

  • healthworks
    Hi Limestar

    Wow- You are sooo- tiny!! Yes, I hope to love CE and ALL the workouts, Kudos to for keeping up with your w/o's, with having 2 babies ALL your AMAZING accomplishments..... including your lifted butt!

    BTW- Your kids are CUTE!!! :smile:
  • ZeldaCat
    Hi Healthworks - I am also planning to start CE in the next week or so...just waiting on a new heart rate monitor to arrive. I wanted to ask you if you were going to follow the nutrition plan for it as well..
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    I had a great workout this morning...Push 1 and Power 90 Core Cardio...whew! Had to get my energy up for what I knew would be a long drive to work (we got a couple inches of snow over night). An hour and a half later (I live 15 minutes from work), I'm here! Ah well, had some time to listen to some Christmas tunes in the truck!

    Healthworks-I am definitely still seeing great results in round 2. I think because I'm switching it up so much. I'm doing 1 week of CE where I'm lifting heavy, low reps, and on the alternate weeks I do other workouts (Jillian Michaels, Biggest Loser, Power 90, etc), so I'm doing a lot of lifting a little lighter in the weights, but higher reps. Plus, I'm doing more cardio in those weeks too.
  • healthworks
    Hi Zedacat I dont think so... From my past experience, once I start working out ((consistency)) my "clean" eating will follow... its all in my head... why w/o and then over eat my cals and waste my efforts? So what works for me, water 80 oz, BMR calorie allowance 1300-1400, grams protein 75, plenty of fruits and vegs, cut out processed carbs as much as I can. What kind of HRM are you getting and what is your target date for starting CE?? Maybe we can start together??:smile:

    Hi Erika I started with Jillian Michaels and her MTC... ideas, not diet and Shred ... but she sorta lost me since she came out w/ her magic pills a while back. Good 4 U.... changing it up not only keeps your body guessing, but keeps it fresh for you!! :smile:
  • ZeldaCat
    Hi Healthworks - I will not following the nutrition plan either (I don't even have the book!) Your plan sounds pretty good to me. I ordered the Polar F7 HRM (got it really cheap on eBay). I was hoping to start the program as soon as I get it which should be in the next day or two....Would love to start together and keep each other motivated! When were you thinking of starting?
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    Hi Limestar

    Wow- You are sooo- tiny!! Yes, I hope to love CE and ALL the workouts, Kudos to for keeping up with your w/o's, with having 2 babies ALL your AMAZING accomplishments..... including your lifted butt!

    BTW- Your kids are CUTE!!! :smile:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!

    Well, I opted for sleeping in an extra hour and a half, versus doing my morning workout....and, I'm glad I did. My body needed that sleep! I'll catch up with my workout after work tonight....probably some elliptical work so I can watch a Hallmark or Lifetime movie while I'm at it!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!

    Sunday was my "rest" day, it felt soo good, but I always feel guilty like I should do something. I did go for a walk, but I feel like I needed to do more. Last night I did Turbo Kick for 60 minutes...I had a lot of energy so I did the whole routine. And then I did CE Push 3. I've been following Chalene's motto to "go heavy or go home"..haha.. and I am really suprised at how strong I am. Even though I am completely dying by the last rep...I feel so accomplished! I love this program. Unfortunately I can't take my weights with us on the flight to MN...so next week I'll have to take the week off....but I'm going to bring my Turbo Kick to get lots of cardio in during that week.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!

    Sunday was my "rest" day, it felt soo good, but I always feel guilty like I should do something. I did go for a walk, but I feel like I needed to do more. Last night I did Turbo Kick for 60 minutes...I had a lot of energy so I did the whole routine. And then I did CE Push 3. I've been following Chalene's motto to "go heavy or go home"..haha.. and I am really suprised at how strong I am. Even though I am completely dying by the last rep...I feel so accomplished! I love this program. Unfortunately I can't take my weights with us on the flight to MN...so next week I'll have to take the week off....but I'm going to bring my Turbo Kick to get lots of cardio in during that week.

    Have a great day!

    You're coming to MN? That's where I live! Pack some warm clothes!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey there Jammers!
    Sorry about being absent for the past few days!! I've found myself reeeeally busy! I'm getting up early to go to the gym, come home and got so much to do around the house, Plus-I'll admit, I've been spending lots of time with the new boy:blushing: hehe! I am really really super happy, and feeling really good about this.
    Anyways, just lettin ya know I'll try my best here! Okay so check in-Sunday I did TurboKick Round28 and CE Push2 and Extreme abs. Yesterday was Spinning class at the gym early, then after work went over to watch a movie with my new guy:wink: This AM I got a good 5.8 on the treadie done, and now currently on lunch break at work..haha. I am pretty free tonight, so probably will check back-can't wait to hear all your accomplishments ladies! Keep it up!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!

    Sunday was my "rest" day, it felt soo good, but I always feel guilty like I should do something. I did go for a walk, but I feel like I needed to do more. Last night I did Turbo Kick for 60 minutes...I had a lot of energy so I did the whole routine. And then I did CE Push 3. I've been following Chalene's motto to "go heavy or go home"..haha.. and I am really suprised at how strong I am. Even though I am completely dying by the last rep...I feel so accomplished! I love this program. Unfortunately I can't take my weights with us on the flight to MN...so next week I'll have to take the week off....but I'm going to bring my Turbo Kick to get lots of cardio in during that week.

    Have a great day!

    You're coming to MN? That's where I live! Pack some warm clothes!

