
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    haven't done turbo jam in about a week or two and I feel down and lazy.

    encouragement please!

    You can do it!!! At least get in a 20 minute TJ, and then maybe you'll be ready for more!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    thnx thats what I was thinking since I must be a little rusty. If I have enough energy afterwork I'll try my very best to do the cardio party
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    Are you guys all doing the ChaLean Extreme here too?? I was really thinking about getting it and I want to see real people and their results! Do you guys use dumbbells or the resistance bands? Any info you have on this program would be great so I can know if I should spend the money or not.

    TIA! Jess
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Are you guys all doing the ChaLean Extreme here too?? I was really thinking about getting it and I want to see real people and their results! Do you guys use dumbbells or the resistance bands? Any info you have on this program would be great so I can know if I should spend the money or not.

    TIA! Jess

    I'm on my 2nd round of CE. I did the first round June, July, August and followed the workout calendar (not the eating plan, but kept it clean). I lost a total of 2" off my hips, 3" off my waist and lost a pound. I wasn't planning on losing a lot of weight, but was happy with the inches lost. This time around, I'm doing 1 week on (just the Burn, Push and Lean parts M-W-F), 1 week off with another strength training DVD. I am seeing more pounds shed this way (I'm doing much more cardio than I did during my 1st round of CE though), but only have lost 1/2 an inch in my waist since. I really think that if you've got some significant inches/weight to lose, you will with CE. I didn't have much of either, so knew it would take a lot of work to lose the few pounds/inches I wanted to.

    I will say without a doubt, you will not regret the purchase! It's the best program I have (I own close to 100 DVD's), and I always am excited to do the workouts!

    By the way, I use dumbells. 1st round I think 20's were the highest I went, this round I'm up to 25's.

    Welcome to the board!
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    Thanks so much Erika! I am pretty much sold on this program! I really just want to tone up again. I have about 20 lbs to lose, but I will take inches too! :0)
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    So far so good Jammers!!! I hit the gym early this AM for my Monday spinning class-didn't get the greatest of burn, but I guess my body is probably becoming more efficient with exercise... :grumble: lol! Anyway, kept to my eats for the day..nothing out of the blue, no urges either! I am so happy:happy: Headed to work all day after the gym, so I'm pretty tired..:yawn: Just finished my dindin, and gonna head to bed in an hour or so...Tomorrow it's the gym for some treadie time! OH!-I forgot to mention my newest purchase! I found myself some brand spankin new heaven on my feet Asics:bigsmile: :laugh: They were quite expensive, BUT I've been having trouble with blisters with my old shoes so these should be GREAT!
    Planning on a good run tomorrow either way! I am super happy with myself today, Hope I can keep up this determination for the rest of the week, then set new goals! Great job with the workouts ladies! I am proud to call ya my support system!:blushing:
    Jess-I finished my first round of CE in November, and have continued to rotate the workouts about 3 x's a week. Still workin for me! I :heart: CE! Finally my abs popped out! :laugh: Good luck, I am positive you'll love it too!
    Have a great night girls!!!
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    I think this is the commercial I love.

    Not sure if it's Turbo Jammers, but when I'm up late at night and it comes on.
    I work out to it, I always wanted to get the workout videos haha.
  • Yesterday I did BC1- wk 2 .. the moves were more familiar and I felt I was better on my form... that what I want :smile:

    Carleybby Have yet to see the Info commerical on CE.. still looking.

    Roberta Congrats on the sparking new Asics!!

    Jessica I am on my 2nd week of CE.. and I love it!! :heart: I w-in this am and am down 4 lbs since I started on the 28th of Dec :smile: I know its a combo of CE, eating clean and watching my cals. I'm using dumbells.
  • Opps- And cutting my food off at 7 pm!... Thats a real BIGGIE!!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning Jammers!

    Welcome again to all the newbies...so much fun to see new faces on here!!!! This morning was a hodge podge of DVD's...some Mel B. and some Turbo Jam. I felt the need to mix it up a bit with 2 workouts! I was very surprised to step on the scale this morning and I had finally dropped the 1/2 pound I was trying to get at for the last 4 weeks. I guess the 100 calorie/day bump is what my body needed to jump start the weight loss again. Only 3 pounds left to my goal! I'm happy with where I'm at, but really would like to hit the goal I set back in 2009.

    Last night I lost it completely, eating wise. I was SOOOOOO hungry I couldn't stop myself! I finished off some rice krispy treats my son had left over from his school treat, and then I went after some mixed nuts and cheese (not so bad, but this was all BEFORE I ate my dinner)! Then I scarfed down 2 almond/chocolate bars! Ugh. :grumble: But, I got on the treadmill while I watched the Bachelor and burned it all off, and today is a fresh new day! Every once in awhile I get that way, and I just can not feed myself enough!

    Here's to a better day today :happy:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    GRRR i KNOW WHAT U MEAN! last night I made the big mistake of putting some biscuits in the oven - u know those pillsbury golden layers? well I was only supposed to eat a few and I ended up eating 5 of them. Shame on me! The worst part is I didnt even work out, it was so cold when I got home that I just wrapped myself up in a blanket and sat on the couch all night.

