
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies!
    Hope you are all doing well!

    Saturday I was able to do a 4.5 mile run...I couldn't quite make it to the 5 mile mark. I was pretty tired & sweaty. I did enjoy theweek of strict workouts. Sunday was my day of rest! Yippie! It felt really good!

    Today I am back to the grind... and going to commit to eating a lot better this week than I did this weekend. My workout tonight is Turbo Kick Round 30. And then CE Burn. It should be a good workout for me!! Have a great Monday!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    First day on Turbo Jam. I did the Learn & Burn a few time so decided to start with the 20 min workout. It went by so fast but at times I was totally tripped up. I knew the moves but I was stumbling to put them together. Guess I will have to do this a few more days before getting into the other videos.

    Results for CE 11 pounds total (would have been 12.5 but I had a bad eating weekend so when I weighed in I gained a pound and a half - oops). I added up inches this morning and I lost 7.5 total inches. I went from a size 14 jeans to a size 6 (bought a new pair this weekend). So I am happy with my results. Hoping Turbo Jam will give me a new wave of energy and pound shedding and then I will go back to CE in 2010.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi girls! Dawna invited me to your group and I hope thats ok!!! Today was my 3rd day of ChaLean X and I must say after doing the 60 day Insanity Series this is like way slow and short! I add cardio to this such as aerobics, running and the eliptical just to keep my fitness level up after insanity! I was surprised that on the CE she has you work some of the muscles back to back without that day rest in between? Or am I doing something not in order? I started on Sat. with the DVD 2 Burn Circuit 1,, Mon. Burn Circuit 2 and today was Burn circuit 3. I start the DVD3 push circuits next right? Thanks girls for the input and keep up the fitness!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! Sorry I forgot to check in yesterday!:blushing: ..Anyway, got a 6-miler in Sunday AM, and did Extreme Abs before lunch...then went out and did some shopping-needed some good food stock! I was going to get in a CE also, but my legs were just not feeling up to it..and I figured that was my body telling me to slow down and take a break.:ohwell: Today though, I kicked it after a long day at work with Lean3:tongue:
    Welcome Verda! Hope you enjoy CE! I finished my first round and now just rotating the workouts as I feel like. For the workouts you start with the Burn circuit (do that rotation 4 times-so its an entire month) then go into the Push phase (again 1 month) and then Lean for a month. I usually stuck with this: Sunday-Burn1, Monday-Burn 2, Tuesday-Burn Intervals/abs, Wed-rest, Thurs-Burn3, Fri-Burn it off/recharge (plus usually a long run for me!) and Saturday I did whatever TJ/running I felt like! Then the next month just went to Push 1,2,3, etc. Hope that makes sense! She does work some parts back to back but it DEFINITELY works. Trust me!:laugh: :heart: CE! If you have any q's just ask!
    Hope everyone else is having a great night! Check in tomorrow!
    OH! And Thanks for the suggestion of TurboKick Dawna! I ordered the first fan volume and should be here sometime this week! WOO!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Welcome Verda! Hope you enjoy CE! I finished my first round and now just rotating the workouts as I feel like. For the workouts you start with the Burn circuit (do that rotation 4 times-so its an entire month) then go into the Push phase (again 1 month) and then Lean for a month. I usually stuck with this: Sunday-Burn1, Monday-Burn 2, Tuesday-Burn Intervals/abs, Wed-rest, Thurs-Burn3, Fri-Burn it off/recharge (plus usually a long run for me!) and Saturday I did whatever TJ/running I felt like! Then the next month just went to Push 1,2,3, etc. Hope that makes sense! She does work some parts back to back but it DEFINITELY works. Trust me!:laugh: :heart: CE! If you have any q's just ask!
    Thanks for the welcome! So I am understanding this: I do the Burn Circuit DVD that I did this past three days for a month? Then move to the Push circuit and do for a month, then do the Lean circuit for a month? It does not explain how these workouts should be used in that Muscle Burns Fat booklet I thought this was an everyday (except one) workout like Insanity? I was going to move on to the Push Circuit tomorrow, I did not know!!! Wierd! So should I be going everyother day? Confused???
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    hi just found this site. i love turbo jam and started chalean xtreme a couple of months ago. Today I am going to start day 1 of phase 3. hope during this month i lose weight. the first month i gained weight and the second month i lost the weight that i gained, maybe 3 to 5 lbs. i do see definition in my muscles and my clothes do fit lose so i am hoping to have gained muscle. i just wanted to ask you guys what should i expect for phase 3. is there going to be an extreme lol transformation in my body in this phase than the other two?
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Welcome Verda! Hope you enjoy CE! I finished my first round and now just rotating the workouts as I feel like. For the workouts you start with the Burn circuit (do that rotation 4 times-so its an entire month) then go into the Push phase (again 1 month) and then Lean for a month. I usually stuck with this: Sunday-Burn1, Monday-Burn 2, Tuesday-Burn Intervals/abs, Wed-rest, Thurs-Burn3, Fri-Burn it off/recharge (plus usually a long run for me!) and Saturday I did whatever TJ/running I felt like! Then the next month just went to Push 1,2,3, etc. Hope that makes sense! She does work some parts back to back but it DEFINITELY works. Trust me!:laugh: :heart: CE! If you have any q's just ask!
    Thanks for the welcome! So I am understanding this: I do the Burn Circuit DVD that I did this past three days for a month? Then move to the Push circuit and do for a month, then do the Lean circuit for a month? It does not explain how these workouts should be used in that Muscle Burns Fat booklet I thought this was an everyday (except one) workout like Insanity? I was going to move on to the Push Circuit tomorrow, I did not know!!! Wierd! So should I be going everyother day? Confused???

