

  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    good morning. feeling so hungry this morning made some breakfast lke ihop. today i will do my lean circuit 3 and then walk all day to the car show.
    lilangel7671- when i moved to a new apt and unpacking i read somewhere that you do get a workout by lifting and moving boxes. so put the xmas decors up
  • ronkswife2000
    Hi Everyone! I used to reply to this thread all the time until my grandma found out about a brain tumor and my grandpa passed away and on top of that my mom has MS so needless to say, my workouts got cut out of the picture but I started up the TJ again today. Miss you guys, y'all were great support when I was on a couple mths ago!

    Checking in today with Lower Body Jam and Ab Jam...

    Amber :)
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!
    It was hard to have to come back to work...ugh! But, I had a fun holiday! I got a lot of workouts in because I didn't have to work, so I had a lot more time on my hands. And I ate well. It was grrreat! I'm feelin good!

    Last night I did Turbo Kick Round 32 for 45 minutes, and then I did the CE Burn 3. Tonight is a rest night for me, and then Wednesday is going to be another intense workout day! yippie!

    Lilangel- way to go on your 10K!
    Amber- sorry to hear about your grandma & mom. its always hard to experience grief like that. Hang in there!! It is great to have you back!!

    Have a great week!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey jammers! Sorry I've disappeared for awhile! Anyways, I've still been kickin it and eating clean as I can! Sunday I ran my 6, did CE Push 1, and Extreme Abs..then it was off to help at a business' Christmas open house which went really well! On Monday I just did CE Lean 3..gave myself a little break:tongue: But Tuesday was Burn Intervals and Extreme Abs again after work as usual-haha. Also more good news-I have officially joined the gym! WOOHOO! I was really excited this morning because I took my first spinning class! At 5:30 AM I was busting my butt on that bike:laugh: It was GREAT! Had a great burn and my "classmates" and instructor were soo nice! I think this is the start of something good...hehehe. At least to get me through the cold blizzardy winter months of NY..haha. So anyway, now I am starting to go to the gym early in the AM's before work, so I can relax a little more after work since I have quite the drive to get home (and in bad weather-just ugh..:grumble: ). I think this will be good:smile:
    I hope you're all having a fantastic Wednesday-I know I feel energized after class! Check back later!:drinker:
    Edited to say: WELCOME BACK AMBER! I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, keep your head up girl!
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    hello guys. well been doing good. today is my rest day. i was wondering, what is better weight or resistance bands for chalean extreme. i am doing it with the resistance bands because my kids are everywhere and i feel that i might drop the weight on top of them but dk if i would get better results if i had weights.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Ladies! So I hope you all had a great Thursday:tongue: I woke up and got my butt to the gym this AM- a little later than usual, but got a solid 6.6 miles in on the treadie! :drinker: Then it was off to work for me- but had a boring day because the drs were out of the office, Sooo me and my coworker rocked a FatBlaster session:laugh: It's so much fun! I am feeling the need to eat today also..lol, and since I worked my butt off today I am having a really nice pork dindin tonight:smile: Tomorrow I am hoping to get an outdoor run in but we shall see...the weather is getting worse and worse each day, so I'm not sure if it's time to take to the gym for the winter:ohwell: I'm still planning on fitting some CE strength work in, but probably a little less..I also will probably start lifting a bit at the gym:smile: . Anyway, thats my day and my plan..haha..Can't wait to hear all your check-ins girls! Keep rockin' it TJ style!:wink:
    Edit to add: limestar- I got my hands on a set of the select-tech weights they use in CE on craigslist. Paid about half what they are retailing, so just a thought for ya! You can use the resistance bands the whole program too, they just never were my thing:laugh: Hope that helps!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Jammers! Last night I finally had some time to report to my Jammers group....and I typed up my large post...and then it said the whole site was down for maintenance. Ughhh! Thats okay, I'm sure you didn't want to read my novel. Haha!

    Tuesday night I was able to go for my run. I could only do 4.5 miles, but I still felt really great and felt like I really pushed myself faster. It had been a week since I last ran, because the gym was closed all Thanksgiving week (local college = free). I ended up running an average of about a 8.5 minute mile, which was way good for me. Usually its about a 10 minute mile because I end up walking a few times. But, I pushed myself to not stop and walk. LILANGEL- I can't wait to get to a 6.6 miler!! Holy cow!! You inspire me!! I actually thought of your accomplishments as I was pushing myself Tuesday night! Thanks for all the encouragement!

