been wondering what in the world a Gazelle is, and this past weekend I found out my own mother has one. She doesn't use it right now, she broke her femur last Christmas and she is just now getting back on the treadmill for slow walking. Anyway I hope it works for everyone, it looks like fun. Thanks for the Olive Garden input. I'm italian and love all italian food, especially the pasta, so any help is greatly appreciated. Hopefully I will have willpower the next time I get to go.

    I'm excited about my new. Found out we may be going to Florida for Thanksgiving. It would be nice to be able to wear shorts if it's warm enough and not be embarrassed.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans
  • booboogroom
    booboogroom Posts: 126 Member
    Motocaryschell, congrats to you on your weight loss, :drinker: :flowerforyou: . Keep up the good work.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • booboogroom
    booboogroom Posts: 126 Member
    Pinbotchick, I've never tried any videos so I couldn't help you out their. But maybe you can help me out. Any of those easy on the knees. I'm still trying to build up my knee after my surgerys on it. Anyway think about it an let me know.:flowerforyou: .
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    I step on my scale every morning to help me keep track of my progress and to make sure I don't lose control of my weight. To me, it is a valuable tool just like MFP or my other weight loss group on another board I go on. We have been together since mid-March 2009 and have a weight-in every Monday. We also put our measurments every first Monday of the month. That is were my table comes from.

    We could start such a table here to. I can easily take care of it. If your are interested, just say the word. You could put your measurments now and we could start our own Pounds Ahoy table this week.

    Here is a link to Tony Little's website, it is were I got my Gazelle http://www.tonylittlestore.com/exercise-equipment.html

    Here are my DVDs collections

    Mari Winsor Pilates full DVD collection, it is available on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Winsor-Pilates-Basic-Workout-System/dp/B00077BD7A

    Hip Hop Abs by Shaun T http://www.beachbody.com/product/fitness_programs/best_sellers/hip_hop_abs.do

    Classical Streching http://www.classicalstretch.com/

    Core Secrets http://www.amazon.com/Core-Secrets-with-DVD-Instruction/dp/B0002XK0IW

    For now, I am resting my knee. Next week, I will do the Pilates videos. The week after, I will add the Gazelle until I come back from my cruise. Then I will do a week of Pilates, the Gazelle and after, I will gradually add the other DVDs. I will vary my training from day to day. I also have a treadmill that I can use.

    I love the Hip Hop Abs and the Pilates videos, Shaun T and Mari are very stimulating!!! I use to do ballet and artistic gymnastics when I was young and the Classical Streching was conceived by a ballet teacher from Montreal. I love the approach. The Core Secrets DVDs are a little demanding on the knees so I never really tried them before my knee surgery. Now that I can use it again, I sure will try them!!

    Well, I think that covers my training program. I was also an artistic gymnastic in my teens. If I can help anyone, feel free to ask.
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Welcome to our group Little Sister!!

    Booboo, the Pilates is very easy on the knee. With Mari Winsor's program, you mostly work lying or sitting down on a yoga mattress.

    Here are a few exercises that are really good to strenghten the leg after a knee surgery.

    Sitting down on a chair, you straighten your leg with your flexed foot. You do series with your foot rotated inward, outward and with no rotation.

    Lying down on your stomach, raise your legs one at a time, with a flexed foot rotated the same ways as for the previous exercise.

    Lying down on your side, you raise your upper leg in a neutral position, after with your knee turned outward. Bending the your upper leg in front of you, you raise your lower leg.

    Standing up, you can do this exercise in the stairs, bend one knee keeping it next to the other. you can start this exercise lying down on your stomach, it will be easier.

    For all the leg raises , try to keep your leg strait. This will work your muscles individualy, making them stronger. After doing all this training, remember to strech every muscles, your ankles and your toes. I could see a big difference after doing that training every day for a week or two. I kept on doing it for 5 or 6 months and know, I can go up the stairs quiclky without holding on to the rail.

    Good luck!!!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member

    Thanks for the knee excercises. I seem to also have problems with mine. If I stick to the eliptical it seems to be OK. Plus I wear knee braces that I purchased at a sporting goods store and they help tremendously.

    Agreed that Winsor Pilates is gentle on the knees.

    Do you have any tips for strengthening the muscles in the leg while weight training? I am afraid of some of the machines because it seems to put too much stress on the knee. any help would be appreciated.

    Right now I am recovering from the flu and I am anxious to get back but this flu has affected my lungs and bronchi so I am coughing my head off. So for a bit I don't think I will be up to doing too much aerobic but it would be the perfect time to really focus on weight training.

    Happy mid-week to all of you!

  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Hello DeeDee, I agree with you that the machines put a lot of stress on the knee, expecially the leg press and everything that requires a straightening of the leg with weight. In the quadriceps, you have four muscles. Two of them are situated in the midlle one on top of the other and the other two are on each side of the middle muscles. In the hamstrings, you have three muscles that are placed side by side. The middle one is sort of divided into two muscles so, in a way, you can say that you have four muscles in the hamstrings.

    By doing the exercises I gave you, you are going to somehow isolate each of the muscles. When you feel strong enough, you can put on ankle weights to strenghten your legs even more. In the gym I use to go to, there was a machine that would strenghtten the inner thighs without putting any pressure on the knee. If I could have a machine at home that would work my inner thighs as well as this machine does that would not cost me a fortune, I sure would love it. For now, all I have is this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B0016BPJ6W/ref=dp_image_text_0?ie=UTF8&n=3760901&s=hpc Once you have acquired a certain level, it losses its effectiveness.

    I will definitly look into the Winsor Pilates DVDs since there are specific workouts for the buns and thighs!!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Thanks Dominique! I belong to the YMCA and they have the machines that do the inner thigh and the "saddle-bag" area. I LOVE them!:heart:

    I will do these excercises for sure!!!

    Hope you are all having a good one!

    Here is is rainy but I have a nutritious stew brewing and my family is healthy and happy! Can't ask for better than that!

  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    I am really happy I was able to help. Today, my knee feels better and I will do the exercises for my legs too.

    Take care everyone!!
  • dbrink
    dbrink Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone! Just getting started here and excited to be part of such a positive group! Here I go . . . . :flowerforyou:
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Welcome Dbrink!!! Make yourself at home!!!
  • motocaryschell
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I hope to be as encouraging to everyone here also! Speaking of videos, I've got hip hop abs, and love the dance moves, but its hard to find the time to have the tv to myself,s o I live without for now. The Firm always had great exercises, and get ripped has great weight exercises. Still, I'm doing fine with mr treadmill for now and my ankle weights.

    Missou, if you want to start a table, I think it would good for me. Make me more accountable in a way. Right now, my family really doesn't seem to notice. Plus, i'm married to one of the those guys who works out every morning and has to eat twice as much just to keep up because his metabolism is so fast! Not fair!

    Everyone who just started this program, welcome and much luck to you. This is the best thing for me I know, so i can keep up with what i'm actually doing everyday as far as eating and exercising. I miss some foods here and there, but for the most part it is really helping!