    I have a calendar that shows kind of an outline as to what to do and how to separate the days. I typically do my cardio between days of doing CE. Sometimes I will do cardio before I do CE. I'll send you a message with the calendar that I have. Keep in mind it is just a guideline. But, I wouldn't lift everyday of the week. Your muscles won't have time to recover if you do it everyday. I would incorporate some cardio workouts and ChaLean Extreme's ab burners. Check your message box and I'll send this calendar...... Also... I would keep track of your weights that you use and your reps by using this sheet....
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning limestar and Verda and welcome. I just finished my first round of CE. I modified a bit for a two day break on the weekends but I did circuit 1, Burn it off, circuit 2, Internvals & abs, circuit 3 then 2 days off. I progressively lost a pound a week.

    This morning I did 2 rounds of the 20 min workout for TJ. I though that would give me an extra calorie burn and get adjusted to the moves. I am getting better. I think I will have it by tomorrow. I feel like I am going to have a great Tuesday.

    Hope everyone else does too.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hello again!

    Last night I did Turbo Kick Round 30, and then did CE Burn 2. I used heavier weights than I did the first few times I did Burn 2, and today I can really feel it. I was sweating really hard and breathing hard and just felt pretty great last night. Kind of funny that you can be sweaty & still feel good. Ha! I went to bed early last night- around 9:30pm. CE really tuckered me out!! I guess it must have been increasing my weights or something! Felt nice and rested today though! I looooove how well I sleep since I've started strength training more....I am out solid until morning!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member

    I have a calendar that shows kind of an outline as to what to do and how to separate the days. I typically do my cardio between days of doing CE. Sometimes I will do cardio before I do CE. I'll send you a message with the calendar that I have. Keep in mind it is just a guideline. But, I wouldn't lift everyday of the week. Your muscles won't have time to recover if you do it everyday. I would incorporate some cardio workouts and ChaLean Extreme's ab burners. Check your message box and I'll send this calendar...... Also... I would keep track of your weights that you use and your reps by using this sheet....
    Thank you soooooo much Dawna! I bought this series from a girl who did not like it off ebay and there was not a calendar in it errrrr! I will copy and print what you gave me! I have been into lifting for quite a few years and I KNEW I was not to be lifting back to back like that! I did NOT lift today, got in three mile run though, so I felt good!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    vhuber...no worries! I got mine off Ebay too! And then I would get confused when Chalene would say "I will see you tomorrow!" on the DVD..haha! I did Burn Circuit 2 last night...and my hamstrings are dying today!! I used heavier weights last night...and WOW!!!

    Tonight I ran my 4.5 miles...and again couldn't quite get to 5 miles like I did last Wednesday. Soon though!! I did up my MPH. Unfortunately I can't run outside because of ice and snow...bummer. But, I was doing 6.6mph! Felt pretty great!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Wednesday - did 20 min workout and Ab Jam. I really love the way the time passes so quickly and you are like "we are already done". I am feeling energized after each workout. Love it.

    Have a wonderful Hump Day.
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    yesterday i did lean phase1. god am i sore and super hungry. today is my off day. im debating if i should put in some cardio today. i dk if its good to have 6 days of working out.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    yesterday i did lean phase1. god am i sore and super hungry. today is my off day. im debating if i should put in some cardio today. i dk if its good to have 6 days of working out.

    To help your muscles, you could go for a short little run 10-15 minutes....and then do a LONNNNNG stretch! That usually helps the soreness in my muscles and "wakes" them up a bit after a hard workout from the previous day.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening Jammers! So its already Wednesday again! Wow the weeks seem to just fly by..I cannot believe how cold it is getting here:frown: Can't believe next week is Thanksgiving already..it will be Christmas before you know it! UGH! I am SO not prepared!:explode:
    Anyway, so it's Wednesday-my rest day:smile: I am trying so hard to not think about working out..all day at work I debated coming home and doing just a short workout-BUT I know my body needs its rest time also..and so to combat my guilt I showered right away after work..lol! I can't be the only one who gets this way am I??! Tomorrow is CE again, and possibly a short cardio like 20 min TJ...we'll see. I always push harder on the weekends so I should be proud and give my body the rest it deserves:tongue:
    Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday! Not sure if I mentioned, but I did order TurboKick Volume1 and says it shipped so woooo! Hopefully soon, maybe by the weekend I can work with that!
    Have a good night all!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning ladies.