    Last night I did Turbo Kick Round 30, and I just LOVE the punches section, and the kicks section. I was going all out!! I also did a round of CE Burn phase. This is my last week of the Burn phase, and its great to see that I have definitely improved. I'm excited to start the PUSH section!

    Lilangel- question for you.... do you run with a water bottle at all? Or do you not drink any water when running? I usually don't when I would do my outdoor runs, but now that I'm inside on a treadmill I have to have water!

    Limestar- I prefer free weights than the bands, but that is a personal preference. I think the free weights help me with my form as well as strengthen the resistence because I can have the resistence in all directions of my movements. You can get free weights fairly cheap at a local sports shop. My husband really wants the Select Techs. But, if the bands are working great for you....do it!! I think its funny how Chalene always says "These bands are NO JOKE!" haha..it cracks me up!

    Have a great weekend ladies!! Tonight I'm going running at the gym with my husband and then have a relaxing evening in my flannel pajamas watching a movie since its like -10 degrees today! Ugh!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good Morning Jammers! Is a CHILLY Saturday AM here!:noway:
    I hit the gym this morning for a brisk running session on the treadie-got 3.5 miles under my belt in 36 minutes..keeping it slower--this is SUPPOSED to be my "rest" day..:laugh: I really went to the gym to goof off before Body Flex class-This was AWESOME! Was almost like TurboSculpt! I think that is going to become a normal Saturday AM routine...it felt great, the instructor and everyone was sooo nice! So that's it for today-My brother and sis-in-law are coming to visit today, plus I am helping at my mom's Christmas Open House today and tomorrow. It's also my parents' anniversary today so we are going out to eat dinner tonight..Yikes:tongue: I'm always very careful-gotta try to keep it as clean as I can!
    Dawna-You're doing SO GREAT! Thank you for the lovely compliments:blushing: I just love trying new things and pushing myself to the next level..You will get there too! Just keep working everyday and it gets easier! I have only been running for about 4 months now-isn't that CRAZY?? Sometimes I can't believe I run over 6 miles too!:laugh: As for the water bottle-I don't run with one outdoors--too much of a hassle, but on the treadie I use the cupholder-Usually don't drink it until after though, but it's there if I need it. Hope that helps!
    I'll catch up with you girls later! Rock out Saturday will ya!?!:happy:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Well Ladies it's been a buuuusssy weekend over here! I still have been workin my butt off, PLUS working/helping with the open house on top of that. PHEW-we sell xmas wreaths, trees, etc, so tis the season! This morning I pumped it up with TurboKick Round28 again, some CE and Extreme Abs (my usual sunday thing:tongue: ). Usually I split up the workouts a bit more but I had no time! It was off to help out for the afternoon into the evening, finally got home and still needed to eat dinner, pack lunch/gym stuff for tomorrow, and go back downtown for groceries..another PHEW! lol..Tomorrow I am getting up to start my Monday spinning class routine:happy: So I'm off to bed FINALLY coz I gotta get up at 4:30AM:noway: ..Hope you all had a great Sunday!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Girls! I'm back!! I was over on SparkPeople, but I miss the simplicity of MFP, so I came back! I've missed you all!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!! Erika! Its SO great to have you back! Spark people was an overload for me too.

    My weekend was fabulous! Friday night I did Turbo Kick Round 30, Saturday I did a 5 mile run and ChaLean Extreme. Tonight is my last night of ChaLean extreme Burn phase. Yippie! I'm going to hurry home and do Turbo Kick Round 33 (one of my favorites) before I have to babysit for a friend. Then later this evening I'm going to do ChaLean Extreme. Oh man, I have to....I didn't workout on Sunday and I am craving that feeling you get when you work out! Have a great Monday!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey ladies, over slept today and only had time for the 20minute TJ workout. after work I'm planning on doing the ab jam dvd .