    Erika- Yeah! Thats awesome! I am originally from Minnesota, and my entire family still lives there...they are WAYYY up North. So, I'm thinking its going to be super cold! Went to American Eagle today to buy a new hoodie for the trip.... I have a feeling its going to be lots of sweaters & hoodies for me!! My dad wanted to take my husband ice fishing..hahahaha... my poor husband hasn't seen that cold of weather in his life! Haha! I hear you guys are getting lots of snow as of lately??
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey there Jammers!
    Sorry about being absent for the past few days!! I've found myself reeeeally busy! I'm getting up early to go to the gym, come home and got so much to do around the house, Plus-I'll admit, I've been spending lots of time with the new boy:blushing: hehe! I am really really super happy, and feeling really good about this.
    Anyways, just lettin ya know I'll try my best here! Okay so check in-Sunday I did TurboKick Round28 and CE Push2 and Extreme abs. Yesterday was Spinning class at the gym early, then after work went over to watch a movie with my new guy:wink: This AM I got a good 5.8 on the treadie done, and now currently on lunch break at work..haha. I am pretty free tonight, so probably will check back-can't wait to hear all your accomplishments ladies! Keep it up!

    way to go with those workouts!! Did I tell you I ended up getting 6 miles in on Saturday? I ran 5 miles straight...and did 1/2 mile warm up and 1/2 mile cool down. I don't know how you do it! haha! I was sweating like mad! It did feel pretty great though. And...really happy for you and the new guy! thats so fun!!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!

    Sunday was my "rest" day, it felt soo good, but I always feel guilty like I should do something. I did go for a walk, but I feel like I needed to do more. Last night I did Turbo Kick for 60 minutes...I had a lot of energy so I did the whole routine. And then I did CE Push 3. I've been following Chalene's motto to "go heavy or go home"..haha.. and I am really suprised at how strong I am. Even though I am completely dying by the last rep...I feel so accomplished! I love this program. Unfortunately I can't take my weights with us on the flight to MN...so next week I'll have to take the week off....but I'm going to bring my Turbo Kick to get lots of cardio in during that week.

    Have a great day!

    You're coming to MN? That's where I live! Pack some warm clothes!

    Erika- Yeah! Thats awesome! I am originally from Minnesota, and my entire family still lives there...they are WAYYY up North. So, I'm thinking its going to be super cold! Went to American Eagle today to buy a new hoodie for the trip.... I have a feeling its going to be lots of sweaters & hoodies for me!! My dad wanted to take my husband ice fishing..hahahaha... my poor husband hasn't seen that cold of weather in his life! Haha! I hear you guys are getting lots of snow as of lately??

    Yeah, we had a big dumping of snow last week...closed down the schools around me (I'm in the south Metro) and south. My territory for work is southern MN, so I tend to see a lot of snow on my travels. But, I love the snow, so I'll take it.

    Not sure on the temps for next week, but today it's barely above 0. End of the week is supposed to be in the 20's. We'll see what next week brings! Safe travels!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!!!

    I am dragging today...I think CE drained every last ounce of energy I had right out of me! I did Push 2 follow up by Fat Burn Challenge...Whoa! I need some major re-fueling! Working on that right now!

    Hope you all have fantastic workouts today!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning!
    Last night I did Turbo Kick Round 32, and I ended up doing the whole routine including the legs/abs. It felt pretty good. This morning I woke up with a sore throat...ugh. So, I picked up a Coldbuster Jamba Juice today...hoping it will help me. Tonight is supposed to be a Turbo Kick/CE night...so hopefully I can get through it and then go to bed. Although if I feel any worse, I'm planning on just going to sleep. I really want to enjoy my vacation next week!
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Hi, is it alright if I join? =)

    I'm a little shy, and don't post much on the boards.

    I discovered Turbo Jam about a month or so ago, and have fallen completely in love with it. Today I did the Fat Blaster workout, then felt like I could do some more, so I added on the 20 minute workout and the mat section of Ab Jam.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi, is it alright if I join? =)

    I'm a little shy, and don't post much on the boards.

    I discovered Turbo Jam about a month or so ago, and have fallen completely in love with it. Today I did the Fat Blaster workout, then felt like I could do some more, so I added on the 20 minute workout and the mat section of Ab Jam.

    Of course, we'd love to have you join! Great job on the workouts...those are 2 really fun ones!!! Awesome weight loss too...keep it up!
  • healthworks
    Hi Healthworks - I will not following the nutrition plan either (I don't even have the book!) Your plan sounds pretty good to me. I ordered the Polar F7 HRM (got it really cheap on eBay). I was hoping to start the program as soon as I get it which should be in the next day or two....Would love to start together and keep each other motivated! When were you thinking of starting?

    Hi Girls... Just on for a few.. I have holiday ta- do over load!!

    Zelda I am also going to be eating every 3 hrs and having dinner by 7 pm and no eating after!!!

    I bought a hanging calendar yesterday to fill in the days with my w/o's.... it gives me modivatition! I want to MAKE SURE I dont get side tracked w/ Xmas.. So MONDAY the 28th is the BIG day.. for me. I want to start before the New Year!! I might give one of the ab, recharge a try??
  • healthworks
    WECOME Livi_Loves_Pink!!! :smile:

    Great group of girls here!!! :smile:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Evening Ladies!

    Just hopping on quickly to say hi...oh, and get away from the kitchen! I'm not sure what my deal is, but I think CE Push this week is making me HUNGRY! I honestly can not get to a point where I feel full...ugh! I must really be working my muscles good, as my triceps are still sore from Monday's workout and I could hardly walk today from the Push 2 circuit this morning. I'm hoping this hungry thing goes away soon, or I might have to put a lock on my pantry door!

    Well, I hope you all have a great night. Not sure if I'll be on tomorrow...lots of stuff going on...I gotta be up and outta here by 4:45am for a work meeting...it's gonna be a long day!