    I did TJ Cardio Party Mix 1 this morning. I have really enjoyed these last few days and TJ. You really don't feel like you are working out. I am starting to feel my abs getting sore which makes me feel good to know that I am doing it correctly.

    I do have a question - I got the hand weights - when are you suppose to use those? I know it says in the guidebook you can use them for greater burn. So does that mean you just use them when you want to? Can you use them with any workout?

    Thanks for your help.

    lilangel - yes it is hard to believe Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas is 5 weeks away - yikes. Glad you are giving your body that well deserved rest day.

    limestar - I did get hungry when I lifted heavy so your metabolism is probably in overdrive. great work
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hi Jammers!
    So today was my last workday of the week! woohoo! Time for some kick-butt weekend workouts! haha:laugh: I was super excited to see when I got home today that my TURBOKICK is HERE!! YAY!!! I am planning a long run tomorrow morning, but if the weather doesn't hold out-I might be trying that instead! Otherwise, Saturday AM I've got a date with Turbokick!:tongue:
    I got sent home from work early-which usually sucks-but was okay today..I managed to work Burn3 in as well as rock out a TJ CardioPartyRemix! So a larger burn than I was planning on tonight! That's always a plus! Just about to eat dinner, then relax and sleep....:wink:
    Hope you all had a great Thursday! I will check in after tomorrow's AM workout!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    So I usually feel really guilty when I take one rest day....but I took one last night and tonight....and I am feeling SUPER guilty!! I have just had a lot of stuff going on the last few nights. But, tomorrow is a cardio and lifting day. I'm going to do both to make up. Part of me thinks taking 2 rest days in a row may be okay, but the other part is screaming! I did Pilates this morning...but that never feels like it actually "counts"!!!!!!!!!!

    Lilangel- you'll have to let me know if you like the Fan version of Turbo Kick. I have the instructor DVDs, since I am certified to teach it, so the music is a little different. I know Erika liked it (where is she??), but I know its a little different than my Turbo Kick DVD.

    Kimberly- If you are just getting used to the moves, it might be easier to hold-off on the weights for now. Get the moves down and after a few weeks add the gloves, and you can do them with just about any of the DVDs. It DEFINITELY burns a lot more and gives a better workout! My arms, chest, abs are getting a lot more toned. ITs a great way to burn extra calories. I couldn't figure out how to wear them though at first..haha.. wear them so that the "bulge/bubble" parts are on the inside of your hand when you make your fist. Before I was wearing that on the outside of my hand, not as easy to grip.

    Limestar- I totally get WAY hungry the day after I do lifting...its definitely the metabolism in overdrive. I usually make sure to pack a lot of healthy snacks for the day.

    Have a great Friday ladies!!! ANy fun plans for ya???
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    today i am sore from doin lean phase 2. i felt so good that i did 20 min of tj. today im doing burn intervals and extreme abs. i have another question is it okay to do the ab workout for all your workouts. i do it with my lean circuit and cardio, so i do it 5 times a week, is it okay or should i do it once a week like it says in the calendar?
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey ladies! So the rain put a ka-bosh on my running plans this AM:explode: ..so instead I popped in my new TurboKick dvd. I started with the TurboKick 101..just because I had no idea what to expect really-:laugh: I loved it! I loved it so much I did it twice to really give me approx the same burn (little less:ohwell: ) as running for an hour..the 101 is only 30 minutes, so I paired it up! Tomorrow I hope the weather is nicer, just because I love getting out while I still can. The weather is going to change here fast, and I gotta take advantage of those nice AM's! I am getting a gym membership the beginning of December though, so I can treadmill it during the winter. I also am going to pick up yoga and other classes that interest me there, as well as weight training:smile: But for now its outdoors running and home workouts-keeping up on my CE and TJs:tongue:
    limestar-I might have a different thought on this but, my understanding is that it is NOT good to overtrain your abs-really only 2-3 x's a week is sufficient..most of the ab definition comes from eating cleanly (taking out most processed foods/refined sugars, etc) I was doing ab training almost everyday at one point, and not seeing much result-as soon as I backed off though, switched up my ab routines--whoa! It really worked! I usually only train my abs 2, maybe 3 times a week. Hope that helps!
    Have a good rest of morning/afternoon everyone!:heart:
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