    I :heart: Turbo Jam
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! It was an eaaaaarrly spinning class for me today! I've been slacking on the TJ I know I know-just don't kick me out! Lol..anyway, tomorrow is running at the gym I think:tongue: Glad to hear all your accomplishments!
    Erika-SOO great to have you back! We've missed ya!!
    Have a great night ladies!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Did some Jari Love strength this morning...I'm going through all my DVD's and checking the Max HR and calorie burn I get on them, to hopefully help me with weeding some out. I have over 100 workouts, and need to downsize!

    Tonight I hope to get some cardio in...maybe a walk on the treadmill or the elliptical, as I did TurboSport last night and I'm sore today!

    Have a great Tuesday everyone...I'm patiently waiting for the snow here in MN!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Well, it's a snow day here in MN. At least for the kids :happy: I'm working from home as I'm not really interested in driving in the crappy weather! I am thinking it will be a rest day for me, as I'm super sore from Jari's workout yesterday. We'll see if I feel like getting a walk in on the treadmill later!

    Have a great Wednesday!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!! Its a snow day here in Idaho too! I'm glad MN is finally getting some snow! I'm going back there for the week of Christmas and was hoping for some snow! Yippie!

    Last night I did Turbo Kick Round 33 and ChaLean Extreme Burn 3. It was my very last night of Burn so me and my hubby are excited to start the Push phase. I tried doing Extreme Abs after everything last night and I was dead. Maybe I'll try to get through it tonight. The last few nights I haven't felt like working out, something is just off. But, I've pushed through anyways. I'm not sick, not pregant, not eating bad, not stressed....its just an off week.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Girls!
    SO I joined the gym right--you all know this now...AND I met a guy! hehehe..it's so exciting....we've been chattin for a few days now (and he works at the gym so I see him there alot-lol!) Anyway, I was going to do some elliptical work at the gym this am (which I did) then come home and hit my abs with Extreme abs and do some CE but-I have plans to go out with him this afternoon now^_^! I guess ONE day of skipping some workouts won't kill me...:embarassed: ...lol:ohwell: Who knows what could happen-:wink:
    So I just got home from the gym, showered there because MY POWER WAS OUT THIS AM!:explode: But once I got home it's back on:smile: So now I'm eatin some late breakfast, gonna grab some lunch before I head out-and have a great night with the new boy-I hope! hehe! I don't even know what we are doing for dinner--a little nervous bout keeping it clean...I'll try my best!
    Have a great Wednesday all!:happy:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Girls!
    SO I joined the gym right--you all know this now...AND I met a guy! hehehe..it's so exciting....we've been chattin for a few days now (and he works at the gym so I see him there alot-lol!) Anyway, I was going to do some elliptical work at the gym this am (which I did) then come home and hit my abs with Extreme abs and do some CE but-I have plans to go out with him this afternoon now^_^! I guess ONE day of skipping some workouts won't kill me...:embarassed: ...lol:ohwell: Who knows what could happen-:wink:
    So I just got home from the gym, showered there because MY POWER WAS OUT THIS AM!:explode: But once I got home it's back on:smile: So now I'm eatin some late breakfast, gonna grab some lunch before I head out-and have a great night with the new boy-I hope! hehe! I don't even know what we are doing for dinner--a little nervous bout keeping it clean...I'll try my best!
    Have a great Wednesday all!:happy:

    YAY! Have fun out with the new guy!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning Ladies!!!

    I ended up taking my rest day (and going over on my calories), but I can't remember that last rest day I took, so I enjoyed it! Felt good to relax--plus it was a snow day here, so I was all warm in my clothes and didn't want to change into workout clothes!

    This morning was Billy's Bootcamp. Man, is Billy Blanks all over the place...so different from Chalene! I had a hard time following him and was getting really frustrated. But, got through it and now off to work!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning!!
    Lilangel- how did your dinner go with the new man??
    Fitzfour- I'd probably get frustrated too...There's just something about Chalene. I am starting to swear by her. Although have you done Insanity? Or P90X? Or the 30 day shred? How do those compare to Chalene?

    Well, ladies...last night I did my 4 mile run followed by my FIRST PUSH phase! HOLY COW! Today I am feeling it! I'm really excited though. My husband was watching me do the workout as he was trying to work on some papers, and he was excited about it too. I have a feeling this is going to be a great phase. Did any of you find more success with this phase? I've toned up quite a bit, but I still need so much more!

    Hope you all have a great day. I'm going to hopefully run again tonight to help loosen up my muscles.