    TONIGHT I will not sit down and watch TV until I do my work out. Damn t his cold weather!
  • Hello, Everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!!

    I'm newer to using the message boards...I was just wondering if anyone is starting up the Chalean Extreme program? I have the Deluxe addition. I just started today and it felt great! Would anyone like to follow it, along with me for motivation? Maybe we could weigh in weekly and measure monthly or something? I need something to keep me motivated. I've also been watching my food intake as well.

    I get up at 5am...that's the only time I have to workout! Besides the Chalean program I am also going to walk on the treadmill at least 30 minutes daily.

    Anyone want to join? Send me an email. :smile:

    Everyone have a good day!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    love ur nick name!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello, Everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!!

    I'm newer to using the message boards...I was just wondering if anyone is starting up the Chalean Extreme program? I have the Deluxe addition. I just started today and it felt great! Would anyone like to follow it, along with me for motivation? Maybe we could weigh in weekly and measure monthly or something? I need something to keep me motivated. I've also been watching my food intake as well.

    I get up at 5am...that's the only time I have to workout! Besides the Chalean program I am also going to walk on the treadmill at least 30 minutes daily.

    Anyone want to join? Send me an email. :smile:

    Everyone have a good day!

    I think majority of us on here do both Turbo Jam and ChaLean Extreme, but I'm not sure where everyone is in the rotation. I"m on my 2nd round, alternating CE 1 week and other strength the next. I log in each day with my workouts, so if you're on here, come do the same!
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    Hey jammers. I cant seem to fight this bug off me. These days Ive been so sick, if it aint one thing is another. I been having the worst allergies ever. I have a sore throat that has kept me from getting my sufficient sleep. I been also been having really bad back aches at night. At one point i thaught I had a UTI but i dont think UTI lasts for 2 days only. Im too sick to eat. I cant taste anything. uhhh i just want to get better so i can bk on track.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! Another good day for me! YAY! I'm getting BACK ON TRACK! WOOHOO! Today was the gym for a solid 6.9 on the treadie! I wanna add I run a pretty steep hill (4-5% incline at about 6-7mph too) so it's a great workout! Anyway, had a great burn and a pretty good day at work...very glad to be home and WARM! It's freezing out, and snowing like crazy!:explode: I HATE WINTER!!!
    Erika-OH you KNOW I get this way! Hahaha..that was how I felt all last week! UGH! Good luck, and GREAT job burning it back off! Awesome motivation, I do the same out of guilt!:laugh:
    Nolachick- I tend to workout in the AM just for that same reason! I was doing workouts (CE) at night after work but I knew with winter coming I'd get sucked away!
    Bikini- I finished my first round of CE in November, and currently I rotate the workouts 3x's a week. I always log my workouts in as well, so feel free to peek! Good luck! Glad you like it!
    Have a great night ladies, I'm going to reeellllaxxx and enjoy my day off tomorrow..plan to hit the gym, do my CE and abs, then chill with my boy all night:smooched: Check in tomorrow!
  • Hi guys, I hope you all are having a great start to the New Year! :flowerforyou:

    I've been meaning to check in here since last week but haven't found as much computer time lately. I did okay last week. I worked out New Years Eve morning, which I was proud of since I almost always convince myself to use holidays as a reason not to, but was very lax with my eating which spilled over into New Years Day as well. But I jumped pretty much right back on track after that.

    I also did not gain any weight over the holidays this year. I didn't lose anything between Christmas and New Years either, but that's still better than the six pounds gain I had last year.

    Yesterday I did TJ Cardio Party 2 and 10 minutes on my stationary bike. Today I got through TJ Cardio Party 3, 15 minutes on the stationary bike, and about 20 minutes of strength training. I had a very hard time with my workout today though. I just had no energy. But I made it through anyway, just not with as much intensity as I would have liked. I guess that's better than nothing at all. I also need to be very careful when I have days like this, because I tend to get sloppy with my moves instead of just doing the workout with less effort. Hopefully tomorrow I won't feel as sluggish.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Ahhh yesterday I finally started up again! I did the 20 minute workout and wasn't satisfied so I also threw in the Cardio Party 1.
    Boy could I feel it last night, my steps were a little off cuz I had started to forget some of the moves, but I still enjoyed it!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning Ladies!!!

    I had a good TurboSculpt workout followed by 1/2 hour on the elliptical. I'm satisfied with my workouts, and feel good about the day!

    Great work to all of you on your workouts...so much fun to check in each day and see that you all are getting those workouts in!!! YEAH!!
  • Hey Girls

    Welcome BHIC - Jo!! :smile:

    I made my 20 mins warm up on the TM and Burn C2- 2nd week this morn, but I was not focused.. I think tired and to many things on my mind to clear.

    Feel better faster ...limestar :flowerforyou:
    :laugh: Livi. I like your new avatar

    BBT.. sweet dreams
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